Green Day's Grammy Adventure

Off We Go!


The day has finally arrived. Me, Tre and Mike were already in New York, and now we were heading towards the ship. No wonder why she’s called Titanic II… It’s big and luxurious, but unlike the real Titanic there weren’t 3rd or 2nd class rooms. It was a ship for everyone – and I mean everyone. The prices were reasonable, and so a lot a lot of people decided to travel with the ship. I saw enormous number of people who were hardly waiting to see the awards.

“Shit, there are loads of people here,” Tre whispered. “Will we be able to walk around the ship without giving any autographs?”

Mike laughed. “Then you’ll have to be undercover.”

The crowd screamed as we stepped put of the limo and went up the gangway. Two thousand people got the tickets – two thousand! Thank God the ship has enough lifeboats for everyone, just in case if there would be… an accident.

“Billie, you look pale,” Mike said to me. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “I just remembered what happened to the real Titanic.”


“Well, there’s nothing to worry about,” Tre added. “There are enough lifeboats for all of us.”

I grinned. “And who will look after you? God knows what you can do in those boats.”

“What a thought!” he smirked. “I consider that as a compliment.”

I saw a man in a uniform approaching us. He had a big smile on his face, and when he spoke his voice was filled with joy. Don’t ask me, why.

“Welcome on the Titanic II!” he began. “My name is William Richard Green and I’m the captain of this ship. Please, follow me!”

Our luggage was already on the ship, so it was easy for us to follow the man. I mean the captain. He was kinda funny-looking: not so tall, with dark brown eyes and blonde hair. He was young… I expected there would be an older captain, with more experiences. Well, the company probably knows what is doing.

We finally stepped onto the ship. It was… wow. It was modern copy of the real ship.

“Am I dreaming or are we on the Titanic, not Titanic II?” Mike thought loud.

Mr. Green laughed. “Lots of people asked me that. Let me tell you that the ship’s rooms were based on the Titanic, so you might see some similarly between the ships.”

Some similarly?”

“Yup.” We came in a room with lots of people. I figured they were all celebrities. The captain turned around. “I’ll leave you now. I have to meet the others.”
And so he went. We were all by ourselves. This reminded me of Tre’s song. All by ourselves… I smirked.

“Mike! Tre! Billie! So good to see you here!” I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw our friends.

“Gerard! Mikey! Bob! My Chemical Romance!” I cried out. “You got an award too?”

“Yup! You too?”

We started talking about the awards and the ship. Then, after some time, we heard loud whining from the microphone. Someone was attempting to get our attention.

“Good evening everyone!” said the man behind the mic. I figured it was the captain we met before. “We’re very happy to have such famous people on this brand new ship. And we’re also happy that the awards will be here, too. For this big occasion the architect planned a big hall, now called The Grammy Hall.” Everyone started clapping. After applause, he continued.

“As you know, you are not alone here on the ship. With that I mean other people who will get to see the awards and are traveling with this ship. We managed to ‘convince’ them not to disturb you much with ‘O my God, I’m your biggest fan!’ and stuff like that.” The crowd laughed.

“Well, that would be all for now. The awards are in two days. Spend these days nicely.”
With these words the captain left and we applauded again. After that, everyone started talking and everything seemed like we were on a afterparty.

Then we heard a loud horn and in a second I felt we moved.

“We started moving,” I said.

“Like I didn’t figure it out,” Tre replied. We laughed.

Off we go, I said to myself. Off we go.