Green Day's Grammy Adventure

Mike's Mini Adventure, part 2

Shit… Where am I? Oh, on the ship. SHIT, MY HEAD! I groaned and finally opened my eyes. Someone was standing in front of me…

Who the fuck is this gorgeous woman??

“Sir, I’m so sorry…” she constantly repeated.

“Stop telling that, you’re giving me a headache.

“Oh. Sorry.”

I got up and asked: “What happened?”

“Well, uhm…” she started. “I was inside yelling my phone and then I was so angry I just needed some fresh air. So I opened the door with all the anger I have and… uhm… accidentally hit you in the head.” She paused. “I am really, really sorry.”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” I looked at her carefully. Wow, she was really beautiful. She had black hair and blue eyes. She was a little smaller than me, thin… but not anorexic thin… wow. I gasped.

“Is there anything wrong?” she asked.

“No, no, nothing’s wrong,” I replied. “I even think everything’s alright now.”

We both smiled.

“In that case…” She raised her hand. “I’m Becky.”

“Mike.” We shook hands and looked into each other’s eyes. Hers were really deep – like if you were looking in the sea. Beautiful, but like if she was hiding something.
“Well, I should probably go now, before I get hit by another door.”

Becky laughed. “Okay. Have a nice sleep.”

“You too. See ya around.”

“Okay. Good night.”

She smiled again and went into her room. I turned around and smiled to myself. Just a thought of her made my heart pounding.

Now I was the one who needed some fresh air.