Story of a Girl


She sits by the computer waiting
For you to log on
Knowing that you will
As soon as she logs off

You become unreachable
And non responsive when she messages
She blames it on your computer
that she figured was having issues

But you continues to sign off
Once she reaches out a 'hello'
How often can a computer crash
When you keep clicking 'close'

The summer feels like a curse
Like everyone's escape, but her prison
You were supposed to go through it together
But it seems you've already forgotten

She cannot ask you what is going on
Since you never reply or respond
She doesn't even know if anything is wrong
She hasn't talked to you in so long

Now you make her feel clingy and needy
When you used to help her feel needed
She doesn't know what to do or how to feel
She is lost and defeated

She misses you every second
And she never stops thinking about you
You start to say it back
but the conversation ends impromptu

Now there are no reporters
There is no camera or audience
She takes this as a good thing
Do you take it as bad?

She holds onto the thought of you
The idea that you might show up
An idea that keeps stabbing her
And saying its had enough

Every day without you is waste
There is no need if you're not there
She sees her friends holding hands
And so badly wants to share

She hurts every morning
And can't concentrate on anything
She can't sleep every night
Remembering what tomorrow brings

Her heart hurts from pumping
While it wants to stop
If it cannot pump blood
For you to draw

When you come when she expects you
You avoid and ignore
Until the last minute
When you practically push her out the door

She doesn't know what to say
So she doesn't bother at all
Since you wouldn't have replied
You would have just watched her fall