
The Room.

Britt was the first to wake.

She tried to brush the hair from her face, but couldn't.

She looked around and saw three other sleeping girls.

One of them stirred, and looked up.

She had red fringe, but the rest of her hair was black.

"Are you Seidee?" The girl swung her head around, she was chained at the feet to another sleeping girl, who was passed out on her shoulder.

"Yes, who are you?" She whispered back.

"I'm Britt, from the chat." Seidee nodded, then they surveyed the room. There were several screwdrivers and axes, thing of that source, one gun, a pack of bullets, notes tied to everything, a vent, a chair, a door, one window, a bed headboard that Britt was handcuffed tightly too, and the girls.

"What's going on?" The girl chained to Seidee woke up, trying to stand.

"Ow!" Seidee shouted. The girl froze. Then looked around.

"I'm Alison, you must be Seidee, and you are?" Britt looked over.

"I'm Britt, so that means, she's Annah." The girls are slowly turned to the last girl.

She was laying fetal postion, looking toward them.

Green eyeliner down her cheeks, white make up smeared over her tan face, it was clear she was young in her round face, but body protested that.

Her clothes were ripped the most of all the girls, and she only had one sock on.

"Annah?" Seidee called. The girl stirred, her black eyes wide and scared.

"What theā€¦ oh, my god! He kidnapped us didn't he? he asked we were afraid, then some guy, he grabbed me, and shot me up! I passed out, I tried to fight him, but I couldn't an-"

"Annah, it's okay, we'll be fine." Alison said. Annah stood up.

"You've got to be fricking me!" She kicked the wall several times, screaming and cussing.

"Annah! Get us out!" Britt called. Annah stopped, then walked over to Seidee and Alison, picking up the note attached to their feet.

"Psh, cut off their legs my arse." Annah scoffed, then picked up a hammer.

"Pull as far apart from each other as possible, and don't move." Annah said, they complied, and she brough the hammer down on the cahin connecting them four times before the link snapped.

"Well, your still gonna have a chain around you leg but whatever." Annah shrugged. They stood up and rubbed their feet.

"Uhm, hello?" Britt asked, pulling at the handcuffs.

Seidee walked over and examined the bed. It was metal, no way to be cut or broken. The handcuffs were the same, and the chain was too short to break, and too strong.

"Hey, there's another note." Alison called, picking it up.

The girls jaws dropped as they read it.