
The Victem.

"Seidee, wake up, come on." Britt said, shaking her slightly.

"Wah?" Seidee asked, sitting up.

'Girls, come over here, I need to tell you!" A weak voice called.

Alison was gagging, and Annah was staring bravely out the window.

Britt and Seidee stood, and walked over to the window.

There was girl on the other side of the window, with red hair.

Well, it looked red, but the blood stains made it hard to tell.

"I'm Rachael, I want to help." She said.

The foursome gathered around the window, pressed to see her.

She had... whip marks, was handcuffed and chains around her, was bleeding and bruised.

"His real name is Christopher, but don't call him that. He's 20, tall, handsome (surprisingly), and lives alone. His sister was murdered brutally by his dad, then his mom. Hense, only women here. If you can earn a soft spot in him, he may pity you. Don't- Don't try to hard, and don't let him g-get to you." Rachel cried.

The girls gasped, looking around.

"Climb through the ve-ve-ve…" She was cut off with a haunting gasp, ragged breathing, then silence.

Her grey-blue eyes wide open and foggy.

Britt stumbled back into the wall, breathing heavily, then leaped away.

"Ugh, that wall is disgusting."

"What was she trying to say? Escape through what?" Seidee asked, looking around the room.

"Vent!" Alison shouted, pointing upward.

"We take the chair, and climb in the vent!" Alison continued, dragging it.

"There's no way we'll fit in that." Britt said, looking around at all of them.

"Sure we will!" Annah said happily.

She hopped on the chair, pulling the vent off, then toppled off the chair gagging.

"What's the matter!" Seidee asked, helping her up.

"There's body parts in here!" Alison gasped.

"We have to remove them on the way to get through…" Britt mumbled.

"Why us? What did we do?" Seidee groaned.

"Oh come on, its not that bad." Alison said, putting on a brave face.

She stood on the chair, quickly flinging rotting limbs and other parts onto the floor.

A large leg flopped down with a squishy thud, oozing out some mysterious liquid.

Britt gagged, wiping ooze off her shoe, then stood on the chair with Alison.

"I think it's empty. Let's go." The girls climbed in, the vent was actually quite large, but smelled horrid.

They crawled through quickly, finding out that his has been done before, seeing there were several bodies decomposed in the vent.

Alison stopped abrubtly.

In front of them, a wall of bodies was created, by tieing them together with barb wire, only small holes showing light.

"It's the only way out guys." Annah muttered.

"So… we climb through them?" Seidee asked, a disgusted look on her face.

"We'll have to be careful, if we get snagged on barb wire, then rub the cut against a body, we could get infected." Britt warned.

"Well, we don't have a choice, let's go." Alison said, crawling about ten more feet to the wall.