
The Hall.

Nothing. There was nothing there, just black.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Seidee groaned.

Annah reached out to touch the black wall, and fell forward.

"Ow!" She exclamed, nursing her now split lip.

She stood up, and Britt reached her hand forward, shuffling toward what they now realized was some new room.

"I don't feel anyhting… Ah! Here's a wall." Alison walked up behind her.

"So? Now what? It's pitch black." She asked, looking around the darkness. A hand clasped on her shoulder, and she withheld a scream.

"Sorry Alison, it's just me." Seidee's calm voice said.

"Seidee? Where are you. Umph. Found ya." Annah said, walking into her, and clasping her hand.

Catching on, Britt grabbed onto Alison's attached hand.

"Even if we split up, stay in your pairs, if anything happens, try to like, whistle or something." Alison ordered.

"Okay, let's go. Try to stay close to each other."

The girls began walking in the darkness, tripping and slipping.

It was absolutely silent, other than ragged breathing, stumbling footsteps, a few creaks, squeaks, and a few moan like sounds, one scream, and pounding thump thump… thump thump… thump thump, thump thump, thump. of their hearts, occasionally getting scared.

Then, there was an odd silence with Britt and Alison, then Seidee felt a cold absence in her hand.

"Alison? Britt?" She called out, echoing in the narrow hallway.

Annah squeezed her hand.

"I still hear footsteps, Seidee." She whispered, moving closer to the older girl.

They stop moving, trying to silence their breathing.

There are footsteps, but they sound larger than the young girls feet.

A small black light flickers on.

Looking around, they are in a narrow hallway, with a door about four hundred feet away.

There is broken glass all over the floor, and a high pitched giggle sounded from somewhere.

"Seidee…" Annah trialed off, the large footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Ohmygod." Seidee gasped, both girls shocked, and Annah sobbing quietly.

"Hello girlies." A high pitched voice giggled, the black light shining on it's razor sharp yellowish teeth, a sinister grin streched across it's face, fingering the head it was dragging behind.


"Britt, Britt, I lost her!" Alison yelled.

"God, Alison, I'm right here, besides, it's a hallway. They can't have gone far, just, keep walking." Britt said, looking around.

They walked a little longer, and came to bench.

"Maybe… Maybe we should rest?" Britt suggested.

"Not on the bench though." Alison said quickly.

"Fiine." The girls sat down for a moment, when Alison realized something…