
The Hole.

"Britt!" Alison whispered, clutching her arm.

"What?" Britt whispered back.

"Look, over there, do you see a…. hole?" Alison replied, her voice rising in panic.

"Yeah, let's go look in it.." Britt was alreadly crawling toward the hole.

Alison sighed, but scooted across the floor as well.

Inside the hole was a faint light, coming from an large eletrical lamp, and they could see a hunched figure.

"Hello?" Britt called quietly.

She and Alison exchanged a glance, and stood, about to walk away, when the figure stirred.

"Hello? Oh! Help!" A voice called.

It was girl, as was everyone else; dead or alive, and she her head was about 4 feet away from them.

"What's your name?" Alison called.

"Skylar." The girl called back, standing.

Her black hair was dirty and knotted, the green and purple streaks beginning to fade, from being down there so long.

Britt looked around, trying to figure out how to get her from the hole.

"Any ideas?" Alison called down to Skylar.

"Try the lamp's cord." Skylar replied frantically.

Britt edged carefully ariund the hole, reaching for the cord.

She ripped it down, and tossed Skylar the lamp end.

"Break the bulb, and hold on tight okay?" Skylar nodded, before slamming the lamp on the wall.

The three were plunged into darkness.

Britt felt a sharp tug on the rope.

"I've gotcha!" She called softly to Skylar.

Skylar began climbing up the wall, and grasped the edge quickly.

Britt and Alison grabbed onto her, and pulled.

Skylar emerged from the hole, and smiled faintly.

"Uhm, let's get out of here." Alison stated.

The three girls began walking, taking careful steps.

"So, how'd you get here?" Britt questioned.

Skylar shuddered.

"I was tricked by some girl." Alison and Britt bristled.

"A girl…?" They both questioned,.

"Mhm, she had black hair, that was long, and her face was young looking. She had wide brown eyes too." Skylar explianed.

"She asked if I knew about cars, and I said yes, when I went to hers, there was a man in itt, and he put a cloth over my mouth, and I passed out." Skylar finished her story with a shudder, and Britt was breathing heavy.

"Doesn't that sound like…?" She questioned.

A scream broke the air.

"Seidee!" Alison said, turning the direction it came from.
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Uhm, sorry about the wait, but it's almost finished... a few more chaps.