Mr. Mister

Forget Me, Go Your Own Way.

"Fuck you guys!" I heard someone yell from the front of the bus, startling me out of my slumber. It was only then that I realized I was in a bunk, when I clearly remembered last night talking to Mike in the front of the bus, but don't remember walking into someone's bunk. Peaking out from the bunk I was nice and cozy in, I realized I was not just in anyone's bunk, I was in John's bunk. In an over sized black zip up jacket, which smelled like boy, I could only assume that it belonged to John, or one of the other guys. With no recollection of how I came to be in his bunk I quickly tumbled out of the bunk making my way towards the front of the bus. Pulling open the curtain I saw all the guys congregated in the front of the bus, appearing to have an argument as Kennedy and John were in each others face.

"Look, we took a vote, lucky you!" Kenny said as he crossed his arms over his chest, putting on a hard face. I watched John's face turn a dark red as he seemed to get flustered, running his hand through his hair. Not quite wanting to interrupt their little pow wow I figured I'd stay quiet, and fly under the radar, until Vito who I hadn't really talked to all the much noticed me and announced that the princess was awake from her slumber. Which in turn, made everyone's eyes shift onto myself, all except John's of course, "Sup?"

"Perfect timing," Pat chimed in as he walked towards me, grabbing my hand and walking me over to John's side. I could hear John sigh out of frustration before he spoke, "Do you know how ridiculous we're going to look? And since when did this game because so intense? We never had to do this with any of the guys!"

"We never had to do this with any of the guys because the guys never tried escaping when they were our hostage, unlike princess right there," Jared commented from behind his laptop. I shrugged as if none of this phased me, when really it didn't. Did they really think I would want to wait until the boys from rocket thought of a brilliant enough plan to try and rescue me? Maybe any other girl, but not this one.

"And that is exactly why we've had to come to the conclusion of this," Kennedy stated as he pulled out a pair of handcuffs from behind his back, a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs might I add. I didn't even want to ask how or where they had gotten those from, as he slapped one cuff onto John's right wrist, grabbing for mine as I snapped my hand out of his grasp, and said, "Uh fuck that, I agree with John."

"Well seeing as you're our hostage," Kenny began as he emphasized the word 'our', "I don't believe you have a say." Smiling as he snatched my hand and slapped the remaining cuff onto my left wrist, "See John, I told you those would come in handy one day!" I shook my head as a mental image that I didn't care to see popped into my brain. I cast a glance over at John, shaking my head once more, getting his attention, "Oh god no, he was kidding, Kenny tell her you were kidding!"

"Well look at that, it's time for breakfast, have a nice day babysitting, John!" Kenny yelled over his shoulder as he and most of the guys walked off the bus headed to catering most likely.

I sighed, well this was going to be fun. Here I was, stuck to the one guy who could not hate me anymore than he already did, for who knows how long. But once we were left entirely alone together on the bus, I couldn't help but feel the awkwardness radiating from our current situation. I could hear the ticking of my mental clock, slowly but surely driving me up the wall. If we continued to stand in the front lounge of the bus for another second I would explode,"Well...wanna go get breakfast or something, I mean before the gates open?"

"Um, okay," was all he said in response as he started to make his way down the stairs of the bus slightly dragging me behind him. It wasn't even the fact that John was speed walking or anything, it was his damn legs. That's all John was basically, a pair of giant legs. As John didn't seem to notice the fact that I was basically running along side of him to keep up, I decided to take things into my own hands, or into my own legs would be so much more fitting. I stopped in my tracks, and stood there, as John took a few more steps until his arm was yanked back. He stopped walking, about faced and looked at me, "What're you doing?"

I don't know what set me off, but I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks, and automatically put my right hand onto my hip. But looking at John I knew it was that look that seemed to be permanently painted on his face every time he looked at me, his face showing only one emotion, hate. Trying to not blow things out of proportion I steadied my breathing before I tried talking to him, "You know, I may not know a whole lot about you, but I do know one thing for sure. You, golly green giant, are the most inconsiderate person I've ever met. I don't know how any of the guys can actually deal with you twenty-four seven."

He chuckled, which sort of confused me, "Well, it's not like your the easiest person to be around either, sweetheart."

I narrowed my eyes at the smiled adorned on his face. Just think, that was the first smile that I've ever seen him give me since I've been here, and the cause of this smile, an argument between the two of us. Apparently God thought it'd be funny to make someone who is the exact opposite of me, and curse me with them, this so called curse being John O'Callaghan. I so badly wanted to walk right up to him and slap that cocky smile off his face, but only then did I realize how many people were casually watching the both of us. Lowering my voice, I asked, "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

The smile quickly faded from his face, the space between closed, as he replied through gritted teeth, "My life was perfect until you came along."

I stood there motionless as John removed himself from my personal space. I didn't know what to say. I've never been in a situation like this before. I mean, I know that in the past people have not liked me, but damn. I've never been the one to ruin someone's life. John tugged on the handcuffs as he started to walk again, I quietly followed beside him. We quickly joined the rest of the Maine in line for breakfast. The boys piling on the food onto their paper plates, where I just grabbed an apple. I seemed to have lost my appetite within the last half hour. Not really feeling too well, I kept to myself throughout breakfast and just observed as the boys conversed as well as stuffing their faces. Pat was finding entertainment by stuffing two grapes up his nose and making faces at Garrett who sat across the way from him. Jared and Vito were talking about who know's what as Jared moved his hands as if to describe something to Vito. Which left Kennedy and John. Kennedy was on the phone, but would take quick glances at me every couple minutes before his eyes diverted back to his food. John, too was on the phone, but just constantly texting, which would affect my left arm as it would stick out as he would use both of his hands to text. I rolled my eyes at my current situation, I was really hoping that Rocket would have come up with some brilliant idea to save me already. Just as I began to look around for the members of Rocket, Eric and Nick joined us at the picnic table. Eric shooting me a worried look as he scooted closer to me, "Hey, how're you holding up?"

I smiled, Eric was a sweetheart. If I wasn't doomed for death at such an early age, I would totally date Eric. But seeing as how my days were numbered, I shook the thought from my head, as I replied to Eric's question, "Eh, I've been better."

"Hey, hey hey. Back away from the hostage Halvo," Kenny interjected before taking a bite out of his bagel.

"Yeah Kenny, cause I could totally run away if I wanted to," I reminded him, as I held up both John's and my own arm revealing the handcuffs.

Which only caused me to get a glare from John, "Can you not do that when I'm texting?"

"Could you not be such a pain in my ass?" I retorted without even thinking about what exactly I was saying, or who I was saying it to. But to be quite honest I didn't really care that I was being quite rude to John. Why should I be nice to him when all he can do is be excessively rude to me at all times? There's no reason to be nice to him anymore. The look on John's however, was priceless. And the laughter from everyone at the table was ego boosting. I quickly lifted my up and down, and moved it in about every direction that was possible, before looking over at John once more, and saying, "Oh I'm sorry, does that bother you? Hmm..Let me ask you this, okay. Does this face look like a face that cares?" It was silent, no response from him, I smiled, "Yeah, didn't think so." I turned back to Eric, and glared, "You better find a way to rescue me soon. Or I will have no choice but to kill certain people."

He chuckled, "We're working on it, Cole, trust me."


I was going to kill her. It was a fact, it was true. She was driving me insane. Sure, I may have caused her little rebellion out of her little good girl shell, but holy fuck. I'm going to strangle her in her sleep. When everyone asks me where she went, I'll just say she went home. Then everyone will forget about her, and all of our lives can go back to the way they were before. I laughed at the conversation I was having with myself, she really was driving me crazy. We were done with breakfast and had decided we wanted to go walk around the grounds before the crowds got too big and we wouldn't be able to walk five feet without getting mobbed by people. And when I say we, I meant I. Colette had actually started to try and convince me that I would rather go back to the bus, and only go out for our performance. I only laughed as I headed out into the cooler Frisco air, the little demon girl trailing behind me in a rather put out mood.

To be completely honest I didn't have any specific place that I wanted to go to actually, but anything was better than being stuck on the bus when we didn't really have to be on it. Plus, it was a nice climate change from Pomona. It was actually quite cold, the fog had rolled in early this morning hiding the bay from the sun. I should've thrown on a hoodie this morning before we left the bus I told myself as little sprinkles of rain fell onto my face. Tugging Cole along, we continued our way through the crowds when she stopped dead in her tracks, for the second time this morning almost jolting my arm out of it's socket, "Now what?"

She looked as if she had seen a ghost. She turned pale and was staring off into the distance, I turned to look at what she was looking at when she grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling my attention back to her, "John can we please go back to the bus? Please?" If only I would have known what I could have avoided if I would have said, "Yes, Cole, we can go back to the bus," maybe everyone wouldn't be so damn pissed at me for letting her get upset. But back to reality, and what really happened. I didn't quite understand her whole mood change, or why it looked as if she was about to cry her eyes out, but before I could even fully think of a question or statement to speak, someone joined us, and by the way she shrunk away from this guy, I knew just as easily as anyone else could that she didn't want to be anywhere near him.

"Rob, what are you doing here?" she asked the guy who looked just about the same age as Colette, maybe a year older. His dark brown hair lay messily on top of his head, as he occasionally would swing the hair from his eyes, revealing two light blue orbs that seemed to be glued to Cole. To be honest, his skinny but not too skinny jeans, white t-shirt and hunter green American Apparel zip up jacket made him look like he actually belonged on this tour, I mean if he wasn't a talentless prick.

"I came to see you, of course," he replied, not even acknowledging the fact that I was five inches from him. He didn't seem to see anything besides Cole. Which really seemed to grind my gears. I don't know about Cole, but most girls would love the idea of a guy coming to visit them, by surprise especially. I mean, I don't know their entire story, or any part of their story for that matter, but this guy was sending off vibes, and not the good ones.

"But why? How did you know where I was?" she asked fidgeting with the jacket she was wearing. I laughed to myself, she was wearing my jacket. I don't even remember giving her my jacket to wear, but I mean she did sleep in my bed. I liked the fact that she slept in my bed. Or maybe I just liked the idea of her sleeping in my bed. Of course I didn't sleep with her, so nothing happened, but all the same, it gave me some kind of joy, to say that she stayed in my bed last night. Then again, it all probably had to do with the fact that she looked exactly like my ex-girlfriend Tessa. Damn her.

"Why wouldn't I want to come see my girl? Oh, well, you know, a little birdie told me," he commented, with almost a sinister looking smile. I took glances between the two of them, and concluded this is why good girls get their heart broken every single time. They always go back to the douche that doesn't deserve them, and knowing Cole, and knowing that she was the epitome of the good girl, she was headed straight back down the path that led straight back into Rob's arms. Deciding to take things into my own hands. I cleared my throat to gain the attention of both of them, "Seems like Cole has forgotten her manners," I commented as I looked down at her, "The name's John, John O'Callaghan. And no disrespect man, but she's not your girl."

Rob looked at the both of us, studying me, before cracking a smile, "So what're you saying? That she's your girl? No disrespect man," he mimicked, "But I think this conversation should be left between Cole and I, and not some band boy who's trying to get into her pants. Because her and I both know, that when this tour is over, and she goes home, she'll be coming home to me. So why don't you just walk away, and find some other girl to mess with?"

Well isn't he the stereotypical dick? I mentally made a note to ask Cole what she saw in this dude. None the less, I laughed, "Sorry dude, wish I could. But we sort of lost the key from last night," I commented as I enlaced my fingers with Cole's and lifted up our handcuffed wrists to show the fuzzy pink material that bonded us together, "So seems like you're stuck with me," I informed him wearing my most cockiest smile. I thought my act of saving the damsel in distress was going pretty fucking well, if you asked me, too bad I couldn't see what was coming right for me. I would say it took about five seconds for Rob's fist to collide with my nose, sending me into shock, as I took my eyes off of Cole. Removing my hand that had automatically moved to my nose, I could see that blood had started to flow down from my nose. Touching my nose softly, I winced a bit but not enough to worry me that it may have possibly been broken. Regaining my composure I looked over towards Rob, as he was holding Colette by her shoulders, screaming at her, "I'm not leaving without you!" Never in my life would I have guessed that she would date the biggest dick to ever live. Taking a few steps towards them, I pushed Cole out of the way, moving her behind me, "Are you okay?" It was a dumb question to ask, but a necessary one. She was crying, and trembling, she reminded me of what a little girl would look like, scared and helpless. She nodded, as she wiped at her eyes with the sleeve on my jacket as I about faced and stared down Rob, "You need to leave. Now."

"It's a free country man, I can do whatever the fuck I want," he rebuttled.

"Good argument," I commented as I took a swing at him knocking him in the jaw. But before either he or I could take another swing at each other security was quick to jump between us, "How'd that punch of freedom feel, asshole?" I yelled over the commotion of the crowd that had quickly formed. I watched as security quickly escorted Rob off the grounds, as the remaining security pushed Cole and myself back into the V.I.P. area. Wiping again at my nose I noticed the bleeding hadn't stopped entirely, looking down onto my shirt I sighed, ruined another t-shirt, fuck. Consumed by adrenaline I had completely forgot about the girl attached to my arm, she was still crying, but a light cry, if that's what you would call it, "Come on, let's get you back to the bus."

The walk back to the bus was quiet, and fast. We didn't stop to talk to anyone, even though plenty of people wanted to chat with us, we kept on route. Approaching the bus I punched in the code, and pushed Cole in, as I followed suite shutting the door behind me, "Kennedy get the fuck out here!" I could hear commotion from the back lounge as he and Garrett walked out into view, "Dude, did she deck you?"

"Give me the keys, Kenny," I stated calmly as I tore a paper towel and applied it to my nose.

"But wh-" Kenny started as he took glances between Cole and myself.

"Kennedy. Give me the fucking keys, now!"

He fumbled his hands into his pocket and threw me the small golden keys as I unlocked Cole first. No sooner did I free her did she take off running into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Throwing the bloody paper towel onto the floor, I stuck the key into the lock and threw the key and handcuffs across the bus, "No more handcuffs. No fucking more. And no, I don't want to talk about it," I said before walking into the back of the bus, changing shirt and walking back off the bus onto the grounds, not wanting to be anywhere near anyone who wanted to know what had happened, after all it was sort of all my fault, well more like my big fat mouth's fault. To be honest, I had a feeling as to why Cole had said basically nothing about the whole ordeal. I've seen it before. In movies, in real life, it was the same. An abusive relationship is the hardest thing to rid off, especially with someone like Rob. From knowing him a mere twenty minutes I had observed that he was just like another other abusive boyfriend, controlling, manipulative and a great actor. Though I wasn't completely sure this was the current situation, I'd be willing to bet my entire lifestyle, from being in a band to everything that had come with it, that Colette had been in a controlled relationship with Rob. I just hoped that she could overcome this obstacle in her life, she is way too young to be slowed down by some psychopath like him. She deserved better.
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Not one of my favorite chapters to write. But I still adore writing this story, even if it does take a while for me to update. I'm already working on the next chapter :) comments? ps- I didn't proofread :/