You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Mikey and I decided to invite my friend Elle."


"Well Mr. Way, it appears that you've made quite a bit of progress," Denis told me as he flicked through some papers.

I was in my third weekly session with Denis and I really can't understand where he got the idea from that I was 'making progress'...I was practically suicidal and I'd planned the day of my death...sure Denis, I'm 'making progress'...if you call 'going to kill myself because I love my brother' making progress...stupidass physchiatrist.

"Which means I think you may be allowed to actually be released from the asylum one or two times a spend time with your brother and friends." he continued, that was when I perked up and listened.

Fuck yeah, I'm making progress if it means I can get out of this hell hole and spend time with the guys.

"Really!?" I questioned.

"Yes...infact I think it might actually do you some good...we might be able to arrange it for today." he explained to me.

"That would be really great!" I told him.

Well, Denis proved he ain't actually half bad.

"Would you like to call your brother and let him know?" he asked me.

I nodded and walked out down the corridor to phone that I had used to call Mikey many times before. I picked up the reciever and dialled his number, it started to ring.

"Hello?" Mikey said as he instantly picked up the phone.

I felt happier just from hearing his voice.

"Hey Mikey, it's me!" I exclaimed.

"Gerard, how are you!?" Mikey asked me.

"I'm'll never guess what!" I replied enthusiastically.


"I'm allowed to come out of the asylum twice a week! To see you guys...and I can come today!"

"Seriously!? That's fantastic...we can go to the movies or something! I'll ask Alicia if she wants to come too..."

Alicia. Fantastic...and I thought I could spend a day alone with Mikey and the guys.

"Yeah, that'd be...nice..." I replied, trying to sound happy.

"Okay! We'll come pick you up in...half an hour?" Mikey said.

"Yeah...that'd be good! See you in a bit!"

"Bye!" Mikey said as he hung up.

I hung up aswell and walked back to Denis and told him that Mikey was coming to pick me up in half an hour, he told me I had to be back by 8pm. I went back to my room and got ready.

Half an hour later one of the nurses walked into my room.

"Mr. Way your brother and friends are here, they're waiting outside...please can you sign your name on this book...we use it to keep track of where everyone is." she told me as I sat up immediatly from my bed, quickly signed the paper and ran out of them room. Just as she had said they were waiting outside by the reception desk. Mikey, the guys...and Alicia.

"Gerard!" Mikey shouted as he ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly and hugging me for dear life. I embraced him back, letting my hands roam a little further down than intended but he didn't seem to notice.

"Hey Mikey!" I replied as he let go of me, kissing me softly on the cheek. Oh my God. I'd only been around him for less than a minute and I was already indulging myself in sick fantasys.

Get a hold of yourself Gerard!

Mikey moved away from me as the rest of the guys gave me hugs. Suddenly Mikey coughed and I turned to look at him.

"Gerard, this is my girlfriend Alicia..." he told me as Alicia walked over to me and shook my hand.

"Hi," she said with a smile.


Well here's the girl that's taking my Mikey away from me, and I'm standing here, politely shaking her goddamned hand...relax, don't wanna be put back into that hell hole of an institution just as quickly as you got nice...I'm sure she's kind and funny.

"So, ready to go?" Mikey asked me, making me lose my concentration on Alicia.

"Huh? Oh, urm...yeah."

If this was an indication of how things were gonna go, then I'm in for some serious trouble.


"Alicia, what would you like?" I asked, pulling out my wallet in front of the concession table. Yeah, I might've been completely jealous of the girl, but I still had manners. Mikey fought me on it, since Alicia was his date, but I wanted to be nice, and I offered to pay for everyone. She smiled at me and looked up. She seemed to take forever before she folded her hands. Great, I bet she's gonna get the most expensive food that was there.

"Um, would it be too much if I got a small Mountain Dew and a bag of Skittles?" she asked nicely, taking me by surprise. Suddenly I heard someone gasp and run over at what she said. I had a small inkling of who it was, and I was right. The man stopped in front of her and smiled.

"What you just said was the most beautiful sound in the world..." Frankie said. Everyone laughed and I shook my head.

"I guess that's two orders of Mountain Dew and Skittles!" I joked, telling the cashier. He laughed as well and put it onto the computer register in front of him. Suddenly a girl walked over to Alicia and hugged her tightly. Everyone looked confused, except for Mikey, and he smiled. The girl saw me and smiled brightly, which, for some reason, caused me to blush uncontrollably.

"Oh, good! Gerard, everyone...I hope you don't mind, but Mikey and I decided to invite my friend Elle...she wanted to see Gerard, mostly, but she's open to any other friends!" Alicia joked, causing everyone to laugh. Elle smiled again and flipped back her hair, letting its layers fly into the air. She did have pretty brown hair...and...wait, purple too? Oh, ok...purple highlights, dark purple, like plums. That's awesome...never saw that before...makes her skin stand out. She's pale like me, but not sickly pale...that's a good sign...she seems pretty decent in height...I guess around 5'7". But those eyes...those were the best of all...they were hazel, but they glowed it seemed. She looked like a dark angel...the kind that I like...


"Gerard, would it be too much trouble if I sat next to you?" Elle asked me in her soft voice. She was holding a small bag of popcorn, which spilt over the sides like mad, causing popcorn kernels to fall to the floor often. I smiled and shook my head, which made her smile back. She sat to the chair on my left and then Mikey sat down to my right with Alicia. I didn't actually know what movie we were seeing. It didn't matter to me, long as I got to spend time with Mikey, then that's fine. I can't let a girl drive me away from him, no matter how pretty her hazel eyes are.

Before I knew it, the movie was over, and I was in the bright lights of the theater lobby. Everyone around me was gushing about how awesome the movie was. Damn, maybe I should've watched it. Elle looked as dazed as I was, and it made me curious. I leaned over to her and cleared my throat, which made her look in my direction.

"So, did you like the movie?" I asked, wondering what she would say.

"Err, yeah! I think it was awesome. I liked the ending...that was the best." she replied with a shy smile. Ray looked over at her with a shocked expression.

"The ending?! Everyone was killed in the could you like it? Everyone loved the part where the man came out with a rope around his neck and disappeared in front of that girl he was with...that was just amazing!" he said, starting to talk with the others. I looked at Elle and she looked a little embarrassed. I had a gut feeling about something.

"Be honest, did you even watch the movie? Just curious..." I asked nicely. She smiled slightly and shook her head.

"Not one second..."

"Me neither!" I yelled, causing everyone to look at us. Elle laughed at my response and that made me smile, for two reasons. One, she didn't see the movie either, and two...well, just her laugh...that was enough to make me smile. Wait...Gerard, what are you saying?! You can't like this're trying for Mikey...don't get distracted by her...even if you have a much better and realistic chance with her than Mikey.

"Well then, to be honest...what were you doing that whole time?" I asked, wanting to know. I was busy dazing off again during that movie, looking at random things, but she probably didn't do that too.

"Well...not in a creepy, freakish way, but in an admiring way...I was kind of staring at you." she admitted, playing with her hair and smiling again. I was in awe by her very comment...she was admiring me? Gerard Way, the lunatic lead singer? There was no way...but she looked serious, and I didn't want to call her a liar, since she didn't seem like one. I just smiled at her words and followed everyone else to the car.


I was being dropped off by the others, and surprisingly, Mikey didn't offer to walk me in. I think he was busy with Alicia or something. I didn't really pay too much attention, even though I should've, since I was trying to spend time with him, but Elle...I guess she's too strong of a force at the moment. She decided to walk me to my room, and I was a little happy, glad that I wasn't going in alone. We walked to my door, just walking. There were no glances...just straightforward walking, which felt calm, peaceful, and downright nice for once.

When we finally reached the room, I sighed, and soon after she did the same. We didn't say a thing to each other, because our eyes knew it all. She liked me, and unfortunately I liked her too...I mean, not to say she's not someone to like, because she's amazing, but I was supposed to concentrate on Mikey, that's all. I guess she would be the realistic option for me. She turned to leave when I gently grabbed her shoulder to stop her, not ready for her to leave yet. words...just eyes...I felt at least a small kiss on the cheek wouldn't hurt. I leaned in and kissed her soft right cheek, and after I pulled away I stroked it with my thumb, holding her face in my hands. I hugged her warmly and let her go, knowing the others would wonder what was talking so long. She walked almost the whole way backwards, just looking at me with a tiny smile. She bumped into an open door whilst doing so, which finally broke the silence and caused both of us to laugh, and I stared at her until she was out of sight. I entered my room and fell face first onto the bed and into the pillow.

I guess liking Elle wasn't so bad after all.
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Aww finally Gerard has someone tooooo :) Lemme hear your thoughts on the story people :) Thanks to everyone who's commented so far!