You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Nice jeans, Mikey. Where'd you get 'em?"


We arrived at the bowling alley, parked the car and got out. Earlier today, Mikey had called me and asked if I wanted to go bowling with everyone. Seeing as it was my last day on earth I'd obviously not turn down the invitation to spend a day with my beautiful baby brother and my friends. I felt as nervous as hell but yet weirdly calm at the same time, as if ending your life was something that you did everyday. Holding hands with Elle, I followed the others through the entrance and towards the main desk to book a lane for us to bowl on. They handed each of us a pair of those hideous but mandatory bowling shoes and we made our way down to our lane. We changed our shoes and entered our names into the computer and started to play.

Elle and I sat down together and chatted for a while, till Frank told me to hurry and have my go so then he could have his. I stood up, grabbed a bowling ball and made my way towards the line that you had to stand behind. I threw my hand back, leaned forward and bowled the ball. It'd been a while since I last went bowling, but somehow I managed to get a strike. The guys cheered behind me as I went back to sit down, but instead of sitting back down next to Elle I sat in the free space on Mikey's left.

"Hey Gee! Well done on getting the strike! You've always been better at bowling than me!" he exclaimed.

I responded with a laugh and looked down for some reason, catching a glimpse of his jeans...they were pretty tight. I couldn't help but look towards his crotch.

"Nice jeans, Mikey. Where'd you get 'em?" I asked, looking back up at him.

"Actually they're yours..." he replied with a smirk.

"Oh." I muttered.

I need to get those back from him. I mean, it'd be like touching his crotch with my own since his is resting nice and comfy in those tight jeans of mine. I could wear them for my last moments later tonight or something. Mikey stood up to have his go and I looked towards Elle who smiled at me. I smiled back but didn't make an attempt to go sit back down next to her, her smile faded a little. I just wanted to spend a bit of time with Mikey that's all, I'm sure she understands.

I won the game so we started a new one. After 10 minutes I was still in the lead, yet Ray was close to beating me. Mikey was of course last. What he said earlier was right, I'd always been better at bowling than him.

"Naah guys I don't wanna play anymore. I keep losin'!" Mikey mumbled as his turn came round, resulting in everyone else groaning because they wanted to continue.

"Aww come on Mikes! I'll help you with this one!" I exclaimed as I stood up, grabbed a ball and made him follow me to the line.

"Okay stand there and I'll show you..." I told him whilst handing him the ball.

I pressed up against his back and held my hand over his. Oh My Fucking God. Obviously he only saw this as a helpful gesture but all I could think about was how close my crotch was to his ass.

"Um...lean forward a little and pull your hand back and kind of launch yourself forward and let go of the ball as you do." I explained to him, as he did what I said. Since I was pressed up against him my body moved as he moved so I found myself leaning forward to. If I didn't move away soon, I was sure Mikey would feel a sudden hardness against him which would be rather difficult and awkward to explain how it got there. I moved back as he launched the ball and we both watched as he actually managed a strike.

"Dude, I got a strike! Thanks Gee!" Mikey cheered as he hugged me tightly. Everyone else was cheering behind us and patting Mikey on the back as we went back to sit down. Elle and Alicia stood up.

"We're goin' to get drinks guys...what do you all want?" Alicia asked us.

"You don't have to buy them, here I'll pay." Mikey offered but Alicia shook her head.

"Naah it's okay I'll get 'em...what do you want?" she repeated with a smile.

"Well if you're sure, I'll have a coke." Mikey told her.

"Mountain Dew!" Frank exclaimed.

"Same as Mikey." Ray said as he stood up to have his go.

"Red Bull please," Bob muttered, trying to stop Frank from dropping a bowling ball on his foot.

"I'll share with you Elle if that's okay?" I asked. Elle smiled and nodded, obviously happy at the fact that I wanted to share a drink with her.

They both returned within minutes with the drinks in their hands. They placed them down on the table and each of us grabbed our drinks. Elle had got two straws and placed them in her drink. I took a litle sip and whinced a little at the sour but sweet taste of the orange juice she had bought.

Ugh I can't drink this. Maybe I could have some of Mikey's. I smiled at Elle, stood up and walked over to Mikey.

"Hey Mikes, do ya mind if I have a bit of your coke, the orange juice Elle bought tastes funny." I told him with a grin.

"Yeah sure." he replied handing the drink to me.


After a few more games everyone got a little bored so we decided to go. Mikey and the guys dropped me off at the asylum. Oh God. This was is...the last time I would see my brother. He got out of the car and hugged me tightly.

"I had fun today Gee, thanks for helping me. God I'm such an idiot." Mikey told me, I shook my head.

"No you're're just shitty at bowling." I replied with a laugh.

He laughed too and kissed me softly on the cheek before getting back into the car. Well that wasn't exactly the love filled goodbye that I wanted, but then again he just thought he'd be seeing me another day anyway. Suddenly Elle walked up to me and gave me a hug too.

"Today was great! But for some reason I couldn't help but feel like I was annoying you and getting in the way...have I done anything wrong?" she asked me.

"No, no you haven't! I'm just feeling a little tired that's all. I'm glad you came, I had a great time!" I replied.

Well, I guess I was lying a little. Deep down I wished that she hadn't of come so I could spend time with Mikey without feeling guilty that it looked like I was ignoring her.

"Okay then." she said, giving me a peck on the cheek.

I took her hand in mine and smiled. Goodbye Elle. I kissed her lips gently and then watched as she got in the car with everyone else, who also waved bye to me, and drove off.

I wondered into the asylum, signed the book so they knew that I was back and headed to my room. It was only 6pm but it had started to get fairly dark. I opened the door and sat down on my bed, not even bothering to turn the light on...I just wanted to sit in the dark peacefully for a while. For my last few final hours.

Oh how much I wish Mikey could be here cuddling up with me, my tears falling on his shoulder instead of this lifeless pillow I was holding.

I love you Mikey.
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Hey guys. Sorry this chapter's kinda crappy, i'll post another one later to make up for it :) Please comment/subscribe! Oh and thanks so much to Gerardxisxmyxfantasy for coming up with the awesome quote that's in my story description now :D