You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Mr. Way...your brother has gone into a coma."

-Two Weeks Later-


I hadn't seen Alicia ever since she last visited Gerard, back around two weeks ago. I wanted to see if there was any way we could sort this all out. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being with Gerard, it's just...I want her there for me, for moral support you could say. She was my backbone in a lot of things when Gerard wasn't there. I decided to find out once and for all why she left, so I got in the car and drove off to her house.

I pulled up into the driveway and got out of the car. I practically sprinted to the front door, and I pounded on the door until it cracked open just a smidge. I saw a pair of eyes stick out, and then her full face appeared in the light. She sighed and crossed her arms.


"We need to talk about us..." I urged, motioning to go inside. She refused entry and continued on with the conversation.

"Mikey, there's nothing to talk about. It's over."

"But, Alicia, c'mon..." my heart was plain-old sinking at this moment.

"Mikey, I love you, really. I only love you like a brother...there's no intimacy that can happen here."


"Mikey, I still want to be a part of your life...just not in the romantic section. Can't we be friends? That's all I ask..."

"Why only friendship?"

"I don't know what you're going through, and whether or not you're going to come out of it, but I want to settle down now, and're not quite ready for that yet...I can tell."

"So..." I trailed off, not sure what say next. I thought through my thoughts and figured out what to say next…the only appropriate thing to ask. "...friends?" I asked, holding out my hand.

"You bet, Mikes." she said with a slight smile, and she pushed my hand out of the way and replaced my offer with her own, a hug. We embraced each other and eventually left on good terms. It was nice to know I was important to her...that meant a lot to me.


I was on my way home when a call from the clinic came through on my phone. I picked up quickly and fumbled around with it until I held it firmly against my ear.


"Is this Michael Way?"

"Yes, it is."

"We're calling on behalf on your brother, Gerard. Something's happened..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's been taken back to the hospital, since no help was available here. We tried all we can, but..."

"Excuse me? What's going on?!" I yelled. I almost collided with a passing green SUV, but I swerved out of the way just in time and I parked on the shoulder on the side of the road. I turned the engine off and waited for the answer to my desperate question.

I could feel my throat close up and my skin turn ice cold as I heard that very answer said back to me.

"Mr. Way...your brother has gone into a coma."

I hung up the phone, started the car, swerved around and drove to the hospital as quickly as I could possibly manage without crashing into another car. What did they mean Gerard was in a coma? He was perfectly fine the last time I saw him! This had to be some sort of mistake. When I arrived outside the hospital, I hastily parked the car against the curb and scrambled out and through the front doors.

The nurse sitting at the front desk saw me running towards her, so she stood up, which caused me to slow down to a full stop.

"Gerard...Way...please..." I asked, practically out of breath. I asked for the room because I figured they would've moved him if he was actually in a….coma.

"He's down this hall on the's the last door on the end." She pointed, sensing my urgency. I ran down to long hallway and saw the room I didn't want to see.

"Coma/ Unresponsive Patients"

I entered the room the nurse specified, and saw three doctors there, hovering over a body madly, like flies hovering over a forgotten piece of food. One of them heard me enter the room, and turned to face me. He walked over to me, leaving a space for me to see the body. The doctor walked quickly, not seeming to want me to see whoever was in that bed. I stepped forward enough and saw the face, and my heart burst into a million tiny pieces, scattering all over my body and causing me to feel cold.

It was indeed Gerard...

"Oh my fucking God...NO!" I screamed, charging towards him. The doctor coming for me took me by the arms and tried pulling me away, but I was too strong, and I easily broke free from his grasp. I pushed past all the other doctors and knelt down to Gerard's body, wanting to see if he was indeed nonresponsive. I took his hand, trying desperately not to sob, and covered it with both of mine. It was so ice...except it was soft. He never responded to my touch, which he always used to do, even when he'd be unconscious...he just was there...just an empty shell.

"Mr. Way, you'll need to come with me..." the doctor that first came for me ordered. I shook my head and sniffled away any oncoming tears.

"I'm not need to tell me front of him."

"Sir, I don't wanna do that. These doctors are performing tests on him at the moment. You'll be in the way."


"Get him out of here!" One of the other doctors ordered. The main one took me by the shoulders and started shoving me out of the room, taking me away from my Gerard.

"LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!" I yelled, pushing away from him. Another one of the doctors helped with the removal of my presence, and they locked the door on me. I was left with one last look of Gerard in the same way I first saw him, but it was worth it. I wanted to see him again, at least one more time, before they shut the door on me. The one doctor cleared his throat and led me to a seat on the opposite side of the floor, taking off his glasses, which is never a good never is.

"He went into a coma in his sleep, if that makes you feel better...we checked the machine and it says the last brain activity he showed was during the narcosis brought on his morphine. He didn't suffer."

"Doctor, please don't make it sound like he died...he's still alive...don't be so cruel." I muttered, looking at the floor.

"Well, I'm just trying to be nice, I never said I was any good at it. Anyway...his coma was induced by some sort of severe depression, which somehow caused the emotion section of his brain to swell, putting pressure onto his memory and consciousness sections..."

"Oh, I see...wait, what do you mean? Memory? How does memory have anything to do with all of this?"

"Well, not specifically. But...if he does wake up from this...he..."


"He...won't remember a thing from after the accident, at's more likely he will hardly remember anything at all."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Mr. Way, I don't kid...this is serious." he said coldly. A doctor came out of Gerard's room and cleared his throat.

"We've suspended tests at the moment, if Mr. Way would like to see his brother now..."

The other doctor sighed and looked at me. I nodded my head and walked into his room as the other doctors were leaving. They closed the door and left me alone with him.
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Sorry for the wait, been kinda busy haha. Weeeell I hope you like the update. Please comment/subscribe!