You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Wait...where am I?"

"I ONLY WANT TO HURT YOU!" The voice yelled in the darkness...


Gerard looked around in the black darkness and saw his reflection, as if he was looking at a mirror. His eyes were black though, and the circles underneath them looked too dark to be normal. Suddenly his reflection smiled at him, despite the fact that he was not doing so. He saw the 'other' Gerard walk away, and quickly form into a scene that seemed familiar. It was his living room, and the people that appeared in the sight made him gasp in terror.

Mikey was in front of him, screaming in agony as Gerard was beating him up, pulling him at his arms and slamming him against walls. Gerard yelled for himself to stop it, but the evil one just continued to slam Mikey to the wall, laughing wickedly. Mikey gasped quickly before falling to the ground, his body becoming limp. Gerard was speechless in terror as he witnessed his younger brother being killed by his own self. Suddenly Evil Gerard picked Mikey up and smiled a toothy grin.

"So long, brother! I hope you DIE!" he yelled, and he threw Mikey's body out of the nearby window. Gerard ran towards the scene, but hands were pulling him back, and Evil Gerard looked him with black eyes, his skin turning grey and translucent.

"You're gonna do it, you'll end up killing the only person that you ever TRULY LOVED....."


"You don't get it,'re gonna hurt Mikey...the one person that got you.....your true love....and all because you guys are BLOOD's unnatural, and it will never be...."

"Why are you doing this!? Why am I feeling this way for him?! Please TELL ME!"

"YOU'RE GONNA LOVE HIM AND HURT HIM, GERARD! ONE WAY OR ANOTHER YOU WILL! You will....just wait and's not meant to be...."

His evil self said softly as his figure disappeared in the darkness. Gerard screamed at everything going on, recognizing that voice from the beginning of his dream, and he suddenly saw a bright white light appear in little slivers in the middle of his sight.


He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing plain white walls and grey tiles on the floor. He sighed and put his hand on his face, frustrated at his recent dream...or nightmare he should say...

Were his nightmares right? Was he going to hurt Mikey? Was he going to fall madly in love with him....his brother? It almost caused him to scream again, but he held back, knowing that those nightmares of his affections for his brother had put him in this asylum in the first place.....wait. He was in an asylum? Did the guys do this? Was he that extreme that they felt he needed to be kept inside a white room with no way out?

He saw a nurse come in out of breath, looking at him with concern.

"What's wrong, Mr. Way?"


"We heard you scream from down the hall...."

"Wait...where am I?"

"You're in the Newark Clinical Centre for Troubled Minds..."

"Oh....I am...I guess that means I took my insanity too far then?"


"Why? What did I do?"

"You were considered were destroying things and hurt people..."

"Oh.....nurse, I uh....just had a nightmare that suggested that I was going to fall in love with my's what made me crazy in the first place...I think I need to be checked out..."

The nurse gave him a concerned glare, aware that the very subject was wrong in itself. Incest was uncommon around there, and she wasn't used to it in the slightest. She nodded and took Gerard to the nearest doctor.

Gerard wanted to rid his mind of thoughts of dating his brother...

...but at the same time, he never wanted it to go away.
♠ ♠ ♠
And this would be chapter 2. I'm sure the story does seem a little odd at the moment but it'll make sense soon :)