You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Gerard, do you not remember us? I"



A week had passed and Gerard still hadn't woken up. I'd spent the whole week screaming 'why!?' at the doctors and crying my eyes out beside Gerard. The guys had been with me most of the time too. Everyone was in a serious mess. No one had slept for ages, we were so scared that if we fell asleep we'd miss the news that Gerard had woken up.

"Hey Mikes, we're all gonna go eat something in the cafeteria...wanna come?" Ray asked me as they all stood up from their seats.

"Umm...naah I'm okay I had a sandwich like an hour ago. You guys go, I'll get something later!" I replied with a small smile.

"Well okay then if you’re sure, see ya in a bit! God, I'm starvin'!" Frank exclaimed eagerly as he ran out of the door along with the others who were leaving, allowing me to have some peace with my brother.

I noticed Elle walking out as well. I ran over and grabbed her arm. She turned to look at me and saw my pleading face, which made her stay behind. The others closed the door behind them, leaving Elle, Gerard, and I alone in a silent room. Elle and I sat down.

"Mikey, there's something I gotta tell you about Gerard and I..." she started as soon as she was settled.

"What is it?" I asked calmly.

"Well, I kinda...broke up with Gerard a couple weeks ago...and I was going to leave for Nevada tomorrow, but, now I don't know..."

"What? Are you saying that your break up caused his coma?"

"I don't know, Mikey! I didn't want to hurt him like that. I mean, I thought he was able to handle it, but I never knew how much I truly meant to him." she said, looking at Gerard's body, which showed no sign of movement. I took her hand and pulled her into a hug, in which caused her to start crying. She sniffled loudly and sighed.

"I...I mean, if I knew this was going to happen, I would've stayed for him. I feel like shit!"

"Elle, would it be terrible if you did stay? I mean, if he wakes up, he might possibly not remember about the two of you ever ending it...what do you think?"

"Um, I'm not sure..."

"Elle, think about it. You're regretting ever leaving him, and now this might be your second chance! I know, it looks terrible right now, but I know he'll come through this, and he's going to still think you're going out with him. It has to'll be like it never happened..." I begged, trying to get Elle on my side of reasoning. After looking at Gerard for a minute or so, she smiled slightly and sighed.

" if it never happened..." she said simply, glancing at me. We both smiled and Elle got up. "I need to go..."

"Why? I mean, it's not like you shouldn't be here!"

"No, it's not that. I just need to pick up my car from the shop. I was getting it prepped up for my 'trip' tomorrow, but I guess I'll be getting more use out of it here in New Jersey..." she said, chuckling a little.

"I's not like the gas prices in Nevada are any cheaper." she joked, causing me to laugh, She went over to Gerard and bent down to kiss him on the cheek. She held his hand for a moment before leaving the room, getting her bag on the way out.

"Mikey, if you need anything for a few minutes, I'll be right out here. I need to call the auto shop and make sure the car's ready to be picked up."

"Alright..." I simply replied. I looked over to Gerard and held his hand, smiling at the touch. Just then Frank came in and saw the position I was in, holding my unconscous-brother's limp hand. He smiled slightly and sighed.

"I uh...I'm just going to get my coat...I left it on the heater over here..." he said shyly, walking over to where his coat actually was. He seemed so uncomfortable, probably because he never liked death, and to see someone he loved in the position that Gerard was in was almost too much for him to handle emotionally.

I smiled slightly at his remark and cleared my throat, for no apparent reason. I felt a little jolt of energy surge into my hand. I didn't understand it, but I looked at Gerard's hand and saw it twitching, only slightly. It was so faint, yet it was enough for me to go insane. I gasped, which caused Frank to look in my direction, and kept watching as his arm started to move, and then his eyes, and then they opened. I bit my lip and ran over to Gerard, hoping this wasn't a cruel dream. He turned his head to me and smiled at first, but then groaned.

"DAMMIT! I wanted you to be Elle!" he said, turning his face away from mine. It seemed eerily similar to what he had said before when he first woke up from his bridge-incident. I sighed and smiled brightly, so happy that tears were close to deciding to form in my eyes.

Frank squealed in shock, and I glanced over to see his mouth was wide open. I motioned for him to go get the others, and he rushed out faster than a 5 year old on fresh Halloween candy.

"Gerard! I can't believe it, you're awake!" I said, my voice starting to crack.

"Mikey. I....never thought I'd see you again!" he said softly, looking out the window with an extremely-tired-looking gaze. I just laughed and kissed him on the cheek, causing him to look over at me.

"Why did you just kiss me on the cheek?" he asked, starting to look scared. I then remembered that he probably didn't remember that we both confessed our feelings to each other, so he still thought he was the only one that knew about his 'brotherly' secret. I stood up after failing to give him an explanation, wanting everyone to see for themselves that Gerard was back.

Soon Elle, Frank and everyone else ran into the room, their mouths the same way as Frank's was just a moment before. Everyone, including me, surrounded Gerard and started crying tears of bliss. I cleared my throat and sighed, wanting to ask something important.

"Gerard....what's the last thing you remember"

"Uh...a bridge....and uh...lots of water. It's all vague to me." he said, rubbing his eyes. Everyone was silent, knowing that this wasn't right.

"Gerard, what about us?" Elle asked. He looked at her and smiled warmly.

"You and I are the cutest couple on the face of this earth!" Gerard joked weakly. He had a weak voice, and he coughed every now and then. Elle looked at me with a worried expression on her face, and she looked away.

"Gerard, do you not remember us? I" I asked desperately. He looked at me for a minute before his eyes grew wide and with sadness.

"If you mean 'us' as brothers, then yeah...but that's all I can think of. Why?" he asked, curious as to what I meant by the question. I got up and started walking out of the room.

"It's nothing, nothing at all..." I muttered, leaving the room on the verge of tears.
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I finally updated xD Sorry been kinda ill lately lol. Pleeeeaase comment/subscribe!!!