You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"Mikey? Miiiiiikeeeeeyy!?"



It had already been five days since Gerard was let out of hospital and everything was already really back to normal. Well if you could really call it back to normal. Alicia and I weren't back together and Gerard couldn't remember a thing about his feelings towards me. And well, I guess that is supposed to be we can get on with our lives without having that awkwardness between us. But that awkwardness will always be there, because I haven't forgotten.

I'm love with him.

We were all sitting around a table in Starbucks with coffees in front of us, just chatting about what we were going to do today. I think everyone decided that we were going to the cinema...not sure what time or what to see; I wasn't really paying attention. I had too much on my mind.

And that too much would be fantasies about Gerard...and staring at Gerard across the table, cuddling and kissing Elle, wishing that I could be the one sitting there with him.

I really don't understand. All this time Gerard was 'in love with me', I felt the same feeling towards him but kept hoping that maybe he'd soon let it pass so that our lives could return back to that he'd forgotten, I wanted him to remember. I never realized how much I was in love with him...and now all I feel is this complete emptiness.

Remember Gerard, oh please...remember.

"Mikey? Miiiiiikeeeeeyy!?" Frank exclaimed, waving his hand in front of my face and snapping me out of my sadness.

"Huh, what?" I replied dimly, glancing over at Gerard who smiled back at me.

My heart skipped a beat.

"You comin' to the cinema?" Ray asked with a look of confusion about my behaviour on his face.

"Um yeah sure...why not." I told him with a weak smile.

I couldn't let on to the guys that something was wrong. If I did they'd ask questions and after a while I'd probably crack and reveal all. And I really don't think that would be a good thing.

"What are we goin' to see?" I asked, trying to start conversation to take my mind off of things.

"Erm, I dunno...let the girls decide. We chose last time." Gerard said as he glanced over at Elle and Alicia, who was sat by Elle’s side.

"Ooh Ali we get to pick! Hmm...what do you think?" Elle exclaimed happily, turning to Alicia and discussing what they wanted to see.

"I think we should go see...Bee Movie!" Alicia shouted.

“Oh hell yeah!” Frank cheered.

Bob and Ray started laughing and trying to calm Frank down as the rest of us stood up and walked out of the store and to the cinema. Gerard walked along side me a little as Elle walked with Alicia. We started chatting about random things. In a way it felt nice to talk to him when he didn't feel weird around me because he liked me, was a little hard for me not to just lunge and kiss him as I stared at his plump lips, chattering away in complete happiness.


When we arrived at the cinema we bought our tickets and popcorn and made our way into the screen. I sat in-between Bob and Gerard and laughed my head off at Bob for half the movie because Frank, who was sitting next to him, kept trying to steal his popcorn.

Every now and again I'd stare at Gerard a little. His eyes fixed to the screen, laughing at the childish jokes which he found very funny and booing when the fat lawyer man came on screen in the court part of the film. He cheered, along with Frank, when the man got stung.

Sometimes he'd turn round and if I wasn't quick enough he'd catch me staring, but I pretended I was offering him popcorn or I asked him a random question that popped into my head.

At one point he even leant over and placed his head on my shoulder...apparently he was tired and had a bit of a headache. I didn't complain, I enjoyed it. Then Bob got bored and started to poke Gerard in the head, so Gerard moved.

I shook my head, sighed and carried on watching the movie.


"Oh my God! That was such an awesome movie!" Frank exclaimed as he skipped in circles around Ray on the way back home.

"Frank calm down...that's the last time you have Skittles at the cinema..." Ray laughed.

"You say that all the time...but he always gets them!" Bob exclaimed, grabbing Frank's arm as he ran around beside him and made him walk properly.

"For some odd reason, probably induced by Frank, I really feel like eating honey!" Alicia randomly said with a laugh.

"Ugh no, honey makes me feel sick!" Elle replied, imitating gagging movements.

"I do feel sick..." Gerard murmured, rubbing his stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked a little concerned.

"Nothing bad...well, I've just got headache and feel sick. I think I've caught a bug that's goin’ round." he replied, giving me a weak smile.

I looked around and realized we were almost outside our house. I walked over to Gerard and put my arm around his shoulders and walked alongside him.

"Well, we were thinkin' about goin' to eat at Pizza Hut. But...if you don't feel well then we should stay at home and let you rest..." Ray told us as we all stopped when we reached the front door.

"No, you guys go eat...I'll just stay at home and rest. I don't wanna ruin your plans!" Gerard replied. He did look pretty pale and he was shaking a little.

"I'll stay with you if you want. I'm not too hungry, I kind of stuffed myself with popcorn. I can always get a sandwich or something..." I told Gee.

He nodded, " can if you want. If you’re hungry then seriously go! I'll be okay!"

"Nah, it's okay I'll I said I'm not too hungry."

"If you're sure, we're gonna get going before it gets late." Bob said as everyone started walking to Pizza Hut as Gerard and I entered the house.

Finally, some time alone with my brother. This is what I'd been waiting for since he got out of hospital. I just wanted to be able to sit and talk with him a bit. And now I could. I closed the door behind us both and trudged off into the lounge with Gerard.
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Yet another update, sorry it's been takin' me a while...I've been pretty busy buuuut now i'm gonna start updating more regularly again (: Please comment/subscribe! I love feedback from you guys!