You Don't Know A Thing About My Sins

"What's wrong with you?"

Mikey opened his eyes and shut them quickly, feeling the sun's bright beams attack his eyes. He rolled out of bed and groaned, seeing his reflection in the door mirror. His skin was paler than normal and his hair was a mess. He ran to the bathroom to make himself look more presentable...or more specifically, more alive...

After he had accomplished his self-assigned makeover, he went downstairs to get breakfast. He walked into the kitchen and saw Bob drinking coffee. He smiled at the drummer and continued on his mission. Just then Ray walked in and sighed.

"Well, I guess everyone's hungry, today..." he said, seeing that everyone was in the kitchen. Mikey smirked but then look over his shoulder, seeing that Ray was in fact wrong.

"Ray, we're technically missing one person..." he said with a smile, but still tired. Just then Frank slid into the room, twirling around and shaking everyone's shoulder as he passed them. He got to Mikey and took the coffee pot in front of him, smiling away.

"Frank, are you okay?" Bob asked, his coffee in hand and in the air, his whole body motionless from shock.

"Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup..." he said quickly, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Just then Ray ran upstairs, and soon he was back down, but with a disappointed expression. Mikey turned his head in confusion.

"Raaaayyy?" he drug out, scared at what Ray was hiding in his face. He looked down and sniffled.

"Frank has succombed to the deadly Skittle and Mountain Dew Midnght Combo..." he muttered, and soon everyone was laughing their heads off, finding humor when their lives were in complete dispair. Soon everyone settled down, even Frank, and they all stood in the kitchen, each with a cup of coffee.

"Mikey, were you planning on visiting Gerard?" Frank asked, talking a sip of coffee. Mikey tensed up, his fingers gripping the edge of the counter that he was leaning on.

He wanted to avoid this subject for at least half the day. Now he just had to stick with it, and hope he would be able to handle it all.

"Not necessarily..." He mumbled, looking down. Frank put his cup down and rushed over to Mikey, still in a hyperish state.

"Listen...he's your brother...the least you could do is go and see how he's doing..."

"I know, but..."

"But what?"

"Um...nevermind, I'll go..."

"Are you sure? What made you change your mind?"

"I'll go! Just let me get ready..."

"Mikey, don't get so tense...we only want to make peace around here..." Ray added, trying to, in fact, make peace.

"Then let me go without all of you venting at me about it..." Mikey replied harshly. The others sighed in unison and continued their coffees, hoping that this sudden fit of anger was just because of the situation.


Mikey walked through the asylum doors, but as soon as he did, he flinched. The smell of a hospital-like atmosphere made him feel terrible. It wasn't putrid, but it reminded him of death, and he never took to the concept too well. He went up to the front desk and waited until the receptionist was free of things to do. He put his hands up on the table top and folded them together.

"Hi, my name is Mikey Way, and I'm here to see my brother, you know which room he's located?" he asked, even though she obviously knew. That computer in front of her knew everything he knew about Gerard and his involvement with the asylum, maybe even more. The receptionist quickly typed in Gerard's name into the computer and checked his information. She sighed and looked at Mikey.

"It says here that he's allowing visitors, but the list of visitors doesn't include you..." She said, looking shocked herself. Mikey stepped back in surprise, and he cleared his throat.

"Oh...well, I'm sorry for taking your time then...goodbye..." he said, starting to leave. The receptionist stood up quickly and threw a pen at him to get his attention. She didn't feel like screaming his name, since she knew who and how famous he was. He turned around after the impact and stared at the woman. She smiled and motioned for him to come closer.

"I think Gerard must've forgotten your name...we composed the list soon after he was out of his mental state of insanity, and he just blurted out some names...I'll send you in anyway...I know you both are close..." she said, almost whispering to him. He smiled and tilted his head in curiousity.

"You know who I am?"

"I am a slight rock fan, Mikey...I know who you are...and I know that you have the right to see your brother in there...well, anyways he's in Room 131, down the hall and to your right...take care!" she said as he was leaving for the very room she specified. Soon he was in front of the room in question, and he sighed before knocking.

"Come on in!" Gerard said, seeming happy. Mikey smiled and opened the door slowly, and he saw Gerard sitting on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Mikey cleared his throat, which caused Gerard to look down. His smiled faded quickly and he got up, looking out his barred down windows. He let out a sigh that made it seem like he was holding back tears in his throat, and this made Mikey think twice about what the receptionist had said. Gerard looked down and bit his lip.

"I um...told them not to allow you in..." he said, as if he was reading Mikey's mind. It made sense in a way, since they were brothers, but it still took Mikey by surprise when he heard it come from Gerard's lips.

"Can't you tell me why, though?" he asked, genuinely curious. He wasn't terribly hurt by the fact that Gerard wanted him out of his sight. What hurt was that Gerard never said why. They told each other everything, and it made Mikey die inside when Gerard never told him. He gave Gerard the benefit of the doubt and assumed that Gerard was going to tell him anyway, but he never got around to it. Gerard walked to the bed and put his hands on his face, seeming to wipe away his emotions, but failing miserably.

"In all, I can't tell you why..." he said, letting his hands fall to his lap. Mikey felt his throat tighten and close up from the response that Gerard gave him. For the first time in his life, Gerard was keeping something from him. He didn't seem to WANT to keep it a secret, and it was as if someone was making him do so. Mikey folded his arms and bit his lip.

"What did the doctors tell you? What's wrong with you?" he asked, assuming it was that. Gerard took his pillow and squeezed it, not wanting to have this conversation, and certainly not with Mikey.


Mikey's asking me now...damnit...why did they let him in?! I specifically told them not to allow Mikey least I think I did...I don't remember really...ugh, this is nuts, I want Mikey out of here...he's only making me lose it! I swear he's got to go or else I'll end up blurting out what I want to be false! I don't want to freak him out...he's my brother, and I lov...- well, I adore him as a brother, and that's all! Nothing more, just my brother......who I am falling fast for by each passing second against my will...

"It's not that, has nothing to do with my health..."

Well, in a sense, not my health, but my ability-to-pick-out-the-person-I-love is broken...thanks to Mikey...

"Well, then what is it?"

"I can't tell you, I already said that to you..." I snapped, starting to get annoyed.

There were images going through my mind...they were of Mikey and I, doing things that I'd rather not go into detail on...I concentrated on just talking to him, and nothing more.

"I think it's best if you just go..." I muttered, wanting to settle this in private, and for obvious reasons. Mikey let out a frustrated sigh and walked over to me, then leaning down next to my right ear. I shuddered at his breath on my ear, and I sickened myself at the same time. Why am I going crazy for him? Ugh, this is just getting more screwed up by the second. Mikey smiled and gently cleared his throat.

"One way or another, I'm gonna find out why you're in this place, and I'll find out your secret...either that or I'll die trying..." he said, almost seductively, and that made me bite my lip in stress. So now I'm really screwed...Mikey's gonna find out somehow and then he'll never look at me the same way again...that's gonna be fun...I just can't wait.

Mikey then walked smoothly out the door, eyeing me down the whole time. I kept from crying until I heard him walk far enough down the hallway. Then I fell against the pillow and threw it against the wall, and I started to scream, and the tears flooded my eyes. This love is going to kill me...either that or I'll be miserable for the rest of my life...maybe that first outcome isn't so bad after all.
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Chapteeerrr 4 :D Just like i promised! Please comment/subscribe!