

It was midday and every elf and human in the town of Tyreil were watching him.

He had fought monsters before but did not know how to react to this one.

This young elf's name was Adrian and he was hiding in the shadows of the rocky environment that surrounded him.

This tournament was held only to test and train the abilities of students. Adrian had to win!

Elves generally were human like creatures with extremely fast reflexes, swiftness with a blade, and very experienced in magic. Humans only lived for nearly around a century but elves could live for nearly 8 centuries.

Adrian suddenly disappeared from behind the rock and appeared right behind the lizard-like monster impossibly fast for a 15 year old, but he had been trained in the art of speed, agility, magic, and all of the special ways of fighting ever since he had been born.

Adrian drew his sword and sliced up underneath the lizard monster's arm but the lizard creature jumped into the air and teleported away.

There has to be a way to stop teleportation, Aiven thought to himself.

Then he had an idea!

Adrian brought forth his hands and circled his finger in the wind with his eyes closed, gathering the concentration he needed.

He had stopped time, which was only allowed in this tournament due to the creatures abilities, this round had no rules.

He walked toward the monster with his sword drawn and sliced.

The monster parried his slice with a quick swing of his axe and kicked Adrian to the ground.

How can this be! I stopped time! Adrian shouted in his mind.

He flashed back behind the rock once again and thought carefully how his plan had failed him.

The lizard monster must of had some kind of time stop resistance ring; what else could explain how the lizard is still moving?

Since time is stopped, he will not be able to teleport! he said in his mind as the solution was perfect!

Adrian ran up to the lizard creature and used all of his might to concentrate as he lit his sword on fire with a simple spell.

Adrian stabbed inward but reversed the momentum and sliced upward with his sword to throw the lizard monster off.

The lizard creature came down with his axe to prevent the stab and fell for the trick as the sword reversed upward and sliced off the lizard creature's right arm.

The lizard creature howled in pain and time resumed itself as the spell wore off.

The lizard creature crouched in its pathetic attempt to jump away and teleport once again but Adrian was the quicker as he sliced off the lizard creature's head, ending with yet another victory.

The crowd cheered as the head of the lizard creature hit the ground.

"Another victory to Adrian!" the announcer announced into the speaker.

Adrian looked up into the stands that surrounded him, coming back into his senses, leaving his instinctual side behind him.

His teacher, an elf named Eclaven, came up to him and handed him his medal and certificate which allowed Adrian to continue on to the final round of the tournament, where he will advance in rank and join the Academy which trained him more in his magical abilities.

Once he leaves off for the Academy he will stay and train there for 20 years for his magical degree; then he will fight for the king as it was for every elf since they were so skilled in the art of combat, magical and melee.

Each elf requires 10 years of training in melee and 20 years in the Academy for them to be able and join the king's army, but Adrian felt as if there were something more for him.

"Well done my student." Eclaven announced to Adrian. "I could not ask for better from any of my other students, you have well proved yourself."

Adrian accepted the medal and certificate and walked off towards the Melee Grounds, where he could wash up and hopefully rest before the big day tomorrow; the day where he accepts his final match and gains access into the Academy where he could study more in the arts of magic.
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I know it's a bit short... but for now I'm done typing, I need to know if I should continue typing and I accept any ideas people may have, just a short piece