Status: Back online! :D



Welcome to the family,
To this drug addict,
Sex fanatic,
Alcoholic tragedy.

I was pushed into another set of lockers. This was a usual thing for me. I sighed and stood, no one offering to help me, no one even noticing I was there. People say that’s what got me. It really wasn’t. I liked being invisible, it was something I never got to experience at home. When my stepdad wasn’t drunk, he was high. And I was always his target. You call it incest, I called it rape. My name is Brianna Lokke. I cracked at age seventeen.
I continued to walk, my purple fringe covering most of my face. It didn’t matter if I was late, or even showed up to class. I was invisible to the teachers as well. All they needed was a final grade, and they could say they taught me. As I turned the corner, I saw him. A faint blush spread across my pale cheeks, and I began to walk faster. He turned and smiled. At me. Stunned, I froze on the spot. I didn’t smile back, I didn’t raise a hand to acknowledge him. I did nothing.
It was then that I heard the clicking of heels behind me. I turned slowly, and down the hall was the schools biggest slut, Amanda Cambell. He hadn’t been smiling at me. Why would I ever think that? I turned back around and sped past him, eyes on the ground. When I was far enough away, I ran. I burst through the front door, and sprinted the short distance to my house. If you could call it a home. I tore open the ever unlocked front door, and let it swing shut behind me.
I tried to calm myself on the short jog up the stairs. Don’t over-react Brianna. It could be a mistake. It didn’t work. I knew I was lying to myself. I slammed my bedroom door shut, so hard a picture fell of my wall. “Brianna!” Shit. I heard the thundering of footsteps up the stairs, and lunged for the door, locking it just as he tried to turn the knob. “Open the fucking door, you little cunt!” I kicked where the voice was coming from.
“Fuck you!”
I turned away from the door, easily able to tune him out. I swiftly reached between my mattress and box spring, pulling out my brand new razor. “Hey buddy.” I smiled sadly at it. “You ready for your first taste?” I think this is where I lost myself. I only watched as the person in my body carved these words from my shoulder to the very tip of my middle finger. You will be sorry for fucking with me.
My body went to school the next day, armed with one thing. The blood covered blade I had used when I first stared to cut myself. It had been a while since I had used it, the red blood turned black with age. She went into my first period class, the only one I had with Amanda. I knew, somehow, that Amanda would not be her only victim. The thing was, I didn’t care who it was. As long as it wasn’t him. As long as he could see what he made us do.
A quarter of the way through the lesson she started to get impatient. I decided to see if I could intervene. I hovered over the teacher and whispered in his ear. “She’s in labor…go to her.” He quickly straightened up from his slouched position.
“Class, something’s come up, I’ll be back soon.” With that, he left. Cheers erupted through the classroom, and the person in my body turned to me and smiled. I went through the door and locked it from the outside, coming back in the way I left. You’re probably thinking I’m crazy aren’t you? Well maybe I am. I turned to my body and nodded. My body stood, and the class fell silent as though seeing me for the first time. She slowly removed her jacket, showing the tank top underneath. No one cared about the tank top. They cared about what she had written. Someone whispered the words, and then the class erupted into chaos. “QUIET!” She roared. That’s not me. That was…demonic….
The class fell silent once again, hearing my voice for the first – and last -- time. She pulled the bloodstained knife from her bag, watching with pleasure as everyone’s eyes widened in fear. “No one makes a sound. Or it’s gonna hurt a lot fucking more.” She got no reply, as everyone was frozen in fear. She smiled. “Good.” Someone broke out of their trance and raised a shaking hand. Seeing it with her side vision, she grabbed the hilt of the knife and plunged it into the side of his head and heart in quick repetition.
“No moving either. God that bothers me. Does anyone else have something to say? Say it now or it’ll be worse later.” Someone else raised a reluctant, blood covered hand.
“Are we all going to die?”
“Yes.” She spun around and stabbed her twice in the stomach, watching as the blood came out of her mouth. She heard a squeak erupt from the other side of the classroom. She slowly and deliberately strode over. “Who was it? Someone better ‘fess up.” After no reply, she sighed and reached for her knife. When she looked up again, a pale guy was pointing at the girl next to him. She smiled at him. “Thanks.” The girls jaw dropped. She quickly dragged my knife across the boy’s throat, disconnecting it from his body. “I hate kiss ups.” The girl let out a sigh of relief, and before she even had time to process the mistake she made, my knife was plunged into her chest and spun around. Pulling it back out, the organ was attached.
She slowly cut off the connecting veins, placing it on a desk to dry, and licking the blood off her fingers. By this time, everyone was pale as a sheet, and she could hear all their hearts hammering together. Da-dum…da-dum….da-dum. The sound reveled in her mind. She closed her eyes to listen, and heard the shuffling of a pair of feet. Without even looking, she threw the knife in the direction of the sound, and heard a grunt of pain. She went to retrieve my knife, and within the next minute then had all fallen. All but Amanda. She wanted to make her suffer. And so did I. First she grabbed her by the hair tightly, and carved something into her head while she wriggled and screamed. Slut. My body then spun her around and smashed her head into the glass. She began to scream once again. My body then cut off all of her precious blonde hair, stuffing it into her mouth as a gag. Amanda couldn’t help but let the tears fall. I knew this wasn’t the way she had planned to go, but I wanted to show her. Things don’t always go as planned. My body then whispered in her ear. “I will fucking tear you to shreds.” And that she did. When she was finished, the only thing you could tell was Amanda’s was her precious blonde hair.
I then unlocked the door for my body, and she pulled the fire alarm. She…we wanted everyone to see what we had done. She stood in the doorway, blood covered. The girl’s heart was clutched in her hand. It only took one person filing past to notice us and scream. I smiled, and it was then that I was resituated in my body. Hi…who are you? I thought. I am your other side. I will be back. Just tell me when. Her voice began to fade, but I could still feel her there. I still can. Our face was smashed against the wall by the school police officer, and the girls heart fell to the floor. We were held like that, handcuffed, until they wrapped me in my new best friend. The straight jacket. As they lead me out, I found his face in the sea of people. He looked at me, shocked. I finally smiled at him.
They put me into the armored car. I stood up, looking for one last time at my fellow classmates. We grinned at them, and screamed this: “Can you see me now?!”
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Sooo, you liiiike it? :D Comment please.