Yelling Obscenities at You!

Ready, Set, Go!

"Ray if you put one finger on that door, I swear I will chop them all Off!"

"Shut up Jess, She's my girlfriend I have every right to wake her up." Through a haze of sleep I could hear the voices of my best friend and boyfriend fighting. I tried to ignore them and continue my awesome dream where they actually liked each other and didn't fight. Their voices seeping through my dream and slowly irritating me.

"She's Stressed out so let her sleep!" I was going to kill them one day.

"Jess, Shut the hell up." I stood up, crossed the room, trying to reach them before Jess smacked him, And pulled the door open, glaring at them.

"Shut Up!" Jess dropped her hand at the sound of my voice and I continued. " It is to god damn early to be fighting and if you don't stop I swear to god I will kill you both!" I stormed past them to the kitchen. Ray followed me and sat at the bar, starring in at me. I paid him no attention while making my coffee. Reluctantly I glanced at the clock, the green numbers depressing me. Ray slowly reached out to grab my wrist and I shot him a deadly glare, Quickly he pulled his hand back.

"I'm sorry babe, I really am." He smiled genuinely towards me.

"No your not, If you were you'd at least attempt to get along with Jess." I took a sip of my coffee, Ray came in to the kitchen and I instantly felt the knot form in my chest. His lips came down on mine quickly and then he walked to the door.

"I'll be back around 6:30 tonight. I love you." He called back towards me, I rolled me eyes with every intention of being gone when he got here. I knew that in thirty minutes he'd be calling my cell phone with the excuse that he missed me, So I quickly went and turned it off. I didn't want to hear it, I was over his Obsessiveness and the clingy side of him. I'd been changing lately, everyone could see it. Jess was at my side kissing my cheek.

"I told him not to but he never listens to me." We sat down on the sofa, Silence falling comfortably between us.

"Celia your birthday is in Six days. Lets take a vacation, we could go see Georg play. Besides he has back stage passes for us." I let the thought turn in my head for a while. It was a chance to get away from everyone here, to spend time with just Jess and not worry about any one like Ray coming in to ruin it. It was an opportunity to relax and refresh our selves, To find a better mind set. It was exactly what I need and Jess knew that, She knew me a little to well some times. I turned to her slightly smiling and she caught on instantly.

"Let's go, I'll get my credit card, and we can take my car." For the first time in a long time I felt excitement overwhelming me, Jess smiled back.

"Right now?" She laughed, Me and her had always been spur of the moment Girls. My dad always supported and supplied us, Thankfully he was rich.

"Not this second We need to pack, God Jess what type of girl do you think I am?" I asked in a joking tone, She looked at me and raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow.

"The kind with issues." She stated as seriously as possible. We sat there in silence for about three minutes and then we busted out laughing. The phone rang and silenced us quickly. Shit was the only thought that crossed my mind, as I went to answer it.

"Hello?" My tone was filled with dread.

"Hey!" Rays voice shot through the receiver and through my ear causing me to cringe away.

"I can't talk Ray, me and Jess are packing for a road trip." I tried to hold back a laugh at Jess as she pretended to hang her self.

"Oh where are we going?" Ray tried to automatically place himself with us and it boiled beneath my skin.

"Me and Jess are going to see her boyfriends band play, well be back before the end of time." Hopefully you wont be here,[.i] I added in my head. Jess still trying to kill her self had forced a smile across my lips.

"Oh well have fun, I'll miss you." I rolled my eyes as he sounded very upset.

"I'll try." You'll live. I laughed at my thoughts and Jess, Hanging up before he could say another word.

"Clingy!" Jess threw her self at my feet screaming. I laughed despite my effort not to.

"Let's just forget him right now, We'll deal with him when we get back." Jess got up and immediately called Georg with the news, When she left me alone to pack I called my dad, feeling a sadness about Ray and me, I had no feelings left for him right now he was being dragged along and it wasn't fair. I decided instantly that we'd talk and try to work things out when I got back, If I ever returned.

"Hey Sweetheart!" My dad's excitement rang through the phone and I couldn't help but smile, I was a daddy's girl.

"Hey daddy." The happiness ripped through me like a hurricane.

"How's my adopted daughter?" I laughed at him, He was referring to Jess, who we had no choice but to let in the house every day when I lived with my parents. If we didn't acknowledge she was at the door she would start screaming and break in, Eventually we decided to give her a key. That in the end turned out to be a very bad idea, every time I woke up She was smiling at me in that creepy way that she does and standing or more of bouncing at the foot of my bed. Pretty much she became part of the family through forcing her self in, We didn't blame her though she didn't have a dad and her mom always picked at her.

"She's alright, Speaking of the devils daughter. We're going to see her boyfriends band play for my twenty first birthday so there will probably be a lot of charges on my credit card." I smiled as I turned a three hour conversation in to a four minute discussion, Just like my daddy.

"She's still with Georg isn't she?" My dad knew everything! Literally.

"Yep!" I said happily.

"Well call in the priest and marry the two it's been six years." We both laughed, Basically Jess and Georg have been together since high school, She started dating him at sixteen she's now twenty two.

"I'll tell her, So is this trip alright with you?" I questioned as I zipped up my duffel bag, Sitting down next to it.

"Yeah, just call me so I know your still alive." I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Okay daddy, I got to go, I love you, Bye." I laughed at how ridiculous all of this seemed.

"I love you to, Bye Sweetie." We hung up, And as I went to turn around I ran in to Jess, Gawking at me.

"Dad still wants to marry me and Georg doesn't he?" It was a known fact that my dad would eventually get his way if he kept being redundant.

"Yep." I popped my lips on the 'p' and stuffed a few things in my bag and we were ready to go.
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