Yelling Obscenities at You!

Rescue Me.

The doctor came in shortly after I had woken up, He was surprised to see me awake. I asked him to be quiet so that Bill and Tom could continue sleeping and he agreed.

"I'm just here to make sure every thing's going smoothly." I nodded and he took my temperature and checked my IV's and heart monitor then left. I laid back down and slowly drifted in to a light sleep.


"I think she's dead." I heard Tom's voice to my left.

"Then that annoying beeping sound would be one long seriously irritating beep." Bill's voice was at my right.

"Yeah but she hasn't moved since we got here." I held back a smile and for my entertainment I let my hand slip off the edge of the bed. I heard a slight shriek and Bill's laughter.

"Way to be a man Tom." I bit my tongue trying not to laugh or smile, Tom cleared his throat.

"Yeah well, Shut up." There was some more laughter from Bill and I felt my hand being moved back on to the bed. I decided to have a little more fun with him by moving my foot to the edge of the bed and hanging it off.

"Dude!" I could feel the laughter bubbling in my throat.

"What?" Bill seemed as entertained as I was but Tom's reactions.

"Her Foot Just, And... Yeah!" He pushed it back on to the bed and I stayed completely still for a little bit.

"Tom go get some coffee or a soda, I think your having hallucinations." Bill was definitely in on my joke.

"You didn't see that?" I could imagine the look on Tom's face.

"No." I heard the door open and close. I slowly opened one of my eyes to see Bill standing at the foot of my bed trying to be serious.

"Your going to make him crazy." Bill stated blankly, I smiled innocently.

"Aw come on it's funny." He nodded and we laughed.

"How long do you plan on messing with him?" I shrugged.

"Till he realizes I'm not dying, or Until it becomes boring." Bill nodded sitting next to me.

"That could be a while." We laughed again.

"Well then, You have to be on my side." He gave me a look.

"Okay!" We high fived and I heard the door handle so I shut my eyes and relaxed.

"They don't have any coffee here." Tom sounded extremely annoyed with that.

"You'll live." I felt my bed move and I peeked through my lashes to see Tom sitting on my bed with his back to me. I looked at Bill and smiled, He glanced at Tom and then back to me and nodded. I reached up and tugged lightly on one of his dreads then quickly dropped my hand and shut my eyes.

"Did you see that?" Tom sounded freaked out.

"What?" Bill's tone seemed almost convincing if he wasn't on the edge of completely laughing.

"I think she's messing with me." The bed moved and I had to fight against my smile.

"Oh yeah Tom, She's messing with you. She's in a practical coma messing with you." Bill stuttered through that and that alone made it hard to stay quiet and 'practically in coma'.

"I need to get out of here, I'm going to get some food. Do you want anything?" I heard key's jingling.

"The usual." The sound of pages being turned filled my ears and Then the door closed.

"He's gone." I opened my eyes and sat up with a smile.

"Thank you." Bill put the magazine he was reading in his lap and smiled at me.

"He's driving your car." Bill burst with laughter at my facial expression, which I'm sure was a cross between He's What?!?! and How Dare He! No one but Jess and I drive my car, simply because it has a tendency to attract cops.

"I'll kill him." I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Celia we need to be serious right now. If your going to play dead when Tom's here I need to keep him away as long as possible to talk to you." Bill's face was all serious and I thought of the night we went to Joe's club and he helped me out of that situation.

"What's up?" He looked to the door and then back to me.

"First off I want to know how you feel about my brother." I looked down at my hands and tried to avoid looking directly at Bill.

"I like him, He's sweet and funny. Plus he's totally hot and famous!" I joked. Bill's laughter attracted my attention and I gazed at him smiling. Rosaline was right about him, He has his way of making you want to spill everything.

"That's good. Have you guys...Er, Well, Yeah." I knew what he was trying to say and I couldn't help but laugh at his struggle.

"Let's not talk about that Bill." He nodded clearly agreeing with me.

"You spend a lot of time with him, I've noticed that more so than any one. I've also noticed how you two act and look at each other. Tom's been hurt a lot in the past, which is why he's the way he is. I'm asking you to try and avoid hurting him, The one thing I honestly don't want to see is him hurt again." Bill's eyes were scrutinizing me, I felt small an insignificant and it hurt.

"Bill can I be honest with you." He nodded. " I like your brother a lot but I'm not always going to be around, When I decide to end this vacation I'm going back to Belgium packing my stuff and heading to California. I don't belong in Germany, Jess on the other hand does. So I can't really promise that I wont hurt him because I know I can't help whether I do or don't." Bill's entire frame froze. I had hit a nerve or something and he looked extremely stiff.

"Why did you leave Modeling?"He changed the subject in a very obvious manner and I felt really bad for being honest.

"Things just got really complicated." Bill shook his head.

"Everything gets complicated. Being in a band and being Famous gets really complicated, you don't see Tom or me walking away from it. What was so bad about posing for photo's?" I didn't like how Bill was acting towards me, it wasn't just that he was being mean. He was also bringing back a lot of bad memories and they hurt a lot.

"I don't want to talk about it." I slouched down on the bed and turned my head towards the window.

"The news said that you tried to commit suicide, But the tabloids said you struggled under stress and snapped, That you were sent to a physic ward. I want to know-." I closed my eye's trying to block out his words, He sounded just like Raymond.

"I Was Rapped By My Manager!" I shouted at him and he starred at me stunned. "Are you happy now Bill, You're the first to know that My manager Rapped me When I was eighteen. I was so sick and tired of hearing his voice, and seeing his face every fucking day and being the only person that knew what a horrible, Sick and twisted fuck he really was. And When it got around to his employee's I was suddenly a walking, talking, Sex magnet. Every male hit on me and Sexually harassed me. I couldn't take it any more, I was so sick of being treated that way so I left. It took me A year of therapy to trust any male again, to not think that everyone was out to hurt me. I couldn't even look at my own father, I was so disgusted. I felt like I was a disease, Do you have any Idea what it's like to think that it's your fault some ass hole took advantage of you? I didn't think so. Are you happy now Bill. I told you why I walked away from my career, Why everything was so fucking complicated." I was completely vulnerable now, and I was crying. My anger was flaring inside of me but I couldn't stop crying. Bill's frame relaxed and he looked like the brotherly figure I knew again, But I knew he was also vindictive and I wasn't going to let appearance fool me again.

"Celia, I'm so sorry." He reached out to touch me and I flinched away from him, he dropped his hand immediately.

"Don't bother. I don't give a fuck who's sorry any more, Nothing is ever going to change what happened and I am never going to fully trust the male population again. So take your sorry and shove them up-." The door opened cutting off my sentence, Bill and I both turned to see Tom standing there. I looked towards the window and let the remainder or my tears fall. I knew it was no use wiping them away, They'd just come back. Tom gave Bill his food and sat down beside me, I didn't look at him, I listened to my heart monitor slow down instead.

"Celia are you okay?" I didn't answer him. I didn't want to snap at Tom like I had at Bill, Tom was my boyfriend for the moment and I didn't need to feel that pain to. I nodded instead and wiped my face, and continued to stare out the window.

"Hey Babe, Yeah I'm fine. No. Can you come get me? The hospital, No I'm fine. Tom's fine to. Celia. No um, It's not my place to say what happened. Yeah I'll be out front. Bye." I turned to Bill and he didn't look at me at first. Then he Bent down and kissed my cheek but I grabbed his shirt and held him there, Whispering intensely in his ear.

"Tell any one, And I'll never trust you with anything." Bill nodded and I let go of his shirt.

"Bye bro, See you later." He tossed the magazine on to my lap and I flinched. It was this months edition of Starz, Tom and I covering the front.

"Bye." I starred at the magazine and waited for the door to shut.

"Tom. Come here." He stood up and leaned on the bed. I reached up and grabbed his shirt smashing my lips to his. I'd never wanted to do any one more in my life than right now. After confessing that bit of information to Bill I wanted to take advantage of some one else to make up for what happened to me. I knew it was impossible but I still wanted the revenge. Tom gripped my hands and with much effort removed them from his shirt and then pulled away from me. I felt hurt at first, and then I just felt sad. Before I could say anything the doctor came through the door and tapped his charts.

"We've got good news Ms.Andrews." I rolled my eyes and put on a happy face for Dr.Horons.

"What would that be?" Surprisingly I sounded a lot better than I felt.

"After running a number of test and evaluating the reports We've been able to stabilize you and clear your system. However we have seen some changes in your heart rate patterns but thats normal when the patient is in an coma like state." The doctor continued talking about my condition but I was suddenly realizing that I was in the hospital and I didn't know why, I didn't even know how long I'd been in that hospital. My body tensed up and I felt completely irritated with this whole situation. I looked back at the doctor and he was smiling at me, I was suddenly very confused,

"Huh?" Was the most I could manage.

"I said you'll be released tomorrow if you continue on this path through the night." I nodded and he left again. I turned to Tom with a feeling of fear in my stomach.

"Tom?" He looked up from the magazine and waited for me to continue.

"Yes babe." I shook my head and cleared my throat.

"How long have I been here?" He looked down at his phone and then back to me.

"Like a week and a half." My jaw dropped.

"Why am I here?" I mumbled trying to soak up that last piece of information.

"Your drink was spiked with Oxycotton at Gustav's party, Your body rejected it and you pretty much died in my arms. Thankfully we were at the hospital then." I nodded slowly. The party came flashing back to me, I remembered talking with that guy and then bumping in to Tom, Him dragging me to the bathroom. Us talking about something, The kiss, That memory and then feeling cold and wet.

"Did they find the guy?" Tom nodded and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I whispered to Tom, He looked up at me and smiled.

"What?" I watched him come over and sit down next to me on the bed.

"Thank you." I laced my fingers with Toms.

"For what?" was going to make me say it, Jack ass.

"Being there, Saving me, Being so nice to me." I wanted to cuddle with Tom and soak up the happiness that he brought to me.

"I can't help it." I laughed with him. I needed to hear his voice.

"Tom the night we went to Franklin's tell me what you did before you came and got me." I had a curiosity that could very well kill me one day.

"Well I dropped you off, Gloated in self glory for actually getting you to agree to going with me, Drove home, checked my mail. Then I took a shower, laid on my bed for an hour. That was a first, I've never actually just laid there starring at the ceiling, But I've been doing a lot of things I normally don't do since I met you." I laughed with him and waited for him to continue.

"Then I went and played monsoon in my towel." I laughed shaking my head at that image. " At six I got dressed in the most casual thing I owned with out being in a tux, I hate those things, I called Joe. At six forty I arrived at your place, I found out your room number went to your door and stood there. At seven o'clock exactly I knocked and Jess let me in. When I saw you I thought I was going to have a heart attack. You looked beautiful and for the first time I thought I was going to make a fool of my self." I laughed and he leaned in closer, our lips met softly and it was a very enjoyable feeling that filled me when he kissed me this way.

"The night we first met, What were you thinking when you first came in the room and saw me?" I crossed my legs and he scooted to the middle of the bed.

"The night I first met you Bill and I had been trying to come up with some ridiculous entrance and I was thankful when he decided on that one. I came in behind him, I hadn't even spotted you yet. Bill did his whole introduction thing and I looked up to see you smiling, You made me almost mess up. I forced out my name and then Jess started hugging Bill. I was watching you the whole time and let me tell you I had never seen some one so unaffected at being in the same room as Tokio Hotel, It made me a bit worried that you were unaware of us, But I remembered Jess talking about you and I knew you had gone to high school with Georg so I figured you were just a really chill girl. I liked that a lot. Then Jess caught me off guard and I hugged her, then she introduced you and I was finally happy to see you face to face. I thought of you at first of just another girl, I told my self if you flirted back I'd take it as a game and see how long it took to get you in bed." I reached out and smacked his arm as we laughed.

"But!" He added rubbing his arm.

"Oh there's a but, You're just trying to cover your ass now." I joked.

"But then you started being sarcastic and I'm not going to lie, it turned me on." I leaned back and gave him a concerned look.

"Okay then, Freaky." He smiled and I couldn't help but return it. I watched him play with my hand as he continued.

"And then when you started answering Bill, I started trying to figure you out, I found that to be a waste of time. You're confusing some times, I like that a lot about you. What confused me the most was why you didn't answer Bill right away about the boyfriend history, And then I was even more confused when you walked away to call someone during dinner. So my thought on you then was that you were seriously Bipolar and I was frustrated with that. Then you told us about the boyfriend history and I didn't mean to sound like an ass about Cody, I mean I kinda knew how you felt only you really loved him, I didn't really love Katie. When you told us that he died I felt even worse and that's why I took you to my parent's beach house, To show you that underneath my Amazingly Hot Exterior I was just like you on the Interior." I smiled at him, Tom was a really cool guy to be around.

"Okay so why were you starring at me when we were about to get in the pool?"is should be interesting.

"Are you kidding me, You were willingly taking your cloths off in public, in front of me, What guy wouldn't stare."I laughed at him nodding.

"I'll give you that one."

"Okay your turn. How good am I in bed?" I smacked my forehead and exploded with laughter.

"I'm not answering that."

"Aw come on, I was going to tell you." I rolled my eyes.

"You tell me first and I'll decide if I want to tell you." He shrugged.

"For being completely trashed you were probably the best, I mean you weren't all like Oh My God I'm Being Screwed By Tom Kaulitz!" I laughed at his impression of a screaming fan.

"Don't ever talk like that again." I tried to calm my self.

"What like this." He was still talking like a girl and I was on the verge of crying, I reached up and covered his mouth.

"I'm going to piss my self from laughing to hard." Tom mumbled something under my hand and I moved it so he could be heard.

"Better than crying again." I looked up at him with a weak smile on my lips and I knew what was coming next.

"Don't." I murmured. I didn't want him to know to what had happened when he left.

"Please. It bothers me when I don't know whats wrong with you, and if it's something Bill did I can go punch him for it, I mean I do owe him a good black eye for that one time." I laughed slightly and shook my head looking down.

"Don't worry about it, He just brought up something I didn't want to think or talk about." Tom lightly touched my chin and brought my face to look at him, He was looking in my eyes in such a way that I knew right then and there I was in love with Tom. I knew that all of my denial and all of my resisting was useless because I'd already fallen in love with him, and I was going to end up hurting both him and me when I left. It suddenly hit me that this was Jess' master plan all along. She wanted me to meet Tom knowing that I was going to fall in love with him because he was the perfect match for me, And she knew that if I loved him I wouldn't leave Finland.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

"And then when you started answering Bill, I started trying to figure you out, I found that to be a waste of time. You're confusing some times, I like that a lot about you. What confused me the most was why you didn't answer Bill right away about the boyfriend history, And then I was even more confused when you walked away to call someone during dinner. So my thought on you then was that you were seriously Bipolar and I was frustrated with that. Then you told us about the boyfriend history and I didn't mean to sound like an ass about Cody, I mean I kinda knew how you felt only you really loved him, I didn't really love Katie. When you told us that he died I felt even worse and that's why I took you to my parent's beach house, To show you that underneath my Amazingly Hot Exterior I was just like you on the Interior." I watched her smile at me and my heart Jump started.

"Okay so why were you starring at me when we were about to get in the pool?" I searched the possible things to say in my head.

"Are you kidding me, You were willingly taking your cloths off in public, in front of me, What guy wouldn't stare." She laughed again and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll give you that one."

"Okay your turn. How good am I in bed?" She smacked her self in the forehead, which looked really painful, but she also started laughing.

"I'm not answering that." Figures.

"Aw come on, I was going to tell you." She rolled her eyes at me.

"You tell me first and I'll decide if I want to tell you." I couldn't say much so I shrugged.

"For being completely trashed you were probably the best, I mean you weren't all like Oh My God I'm Being Screwed By Tom Kaulitz!" I did my best impression of the screaming fans and she started laughing hysterically.

"Don't ever talk like that again." I watched her try to breathe through her laughing fit.

"What like this." I continued to use the Fan girl voice and she covered my mouth, she looked ready to cry from laughing and I was happy she was uncontrollably laughing at me.

"I'm going to piss my self from laughing to hard." Better than crying.I mumbled under her hand and she released my mouth so I could speak.

"Better than crying again." She looked at me with a weak smile and a knowing look, But before I could ask she spoke.

"Don't." She was mumbling, I knew Bill had brought up something that bothered her.

"Please. It bothers me when I don't know whats wrong with you, and if it's something Bill did I can go punch him for it, I mean I do owe him a good black eye for that one time." She laughed slightly and looked down. I felt horrid inside.

"Don't worry about it, He just brought up something I didn't want to think or talk about." I slowly lifted her chin and looked in to her eyes. I could see a pain there and a secret she'd kept for a long time. Suddenly she looked like she'd come to a realization and I noticed just how beautiful she was, Right now with no make up, Hair unbrushed, in her hospital gown, probably feeling like shit Celia looked absolutely gorgeous to me. She didn't need make up, Or anything, Her presence was beautiful enough for any guy to want, and if I didn't find a way to keep her beside me that guy might steal her from me. I had figured out the night she practically died in my arm's that I wanted to be with her, For some strange reason I was drawn to her and that nothing could change the weird feelings I had for her.

"Celia I really don't want you to go back to Belgium. When I'm with you I feel like everything finally makes sense and All the complicated parts of my life seem so unimportant. When I see you in the day I worry only about the next thing I say, your different from any one I've ever associated with in the female category besides Jess and Rosaline. With you it's not about what I wear or where I go, I don't care about what the tabloids say or who's mad at me. It's about seeing you smile and just being in your presence." I picked up the Magazine as a reference and dropped it between us, Her face turned soft and Her eyes seemed so open.

~Regular Point Of View.~

"Celia I really don't want you to go back to Belgium. When I'm with you I feel like everything finally makes sense and All the complicated parts of my life seem so unimportant. When I see you in the day I worry only about the next thing I say, your different from any one I've ever associated with in the female category besides Jess and Rosaline. With you it's not about what I wear or where I go, I don't care about what the tabloids say or who's mad at me. It's about seeing you smile and just being in your presence." I watched him pick the Magazine up and drop it in the small space between us, I looked at him and I couldn't help but feel one hundred percent safe and content with him, I wanted to tell him everything.

"Tom I, um, I have to go back. After I go back I'm going to California, I really need to be home with my family. Everything is just really confusing right now." I reached up and stroked his cheek, Tom seemed oddly in pain and I saw his eyes fill with tears which in return made me want to scream in pain.

"I want to be with you, You make me happier than I've ever been." I wiped away a tear that rolled down his cheek, I couldn't believe I'd just seen a tear fall from Tom Kaulitz's eyes. I brought his forehead to mine and grabbed his face, The next words I wanted to say were I love you but I held them back.

"Tom, I want to be with you to." I brought my lips to his and I felt another tear stream down his face, it's path obstructed by my finger. The kiss we shared was soft and filled with every emotion that goes with sadness and love.

"Then stay with me." He whispered against my lips and I suddenly wanted to scream Yes! Forever! but I stopped myself by pressing my lips to his.