Yelling Obscenities at You!


When I was released from the hospital I had to fight Tom to make him let me drive my car, And then as soon as I walked through the door after dropping him off at his Condo Jess was asking me questions.

"What happened?" I sat down and picked up the starz magazine.

"You know that guy in that heavy metal band with the two girls and his cousin?" I flipped through the pages looking for nothing in particular.

"Yeah." I glanced at her and then to the magazine.

"He spiked my drink, I rejected the drugs, Almost died in Tom's arms, Died, saw Cody, Came back to life, Fought with Bill, and Came to a realization about you." I continued to flip through the magazine.

"What type of realization? Why did you fight with Bill? How'd you see Cody? I am so lost." I ignored every question except the first, I was slightly angered with Jess for doing this.

"I realized that you plan things out. But not in the way of how things are going to go, But how it keeps you happy." I shut the magazine and looked at her, She was giving me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I took a deep breath.

"You knew that Raymond would take me to the point where I'd break up with him over this vacation, You also knew Tom was exactly my type of guy. Which is why you constantly talked about him, You knew that I'd come on this vacation with you and You knew that Tom and I would hang out, You figured that I would fall in love with Tom because he was so perfect. You also knew that if I was in love with Tom I wouldn't leave him and I'd stay here in Finland with you so you could stay with Georg. Which is why you cleared it with Rosaline for us to stay with her until the guys got their house. You figured I'd never figure out your master plan, But Jess I'm not stupid, And I'm definitely not following your plan. " I stood up and walked off to my room.

~Jess' Point Of View.~

When Celia had said she'd come to a realization about me I knew she had been thinking. I stood up and went to her door, I didn't knock I just entered. She was laying on the bed with the magazine beside her cover down.

"Celia I don't care if you listen to me, Or believe me but I'm going to tell you the truth any way." She raised an eyebrow and continued starring off. I knew she was listening even though she was pretending not to.

"Yes I knew that this Vacation was the key to getting you to break up with Raymond. But honestly he annoyed the living hell out of both you and me, and Don't you deny it. I could see that you were uncomfortable with him, and that you were bothered by his antics. So I made a few phone calls to Georg and planned this out. Yes I in fact did know that Tom was exactly your type of guy, and I also knew that you'd be happy with him whether as a friend or more, Clearly I was right. I knew you'd come with me because I could tell how stressed out you were and I figured you'd find a lot of comfort being around some one who goes through just as many problems as you. No I didn't plan in any way for you to ever fall in love with him, But I did plan for you to spend a lot of time with him because he's very versatile. I also planned this vacation as an easier way to tell you I'm not coming back with you regardless of the situation. I'm with Georg and I am damn happy being here I was never going to go back with you, I figured if you saw how happy I was with him you'd understand the reason I wasn't going back. I didn't clear it with Rosaline, I was going on a whim since she's one of my good friends besides I wasn't really going to stay with her, I was going to stay with Georg. I didn't think this was a master plan, But I knew you'd eventually piece it together. I know your not stupid and It was never a plan for you, It was mostly a plan for me to say goodbye unless you want to stay." I watched her pretend to ignore me and I was slightly irritated with her way of dealing with things.

"Damn it Celia! I am so sick of how you deal with things, You think that by pretending the problem isn't there or pretending to ignore the person that it will just fucking disappear. I have stood by you for nineteen years, I've watched you have item after item handed to you on a silver platter, I've watched you throw away your Modeling Career, I've seen you try to kill your self , I've seen you crazy, And over all I've watched you ignore problem after fucking Problem. Through it all I've supported you but now I take a stand, Your my best friend, My sister and I love you and want to help you but I can't if you continue to Pass things by. You need to wake up and smell the fucking Coffee." I turned to the door and took two steps.

"You don't get it." I stopped at her voice and turned to her. she had tear's streaming down her face.

"What don't I get Celia? I want to help you but your so closed that it makes me want to scream."I watched her sit up and wipe her face.

"I can't help but deal with things this way, I have been forced to do it. All my life I've had things not handed but thrown at me, Because your not Biologically my family you only think it's handed to me, I stopped modeling because my manager rapped me and all of his employee's found out but heard the wrong end of the story, They all assumed that I was putting out not that I was rapped. I was sexually harassed Jesmy. Every fucking day I went in to that building, I didn't tell any one until Yesterday when Bill forced it out of me, And now I'm not sure how to trust him. I tried to kill my self because I was tired of thinking that it was my fault I was rapped. I didn't like the way people looked at me Jess it was like they thought I was some worthless piece of trash. I went crazy because Cody died on me, He didn't leave me he died in my arms, And no body helped me. I ignore my problems because every time I try to deal with them they just get worse. That's why I moved to Belgium in the first place Jesmy, I was running from my problems. Because I can't deal with them, But being with Tom and seeing how he acts under all the pressure he has made me realize I need to deal with my own problems. So when I go to Belgium I'm packing my shit and going back to California, you can have the furniture and shit, I'm only taking my cloths and stuff." I was completely shocked. At first I didn't know what to say, or if I should say anything at all.

"Celia, why didn't you tell me?" I was hurt.

"Because I was disgusted with my self, There are just some things you don't know and that I don't want you to know. Not because I don't trust you, Cause believe me I trust you with everything, It's just that I can't find a way to tell you." I nodded, That was understandable I mean that statement went both ways.

"You know it's like that for everybody." I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Then you understand it."

~Tom's Point Of View.~

As soon as I got home I had to shower, change, and get to the studio for our recording, but when I stepped inside I felt very sick and I only wanted to sleep. So I called up Vin.

"Hey Tom, Where are you?"

"I'm at home, I'm so not feeling good." I sat down on the edge of my bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel like myself. I'm sorry man, I'll make up the recording."

"Just get better we'll discuss it later."

"Thanks man, Bye."

"Bye." I tossed my phone on to the bed and starred at my laptop. Shaking my head I pulled off my shirt and dropped it in the dirty waste basket on my way to the bathroom. I kicked off my shoes in the closet and went to the living room where I sat down in front of the TV and flipped through the channels, Before I knew it I was dozing off.


I woke with a start at the sound of knocking, at first I wasn't going to answer it but it kept getting louder so I lazily walked to the door.

"I'm Coming!" I yelled from the halfway point and the knocking got faster.

"Shut Up I'm Coming!" I yelled again now at the door, I unlocked it and opened it slowly.

"Hey Tami, What are you, um, yeah." I didn't know what exactly to say, But apparently I didn't have to say much. She covered my mouth and pushed me back. I raised an eyebrow at her as she shut the door. I kinda laughed when she sat me down on the sofa and pulled a bottle of Vodka out of her bag with a two liter of coke.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have a few drinks and play some video games." I shrugged and watched as she went to get two cups and then returned to make the drinks.

"Sure, What's the occasion?" I smiled taking my cup and sitting back.

"Starting over." She smiled and I could hear a double meaning in her voice. We tapped cups and the drinking and games began. There was laughing and joking but still a lot of silence between the games and drinks, I trusted Tami but to an extent. I'd never actually be completely drunk with her around, She was really pretty and really funny so I knew that if I was completely drunk I'd end up doing some thing wrong, Even though she always assured me she wouldn't let it happen I couldn't take the chances.


I stood up to go to the bathroom and the alcohol hit me all at once. I sat back down laughing with Tami about my facial expression and then tried again. I stumbled in to my room and to my bathroom, I hadn't realized I wasn't wearing a shirt. After relieving myself I went to return to Tami but I stopped in the entrance way of the closet to lean against the door way. I felt really alone and tired, I wished some one was here. I went to my bed and laid down to stare at the ceiling, The silence filling my ears and causing my eyelids to droop. I heard a door open and some low sound but I assumed it was Tami leaving and I let my self fall into a deeper state. I felt some movement on the edge of the bed and I turned my head and slightly opened my eyes to see light brown hair and pale white skin, I closed my eyes again and there was a slight pressure on my waist now. I could feel smooth lips on my chest and then they were against mine, Curving with my own, They were sweet and she smelled so good. Her lips left mine and her breath danced across my cheek.

"Tom." The voice was familiar and I felt bad, Her name came to mind and it tasted like acid in my throat. My Heart and mind seemed to shut down even though they were screaming no at me, And my body took over as it screamed yes. I couldn't stop my self from taking her shirt off and kissing her again.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I rolled over for the thousandth time and couldn't fall asleep. I was tired but I couldn't sleep, It was two thirty in the morning I should of been asleep hours ago. I threw the covers back and sat up pulling my hair away from my face. I felt an emptiness inside of me, and a pain in my heart. I glanced over to the empty bed and stood up. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my Keys and hair clip. My phone buzzed on the night stand I glanced quickly at the screen.
I'm sorry for being a bitch to you and pushing you like that. Your my best friend and I love you. My intentions were only to see you happy, Forgive me? please. Love Jess!I smiled and tossed the phone on to my empty bed. She was at Georg's tonight and Rosaline was here. I quietly walked to the front door and then to my car. Once I was turning down to the main road I had an idea of where I was going, But I didn't know if he was awake.
Rosaline lived fairly close to Danube and I enjoyed that very much. In the silence I started to wonder if I was really going to go back to Cali. I missed my family a lot, but I knew I loved Tom and I didn't know if I could leave him here. Can I even tell Tom how I feel, No... Never. He's my temporary boyfriend I'm taking this minute by minute. Once I'm gone he'll be back to his one night stand schedule and I'll be back to my 'perfectly famous' life.
I had one good guess as to which door was his and I walked over to the elevator and up to the fourth floor. The wait was longer than usual and I was glad to hear the ding and see the doors open. I stepped out and headed across the hall to 483, before I knocked I drew in a breath and clipped my hair back. Knock Knock Knock!I waited and heard nothing so I turned around to head back down stairs.

"Hullo?" I turned back around to face him.

"I'm sorry Bill." I could feel the tears in my eyes. Bill was standing in his door way in pajama pants and a black Ecko limited Tee shirt his hair a complete mess. I watched him rub his face and smooth back his hair.

"What are you doing here at three in the morning?" I gave a half smile and looked to the floor.

"I really need to talk to some one." I heard him yawn and I glanced up at him.

"Alright come inside." I walked past him and stood in the dark till he flipped on the light.

"I'm sorry it's so early but Jess is at Georg's and I can't talk to any one else about this." I sat down on the couch and took of my sandals so I could cross my legs. Bill's sofa was white and really comfortable, It practically ate me when I leaned back. Bill took a seat next to me and rubbed his face again.

"Don't worry about it, It's not like I was really asleep any way." He laughed lightly and I joined him.

"Yeah cause what rock star sleeps at three in the morning." We smiled and laughed for a bit.

"Right, that's what I keep telling people but no one listens." I laughed and brushed back a stray strand of my hair.

"Celia I'm really sorry about being an ass to you. I know the pressure and the drama that comes with being Famous or a star. I deal with it every day because it's my job and I guess I got a little ticked off that you walked away from it but I understand now why you did it, and I would of to, that is if I were a girl." I sorta laughed at him and looked down at my hands again.

"I was eight teen and my whole life was pretty much planned out for me and then Cody died. I didn't know which way was up and which way was down, I couldn't take one step in to the public with out being bombarded by the press and their questions. I just wanted some one to help me, Jess was out with you guys on some tour, My mom was in the Bahama's and my dad was traveling to set up new offices. I didn't have any one to turn to and that's what hurt the most, You know. Family is supposed to always be there for you but when your famous it's some how automatically different.

My manager told me he was always going to be there for me and because I was so vulnerable I believed him." I reached up and wiped away a falling tear, I was still watching my hands and they were shaking. "I thought that maybe he was the all around nice guy but one night I was late leaving the office after a photo shoot and he called me up to his office.

I thought he wanted to talk to me about something so I went with out questions but when I got there I couldn't run. I struggled, kicked, and screamed but he wouldn't stop. Then after he tossed his key at me and told me to lock up when I left." I clenched my hands together to keep them from shaking, I didn't know what Bill looked like at this point, I only knew I looked pretty bad cause I was crying. " When I came in the next day I tried to avoid him all day, But I still had his key so when I went to give it to him he told me ' I had fun last night, Let's do it again some time.'

I wanted to kick him in the nuts but I simply walked away. Within a week every male in the building knew that he'd slept with me not that he rapped me. Every one hit on me and harassed me, I avoided going in to the building at all costs. I started going to therapy privately I was finally okay with everything then on my nineteenth birthday my manager gave me his key and said ' See you at nine.' By this time I had been way over everything.

Jess came back, My mom was in Japan, But my dad was there, I didn't tell any body what had happened. I packed my bags, Told Jess to pack, bought a plane ticket for Belgium where Raymond, my ex boyfriend, was living, had my dad buy me a car and an apartment, and then I went to my manager at eight thirty threw his key at him and told him I was going on vacation and I didn't know when I'd be back." I wiped my face and Bill locked me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry honey. " I hugged him back and despite my efforts I started to cry.

"I just wish it didn't happen. Everyday things just got worse, and no one was there to really help me." He started to rub my back.

"Why didn't you tell any one?" Through my tears I managed part of a sentence.

"I didn't know how to..." I didn't even understand the last part of that so I was very sure Bill didn't. We sat there in silence while I cried and he comforted me for about twenty minutes. The entire time I found my self as comfortable with Bill as I was with Jess. I'm sure it was because Bill is like a brother and Jess like a sister, Though it's like that it sorta felt reversed. Jess would do the brotherly thing and beat the crap out of the guy and Bill would do the sisterly thing and comfort me, or they would do both. I sat back and wiped my face, Bill seemed completely okay with the fact that the shoulder of his shirt was soaked.

"Bill... I have to tell you something." I stuttered through that and I knew the next few sentences would be harder to say.

"Anything, I'm here to listen. You're like my little sister that I unfortunately never got." I laughed at that with him.

"Please don't tell any one what I'm going to tell you, I want it to be just between us until I figure everything out." I sniffled and pushed the stray hair back.

"Oh God your an Axe murderer wanted in every part of the world, I knew it." I laughed with him.

"Yes. How'd you know?"

"Instinct." We laughed again.

"No but really Bill, I like your brother a lot. He's funny, and random, He's sweet. He's a lot of things and I'm falling in love with him." I looked down for that last part and I heard Bill gasp.

"No way!" I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"How'd you know?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sweet heart. I know my brother, and I know he doesn't just call out of a recording because he doesn't feel like him self. That boy would come in for work while he's on his death bed. The way you look at him is the same way I look at Rosaline. You move with him, If he so much as twitches your adjusting your self to fit with him. I'm way to observant to miss anything about you two. Darling your the first girl besides Jess or Rosaline to take his cloths, And to spend more than a day with him after sleeping together. Yeah I know you two have done it." I looked down blushing.

"I was drunk." I mumbled.

"It's okay. Tom's got a way with girls, He's the complete opposite of me yet he's exactly like me." I looked up at him.

"Bill, I know you two are Identical twins and everything but isn't he like ten minutes older than you?" Bill rolled his eyes.

"Dork. He's always holding that against me. It's ten freaking minutes it's not like he's an entire year older." I laughed.

"So that means Your just like him." I taunted him.

"I will hurt you." I stopped immediately.

"I don't know what to do though. I can't stay here forever, I have to go home...I have to go to California."

"If it's meant to be, It'll find a way to happen." I was seriously beginning to think Bill was reading this from a script.

"Don't tell any one though and Don't let me hurt him." I held out my hand to Bill and he took it and pulled me in to his embrace.

"I'd have to kill you if you did." I laughed at his joke, At least I hoped it was a joke.


~Tom's Point Of View.~

I slowly woke up, My head pounding and my heart aching. I rolled over expecting my bed to be empty and reached out for another pillow to cover my head. My hand touched a warm surface and I looked over to see Katie sleeping comfortably in my bed. I starred at her for a few moments before I jumped out of bed and put on my pants, I felt completely disgusted with my self as I gathered her cloths. I dropped them on top of her and she woke up, slowly sitting up and holding the sheet to her chest.

"Tom, Baby, You okay?" I starred at her in disbelief and stood on the other side of the room.

"No, and don't call me that?" I shuddered at the thought of being her boyfriend again.

"What's wrong?" She hooked her bra and let the sheets fall.

"You, Your in my bed, Naked." I slid down the wall piecing together my mistake.

"Yeah, Don't you remember last night?" I looked at her through my hands, trying to remember and coming up empty handed.

"No." She slid her shirt over her head and scooted off the bed.

"I came over yesterday, I needed to talk to you so we shared a few drinks, Played X-box and then we came in here and we..." I held up my hand and groaned.

"Don't say it." I stood up and she came towards me after buckling her belt.

"I had fun." She smiled seductively at me and I could hear double meaning in her voice, I shoved her away and pointed to the door.

"Get Out! Don't come back, I told you it was over and I didn't want to see you again, I meant it." I watched her look to the ground and then slowly leave after a few moments. As soon as I heard the door close I ripped the bedding off my bed and went to the laundry room, I poured twice as much detergent in and slammed the lid. After starting it I went to the living room and cleaned up the games, and threw the cups and bottles away.

I didn't want any sign of her presence lingering here. I sat on the couch with my head in my hands and I spotted a piece of paper on the floor, my name printed neatly on it. I picked it up and unfolded it to read Tami's neat hand writing. I'm so sorry Tom, I had no choice. Katie threatened my job and I can't lose my Job I need it to support my little sister. I never meant for any of this to happen, your my best friend... I hope you can forgive me. Tami.
gritted my teeth and crumpled the note in my hands before taking it to the kitchen and throwing it in the trash. I need to talk to Bill, Shower First...I can still feel her on me, I can smell her. Oh God! Shower!I screamed in my head before storming off to my shower.

~Regular Point Of View.~

When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was. I sat up and pulled my hair back again but I couldn't find my hair clip. I stuck my hand in the couch searching for it and then looked on the floor. Reaching under the couch my fingers fumbled over it and as I was about to grab it I slipped off the couch and fell to the floor with a thud.

"Ow!" I rubbed my shoulder that hit the edge of the coffee table, I couldn't get up just yet so I reached out and grabbed my hair clip. I was tangled up in a blanket and couldn't get out to top it all off, So I struggled and fought my way out with no remorse for the things around me but at last I was still tangled and I let out a scream of frustration.

"You know it's funny to watch you suffer." I lifted my head up to see Bill leaning over the back of the couch with Tom standing next to him trying not to laugh. I dropped my head to the floor not thinking about the pain it might cause and covered my eyes.

"Ow." I whimpered " Your all plotting against me." I dropped my arms and Tom came around the couch to me and grabbed the end of the blanket, I knew exactly what he was going to do and I started to shake my head.

"Don't do it!" I screamed but he was already pulling me and the blanket out from between the couch and table. I crossed my arms over my chest completely unamused by his attempts.

"Hey at least now you wont get hurt trying to get out of this monstrous blanket." He made a serious face and I stuck out my tongue.

"Not funny Kaulitz." Bill walked over and leaned over my head smiling.

"On the contrary it's very funny." He patted my head and went to the kitchen with Tom. I debated on my situation and looked down at the blanket, It was wrapped around my ankle to my left thigh and then my waist. I searched for the end and with much success I released my self from the blanket.

"Tom!" I yelled standing up and holding the blanket open, He stepped through the entry way and I smiled evilly.

"Oh no." He shook his head backing towards Bill's bedroom door.

"Oh yes." I chased him in to the room. Bill followed with his cup of coffee and watched humored by the whole thing. I had Tom in the corner by the closet with no where to go but around me. I stepped forward and he ran for my right, just when he thought he was clear I tackled him to the floor and smothered him with the 'Monstrous' blanket. I tied it around his arm and then through his legs before tying both ends together and sitting on top of him smiling triumphantly.

"Why me?" He struggled beneath me.

"Because the Monstrous blanket told me to." I smiled and kissed his cheek before running to hide behind Bill, We watched him tangle himself further in to the blanket and laughed.

"Bill Me and you should hang out today." We left Tom struggling on the floor to sit on the couch.

"I have to go in to the studio, You can come with I'm sure we'll only be there for a couple hours. Me and you could go get some lunch and hang out afterwords though." I nodded glancing at the clock on the wall to see it only read eight in the morning.

"Can I drive?" Bill glanced over at me and then towards his room where we could hear Tom still struggling and then back to me.

"Rosaline has my car, and Tom's a little tied up so it looks like your the only other option unless I want to listen to Georg and Jess talk about last night or something worse." I took his coffee and sipped it before handing it back.

"What about Gustav?" I watched him swirl his coffee and shrug.

"Vanessa is flying in today and he's going to get her." I furrowed my eye brows.

"Where was she?" Bill smiled and handed me his cup I shook my head.

"She was in Italy visiting her family." I made an 'o' with my mouth and took his cup again. Bill shook his head and rolled his pretty brown eyes at me.

"I Hate You Celia!" We glanced towards the door and started laughing.

"Love You To Tom!" I called back, Bill took his cup smiling and I shook my head. "Joking." He nodded once.

"Sure." He drank the last of his coffee.

"I'll Kill You!" Tom called out and Bill and I laughed.

"Sure You Will!" We called back to him.

"Shut Up Bill!" We started laughing again and I realized that Tom may never get out of that blanket. I got off the couch and went to him. He was on his stomach now trying to inch towards the door so I sat on his back and took off his hat then put it on my head. I reached in to his back pocket and pulled out his wallet and tucked it in to my bra. I leaned down to kiss his cheek, but as I was he rolled over and broke free of the blanket. I fell over and he climbed on top of me, pinning my arms and smiled at me.

"As good as you look in my hat, I look better." He released one of my arms and I grabbed his wrist as he went to take the hat.

"Are you sure cause I like when your hair is free." I smiled and let go of his arm. As he reached for the hat I reached for his hair and pulled him to me locking him in a kiss. He let out a soft moan and I rolled over putting him on bottom and breaking the kiss.

"Your evil." He narrowed his eyes at me and I tapped his cheek twice.

"You love it." I quoted him and Kissed his cheek before taking off to the living room. Bill was still sitting on the couch so I joined him. He raised an eyebrow at me and I tipped Tom's hat at him, He made an 'o' with his mouth and went back to watching TV. I glanced at the screen and did a double take.

"Turn it up!" I yelled and Bill instantly responded.

"...Andrews was released two days ago after being admitted to the Hospital a week and a half ago. The police say she was drugged at a friends house party and she collapsed in front of the Condominium building after attempting to return to her room at the Hampton hotel. Police arrested twenty seven year old Mich Yearly for drugging the young supermodel, He was sentenced to twelve years to life in prison and charged with possession of illegal substances, Attempted murder, and Resisting arrest. This weeks forecast, and more when we return. I'm Casey Steinway with Channel seventeen news." I turned to Bill and started laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny?" Tom jumped over the back of the couch to sit between us.

"The news people are completely ridiculous." I stood up and held out a hand to Bill.

"I'll get dressed so we can leave." I pulled Bill off the couch and he went to his room, Tom held his hand out and I took it. He pulled me on to his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

"Your so cute." He winked at me and quickly kissed me.

"So are you." I kissed him back.

"Really I thought I was beautiful." I snickered and kissed him again.

"Maybe." He softly kissed my cheek down to my neck.

"Really?" He lightly bit my neck and I drew in a soft breath.

"Yes." He kissed my neck again and I couldn't help but notice how good it felt.

"Yes what?" He whispered.

"Yes you're beautiful." I laughed lightly and he kissed my neck once more before returning to my lips.

"I thought so." I rolled my eyes and tried to stand up but he had a hold of my waist.

"Tom! Let Me Go!" I started to laugh when he accidentally tickled my stomach.

"Oh, You're Ticklish!" He pulled me back and I fell on to the couch where he started to tickle me to death. It hurt to laugh but I couldn't stop.

"Tom! Stop!" I managed through my laughter.

"I'm sorry I can't understand you through all the laughing." He continued to tickle me. "What did you say?" I squirmed to get free but every time I moved it tickled even more.

"I Said Stop!" I laughed.

"Still can't understand you, You'll have to stop laughing." He tickled my sides and I felt like I was going to piss my self.

"I have to pee!" I yelled and he continued to tickle me, only faster.

"All the more reason to continue." I kicked my feet and tried to grabbed his hands but I was failing miserably.

"No!" I pushed him back and ran to the bathroom across from Bill's room, Making it just in time. After relieving myself I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. I looked like crap but Tom's hat did look good on me so I finger brushed my hair and left the bathroom.

"Tom I'm borrowing your hat today." I smiled innocently and he shook his head.

"I need that hat." I sat down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You'll get it back, Just not today." He rolled his eyes.

"You still have my cloths to, Am I ever getting those back?" I shrugged.

"Probably not, it depends." He gave me a warning look and I smiled again.

"You can borrow some of my cloths, Just not my designer jeans." He hung his head on my shoulder and shook it.

"I don't want your cloths, I want mine. You have like an entire outfit." I smiled wickedly.

"I know but I need this to." I took off his head band and jumped up before he could say anything. Bill was at the door waiting and I grabbed my keys and flip flops before running over to him.

"Quick let's go before he kills me." I held up the head band and he nodded opening the door.

"Tom lock it when you leave. You are going to the studio today right?" I waited outside for him.

"Yeah I'll see you there." Bill closed the door behind him and put on his huge sunglasses.

"Let's go." I smiled and he nodded.

"So why are you taking his hat and head band?" I tilted my head to the side and shrugged.

"I'm going to dress like Tom Kaulitz today." I bounced up and down in the elevator and he smiled.

"I have to see this." I nodded.

"Good cause we're going to Rosaline's first so I can get dressed." I pulled off Tom's hat, Removed his wallet from my bra and swung my keys around my index finger as we waited for the doors to open all the way.

“What’s that?” He pointed to Tom’s wallet and I smiled as we walked to the doors.

“Tom’s wallet.” I smiled at him and he laughed.

"Nice, So which car is yours?" He asked once we were out front and I pressed the unlock button on my key chain. The lights flashed an Bill's jaw hit the floor.

"Gorgeous, isn't she?" I swept my hand over the dark red hood of my corvette and he shut his mouth.

"Beautiful." I smiled triumphantly as he got in the passenger side. Once the door was closed and his seat belt was on I pulled out and sped off.

"Your going to kill me aren't you?" I laughed at him.

"Well I am an Axe Murderer." I glanced at him as I turned on to the main road and smiled.

"True, Very true." He seemed to relax when I went the speed limit and I smiled at that.


After I had dug out Tom's cloths and successfully managed to dress like him I brushed my teeth and put on some eye liner and then stuffed my phone, Id, Tom’s wallet and my credit card in to my pocket and slipped my sunglasses on as I went to the living room.

"Alright let' go." I smiled and Bill stood up.

"If you had Dread, A Lip ring and were taller you would be my brother, Also If I knew there were boob's under that large shirt." He laughed holding the front door open for me and then locking it behind him. I knew that Tom was going to laugh at me so I was ready to fight for the position of Tom Kaulitz today. Bill directed me to the studio and I sang to the radio as he tried not to laugh, I wasn't really singing though I was more of screaming. When we were at a red light a blue Mercedes pulled up next to us and a short blond haired girl looked over at us as we were looking at her. I smiled, blew a kiss and took off as soon as the light turned green. Bill shook his head at me trying not to laugh again but failing horribly. I parked my car next to Bill's and Georg's then looked for Tom's escalade, which wasn't there. Bill and I walked in to the building with wide smiles and laughs bubbling in our throats. I kept on my sunglasses and followed Bill to the counter, a pretty black haired girl looked up and smiled at us. I could tell she liked Bill because she reacted nervously when he smiled at her.

"Good morning Sarah. Are they in the studio or the office?" He tapped his fingers to some unknown beat and she looked down.

"The office, They're waiting on you...two?" She looked at me and I smiled.

"Yes." I did my best Tom voice and she nodded. We laughed once we were in the elevator.

"I told you If only you had dreads and a lip ring." I shrugged and we exited the elevator and went to the right. I followed Bill down the hall and to the left. We continued all the way down that hall until we hit the last door on the right. He opened it and we stepped inside, Jess was sitting under Georg's arm on a couch and Their manager was sitting on the corner of his desk. I smiled at Jess and lowered my sunglasses to wink. Georg and her tried very hard not to laugh and I sat next to her.

"Good morning gorgeous. Do you come here often? Can I buy you a drink? Will you go back to my place and spend a wonderful evening in my bed with me, Eating strawberries and sipping wine?" I imitated Tom's voice almost perfectly and Jess started to giggle.

"Of course, Any thing for you...Tom." She leaned in to me and made a kissing face at me, I looked to Bill and smiled.

"What can I say, I've got a way with the ladies." He nodded at me and their manager started to laugh.

"Vin this is Celia, Or today she's Tom. Tom this is Vin." I stood up and shook his hand.

"Hey your kinda cute, What do you say to strawberries and wine?” He laughed and shook his head.

“Maybe some other time.” I nodded.

“Suit your self, I’ve got this gorgeous lady any way.” I sat back down with Jess.

“I’m forgiven.” She gave me the puppy dog eyes and I smiled.

“I have no choice.” She nodded and we hugged. As we pulled apart Tom came through the door and stopped in his tracks.

“Dude, That’s freaky.” He gave me a once over and I stood up. Yes I was in fact shorter than him, And yes I was a female, But I was still a good impersonator.

“And who’s this?” I circled him, Looking him up and down.

“Tom.” He stated proudly.

“Really, show me some ID.” I crossed my arms, He shrugged and went to find his wallet.

“Sneaky little ass hole.” He smiled and I shook my head.

“That would be sneaky little bitch to you Impostor.” I showed him his ID and stuffed it back in to my back pocket before returning to Jess and sitting down on her lap.

“Okay fine, You’re Tom Kaulitz.” He came and sat next to Jess. I slid off her lap and in to his, He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled.

“And who are you?” He smiled back at me.

“I’m Celia Andrews, Impersonator of the way Sexy, Completely amazing, Best in bed Tom Kaulitz.” I laughed and smacked him lightly. Jess let out a gasp and every one turned to look at her.

“Nothing, Sorry.” Everyone started laughing.

“Really, Tom...I mean Celia an...impersonator?” I cleared my throat and did my Tom voice.

“That’s right, I, Mr.One night stand Tom Kaulitz, am friends with her , The completely awesome, Mega Sexy, Perfect Impersonator, Celia Andrews.” Tom looked at me and nodded.

“That was pretty good but you forgot it’s Awesome Mr.One night stand.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“What ever.” Bill cracked up laughing.

“Okay now let’s get down to business. Tom?” Vin pointed at me an Tom and we both looked at him.

“Yeah.”We stated together and Jess started to laugh but covered her mouth.

“The real Tom.” I smiled.

“Yeah Vin.” Tom looked at me and I shrugged.

“I’m the one with the license that says Tom Kaulitz.” He nodded and I looked back at Vin.

“Okay then...Celia.” Tom Smiled.

“Yeah?” Vin smiled at his success.

“We’ve got to do your guitar parts from We lock our selves in, and We need to redo 10,000 oceans. Your part came out a little to fast so we need it slower.” Tom nodded.

“What ever we don’t get done today we’ll do tomorrow after the television interview. Today it’s Georg with Bill’s vocals. Now Bill we started laying down the vocals for we lock our selves in but we didn’t finish and afterwords you guys are free to go home for the rest of the day. To-Celia I need to have a private word with you so your going Last and then you come here.” He pointed to the floor and I raised and eyebrow, Tom nodded and I stood up so he could go with Georg and Bill. Jess waited for me at the door and we walked arm in arm behind the guys.

“So are you going to be okay, with the whole manager thing?” I smiled.

“I just wish some times it was easier you know at one point it was?”

“Yeah.” She nodded quickly.

“I just kinda forgot about it until Bill made me say it.” She sighed.

“So are you going to press charges?” I shook my head and watched Tom shove Georg in to a wall and take off running, Georg followed and Bill took off last.

“Just let it be?” I nodded. Suddenly Tom ran back and headed straight for me. I stopped and when I realized he wasn’t going around I threw my back in to the wall as he zoomed past with Georg on his Tail and Bill on his. Me and Jess continued walking with our arms laced.

“They are like little kids.” I laughed seeing Tom run across a hall holding up his pants and Georg come after him, Bill right there behind them with his wild hair. Then Tom ran back the way he came and they followed, Jess and I watched laughing at this.

“I know, It’s great.” I nodded and turned to her to tell her something but we heard a thud and quickly we looked to see Tom on the ground, Georg on top of him, An Bill on top.

“Poor Tom.” I laughed and Jess shrugged.

“He deserves it.” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Why, what did he do?” She drew in a breath and I expected some long explanation.

“He always messes with Georg, plays pranks on him and stuff. When Gustav is here it’s so much worse cause even though he’s quiet he’s the most child like, Him and Tom are always running around and pushing Georg and Bill and stuff like that so Because Gustav isn’t here to distract them Tom get’s all the torture.” I nodded and looked back to where they had been. Me and Jess stopped walking and I looked at her.

“Where’d they go?” She took three steps towards the wall and smiled.

“You’ll see in like thirty seconds.” She leaned against the wall and Rosaline came walking up, She looked at Jess and nodded.

“Ninja wars?” Rosaline raised an eyebrow.

“Yep.” Jess popped her lips on the P and Rosaline leaned against the wall to, Suddenly I felt like my life was on the line. Jess and Rosaline looked at each other and then to me and gave me a quick wave.

“What-!” I was thrown over Georg’s shoulder as he was running. Behind him I could see Jess and Rosaline Laughing and Tom and Bill chasing him. I let out a scream for my life and he swooped around a corner so fast I almost hit the wall.

“Tom!” I yelled and he smiled and took a sharp left as Bill took a right.

“Some Body Help!” I yelled and Georg started laughing, But he stopped instantly and went to turn around. When he was heading the other Direction I saw why, Tom had taken a short cut. Suddenly Georg stopped and turned around but Tom was already there, Bill on the other side.

“Cornered Listings what’s your next move?” Tom’s voice was very low and he was out of breath, Georg started laughing and opened a door, Slammed it behind him, and went out the other side. He was running again and I felt very sick, We passed Jess and Rosaline who were on the floor laughing.

“Jess!” I called reaching out to her but she laughed harder. Georg took a left and came to an abrupt stop.

“Drop her!” Bill’s voice was triumphant.

“Okay.” Georg let me fall to the floor and I let out a scream. I looked up at him with a hateful look on my face and smiled.

“You have three seconds to run for your life.” I spat through gritted teeth and He turned around and took off, I stood up and chased him. Running past Jess and Rosaline who looked completely shocked now, And then Past Tom who was leaning against a wall smiling. I looked back to see him following me, I started to run faster. Suddenly I was right next to Georg, We both looked back at the same time and then to each other.

“I Only Have To Out Run You!” I laughed taking off full speed and cutting in front of him to take a left.

“No!” Georg yelled and there was a low thud. I stopped and looked back around the corner to see Tom sitting on top of Georg smiling.

“I win Sir Listings.” I laughed to my self and turned around to run in to Bill and fall flat on my ass.

“Shit?” I looked up at him and smiled innocently, He started laughing and lent his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up.

“You can either take my side or die with Tom and Georg.” I thought about that for a second and nodded.

“I’m with you. Can we get Jess and Rosaline to?” He started to laugh.

“You have a lot to learn about ninja wars.” I smiled evilly with him and we walked down the hall and in to a room. I peeked through the window to see Jess and Rosaline’s back towards the door.

“I’ll open the door you pull them in.” I whispered and he nodded. I counted to three with my fingers and pulled the door open, Bill pulled the girls in with a loud shriek and I shut the door.

“Join or Die.” Bill stated in a triumphant way. Rosaline took out her phone and looked at the screen.

“Join.” Jess Smiled and I nodded.

“Sorry Guys But I’m already on a team.” Rosaline smiled and Bill, Jess, and I glanced to one another before the door swung open and Gustav stepped through with the girl I’m assuming to be Vanessa.

“Very well Love, It’s war. Twenty second run for Team green.” I didn’t know what that meant but I’m assuming it meant Bill’s team get’s twenty seconds to run. We took off out the door running in opposite directions, I went to the left and found my self with my back against a wall hiding from Tom. I was slowly backing down the hall when I bumped in to some one and it scared the shit out of me so I screamed, Apparently it scared the shit out of Jess to because she screamed as well. I knew it had attracted Tom’s attention so I turned around to see where he was but he was gone, I turned back to Jess and she was taking off down the hall.

“Okay then.” I whispered to my self an turned the way I had originally wanted to go before I saw Tom. Every door I passed I had a feeling would open and some one would pull me in so I started to walk faster, and faster, and then I was running. I quickly turned down the closest hall on my right and continued running, I ran so fast I could feel my lungs expanding to their max and my heart beating so fast it was pounding against my ribs. I looked behind me as I ran and I thought I saw some one chasing me but when I blinked no one was there. Talk about horror movie scenes.When I looked back all I saw was a hand reaching out for me and the next thing I knew I was standing in the dark with some ones arms around me listening to my screaming echo fade, I was suddenly so scared I could barely stand. The persons breath was on my neck, it was cold and it danced across my skin. I was breathing so hard it hurt, and I had my eyes closed until I started to see My managers face then I opened my eyes and I could feel a tear run down my cheek. My entire frame started to shake, I was panicking.

“Celia.” I couldn’t recognize the voice but it was at my ear. Like a bullet Fired I ripped free from the arms and took off out the door, I could feel the tears stinging my eyes and it was harder to breathe. A pair of arms wrapped around me and I started to kick and scream.

“Stop It!” I thrashed and fell back. I curled up in a ball on the floor, shaking, crying, and scared. Some one’s arms picked me up and held me.

“He and it just, I was trying, I couldn’t, it came out of no where and I panicked.” I managed through my sobs.

“Celia it’s okay.” It was Bills voice at my ear and I suddenly felt very calm.

“Hey Bill!” It was Georg’s voice, I quickly stood up and took off the way I came.

“Sorry!” I called behind me, Once I was around the corner I felt like some one was watching me. I looked around me, ready to face my issue but no one was there. I saw Tom backing up towards me, obviously hiding from some one, I went to the nearest door, opened it, Grabbed Tom by the shirt and pulled him in to the room. Once the door was shut I turned to Tom in the dark.

“What the Hell?” I smiled to my self, he was confused. I reached out and grabbed his shirt, tugging lightly.

“Come here.” I whispered and I lightly kissed his neck, his cheek, and then his lips. My body crashed in to his and I was suddenly ready to go, all fear forgotten. I deepened the kiss and locked one hand in to his dreads and the other remained on his neck. I pulled his head back by his hair and kissed down his neck, Biting twice. Tom moaned softly and I let go of his hair and neck and pulled his shirt till my back hit the wall. I was really in to the kiss until my phone rang.

“Hullo?” I answered sighing as Tom's head rested on my shoulder.

“Hey where are you?” I quickly brought up an excuse.

“I’m in the bathroom.” Tom kissed my neck lightly, His hands on my waist.

“Really I was just there looking for you?” I tilted my head to the side to let Tom continue kissing me.

“Uh huh, I was I just left. I’m down at my car getting my jacket.” I smiled and Tom lightly bit my neck, I drew in a sharp breath.

“Have you seen Tom?” I almost laughed.

“No.” I looked at him and his lips came down on mine.

“Okay well bye then.” Tom deepened the kiss.

“Mmhm.” I hung up and stuffed the phone in my pocket before grabbing Tom by the neck. We stumbled around for a bit kissing and then we stopped when my lower back hit some kind of table and Tom lifted me to sit on it. It was very uncomfortable but I wasn't in any condition to say anything about it. Tom and I continued to kiss in a heated moment and then he stopped all to suddenly.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

When I was pulled in to a room I was going to run for it but then I heard Celia's voice.

“Come here.” She whispered and lightly kissed my neck, cheek, and then my lips. Her body crashed in to mine and I was suddenly feeling worse than I did when I woke up. She deepened the kiss and locked one hand in to my dreads and the other remained on my neck. She pulled my head back by my hair and kissed down my neck, Biting twice. I moaned softly and she let go of my hair an neck and pulled my shirt till she softly bumped in to the wall. I kept seeing Katie behind my closed eyes and then her phone rang.

“Hullo?” She answered sighing and I rested my head on her shoulder.

“I’m in the bathroom.” I kissed her neck lightly, My hands on her waist, trying to forget Katie. She tilted her head to the side to let me continue to kiss her neck softly, My eyes open in fear of seeing Katie.

“Uh huh, I was I just left. I’m down at my car getting my jacket.” She sounded like she was smiling and I lightly bit her neck, she drew in a sharp breath. I made the mistake of letting my eyes close and I pulled away from her neck and opened my eyes quickly.

“No.” I brought my lips to hers and immediately deepened the kiss.

“Mmhm.” She hung up and stuffed the phone in her pocket before grabbing me by the neck. I pulled her away from the wall and we stumbled around for a bit kissing and then stopped when I felt her back hit the control table for the sound booth and I lifted Her to sit on it, Knowing it would be slightly uncomfortable. I continued to kiss her and I had forgotten about Katie, I could only see Celia behind my closed lids. Then I heard Katie calling me a Cheater and laughing, I pulled away from Celia suddenly and walked towards the door but I couldn't bring my self to leave so I stood against the wall. The soft thud of her shoes momentarily filled the room and after a few moments her hand found my arm and she pulled me to her, I instantly locked her in a hug and prayed she'd forgive me. The door opened and I stepped back from her instantly as a reaction. I looked to Rosaline's frame in the door and covered Celia's mouth.

"Tom?" I cleared my throat.

"Yeah." I could hear the pain in my own voice and I cleared it again.

"They need you in the studio." She stepped from the door way and I turned to Celia and looked at the ground. I walked out with out kissing her and followed Rosaline, She stopped and waited then continued.

"What were you doing in there in the dark?" I shrugged.

"Thinking, I've got a headache." I suddenly remembered I hadn't taken anything for my hangover this morning.

"What were you thinking about?" I shrugged going in to the sound booth and leaving the question unanswered and lingering in the air between us, I couldn't tell her what had happened even if we were related by blood.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I waited a few minutes and then left the room, Tom was acting weird and I knew something had happened or he had something to say and didn't want to say it. I headed for the elevator and took off his hat and headband once the doors had opened on the first floor I walked to the corner and stopped short when I heard Tom's name.

"I have his house key and I promised I would bring it back to him after I left." I didn't know that voice so I peeked around the corner, Tami stood with a light brunette girl who was naturally very pretty.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you up unless you have an appointment or your family." Sarah was determined to keep her down stairs.

"I don't think you understand who I am, I'm Katie, Tom's girlfriend." She was leaning over the desk and glaring at Sarah who coward in her presence.

"Fifth floor, Studio eight." Katie stood back and smiled, I watched Sarah relax and then quickly turned towards the elevator and pressed the button, The doors opened as soon as Katie and Tami were next to me. I stepped in with them and pressed the number five on the keypad. I stood in the corner trying to hide my face, listening to them.

"I feel horrible about this Katie." Tami sounded weak and frail, I felt bad for her.

"Yeah well, it's already done so just shut up and go with it." I couldn't stand Katie's voice, it was to soft for me to like.

"He probably hates me." Tami whimpered and I felt bad for her again.

"He doesn't even remember you were there last night, All he knows is that I showed up, we talked, drank, played games and then slept together." I twitched at that and it took everything in me to not hit her.

"But only part of that is true." Tami stated as they left the elevator, I followed at a distance and continued to listen.

"So, look if you don't want to see him stand out side and wait for me, I'm just going to give him the key you swiped from him last night." Tami nodded and stood out side, I went up to the window for studio eight and watched Tom play guitar. He was completely oblivious to the world around him, Everyone was starring at Katie like she'd just stripped down in front of them and started to do the cha cha.

"You know TH?" I looked over at Tami not really hearing her at first and then it processed.

"Yeah I'm good friends with Bill and them." I didn't directly include Tom, Tami nodded and I looked back to see Tom sitting down on the stool and pulling his head phones off, He looked stunned.

"I used to be Tom's best friend." She stated and I shrugged looking over at her.

"Why do you say that?" She sighed.

"I was forced to do something I didn't want to, and he probably hates me now." She shook her head and I wondered what was so horrible.

"Well It'll work it's self out." I looked back to the window to see Tom taking the key and Katie whispering in his ear. I looked back to Tami and she was watching as well.

"I hope so." I looked back to see Tom and Katie kissing and I starred for a quick moment and then looked to the floor. Anger filling me more than pain and sadness, and I quickly decided it was time to end this vacation. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Bill and Tom starring at me.

"Come on Tami let's go." Katie's voice was triumphant and I waved to Tami as she said goodbye with out looking away from Tom. I stood there for a minute completely angered and then I walked to the door and stood in the door way not wanting to be in the same space as Tom.

"Bill can you leave yet?" He nodded as I avoided Tom's eyes.

"Bye babe, I'll be home later, Love you." He Bent down and kissed Rosaline lightly. I glanced at Tom as he was standing up and I shook my head as my eyes filled with tears.

"Love you to, Have fun." Rosaline laughed and I walked off.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I was playing completely lost in the music, I'd forgotten about Katie and focused only on the strings I had to play. I looked up when I heard the music stop and saw Katie stepping in to the sound booth, I slowly sat down and pulled the headphones back.

"I came by to return your key." She reached in to her back pocket and pulled it out, I was confused.

"Where did you get it from?" I starred at her, not yet sure of taking the key.

"You gave it to me last night before we stopped playing games and went to your room." She huffed and I took the key.

"Right...I don't think I gave it to you." I turned the key in my fingers examining it.

"Well you did, you told me to come by when ever, But after this morning I really think it's best if we stop seeing each other. If we have to sneak around I don't want to be with you." I looked at her like she was completely crazy.

"What are you talking about?" I tucked the key into my pocket.

"You know what I mean Tom." She stepped closer, I couldn't feel angry because the music had erased all guard I had originally had.

"No, I don't." She leaned in to my ear, I flinched slightly at first but I was taken back by her sweet smell.

"I'm sorta apologizing for last night." She stepped back and I nodded, I focused on not thinking about it and then she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine, I froze for a moment and then pushed her back lightly.

"Leave me alone, Katie." I shook my head and as she left I looked out to tell Vin to continue and saw Celia standing there. She looked extremely pissed and hurt, I couldn't move, I watched her wave to some one and then come inside and talk to Bill. She avoided my eye contact till Bill was out the door and when she did look at me and I stood up she shook her head, I noticed the tears in her eyes and I sat back down. I was completely furious with my self for letting this happen to me. When they were gone, I put on my headphones and nodded to Vin. I started to play again but I couldn't shake the anger. I started to pace, but when I reached the back of the booth I couldn't turn around. I fell to my knee's and stopped playing, I rubbed my face and noticed I had a tear falling from my eye, I wiped it away.

"Tom, you okay?" Vin's voice filled the room and I raised my hand and stood up.Suddenly my anger seemed to take over and I ripped off the head phones and my hat, And threw them to the ground, Then Tossed my guitar to the floor as it slightly bounced off the wall the neck snapped in half. I turned around and picked up my hat before storming off.

~Regular Point Of View.~

We made it down stairs in time to see Tami and Katie driving off. I glared at them wishing they'd rot in hell and then got in to my car with Bill and threw Tom's hat, Head band, and Wallet in to the back seat. I started the car and turned on the Ac an the music. I looked up to see Tom at my window, I ignored him quiet easily thanks to the music and closed windows. I set my phone, Id, and credit card in to the center console and looked at Bill,

"Talk to him." Bill stated and I looked at him and reached in the back seat.

"Fine." I said with so much anger I saw Bill flinch. I opened my door hitting Tom in the shin and slammed it behind me. Tom stepped back slightly.

"Take your hat, head Band, Wallet, Shirt, and pants." I dropped his pants and kicked them at him, Good thing I decided to wear shorts underneath and a wife beater. I shook my head at him slightly and I could feel the tears coming.

"Celia I know what it looks like and it's not like that, I swear." I wanted to believe him but I'd seen it in front of me, I heard it.

"Oh, So you didn't sleep with her, And she didn't just kiss you. Wow I must be fucking blind!" I stood ready to hit him if he stepped any closer. I was through being hurt by guys, I was over their lies, they were all the same.

"I don't know what happened last night, All I know is Tami and Katie set me up. I didn't mean to sleep with her." He was slightly yelling at me.

"Were you even going to tell me you slept with her?" I spat at him.

"No. Yes. Sorta." I flung my arms in the air and let them comes down loosely.

"What the hell does that mean Tom?" He set his cloths on the hood of his escalade and stepped towards me, I raised my fist and he stepped back.

"It means I wasn't going to tell you until I knew exactly what happened." He rubbed his face and I turned to my car, and then back to him.

"I know what happened, You got drunk and you fucked your ex girlfriend. You know I thought that maybe you were different from every one, That maybe with you I wouldn't get hurt and in the end I did. You proved to me that your just like every guy I've dated. You lie, Cheat, and hurt me." I huffed and smoothed back my hair.

"What about Cody?" He spat with pure anger and I scoffed holding up my index finger at him.

"Don't you dare bring him in to this, He was different, I loved him. He didn't have a choice but to die, He didn't cheat or lie." Tom pushed my hand down and I glared at him.

"He still hurt you. In the end he was just like everyone else, I'm starting to believe you do this to your self." He crossed his arms, I tensed up and I could feel the instinct bubbling in my stomach.

"Yep, I do it to my self, You know me so well Tom. You know what maybe your perfect for me, Maybe Jess is right. You are the perfect match for me cause you love to fuck and leave, To hurt girls, Have you ever thought about the reputation your building for you self. It says 'Man Whore!' in big black Letters over your Head. " Tom laughed.

"At least I have the ability to Keep a Reputation, You can't even keep a career." I stepped back slightly,

"What?" It's not that I didn't understand him, It's that it came out of no where.

"Your a Lost Model, Celia, You walked away and Failed miserably at the easiest thing in the world. Guy's Don't Like Failures, Maybe That's Why they Can't Just Be With You, Your A Failure." I gritted my teeth as he threw that in my face and I took a step forward.

"I'm not a lost model, I didn't fail, I walked away because my manager Rapped me, Not because I couldn't stand in front of a fucking Camera you ass hole. God Your so pathetic, I don't know why I'm wasting my breath on you, It's over." I turned and opened my door.

" Your manager Rapped you?" I turned to Tom and stopped halfway in to the car.

"Yeah, You happy now, You officially know why the Amazing Lost Model walked away from her Complicated Life, You know exactly what keeps me awake at night. Congratulations Ass Hole!" I slammed the door and pulled out, I created a cloud of smoke from my tires as I went from Reverse to Drive with out breaking.

"Maybe you shouldn't of talked to him." Bill stated when we were at a red light, I looked over at him and sniffled.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter any way." I'd made my decision then on my future.

"What do you mean, Of course it matters." I shook my head and started to drive.

"No it doesn't, I'm leaving tonight to go back to Belgium." I pulled in to the parking lot of a make shift Denny's and turned off the car.

"Why, Because of Tom?" He turned towards me and I shook my head.

"Bill I can't take being hurt any more, Your brother has just pushed me off the edge. I need to go home, I'm finally running for my daddy." I wiped away a stray tear.

"It doesn't work. Running away from the problem. I tried to do it when I found out that Rosaline had slept with Tom, I went home to my parents house. I couldn't stop thinking about her though, She was everywhere. Your not going to be able to forget him, You love him." I shook my head.
