Yelling Obscenities at You!

Break Away.

I finished my day with Bill successfully. We didn't talk about me leaving or the whole Tom situation, instead we shared bits of our past and I found it quiet easy to say I was just like Bill. But like all good things they come to an end, I had dropped Bill off at his condo and then drove to Rosaline's around seven thirty. When I came in the door I found Jess, Georg, Rosaline, Gustav, Vanessa I assumed, and Tom sitting in the living room. I nodded to them and went straight back to my room, I began to fold my cloths slowly. Taking them out one by one and laying them on the bed as I folded them. I didn't want to think about really saying good bye to everyone, I'd already said bye to Bill and I cried on my way here, I could only imagine how hard it'd be to say to them. I put my cloths in my suitcase neatly, And gathered the things I had scattered around the room.
I was putting away the note book I had brought for writing in case I couldn't sleep at night when I felt like some one was watching me, I looked up to see Rosaline and Tom standing in the door way. Her arms folded over her chest, Her eyes cutting me like they knew I wasn't going to really say good bye. Tom was starring off in the opposite direction looking really uncomfortable. I zipped up my bag and looked at her with nothing else to really do.

"You're leaving?" She sounded hurt and I shrugged.

"Yeah, I think it's time for me to go back to California." I sat down on the bed and she shook her head.

"Is it cause of Tom?" I shook my head.

"No, I know I don't belong here." I stood up again and she smiled and wrapped me in a hug.

"I wish you weren't gonna leave, I'll miss you. I mean I know I don't really know you but you feel like my sister." I hugged her back feeling very bad that I was doing this even if I wanted to. I stepped back from her and smiled.

"I'll call." I promised and she nodded, She went to the door and turned to Tom, Pushing him harshly in to the room and shutting the door. I quickly busied myself with making the bed. Tom stood awkwardly by the door.

"Celia...Can we talk about this?" His voice sounded a little irritated. I shrugged, There was nothing to talk about.

"No we can't." I knew my harshness was unnecessary but I couldn't help it, I was in survival mode and that meant I was willing to do what ever it took to stay in my safe zone.

"Fine then just listen. " I ignored his hostility, and the burn in my heart to take him in my arms and tell him it's fine.

"Fine." I sat down on the bed again and played with my fingers,

"Celia it didn't happen like you think it did, Tami came over and we had a few drinks, I went to the bathroom and ended up passing out on my bed, When I woke up Katie was in my bed naked and I was flipping out. I swear on my brothers life that I would never intentionally hurt you in any way. I don't know why but for some reason you're really important to me, I feel like with out you I'm going to die." He knelt down in front of me and took my hands in his searching for my face, I couldn't look at him because of the tears in my eyes.

"Celia please look at me." I shook my head but I looked at him any way. His eyes held a look of severe pain and I blinked unwillingly, A few tears slipped from my eyes.

"Tom I want to believe you so badly, I want to trust you but I don't know if I can. I hurt so bad right now, I think it's best for me to go back." We sat there in silence for a few long moments and I didn't realize we were getting closer until I glanced down at his lips and closed my eyes when they softly pressed against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss, I loved when he did this. He pulled away and touched his forehead to mine. He mumbled something under his breath in German and I didn't understand it,
Then he stood up and went to the door in a frustrated manor. I wiped away my tears and slowly stood up, I picked up my bag and walked out to my car. I stuffed it in the trunk and shut it, I knew I was forgetting something so I went back in and towards the bathroom, I smiled taking my toiletries and putting them in their own bag. I was putting my conditioner in the bag when I noticed Jess' hand holding out my shampoo. I smiled and stuffed it in the bag, I stood up zipping it and watched her wipe away a tear.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you left with out me, But I guess it's all good." I nodded at her and wrapped her in a hug.

"Jess you know I love you and I will miss you like crazy, I've just got to handle my life before I can live another one. I'll call you when ever I get the chance." She squeezed me tighter and then we let go of each other to see both of us crying, I wiped away her tears as she wiped away mine.

"We're losers." She laughed and I nodded.

"But at least we're losers together." We laughed together and hugged again, I was really going to miss her. After a few long moments of silent hugs she let me go and I set my toiletries bag in the trunk. I stepped in side one last time and they were looking at me expectantly.
"Bye." I smiled and Gustav got up and wrapped me in a hug.

"We didn't get to hang much but I still really like you, and I'm sorry about the party. Call me soon, I love you." I laughed in to his shoulder and squeezed him tight.

"I love you to, I'll call every chance I get." He let me go and Returned to Vanessa who was smiling at me with a beautiful smile I waved at her.

"Sorry I really didn't get to talk to you but I heard your pretty cool, Take care of Gustav." She laughed and nodded, With out warning Georg wrapped me in an air tight hug and lifted me off the ground.

"You'll always be my baby sister, You gotta call me to, I mean you can't forget the guy that practically tortured you all your life. " I laughed as he set me down.

"I'll call, But you gotta take good care of Jess, and marry her. Or I'll come back and kick your ass." He laughed and I let him go, Jess hugged me again and kissed my cheek and I returned it.

"I'll tell mom and Dad you said hi, and that you love them. Take care of your self." I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks as I was smothered by her hair.

"You sound like you'll be gone forever. I don't like that Celia, You have to visit." I laughed in to her shoulder.

"I'll try, I promise I'll keep in touch though." I couldn't let go of her though, No matter how many times I tried my arms wouldn't move. I could tell she couldn't either so we stood there hugging and crying, Telling each other goofy little things like Brush your teeth, and don't forget to put the timer on the oven when cooking. Things best friends really shouldn't worry about until you realize you may never see that person again and you figure it's most important to remind them after the mistake had already been made years ago. I took in the smell of her trying to memorize it, I held her warmth close and I memorized how she fit in my arms just perfectly, and how fast her heart was beating against her ribs.

"Jess I love you." I mumbled for the hundredth time.

"I love you to Celia." She murmured and finally Georg pulled her away from me. I wipped my eyes and Rosaline wrapped me in a warm hug.

"Bye girl, I'll hear from you soon." I nodded.

"Keep Bill in line, and Don't let him forget who wears the pants in the relationship." We laughed together and she nodded.

"I'll do that, as long as you watch out for the ninja's in the hallways." I laughed.

"Okay." We pulled away and I glanced at Tom who was leaning against the wall. I wiped away the tears that escaped my eyes and I felt extremely vulnerable and insignificant. Tom looked away as I saw the tears fill his eyes and I laughed to my self and stepped towards the door.

"Bye!" I waved and they returned it.

"Bye!" They yelled, except for Tom, He returned to the couch and ignored me. That hurt even though I was really upset and mad it still hurt. I shut the door behind me and walked to my car, I opened the door and I was ready to get in when I heard the front door open.

"Celia!" I looked back to see Jess running towards me, I met her halfway and we locked each other in an air tight hug again.

"I mean it this time Celia, I'm really gonna miss you." I nodded.

"Like you didn't mean it the other five thousand times you said it in the last five minutes." We laughed at each other and hugged tighter.

"Yeah well I really mean it this time." I nodded.

"I know, So do I. I love you." she nodded.

"I love you to." We pulled away from each other, and kissed the others cheek.

"Good bye." We mumbled together and I watched her walk back inside, I climbed in my car and pulled out.


The first day of driving had been filled with tears and sorrow. I missed Jess more than I had ever missed her before and that sucked really bad. But the second day was pretty easy considering I couldn't cry any more and I had the radio blaring in my ears. It was horrible though when I stepped in to the empty apartment building and checked the mailbox. It was over flowing with letters and I felt bad for leaving it unattended so long.

"Hey Celia, Haven't seen you in awhile. Where's Jess?" I looked over at Rodger my neighbor and smiled.

"I was on vacation, Jess is in Finland with her boyfriend." He nodded and turned towards the elevator.

"She coming back soon?" I shook my head and stepped in with him.

"Nope, She's staying there. I'm actually moving back to California so we wont be seeing each other again." I flipped through the mail finally reaching the end and finding it mostly Junk.

"Oh well, I wish you luck." I nodded and went inside my apartment. I flicked on the light and took off my shoes. The only sound to fill the apartment was the sound of my keys hitting the coffee table, and then the pile of junk mail. I walked towards my room and laid down on my bed. My phone ringing immediately and I pulled it out of my pocket, The screen read Jess and I smiled to my self.

"Hullo!" I put it on speaker and laid it on my chest.

"Hey!" I heard many different voices but the one that stuck out the most was Jess', I laughed to my self.

"How's it going?" I watched my toes wiggle.

"Good, How are you?"

"I'm good. I miss you guys so much." I laughed with them.

"We miss you to." They yelled.

"Every one wants a chance to talk to you so I've decided to use my phone to call you and hand it off to the next person in line." I nodded.

"Sounds good, Who's first?"

"Me!" Gustav yelled and I smiled.

"Hey buddy!"

"Hey, Hows Belgium, you are there right?" I smiled holding back a laugh.

"Belgium's good, I just walked through the door actually. How's Finland?"

"It's boring, Same old stuff happening. The weather did change however. It's ninety two degree's now." I laughed at him.

"Well that sucks." He laughed a bit.

"I guess it depends on if you have a pool or not." We started laughing like crazy and I felt a twinge of pain in my heart.

"So any thing new happen?" I sat up laying the phone on my leg.

"I asked Vanessa to marry me." I smiled.

"What'd she say?" I could practically hear him nodding,

"Yes, And that she loves me, But I was like Whoa...I don't know about Love...And yeah." I laughed at his joke and shook my head.
"Very nice." We laughed together.

"Well Georg really wants to talk to you now so, I'll talk to you soon." I smiled.

"Bye Gustav." I waited for a few moments an then I heard a familiar laugh.

"Hey Sis!" I smiled secretly.

"What's good bro?" He laughed a bit and I couldn't help but sigh.

"Not much, Jess and I went shopping yesterday cause she needed some one to comfort her for your leaving and I some how got suckered in to it, Man how do you survive?" I laughed, Jess was a crazy comfort shopper.

"You don't hand her the credit card every time she asks for it." He gasped.

"You can do that!?" I laughed some more.

"Yeah you can do that." I climbed off my bed and went to the kitchen in search of some good food to eat.

"I'll remember that, Jess really wants to talk to you now so I'll call you later on my phone and stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright take care man."

"Bye Celia." I wasn't very fond of the word Bye any more, It was to painful. I heard Jess' scream and a loud grunting noise and I could only imagine what she'd done to Georg.

"Hey! I miss you, I really want you to come back, Tom's being a sucker and really pissy, and I can't stand the fact that your not in the next room. I want my Celia Back!" I pulled the phone away from my ear and laughed.

"I miss you to. Screw Tom, I was never in the next room I was always across the hall. You'll see me again." I decided on a granola bar and jumped up on the counter to eat it.

"When?" I laughed.

"Turn on the computer, I'm all over the internet, I'm on the news some times to. You just got to look boo. I'm gonna visit soon, After I get settled back in at mom and dad's." I knew that was a good idea, Just avoid any type of conflict with Tom.

"Really!" I laughed.

"Yeah, I'll spend an entire week with you shopping okay?" I could practically hear her bouncing.


"Let me talk to Bill." She sighed.

"Fine, I love you." I smiled for the hundredth time.

"I love you to." I could hear Jess complaining in the background.

"So did you realize your mistake yet?" I rolled my eyes, Of course that would be the first thing he says to me.

"Yeah, It was giving Jess my phone number." We laughed together.

"So what's up?" He sounded like he was laying down.

"Nothing." I shrugged and set the wrapper in the sink, I was really lazy.

"You know Tom's crushed." I felt a surge of pain shoot through my heart.

"So. He deserves it, He cheated on me." I realized a little late that they didn't know Tom and I had actually been dating.

"Wait, Whoa, What?" I smacked my self in the forehead.

"Nothing." I jumped down from the counter and went back to my room.

"You just said he cheated on you, Which means you were actually dating him, How long?" I shushed him.

"Don't let the world know, We were dating for a couple days...Since the photo shoot." I mumbled and he gasped.

"Oh my God!" I shook my head.

"Hey Bill, You're a dork. Can you Tell Jess that when she comes back to get her stuff she needs to take my car back with her, Cause I have to leave it here." I really didn't want to leave my baby.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Good then I'll talk to you guys later." I hung up quickly and I could only imagine his facial expression. I stuffed my phone in to my pocket and sat down on the couch turning on the Tv. I was flipping through the guide to find something to watch when I heard the anouncer start talking.

"After we return we'll be joined by the guys of Tokio Hotel." I closed the guide and set the remote down. I was suddenly very interested in the show. I waited through the commercials and was relieved when the show came back on, I really didn't want to hear about male enhancements any more.

"Welcome back, I'm Steve and I'm here with Tokio Hotel." The camera zoomed in on the guys, Bills hair was flat for once. Even though I refused to look at him my eyes strayed towards Tom, Who was closest to Steve. He was sitting back in the chair, His index finger against his lip as he starred off. I sighed and raised an eyebrow.

"Welcome to the show, Now you guys just got back from your European tour, How'd that go?" Bill smiled and lifted the mic to his mouth.

"Really well, We were really happy to travel Europe and see all of our fan's out here." His voice filled my ears and I smiled.

"I heard that you missed a stop, Why's that?" Georg sat up and shook his head.

"No actually what happened was a venue in France was shut down so we were able to come home a day early." He sounded really excited about that.

"What did you do when you got home?" Gustav tried not to laugh and Tom slide down in his seat.

"Well Georg was reunited with his girlfriend." Bill joked and every one laughed, The camera found Jess in the crowd and I smiled at the sight of her, she looked truly happy.

"Really, How long have you two been together?" Georg cleared his throat.

"About Seven years now." He said proudly and the crowd applauded him.

"Awesome, You plan to marry her?" Georg choked.

"Yeah actually we're going to Vegas tonight, She just doesn't know it yet." Bill laughed with Tom and Gustav turned to him.

"She knows now."

"No but really I'm going to ask her one day. I want it to be just right." He sat back.

"That's good. More to come after this break." I took the liberty of running to the bathroom to pee during the break. I was suddenly really interested in this show, I had a bad feeling though. When I came back the show was coming back on and I smiled pleased with my timing.

"Thank's for sticking around, I'm Steve and I'm here with Tokio Hotel. Since were on the topic of girlfriends, Tom what's going on with you an Celia?" I choked on my air and Tom seemed very uncomfortable for a split second.

"Nothing." He stated blankly. Bill watched him intently, looking a bit worried that he would jump out of the chair and strangle Steve.

"What he mean's is Celia left yesterday to go back to California, She plans on continuing her Modeling career." Bill stated a bit sadly.

"Were you guys close?" Steve glanced at Bill and he nodded.

"We are all really close to Celia, She's like family. Of course Tom's not in her light right now but we all still miss and love her." I sighed at Bill's sappiness.

"What do you mean, Tom's not in her light?" Steve sat back and I laughed at how uncomfortable Tom looked.

"Truthfully it means we're on different sides of the world." Tom cleared his throat, Bill looked at him in a confused way.

"What?" The three stated at the same time.

"It does, Celia is in California, I'm in Finland. There was nothing going on between us from the beginning we were always just friends, nothing more." It felt like Tom was starring straight at me, I saw something in his eyes, Like tears glinting from the lights an then he cleared his throat an looked away. I stood up and flicked off the TV. I retired to my room where I proceeded to pack up my belongings and call my dad.

"Hey sugar." I smiled.

"Hey daddy, I'm packing now."

"We should be there in a few hours, We left this morning. There will be some one to pick you up after we arrive, So be ready." I nodded.

"Okay daddy. Jess is going to take my car and sell the apartment so everything is settled here."

~Tom's Point Of View.~

"Tom we have to be at the studio in fifteen minutes, You're going to make us late!" I rolled my eye's at Bill's urgent voice and decided on a hat to wear. I grabbed the black one I'd bought that day with Celia and situated it on my head before leaving the bathroom. Bill was in the living room waiting with the guys and Vin, we were car pooling to the interview with some music show on television today. I walked to the door with less enthusiasm than ever and locked it after everyone was out.
The ride there was quite for me, I couldn't quiet shake the feeling of being alone. I had to face the fact that Celia had left me because of my uncanny ability to screw when I'm drunk.

"Right Tom?" I cleared my head and looked over to Bill.

"Huh?" I haven't really been paying attention to much since I watched Celia drive away from me at the studio yesterday.

"I said if they ask you about Celia you'll be okay?" I shrugged and laughed.

"Why wouldn't I be, She's just some girl. Nothing even happened between us." I could tell the only person to see through my lies were Bill. He knew more than I had ever expected him to know about this, which meant him and Celia talked...A lot. I smiled quickly and tried to focus on the conversation but failed miserably. Now that I had Celia's name in my head I was thinking about the time we'd spent together. When the van pulled up out side of the studio I put on my sunglasses at the same time as Bill and Georg opened the door and climbed out, I followed after Bill.
I smiled for the fans, waving and doing the best I could to act like I hadn't been absolutely crushed by a girl. When we were inside we were immediately thrown in to Hair and Make up, Though I didn't need it I still sat in the chair as the girl worked around me. Her touch slightly reminded me of Celia's and I was off in wonderland again.
I'd come back from my thought's to find I was sitting on a set with the guys and Steve, I didn't really remembering coming out here but at one point every one forgets things.

"Welcome to the show, Now you guys just got back from your European tour, How'd that go?" Bill naturally took over answering questions, He was used to being in front of people with out an instrument. I sat back and let him talk, Thoughts of what Celia was doing now filled my head.

"Really well, We were really happy to travel Europe and see all of our fan's out here." His voice was clear and strong.

"I heard that you missed a stop, Why's that?" Georg was the next person to step up and answer questions.

"No actually what happened was a venue in France was shut down so we were able to come home a day early." He sounded really excited about that, I smiled to my self.

"What did you do when you got home?" I notice Gustav holding back a laugh and I slid down a bit in my seat, I knew where this was going.

"Well Georg was reunited with his girlfriend." Bill joked and every one laughed.

"Really, How long have you two been together?" Georg cleared his throat.

"About Seven years now." He said proudly and the crowd applauded him.

"Awesome, You plan to marry her?" Georg choked, I tried not to laugh at him.

"Yeah actually we're going to Vegas tonight, She just doesn't know it yet." I started to laugh and Bill joined in. Gustav turned to him.

"She knows now."

"No but really I'm going to ask her one day. I want it to be just right." He sat back.

"That's good. More to come after this break." I sat forward when we cut to break and sipped from my glass of water. I was listening to the conversation between Bill and Steve, they were talking about Rosaline.

"Thank's for sticking around, I'm Steve and I'm here with Tokio Hotel. Since were on the topic of girlfriends, Tom what's going on with you an Celia?" I slowly let the water slip down my throat, Feeling a little sick.

"Nothing." I said with as little emotion as possible and I could suddenly feel Bill's intense stare melting off my face.

"What he mean's is Celia left yesterday to go back to California, She plans on continuing her Modeling career." I leaned back in the chair and watched.

"Were you guys close?" Steve glanced at Bill and he nodded.

"We are all really close to Celia, She's like family. Of course Tom's not in her light right now but we all still miss and love her." I rolled my eyes, Way to go Bill, throw me under the bus.

"What do you mean, Tom's not in her light?" Steve sat back, I could feel the blood boiling beneath my skin, I really didn't want to talk about this.

"Truthfully it means we're on different sides of the world." I cleared my throat, and Bill looked at me very confused.

"What?" Bill, Georg, and Gustav stated at the same time.

"It does, Celia is in California, I'm in Finland. There was nothing going on between us from the beginning we were always just friends, nothing more." Suddenly I could see Celia in front of me and I forgot all together I was in front of a camera. I could see her blue eyes and her light brown hair, I could smell her light lilac skin. I felt her hand stroke my cheek and I could feel the tears rising to my eyes, I cleared my throat and looked down to my glass of water.

"It seemed like there was some thing there in this month of Starz magazine." I shook my head in a sad manner.

"The same thing happened between Gustav and Jess. What I really mean in all honesty is that Celia and I were friends and though I wanted there to be something more there, She just didn't have it in her to take my hand with out the fear of publicity. Celia's a great person but she's afraid of any type of commitment." I rubbed my face.

"So you wanted to be with her, And she turned away from you because of publicity?" I smiled at Steve.

"We wanted to be together, In a way we were. It's not that she turned away, She just didn't want the public to be around her again. There was a reason she took a vacation from her modeling career, Me and Bill both know and understand that." I was just letting the words fall out of my mouth now, No initial thought behind them.

"If she walked away why is she going back?" He leaned forward in his seat.

"She didn't walk away. She's going back because she feels she belongs in California, We all support her though, Even if we don't want her to be that far away." My own words hurt like hell inside my chest.

"You said, In a way you two were together, What way would that be?" He sat back now and crossed his legs.

"We hung out a lot, She would stay a night or two at my place and then Go back to the hotel. We went on 'dates' and stuff like that, We were unofficially together. There's really not much to the story." I gave him a hard look and he cleared his throat.

"Let's get back down to business, What's next for you guys, Another tour, a record, or some break time?" I smiled as he changed the subject.

"Well we've got an American tour coming up next month, Right now were pretty much doing down time, Dealing with interviews and so on." I looked at Bill as he answered and I reviewed the stops for the American tour, We were going to be in California for a week.

"Wow, you guys never stop do you?" Steve joked.

"Nope, We love our Job." I stated happily, It was true enough.

"Alright, When we come back these guys will perform live for us." It quickly cut to break and I stood up and followed the guys over to the set. I immediately busied my self with setting up my guitar.


When we were done with our set and signing autographs we headed home. Vin told us that he was proud of us and all the usual things he'd say to us if I were really paying attention. It wasn't just me that was quiet though, Bill was sitting next to me as quiet as a rock. I watched the road pass beneath the van and ignored every flying thought of Celia. When we were home every one was headed to Bill's to have a few beer's and play games, I was heading home. I'd almost made it to until Bill stopped me at the front door of my building.

"Tom what was that today?" He was looking at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean?" I leaned against the wall with crossed arms.

"I mean, What you said about Celia." He stood in front of me with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"I said what I felt, Look Bill I don't want to talk about her." I went to go inside and he grabbed my arm.

"Yeah well, I want to know what's wrong with my brother, You're like a freaking Zombie. You don't pay attention to any thing going on around you, You're always so distant when any one talks about Celia, The most I've seen you eat is a bowl of cereal this morning and checkers last night. Then today you totally ignore half of the interview, You didn't even hit on the hair dresser, Who by the way was really cute." I shook my head at him and pulled my arm away slowly.

"Bill, she wasn't cute at all. I'm just bored, I have nothing to really do any more. Besides I'm tired." I wondered how long that would work.

"Tom..." He started and I rolled my eyes.

"Just Stop Bill! There's nothing wrong with me, I'm having a few off days, Who doesn't? Stop Worrying About Me!" I pulled the door open and went inside before he could say anything else, Anger really filling me for the second time.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I sat down on the couch with my bags by the doors. It still hadn't hit me that I was going to miss everyone, Or that I'd never sit in this apartment again and laugh at Jess as she accused me of burning the building down, Or of stealing her cloths. There was a knock on the door and I stood up and answered it, it was a familiar face.

"Hey Joe." I stated almost confused.

"Celia Andrews, I'm here to take you to the airport." I started to laugh and nodded.

"Yeah." I went to pick up my bags and he smiled.

"I'll get them." I nodded.

"Only if your sure." I started to laugh as he nodded and I went back to Jess' room and scribbled a short note and left it on her bed. When I came back Joe was gone with my bags, I looked back in to the apartment from the door and sighed. I shut off the lights, Grabbed my purse and locked the door behind me. On my way out of the building I turned my key in at the front office and went to the limo. Joe shut the trunk and smiled at me, I didn't get in as he opened the door.

"Are you okay?" He gave me a look of concern and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm just not exactly sure when the depression of leaving is supposed to hit." He chuckled and shook his head.

"When you realize what your leaving was something more than just a building, Or a friend." His words seemed to be hiding something and I gave him a strange look and climbed in the limo. He shut the door behind me and I sighed, Suddenly I wanted to see Tom, I wanted to hug him and kiss him goodbye. Despite what happened, What I said, Or what he said, I still wanted to be with him. The window that separates the front and back of the limo was down and I could see Joe as he was driving.

"Ma'am if you don't mind I'd like to ask some thing?" I nodded.

"Sure." He looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"Why exactly are you running off?" I smiled and sorta laughed.

"I don't really know." He nodded at me, Suddenly it occurred to me that I was absolutely clueless as to why I was really running away.

"In my years of driving Tom around I'd never once seen him look at a girl like he's looked at you, In fact I don't remember the last time I've ever seen him smile so much about a girl. I'm a friend of the Kaulitz family, and I've watched Tom and Bill grow up together." I listened to him talk about Tom and Bill, Mostly Tom. His words didn't just float in my head though, They filled my heart, They hit my sensitive area and it came to me. I was running because I was scared of getting hurt, I was running because I didn't want to stay around long enough to be destroyed by my own paranoia of getting hurt. I wasn't running because I wanted to continue my career, I was running so I could continue hiding from happiness. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, And the depression hit me like a tidal wave. I wiped away the tears as we reached the airport and watched as we drove across the tarmac towards a small Jet. There were two figures standing out front and I could make out my Dad as the taller man. We pulled up a little distance away and Joe opened the door for me. I turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you Joe. " I wasn't just thanking him for the ride, But for helping me realize something.

"Your welcome." A man came and got my bags as I quickly walked to my dad and wrapped him in a hug.

"Daddy." I took in the smell of him and smiled, He hugged me back.

"Celia. Are you ready to go?" He put me at an arms length to look me over and I nodded.

"Yeah. " We turned towards the Jet and he started up the stairs. I followed quietly and glanced back at Joe and waved. I sat down next to my dad and he smiled at me.

"So tell me the real reason you're coming home?" I smiled and shook my head.