Yelling Obscenities at You!

Instant Karma

I was sitting on my bed in my bath robe. Slowly brushing my hair in a daze, The soft knock on the door barely phased me.

"Come in." I softly called. My voice sounded strange to me, Almost foreign to my own ears. The door creaked open and my mom peeked her head in, Her face was lit up like a run way and she was practically bouncing in place behind the door, I was seriously confused.

"You have a visitor...Oh! you're not dressed." Her face slightly dropped.

"It's okay send them up." I set down my brush and the door closed, I continued to slowly mess with my hair, Not realizing what was going on. I dropped my hands and waited patiently, After a few very long moments there was a very light tap on the door.

"Come in." I called indecisively. The door opened and my jaw hit the bed, Shock hitting me all at once.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I was lounging around Bill's place working on the new guitar riffs for the new song. I was also waiting on Georg an Gustav to return from lunch with Jesmy an Vanessa. Bill stepped through the hallway, I continued to slowly strum the strings. He had an unusually bad look placed on his face, I watched him walk from his room to the kitchen and then back to his room. I set down the guitar and stood up, Quietly I entered the hallway and stopped just outside his door when I heard his voice.

"I don't understand, What are you talking about?" What the hell is he talking about? The silence was a little unsettling, I heard a sniffle from inside the door.

"Rosaline please." They're fighting again, I shouldn't be listening. I turned to walk away when I heard a small crash, I jumped in place and turned back to the door. Softly I knocked when I didn't hear any thing else after the crash. There was no answer so I knocked again, This time fear rising in my stomach. I knocked again, still no answer so I opened the door. Bill's room was empty I walked slowly towards his closet, Bracing my self for anything and everything. The door was closed and inside I could hear a muffled sob, I cracked the door and poked my head inside. I couldn't see him, I couldn't see anything the lights were off. I reached my hand up and fumbled with the switch, Before I could flip it on I heard his voice.

"Don't." He sounded hysteric. I opened the door wider and there in the shadows of his dark closet Bill sat with his knee's against his chest. I walked towards him with my hands up, Palms toward him. I slowly knelt down next to him, Cautiously reaching my hand out. He slightly leaned away and I paused, A little hurt by his reaction.

"Bill, are you okay?" He was slightly shaking, I could feel his leg against mine. I placed my hand lightly on his knee and he flinched again.

"I'm fine." He mumbled, I shook my head and grabbed his shoulders.

"Bill you're lying to me." My fingers locked on his shoulders as he tried to pull back.

"Stop it Tom!" I shook my head.

"No!" he jerked back violently and fell over to the floor, I stood up and flipped on the lights. He looked horrid laying on the floor shaking like a lost kid.

"Turn off the lights!" He yelled at me with his face buried in his hands. I knelt down be side him again and pulled his hands away, He fought against me, For a skinny person he was really strong.

"Bill stop fighting me and look at me." He continued to fight against me, His wrist broke free of my hold and lashed out in a fist towards my face. The impact nearly knocking me over, and I let out a strange noise. Bill instantly froze as I reached up with my free hand and touched my bottom lip where his ring had caught me. I looked at my finger tips to see red, Glancing back at Bill I saw only fear and regret in his eyes.

"Tom...I." He started to say something and then stopped when a sob broke free of his throat. I wrapped him in a hug and his arms locked around my chest. His whole frame shaking with cries of pain.

"Shh." I crooned to him to calm my little brother, I felt like I was always protecting him, Like it was my job to protect him. I started to rock back and forth, Shushing him and rubbing his back. Telling him it would be okay, I would make sure of it. I may of only been ten minutes older than him, But I was still older and as an older brother I was supposed to take care of him and make sure he was happy before I was happy. He was my life outside of music, He came before everything, and I would go to the end of the word to protect him. There was a knock on the front door and neither of us moved, Neither of us budged to clean ourselves up. I sat back crossing my legs and he curled up in my lap with his arms still around my back, I continued to rock back and forth.

"It'll be okay Bill, I promise you, I'll make everything okay. You'll be okay, I promise." He shuddered again and sniffled.

"No Tom, I have a feeling it's never going to be okay, at least not right now. " I stroked his hair back and hummed his favorite song. We sat there in silence as I hummed and he sniffled. I still couldn't help but feel like I was his protector. It was moments like these when I felt it the most, when I knew for sure I was his brother and not his best friend. It was times like these when I didn't doubt that he, Bill, was the most important person in my life that I could come to, and be there for, at all hours of the day, any day of the year.

"Thank you." He whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear him, and he continued to mumble. " Thank you so much for being here for me, Always, I know that I can always count on you to be there for me. " He went silent and his breathing was slow and a bit ragged, I sat there with my brother in my lap and blood slowly running down my chin.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I shut my mouth after a few long moments of silence an remembered to blink. Standing in my door way was Mike, I quickly came through to reality and patted my bed in front of me.

"Come sit down." I managed. He slowly shut the door behind him and crossed the room to my bed, laughing once in front of me.

"Nice braids." He reached out and lifted one of my braided pigtails and let it fall. I glanced down and chuckled.

"Thanks I guess." He was smiling sweetly at me and I smiled back.

"So I was in the neighbor hood and I thought I should come by and say hi to an old friend." I squinted my eyes at him and laughed.

"My mom made you come over didn't she?" He smiled and then laughed.

"Made is an understatement." I nodded.

"Well then, What's up?" He shrugged and laid back on my bed, he looked so comfortable while I was so uncomfortable.

"I wanted to know if you would join me tonight for dinner." I sighed and thought about my mom, She would feel better about me if I did, But My dad would tell me to do what I believe is best. Why do I always have to go through things like this, Maybe I should give it a chance, Give Mike a chance...As friends of course.

"I'd enjoy that." I put on a superficial smile and he glanced at me, a look of knowing on his face, He wasn't fooled. I kept my smile though and we continued to just stare at each other. Finally, after so many long moments, He stood up and swung his keys around his index finger.

"Well I should probably go, I'll see you around eight?" I nodded and looked down laughing.

"Yeah, see you then." He left my room and I fell over with a large sigh. My phone vibrated next to my head, I picked it up and pressed answer.

"Hello." There were hysterical cries on the other end and I sat up quickly.

"I, Bill. It's over." Rosaline's voice was hard to understand and I couldn't comprehend a lot of what she said.

"What do you mean it's over, What happened? She drew in three ragged breaths and exhaled.

"I was on the phone with him, and we were talking, and then he said something and I don't know what happened we just started fighting and then I broke up with him. " She sobbed, I squinted my eyes as if trying to read really small print and then went wide eyed.

"Oh no, Are you okay?" I could hear car's in the back ground.

"I didn't know who else to call, I just need some one to talk to." I drew in a breath and nodded.

"Where are you?" There was to much noise to be at her house, She was some where more public.

"I'm walking home. " I let out a sigh of relief.

"So talk to me." I laid back slightly tired.

"I just don't know what happened, It's like I snapped. I've never snapped before, I feel so stupid. I mean I love Bill, I need him in my life. Why would I break up with him?" She was rambling on and on.

"Rosaline, It happens just take a few days to calm down, both of you and then go talk to him and try to fix it. I'm sure he's just as broken as you are about this." I sniffled.

"Thank you. I will. I'm always going to owe you for answering your phone and listening to me ramble and shit." I laughed at her.

"That's what friends are for. We stick together and help each other out." I smiled to myself thinking of Jess and then frowned.

"I Need-" She started to speak but her voice was cut off by a loud screeching noise and a scream. I sat forward automatically and started to panic immediately.

"Rosaline! Rosaline! Are You Okay?" There was no answer to my yelling and I started to shake in my spot. Then her phone went dead, like it was perfectly planned. I glanced at the screen and then did the only thing I knew how to do. I called Jesmy, Waiting as it rang.

"Hey Celia!" She was laughing, I hated to ruin her good mood.

"Jess. I think something really bad just happened to Rosaline." She gasped and I noticed a tear running down my face.

"What do you mean I was just with her like an hour or two ago?" I drew in a breath slowly.

"She called me, Some thing about her breaking up with Bill, There was a lot of noise in the background, Cars passing by. She started to tell me something and I heard Screeching, I think something really bad just happened. Please, Please find out for me." I begged and she was silent.

"I'm on it, I promise, I'll call you when I know." I nodded and she hung up with out saying good bye. I dropped my phone on the bed and went to my closet, Throwing on the first thing I could find. I didn't know what I was trying to accomplish but I was trying my best at it. I threw open my bedroom door and ran into my dad's chest.

"Celia, Honey, Rushing somewhere?" He helped me catch my balance and I nodded and then shook my head.

"I don't know my friend Rosaline may be really hurt, I know I can't go to her, But I just... I don't know." I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands, rocking back and forth slowly like I always did when I was having panic attacks. He knelt down in front of my and took my hands in his.

"Celia, tell me what you need, I will try my best to get you where you need to go, as fast as you need." I looked up at him, A small smile spreading on my face.

"I need..."

~Tom's Point Of View.~

Bill had been quiet for a good half hour and my legs had fallen asleep about twenty minutes ago. The worst part is that I could feel like something bad had happened, Something that would change the way things were with everyone. My phone rang in my jacket pocket and I pulled it out answering it quietly.


"Tom, Where's Rosaline?" I shrugged automatically and glanced at Bill.

"I don't know, I'm with Bill." He stirred in my arms and I knew he was asleep.

"Okay, I just got a call from Celia, Who just got a call from Rosaline, And she thinks that something bad happened to her because her phone went dead after a loud screeching." I tried to process that, Was Celia hurt or Rosaline, Who's phone went dead, Whose Who?

"What?" I almost yelled with confusion, Jess took a large intake of air and started over. This time I followed closely and nearly dropped the phone and threw Bill off of me.

"Everyone get to Bill's We'll settle this while he sleeps. Until we know for sure what's happened Bill stays in the dark." I ordered and my stomach lurched forward with fear. I hung up before I was answered and set my phone down. Maneuvering with Bill to stand up and carry him to his bed, Once I had completed that nearly impossible task I grabbed my phone and went to the living room.
Shortly after I had sat down the door opened and in came Georg, Jess, Gustav and Vanessa looking like someone had shot their dogs. I stood up immediately and Jess ran in to my arms, I starred at her for a moment and wrapped my arms instinctively around her.

"Okay some body fill me in on what happened." I didn't let Jess go, I stood there hugging her and starring at the faces of my friends.

"We were on our way here when Jess got a call from Celia. Apparently Rosaline had called her hysterically after something with Bill and they were talking and then Celia said she heard a screeching and Rosaline's phone went dead, No body knows anything exactly." I nodded to Gustav and closed my eyes.

"Does any one know where Rosaline was, Did she say anything?" My heart started to sink and my stomach was still tying it's self in knots, I felt really sick.

"No, She said something about the mall earlier today, But I don't think she was going." Georg looked at me a little unsettled at the fact that Jess was still hugging me, I tried to ignore it and think.

"What was that place she said cleared her head when she needed to think?" Vanessa started to pace thinking.

"Tähtiniemi bridge." I let go of Jess and headed for the door, Everyone followed me as I rushed towards the elevator and to my car. I turned to Gustav and Vanessa.

"Stay with Bill, Just in case something happens and I need to get in touch with him quickly." Gustav nodded taking Vanessa's hand and they turned around and went back inside. Georg and Jess buckled in and I pulled out, Speeding way to fast towards the bridge a little ways out from Rosaline's home. Silence filling the car, My stomach debating on whether it was going to convulse or settle, My heart in a raging ache. I came to a halt a few feet down and cursed under my breath when I nearly hit a cruiser. I climbed out and walked hurriedly towards him as he yelled at me to stop.

"My friend, I think she's been hurt. What happened?" He gave me a look of frustration and put his hand on my chest.

"There's a six car pile up, I can't let you past." He shoved me back and I stumbled, I could see an ambulance loading a body, but I couldn't tell if it was Rosaline. One after another the ambulances began to move, Heading towards the closest Hospital and I climbed back in the car. Jess looking at me like I was crazy, Georg holding her hand for support.

"We're going to the hospital, There was a six car pile up, They wont tell me anything else." I backed up and did a U-turn to follow all four of the ambulances. Jess dropped her head in to her hand and Georg started to yell at me.

"Dude, Stop driving like a psycho! You're Going To Get Us Killed!" I turned towards him slightly and narrowed my eyes.

"Shut Up! I know how to drive, I'm damn good at it, Don't tell me how to do it!" I turned back towards the road and glanced at Jess from the corner of my eye, She was in tears shaking. Taking in deep breaths and watching the road in front of me, I slowly started to drive more civilized. Pulling in to the hospital I made my way to a parking space and the three of us jumped out of the car and ran for the double doors. The ambulance beating us by a few minutes, I stopped with Jess on my left and Georg on my right as The stretcher with Rosaline on it passed by.

"Patient's name is Rosaline Brown, Age is twenty. Hit by a car, Possible concussion and head trauma, Internal bleeding." A doctor yelled out as they passed. Jess' knee's gave out beside me and Georg reached over and caught her just before she hit the floor. I pulled out my cell phone and called Gustav, He answered on the first ring.

"She's been hit, We're at the hospital around the corner from her house, They just brought her in."
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