Yelling Obscenities at You!

Live Every Second.

After finding all of my cloths and getting dressed I was in the car with Mike driving slowly back to my parent’s house on the other side of town. He was trying to make small talk but it wasn’t working, I was too far in my head trying to find a way to fix everything.

“You’re running again aren’t you?” I turned my head sharply towards him; He tightly gripped the steering wheel, eyes completely focused on the road.

“What?” I seemed to be asking that a lot lately.

“You’re going back to Germany to be with Tom aren’t you?” I narrowed my eyes at him and he shot me a glance.

“No, I’m going to help out Jess.” What is it with you and Tom? You don’t even know him and you sound like you hate him.

“He’s going to hurt you all over again, and you’re just going to let him.” He started to drive faster and I took in a deep breath.

“You Don’t Even Know Him!” I spat without thinking about it, He didn’t say another word to me until I was about to get out of the car.

“Sorry.” He muttered and I shut the door without responding. Unlocking the front door I had a serious thought. It’ll take me at least a day to get there. Jess can’t survive alone, Not without Georg beside her. I pulled out my phone and dialed my dad’s number; it rang three times, but went to voice mail. I sighed and turned around to head back outside; He’s bound to be at his office. I Jumped in the Mercedes and headed to the middle of downtown San Francisco.

I made my way inside, completely ignoring the receptionist and entered the elevator. They were playing that really annoying elevator music that made you want to fall asleep, you know the kind that makes old people dance. I stepped out and the guy standing there looked exactly like Tom, I almost ran over to him but my heart began to ache when I saw his face and it wasn’t Tom’s at all. I walked quickly to my dad’s office and knocked lightly on the door.

“Come in Celia.” I slowly opened the door and shut it behind me.

“Two things dad.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly and took off his glasses; leaning back in his office chair casually.

“Go ahead.” I smiled pacing back and forth in front of his desk.

“First off your elevator music is seriously boring; I almost fell asleep on the ride up here. Second I need that favor. Jess called me this morning and told me that all hell has broken loose and no one is talking to each other, Rosaline is practically in a coma and so I need to fly out there ASAP and get their asses situated.” I stopped pacing and spoke to myself, “That was a lot simpler in my head.” I glanced at my dad and he was slowly shaking his head.

“I see. Well I can only help you with the second one; the first is up to my Co-Workers. Celia I think you’re doing the right thing here.” I cut him off before he could say the last part.

“Daddy I need to be there, I think I made a huge mistake when I came back, I’m not saying I need to be with Tom, I’m saying I left a lot of my really good friends over there to suffer with my own mistakes, And I basically ran away from my problems again, Just like with my manager. Daddy I know it’s like I’m asking to be run back and forth between companies but this is the last time I’m going over there. I promise, and it’s only a week or two at the most.” He twirled his pen between his hands and rocked in his chair.

“If that is what you want.” He leaned forward and pushed a few buttons on his phone, It began to ring.

“Hello, Mr. Andrew’s what can I do for you today?”

“Ricky, I need the Jet again, my daughter needs to fly back to Belgium it’s a company emergency.” He sounded so serious and I realized it wasn’t my dad I needed to please, He was always pleased with me, I never held anything back from him, He was proud of me because I was willing to do the right thing no matter what. It was my mom I was trying to please, She didn’t know me as well as my dad did, She didn’t know what it was like for me to be raised by a man like him. I wanted to prove to her that I was just as good as her, that’s why I wanted to push myself through agony to be away from Jess, and them.

“How soon do you need it sir?” My dad glanced at me.

“Say Tomorrow morning?” I nodded to clarify that was fine.

“The earliest I’ll have the tanks filled is Wednesday night.” I nearly threw the phone out the window.

“That will do.” He pressed the red button and the phone hung up. I sat down with my head in my hands.

“Four days?” I wiped my eyes and pulled my hair back.

“I’m sorry sweetie that’s the earliest we can get you there.” I looked at him.

“That means I won’t arrive till Thursday.” I sighed and dropped my head again.

“It’ll be okay. You need those four days to really think about what’s going on in that head of yours.” I thought I understood what he meant.

“I know what’s going on, I want to be with Jess, and help her. I want to make everything better between everyone.”

“You’ll see what I mean. Just wait.” I stood up and walked to the door.

“I don’t think so dad, but thanks anyway.” As soon as that door closed behind me I felt a fear overwhelm me. I don’t know what it is I was afraid of but it was right there in the pit of my stomach threatening to make me sick. I slowly made my way back to the ground floor, the music not even there this time. My mind I had completely blocked it out. As I made my way out to the car my phone rang, I answered it slowly and climbed in the car.

“Celia, Where are you? Are you aware that you have a photo shoot today in ten minutes?” I smacked the steering wheel.

“I’m on my way now; I had a small family emergency to take care of.” I started the car and assured him I was right around the corner. I stuffed my phone away and drove to the location I had received some time before my date. As I parked the car I looked in the mirror and wiped away a lot of my stray make up, I got out and walked quickly to the front door, A lady stepped up to me an stuck her hand out.

“Celia Andrew’s I am Libby, I’ll be directing you today, We’re going to get you changed, and then throw you in hair in makeup, we’re running a bit late so after the makeup you’ll immediately be on set.” I nodded, following her up the stairs and in to a small dressing room, She handed me a bag and left the room. I starred at the door like this was my first time ever doing this. I unzipped the bag to see a Green bikini and nothing else. Rolling my eyes I began to strip down and change. I was tying my strap when the door opened and a cold pair of hands touched my shoulders.

“Let me help you.” It was my manager; I dropped my hands and let him tie the knot. His hands dropped to my waist and he turned me towards the mirror. Resting his chin on my shoulder and moving my hair aside.

“This is why the people love you.” I looked away from the reflection, sick of seeing my own face.

“Because I’m pretending.” I walked away and grabbed the robe from the back of the door. His hand held the door shut and he pulled my face to look at him.

“Because you’re beautiful.” I tugged the door open and slammed it behind me. Libby met me at the corner; she turned around and motioned me to follow. I didn’t expect any type of conversation, so when she asked me this question I almost fainted.

“What’s it like being next to Tom Kaulitz?” I blinked at her once and let my mouth fall open.

“It’s better than anything you could ever imagine, He’s got such a sweet side to him. A caring side that most people wouldn’t expect. His voice is amazing, and his eyes, they steal your thoughts.” I looked at my hands as I sat down. She nodded at me with stars in her eyes.

“Wow. I really wish I could meet him; He’s got this look to him that just draws you in.” I nodded.

“I know, I’ve been face to face with him.” She walked away when the makeup artist came over and began to work on my face. I was far off in thought, He could have made me look like a clown and I would not have known. I didn’t know how but at some point I managed to make it on set and start posing with a male model. At first it was okay and then they started directing him, and I heard his name.

“Tom turn more to the left. There! Now put your hand… Yes.” I looked at him and the only face I could see was Tom’s, and not the model.

“Celia, I love the saddened look on your face, But if you could just stand a little closer and seem happy it would be even better.” I followed his directions and it was all too easy to imagine my happiness.

“Celia Happier, Jump on him, He’s just come back. The love of your life has just come back to you.” I gagged, causing Tom to laugh and I smiled Jumping in to his arms and throwing my arms around him.

“Perfect!” With in no time I was alone on the set, posing with fake trees and a surf board. I could see Tom out to the side drinking his water and eating a bagel.

“Thank you Celia, I always love working with you, you’re so versatile.” I smiled as he kissed my hand.

“It’s my pleasure John, Your photography is the best, and I mean it. Any time you need me just call me I’d be happy to work for you again.” He had a thoughtful look on his face.

“In that case Tomorrow I have a photo shoot with a band called My Chemical Romance, I’d be happy if you came and posed with them, The model we had called in sick this morning.” I knew who they were, I was a fan when I was little, not so much these days, and then again music wasn’t top on my list of things to do.

“I’d love to.” He nodded, appraising me with his eyes.

“See you around four pm then.” I nodded and left to get changed. Tom caught me as I was coming out of the dressing room and smiled.

“Going to prom?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“No.” I stated blandly.

“It was a joke; relax.” I glanced at my phone the time nearly knocking me in to a cataclysm.

“Look I don’t have time I have to be home in ten minutes.” I had promised my mom I would be there to help her make dinner.

“Curfew? What are you twelve?” I laughed a bit.

“Actually I’m twenty one, I just happen to like my family. Goodbye.” I turned towards the stairs and left.

“I like my family too.” He called out hopelessly. I laughed faintly and pushed the door open. The sun beat down on me faintly warming my body from the cold breeze. I got in the car and started it, the radio began to play. The voice was so familiar, the music, then it hit me. Tokio Hotel, Monsoon; I began to automatically sing the words. It was like being ripped apart all over again, hearing their song and not being able to be with them, but at least I had memories, the ones I would keep in my heart because they were sacred to me. I touched the back of my neck.

“Forever Sacred.” I whispered to myself and pulled up at a stop light.

~Tom's Point Of View. ~

“Mr. Kaulitz Sir?” There was gentle shaking and I opened my eyes to see a nurse starring at me.

“Yes?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

“The doctor would like a word with you.” The worst scenarios filled my head at this point. I stood up and followed her over to a man a bit taller than me with a white coat and a clipboard in his hands.

“Dr. Reeves this is Tom he’s here for Rosaline Brown.” Dr. Reeves nodded at her and she walked away.

“Tom take a walk with me.” I nodded lamely and began to follow him down the hallway.

“Is she alright?” My voice was weak like a child’s and I wanted to run away screaming like a little bitch.

“Well she’s in recovery now, unfortunately she broke a few bones, and has a bit of head trauma but yes she’s alright.” My body felt twenty times lighter.

“How bad is it?” You could hear the relief in my voice.

“Four broken ribs, her left wrist is broken, her entire left arm is fractured, and she’s unhealthily anemic. Like I said she has a bit of head trauma, but she’ll be fine. Her body has already started to heal.” I felt like I could dance, or fly.

“Can I see her?” I needed to see her for myself, to really believe. He stopped walking and turned to me.

“She hasn’t come back from her coma, but yes for a few hours you can visit.” I turned and walked with him again as we walked down the busy hallway and stopped at a door. Inside I could see her lying on the bed looking horrible. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside, quietly he shut it behind me and I stalked over to the bed, sitting next to her while trying not to move the bed too much. I took her cold hand in mine and stroked it.

“Rosaline I’m so sorry. If I had known this would have happened I would have been with you. Why didn’t you call me first, or tell me? You’re family to me, and my friend. I just don’t understand what caused you two to break up.” I sniffled as I looked at her face. Her brown hair was matted around her pale face, cuts up and down the left side of her face, and bruises surrounding them. I softly touched her skin, flinching away as soon as I made contact with her.

“Bill loves you. He loves you more than anything. I know you can’t hear me right now but I need you to do me a big favor, not just for me but for you and Bill. I need you to forgive him for whatever went wrong and I need you to love him again. I can’t stand to see either of you this torn up. Please Rosaline, if you ever have the chance do it. He needs you more than you know, you’re the only one who can love him in the way he needs.” I kissed her hand and pushed her hair away from her face, smoothing it back carefully.
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So it's finally here. I'm updating as best I can with school and everything it's hectic. Comments?