Yelling Obscenities at You!

Raise your Hands.

I turned over in bed once again and sat up. My dreads falling around me and hitting my skin. There was this feeling in my chest, a pain of longing. I crossed my legs and looked over to my night stand. Reaching for the light my hand hit a picture and it fell over. As I clicked the light on I grabbed the picture and glanced at it. The sweetest smile played on the face of an angel. Celia’s eyes were filled with nothing but happiness and she had the biggest smile across her lips. My fingers trailed over the picture and a drop of water dropped on to her cheek.

“I miss you.” I mumbled and felt the pain sharpen. There was something about the way she made me feel that I just couldn’t get over. I reached for my phone and starred at the screen in indecision. I wanted to call her so badly and tell her that I wanted her back, but the fear in me told me not to. So I set the picture face down on the nightstand and turned off the lights. Lying down with my phone next to my face.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I climbed the stairs to my room after locking the door behind my parents. They were heading out for their anniversary dinner. The house was so quiet and I wanted nothing more to see Jess running up the stairs behind me. I turned around and sat down in the middle of the stairs, and starred at the pictures on the walls. Mom and Dad, Me, Mom and Dad, Me and Jess, Me, Jess, Mom, Me, Jess, Mom and Dad. I starred at the one of me and Jess. We were twelve, Pig tails and Popsicle grins. She was missing her left front tooth and I had a cut across my cheek from the tire swing in the backyard. She had always been just a little bit taller than me, her hair just a little bit longer. Everything about her was always just a little bit better than me. I stood up quickly and turned towards the hallway; I walked slowly to my room and sat silently on the window seal. The moon was full and high, the stars were shining brightly in the sky. I had Tom on my mind. I wondered what he was doing now; it was after all like one in the morning over there. Was he sleeping, or out with the guys having fun? My eyes never trailed from the moon, and I found myself pulling out my phone. I dialed Bill’s number, which I had come to memorize, and waited for him to pick up.

“Hey it’s Bill here, Sorry I missed your call leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. K bye!” Bill’s German was a subtle reminder of just how big of a mistake I made by leaving Germany.

“Hey Bill, I don’t understand why I'm calling you so early in the morning. I guess I just wanted someone to talk to. Any way it’s no rush to call me back. You guys are probably going to be busy these next few days any way. Bye.” I hadn’t realized how weak my voice sounded until I hung up, I knew that as soon as he heard me he’d be on the phone calling me. I tucked my phone under one of my legs and leaned back, my head smacking against the wall with a thud. A stream of tears fled from my eyes and I was practically in hysterics as I yearned to be with them.

As my eyes opened I wasn’t sure of where I was at first and then I realized I was on the window seat curled up in a little ball. I sat up and my phone clattered to the floor, I rubbed my eyes. They were crusted with dry tears and I went to the bathroom to wash my face. When I looked in the mirror I was absolutely shocked at how crappy I looked. I tied my hair up in a mess on my head and grabbed my sweatshirt on my way in to my room. I checked the time, Twelve forty…I was late. I quickly stuffed my phone in to my bag and slipped on some flip flops. I rushed down stairs and past my mom, I opened the door an mumbled a quick goodbye. My phone ringing as soon as I got in the car, I pulled it out before starting the engine and answered it.

“Hello.” I searched for the keys.

“Celia you’re late…This is really unacceptable. You’re no longer on vacation so get your head out of the clouds and back to work. You have a tight schedule today and being even a minute late is not going to be tolerated anymore.” My boss’s voice was filled with irritation and I sighed finding the keys.

“I know, I woke up late. I’m on my way right now I can be there in ten minutes tops.” He hung up and I dropped the phone pulling out of the drive way and speeding all the way to the studio. I didn’t even pay attention to the radio like I normally would do. I shut off the car after parking as close as possible and ran inside past the flashes and the questions. The only thought in my head was how long they were going to bug me for the story. My boss met me at the elevator and gave me a steamed look. I smiled weakly and pulled my cuffs down around my hands.

“Celia…I’m going to let this go this one time but if you are so much as a minute late tomorrow, or any other day, I will drop your contract before you can even inhale. Do you understand me? This is one of the top modeling agencies we don’t tolerate lateness from any one, you are no exception.” I nodded, biting my tongue so I didn’t say the words I wanted to. All the way up to the set he was bitching about my twenty minute delay. All the way I held my tongue. I took in a deep breath as I glanced at my phone. Later today I had a photo shoot with my chemical romance and John that was pretty much the only part of today I was looking forward to. I ignored the rest of my boss venting and sat through hair and makeup, watching as they took my ragged appearance and turned it in to something quite beautiful. I went in to wardrobe and came out in a long evening gown and heals. I was doing a shoot for prom, I sighed not even bothering to think back on my high school prom. Sure being prom queen was every girls dream but not mine…Some how I still managed to receive the horrible title. I walked on set to see a bench with a few fake trees and a starry night back drop. I smiled as they tweaked things here and there out of pure amusement. Suddenly I was in my mind remembering a moment with the guys. We were all sitting around waiting for Bill to finish up the vocals in the studio. Tom was playing air guitar with Jess, attempting to be in front of a crowd ‘rocking out’. Gustav was trying out his ninja skills on Tom’s bag of skittles, slowly taking one by one out of the gigantic bag Tom had next to his guitar case, and Georg was imitating me as I made fishy faces in the mirror. Suddenly I had a magnificent idea, so I jumped up and let out a loud shrill of excitement. Everyone stopped and starred at me like I was the biggest crack head on the planet.

“I Have The Best Idea In The Whole World!” Tom cleared his throat and shook his head.

“Here we go, Georg did you bring the protective gear. I have a feeling some one’s going to get hurt.” Considering the fact that me and Tom were still on the down low, He liked to mock my ideas because he always ended up hurt.

“Yeah here.” Georg reached in to his pocket and came out with a middle finger. Tom made a face and crossed his arms.

“Gustav Stop Stealing My Skittles!” He yelled when he heard the crinkle of the bag. Suddenly every one erupted in to a giant fuss over what an ass hole Tom was. I cleared my throat taking in everyone now arguing in a small circle not even ten feet from me. I crossed my arms and waited. After ten minutes I knew I was running out of time and they weren’t letting up on the fight. So I climbed on the table and cupped my hands around my mouth.

“Shut The Fuck Up You Imbeciles!” I yelled with everything inside of my tiny body. They all stopped and turned their attention towards me. I smiled and jumped down, taking complete control.

“Bill hates when things change directly, not so much subtly, so I have an idea to really make him second guess his sanity. We’re going to change this entire room around and when he comes in were going to act like nothing happened.” I watched as they nodded and began switching the room around. Within a matter of twenty minutes we were waiting for Bill. Tom and Gustav arguing quietly over skittles, Georg and Jess slowly reaching a full on make out session where the couch was now located and I was watching Tom with pure interest. I hadn’t really noticed the voices in the room, or really anyone but Tom. I was so into how he acted like a child, and still looking completely sexy, and made Gustav want to strangle him. So it was only natural that I didn’t hear the door open and see Bill stop in the door way trying to figure out what happened.

“Wasn’t the fridge over there? And the couch there?” We all looked around and then back to him, slowly shaking our heads. Some of us even went as far as giving him the look of craziness, I am guilty and so is Tom.

“Bill no one has moved anything in this room.” Gustav’s amazing accent made that a little funnier than it should have been.

“I swear I’m not crazy this room changed!” He shrieked fanning his face with one manicured hand, I nodded.

“Come to think of it, He’s right. That piece of paper on the floor was by the window and now it’s by the door.” I silently thanked Jess for small details. They made contemplative faces and nodded slowly.

“I see what she’s saying.” Tom pitched in.

“Not that piece of paper, the whole room has changed.” He shut the door behind him and tried to take it all in.

“Yeah and Jess can fly.” I cracked up after Georg’s comment, I couldn’t contain myself. Some pranks were just too funny.
I shook my head realizing someone was talking to me and smiled.

“Sorry, what?” The photographer took in a breath and smiled irritated.

“You’re going to have a hundred frames, please don’t waste them we are on a tight schedule.” I nodded and did my normal routine on set. Once the camera was gone I was heading for the dressing room. It was half past three and the Next job was at four with John and MCR. I quickly changed and left before any one could come up to me.

~Tom’s Point Of View.~
I opened up my laptop and clicked on to the Internet browser. The homepage came up and I sat there reading through the latest celebrity scandals in Germany. I was about to scroll down when Celia’s image caught my eye. She was wearing the same black dress she wore on our official date, only this time she was with some tall, Jerk looking idiot who probably didn’t deserve her. I clicked the link that said ‘Celia Andrews has a new one, Already?’ and along with other photo’s was an article I read through it quickly.
Super model Celia Andrews has already moved on from hot German guitarist Tom Kaulitz. She was seen walking hand in hand with This man. We’re not sure of his name or even their relationship status. But it seems pretty clear that Celia didn’t mind his arm around her waist. I wonder how Tom is taking this, Or if he even knows she’s moved on. I glanced at the pictures and she seemed to be faking every emotion, She was good at that. I snapped my laptop closed without exiting the browser and grabbed my keys on the way out of my apartment. I don’t know why but I felt betrayed, Hurt, and angry at her and myself. I didn’t know where I was going but I was going there quickly. When I pulled up at my parent’s beach house I shut off my car and walked towards the waves, stopping before my shoes hit the tide line. I sniffled a few times and realized the reason I couldn’t breathe was due to my tears. So I threw my hands in the air and tossed my head back letting out the loudest scream I could have ever thought possible for any human and fell to my knees. The sudden realization of actually loosing Celia for good hit me like the rough waves would hit the shore. My breath was knocked from my lungs and I fell forward catching myself with my hands. They gripped the sand and my body shook violently, Not only was I hurt and crying I was suddenly so angry I would have hit my own brother for attempting to speak to me. I threw clumps of wet sand in to the water, each one I threw I had some comment to make.

“You’re Fucking Stupid!” I grabbed another hand full of sand.

“You Should Have Never Trusted Her!” Again I grabbed another handful.

“Way To Go Tom, Nice Fucking Job You Idiot!” I continued to throw sand long after I ran out of insults for myself. I contemplated Insulting Celia but quickly dismissed it, after thinking over the article I decided without knowing to insult her. So I found myself throwing sand, Screaming at the top of my lungs, and wanting to punch someone.

“You’re A Flat Out Bitch Celia. I Trusted You, I Let You In, I Gave You A Chance, and I Cared For You. And In Return You Can’t Believe Me and You Hurt Me! You’re Just like the Rest of Them!” I found myself slamming my fists on the ground spitting insults through my teeth.

“You’re just like the rest of them. You meant nothing! Nothing! Fucking whore!” I wrapped my arms around my torso and found myself crying hysterically.

“How can you have such an affect over me?” As much as I wanted the answer to that question I was scared of it. Who really knew why her being with someone else and not me hurt so badly? After a while it started to get cold and I stood up knowing exactly what I wanted right now, Alcohol and Girls. I climbed in my car and drove to the nearest club. Once inside I headed straight for the bar, catching the sight of a few hot girls and smiling slightly. I ordered eight shots of the strongest alcohol I could think of and then two glasses of Cherry Vodka. The alcohol numbed my body and blurred my mind; I found myself quiet pleased and heading towards a gorgeous blond who was sitting alone and sending me signals.

“Hey gorgeous want to dance or can I buy you a drink?” I added my signature wink and she smiled flirtatiously and stood up, her body came close to mine and she played with one of my dreads.

“How about you buy me a drink and then we dance.” Not much of a choice but I nodded and she pulled me towards the bar by my hand.

“Two shots of tequila.” She smiled innocently and the bartender filled her request. She handed one to me and held the other to her lips. Smiling behind her shot glass she winked and we downed the drinks. At first my throat burned and then I felt it running through my body. Her hand grabbed my pants and tugged me to the dance floor. I knew she’d be coming home with me as soon as her hips connected with mine and we began to dance dirty to the music. After what seemed like only a few minutes, but turned out to be an hour and a half of dancing she winked and motioned for me to follow. I did, wanting to be close to her playful smile and petite figure. She led me to the bathrooms and made sure everyone was gone before pulling me in to the ladies room. I watched her lock the door and turn to me, I smiled leaning against the wall.

“Come here.” She winked again and blew me a kiss. I stepped towards her and she shoved me back in to the wall. Once my back hit the tile roughly I went in to auto pilot and locked my arms around her waist. Her body pressed tightly against mine, The music seeping through the walls, My numbness…Everything was right. She began to kiss my neck and lightly bite, I don’t know why but it was such a sudden turn on. I turned so she was against the wall and roughly kissed her lips. They were smooth and full, Warm and inviting unlike mine, I kissed to her neck and locked my mouth on to her neck. She gasped and drew in a soft breath that came out as a moan. My hand trailed down her waist to her thigh, I caressed the skin under her skirt and pushed her legs open, my fingers finding their way inside of her. She moaned, a soft laugh escaped my lips. I pulled my hand away when she was ready to collapse and unzipped my pants. She held up a condom and I laughed as she put it in place for me. I pulled her back up by her hair and she smiled.

“Rough one aren’t you?” Her voice was soft and cute. I smiled a half smile and shrugged.

“I like to keep it entertaining.” She smiled and I pressed her back against the wall, she nodded that I could continue, like I was going to listen any way, and I pulled her skirt up and slid her underwear to the side. I wasn’t new at fucking in the club bathroom or even against a wall in the main part of the club. I knew she could tell that I knew what I was doing and I knew she enjoyed it very much because she lifted her leg around my waist and let me pick her up and slide inside of her.


I woke up and rolled over. Running feverishly to the bathroom and finding comfort in the toilet. The only thing I could remember last night was that girls strangely beautiful face. I stood up and rinsed my mouth, in my exit from the bathroom to my room I noticed the small figure under my sheets. I climbed on the bed and slowly revealed her soft shoulder blades. She stirred slightly and moaned, a small smile spreading across my face. She rolled over and cupped my face in her hand, her touch was unbelievably soft and I smiled wider. She lifted her head and pressed her lips to mine in a passionate way.
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it's been a while but here's one of many updates, Comment and let me know your thoughts.