Yelling Obscenities at You!

Don't Jump: Part One.

I looked out over the landscape. From the seventh floor everything was completely gorgeous. Jess was standing next to me practically leaning over the railing.

"Why is everything away from home always so beautiful?" She sounded a bit upset. I glanced over at her as she looked back at me. Her green eyes were so adventurous and open like the vast green hills. I admired them so much.

"Because when you live somewhere you get tired of the same views everyday." We both laughed at how that sounded, as a thought it sounded better.

"Georg wants me to go out with him and the band when we get there. I want you to come with." She sounded as excited as a kid in a candy store with twenty bucks.

"No I'm going to stay in the hotel Bored as hell well you have fun!" I let the sarcasm flow naturally from my lips and she laughed at me. I went to my room and sat down on the large white bed, I realized how white and tranquil everything in this place was. I called my dad with the hope that he could help me sort out my problems. These past two days of driving to Finland had given me a lot of time to think about Ray and me, And it didn't look so good.

"Hey sweetie, What's going on?" There was that same excitement in his voice as any other day.

"Not much Daddy, I need some advice." I thought about how exactly to word my thoughts.

"Alright I'll try." He laughed.

"I feel like Ray and I are well past done, But I don't know how to tell." That was a very lame starter, I furrowed my eyebrows .

"Honey if you don't want him around don't be afraid to tell him that."I smiled at that.

"It's just he's really clingy and Obsessive. I never have time alone, and him and Jess always fight, It makes me want to shove socks in their mouths." I ranted and my dad laughed.

"Celia, if you don't love him it will never last, Sweet heart he may not be right for you and that's okay you'll find a the right man again." The fact that he called me by my name told me he was completely serious. I agreed with him trying to get my mind to stay here and not in the past with Cody.

"How's mom?" I quickly changed the subject.

"She's good, finally recovering from the flu." He chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Celia!" Jess called from the living room.

"Hey dad I got to go I'll cal you later. I love you, Bye." I sighed in frustration.

"I love you to, bye." We hung up and I stuffed my phone in my back pocket on my way out. As I rounded the corner to the door I suddenly wished I would of rolled over and played dead. Standing there in the door way was none other than Ray. I mentally groaned and screamed, This was way beyond the line. I took Jess' spot and wished he would blow up.

"What are you doing here!?" I snapped instantly, Ray smiled and the Knot tightened in my chest. It had always been there with my boyfriends, with one exception.

"I missed you so I decided to come see you." He reached for my arm and I jerked back, Completely fuming that he was here. He actually thought that showing up unexpectedly on my vacation was perfectly fine, and that's what made me mad.

"You are not supposed to be here." His hand dropped and I crossed my arms.

"I was going to tell you, But your phone must be dead." I laughed angrily.

"Yeah cause I've been trying to get away from Belgium, I'm trying to relax and your making it way harder then it should be." I snapped clenching my teeth audibly.

"What's going on Celia?" His smile dropped for once.

"What's going on! Nothing, I'm trying to Relax. I need space Raymond, I didn't just agree to come all the way to Finland to see Georg play, I came out here to get my thoughts straight. I thought that maybe if I left for a while I could find a reason why I was still with you, And I was okay with missing you because I thought that maybe you would understand that I was off with Jess. But you showed up here and have completely pissed me off. I can't do this any more, Your clingy and Obsessive and it's really annoying and really Pissing me off. I can't be with you any more." I was gone like a bullet fired with no target. I felt the knot in my chest fade away till it was gone, Ray just stood there.

"What are you saying Celia?" He looked seriously hurt, But I couldn't be bothered by that.

"I'm saying we're through, Give me back my apartment key and just leave." He slowly handed me the key back and I slammed the door in his face, still a little ticked off that he showed up. I joined Jess on the Balcony, Ready to shove a fork in my eye socket.

"Single." We said together, Though her tone was more questioning, We nodded and I was suddenly very curious about the rest of Tokio Hotel.

"What's the band like?" She laughed knowing exactly what I meant, I was hurt over Ray, But that didn't mean I wasn't a flirt.

"Four guys, only two are single. Bill and Tom are Identical twins, although it's hard to tell but there are moments when it's completely obvious. Bill's girlfriend, Rosaline, is absolutely gorgeous. She's really cool and she's their make up artist, Which is how she met and fell in love with Bill. Gustav is a best friend, A brother and he's sorta single. He's been crushing on this Girl Vanessa but their not officially together, we all know they will end up together. You already know most things about Georg which only leaves Tom. He's more of a one night stand guy, We're not really sure why though, ever since his high school girlfriend and him broke up he's had a thing for one night stands, But word is he's not that bad in bed. He's really cute but not my type, He's the guitarist, really compassionate about it to. Underneath everything he's a big teddy bear and a best friend slash brother if you need it. He's a lot like you which is really creepy some times, You guys will get along just fine. I've told them all a lot about you so your pretty much already part of our family." We laughed together and I knew she was plotting something in her head.


When I was showered and dressed in my Pajama's ready for bed I called my dad. Strangely his phone went straight to voice mail. As soon as the worry started to rise I was out cold.


I woke up to Jess arguing on the phone, With what I could only assume was her mom. She was trying to keep her voice quiet but was failing miserably. By the looks of today she'd be turning off her phone for a while, If not for it being the only current communication between her and Georg I'm sure she would of thrown it off the balcony. When it went quiet I decided to present myself, I slid out of bed and pulled back my hair. Realizing I was insanely happy and Clam for ten thirty in the morning. I met her in the living room and smiled, She went wide eyed probably assuming the worse.

"Where's Celia and what have you done with her?" She joked lightly.

"I've stolen her body and Sold her soul to the devil." I replied just as jokingly. We sat down and ordered room service to bring us waffles and coffee as we planned today.

"So I figured one more night here and then drive to the other hotel, That happens to be right around the corner from the condo's where they live." She dropped to a whisper for the last part, and I smiled to myself. Jess jumped up and let the man in and the out before we continued our conversation.

"Why don't we just leave today after breakfast, Get there by about lunch time and shop for a bit, And that will give us some time to just chill out and explore the city." My suggestion had Jess trying to fit three waffles in her mouth at once, I laughed taking a small bite of my own. She looked at me with Waffle hanging out of her mouth and stabbed her fork at me.

"Eat Faster Women! We need to get there so you can meet Georg!!!" I laughed at her craziness and sat back taking my time to chew my waffle.

"I've already met him." I mumbled through my own food.

"Before he got Famous." She corrected me and I had to nod in agreement.


As we drove, Again, The sun was starting to set. It was no problem as we had already been shopping and were right around the corner from the Hotel. Jess' phone vibrated in her pocket and she practically jumped out of the sun roof. I snickered to my self and she shot me a warning glare.

"Hey Babe!" She Laughed, "Really! That's awesome. Yeah we can do that. I love you to, Bye!" She tucked her phone away and looked at me pretty much bouncing in her seat as I pulled up to the Hotel. I was suddenly very aware that plans had changed, The bellhop took our bags and the Valet parked my car as we headed inside.

"They're ahead of Schedule one day because a venue in France was shut down, So they came home early. They want to meet you tonight and take us to dinner!" She gripped my arm as I checked us in. We headed towards the elevator and I became very nervous. All the way up to the room she bounced and talked about the band, Telling me things I probably shouldn't know. Mainly she talked about Tom which gave me more suspicion that she was plotting something. When I got in and settled in my room I jumped in the shower. The hot water calming my nerves. As I got out I was no longer nervous, and I was ready to conquer anything. I dressed in a simple black tang top and jeans. My hair was pulled back in a pony tail, And I was able to see one of my four tattoo's. At the age Seventeen I got the words Forever Sacred Tattooed on the back of my neck, Jess thought it was because of Tokio Hotel's song Sacred but I hadn't even heard that song until she mentioned it. I finished my make up as Jess stepped in to my room, She had on a red tang top and dark blue jeans that accented her curves nicely. Her long brunette hair framed her face, She looked stunning. I noticed I was starring at her and that she was taking a picture of me, I turned around when she finished and gave my self a once over in the mirror.

"They live right around the corner in Danube Condo's. They don't live together yet, But when They buy a house they will. Right now they live in separate buildings." She giggled at some unknown fact and we walked out to my car.

"So who's are we going to?" I was completely shocked at how close they lived, Literally right around the corner.

"Georg's, We'll only be there ten minute's tops. Depends on the Kaulitz twins, They always have to look good. I swear they take longer to get ready then I do." I followed her up to the elevator as she continued on about how Bill apparently loved to make a big entrance. We got off at the third floor and walked towards the end of the hall. By the look on Jess' face and how she walked I knew she wanted to take off full speed to his door. Thankfully we arrived before she could do anything rash. Knocking anxiously she turned to me and smiled, I nodded at her to let her know she looked fine, Not that Georg cared. There was a loud laugh from inside and she turned back to the door as it opened. The same brown haired boy from high school stood in the door way smiling. I watched Jess relax instantly, a small laugh slipping through my lips.

"Hi." She sighed with a goofy smile resting on her lips.

"Hi." He smiled and then she kissed him with such a passion that it made my heart ache inside my chest. They pulled apart and Jess turned to me.

"Georg you remember Celia." We both nodded and he wrapped me in a hug, I hesitated at first and then hugged him back.

"Come on inside." We followed him in to the large white living room. I took in the setting, He had a portrait of him and Jess above the fire place, two guitars next to his large white couch. A few chairs, A coffee table cluttered with papers. There was a pretty good sized Television there and a single X-box 360. I turned to see a guy step out of what I was assuming to be the kitchen.

"Gustav this is Jess, My girlfriend, And Celia my old friend." He laughed and I nodded to Gustav. I couldn't really describe him.

"Hey." He smiled the wrapped Jess in a brotherly hug. When he turned to me I hadn't expected him to do the same but he did, and I had no choice but to return the hug. We migrated to the couches where Georg began to ask questions.

"So Daddy's little girls Finally left home?" He still had the same joking tone that I remembered.

"Yep! Me and Jess are finally living on our own." We smiled triumphantly.

"So where are you living now?" He was completely serious.

"Belgium." Jess stated excitedly, Georg gave her a wicked smiled. There was suddenly a loud knock at the door and Georg stood up rolling his eyes and went to answer it. As soon as he had completely opened the door two men came in and smiled, Jess giving me a look. The boy with really baggy cloths started laughing as the one with Black hair and tight cloths burst out yelling.

"Tonight We Bring You The Sexy, Wild, Completely Awesome Kaulitz Twins! Starring Bill Kaulitz!" He posed and the other boy stepped up beside him and smiled.

"And Tom Kaulitz!" he struck a pose as well and Jess and I burst out laughing at them.

"Jessi!!" Bill called and Jess sprang up and ran to him.

"Billy!" They locked each other in an air tight hug, My eye's flickered to Tom's face, I could of died then. He was starring back at me smiling devilishly. Jess took him by surprise jumping on him.

"Tommy!" She cried. When They stopped hugging Jess turned to me.

"Tom, Bill. I want you to Finally Meet Celia. Newly Single And turning Twenty one Tomorrow!" She nudged Tom and whispered in his ear. In return he smiled and nodded. Bill came over and Pulled me up and in to a hug.

"Welcome to the Family!" He said loudly and the whispered in my ear, "Tom's going to try to get you in bed, I'm apologizing before hand." Bill's touch left a strange tingly feeling in my stomach. Right behind him was tom, Still devilishly smiling.

"So you're Celia. I've heard a lot about you from the Peanut gallery." He nodded to Jess and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh really now! " I gave him a seductive smile and looked to Jess who was wrapped tightly in Georg's arms, Talking with Gustav and Bill. When I looked back at Tom he was Closer to me than before.

"Yeah, Daddy's Girl!" I smiled showing off my sparkling smile, My dad's smile. His body reacted nervously to that but his Confidence covered it well. He winked at me and smiled.

"Okay, Mr. One night stand." I winked back an walked over to Jess who was motioning for me, She whispered in to my ear.

"Tom's going to flirt with you, He's got a really big ego and If you lead him on in any way he's going to chase you. Oh and he likes Cinnamon toast Crunch." I laughed at the last part I turned around to find Tom standing there with Bill. They were giving me an Identical smile and I turned back to Jess.

"Freaky." She laughed at me.

"Every one ready to go?" Georg looked specifically down at Jess, who smiled at him.

"Yep." We cleared out to the parking lot, We had to stop and debate on how all of us were going to get there.

"Tom's got the biggest car, But Jess is scared shirtless of him driving." Everyone laughed a bit.

"I was drunk, and It was once!" Tom defended him self.

"Bill do you think we could fit in your car?" Gustav's voice held a sweet tone, But he shook his head.

"Rosaline has my car, She's meeting us there." The way he said her name sent a shiver down my spine.

"Why don't Georg, Gustav and Jess take Georg's car, and then Bill, Tom and I Take Tom's car. And On the way back Bill and Rosaline can ride together, Georg and Jess can drive, Cause I know They're going to want to be alone tonight, And then Tom can bring me and Gustav back here and I can take my car back to the hotel." My own voice shocked the hell out of me, Every one starred at me.

"Alright sounds good to me, Let's go!" Bill Pointed to nothing in particular and everyone agreed going separate ways. Bill wrapped an arm around my waist as we followed Tom to his car.

"So Celia you plan on getting in my brother's pants?" I was taken by surprise.

"Oh yeah!" I replied sarcastically and Tom pulled me close to his body and away from Bill.

"Didn't you know, Bill, we're already buying a wedding dress." His voice was filled with sarcasm. For the moment his embrace sent my heart running in a marathon, Then I realized we were to close and pushed him away laughing. We stopped in front of a black escalade, and I suddenly realized that they weren't joking about him having the biggest car.

"I'll let your Fiancee' sit shot gun then." Bill Opened my door for me and then shut it, Getting in the back. Tom started the car and pulled out immediately. The ride there I was Bill's prisoner and Half way there Tom joined in. By the time we had actually arrive They knew about My Family in California, my Childhood, My Traveling plans, Where I was currently living, My hobbies, Goals, Likes and dislikes, Favorite drinks and foods, And What I wanted to do with my life. We were having fun until Bill decided to ask a touchy question.

"What about Boyfriends?" He'd asked Five minutes ago, I still hadn't answered him. We had Thankfully arrived at the restaurant, I was the last one out of the car and in to the building. I kinda hated my self right now, for the first time since I was five. I walked behind them to the Table where everyone sat. Bill introduced me to Rosaline, I mumbled hello and sat down across from Jess and between the twins. I desperately wanted to disappear from the face of the earth. Bill's question had made me realize that all of my boyfriends were Idiots, Liars and assholes, And that the love of my life Died in my arms in an accident meant to kill me. Currently I was remembering that day, which is probably why I didn't remember ordering or the conversation between everyone else starting. I stood up slowly, Every one going quiet.

"I have to make a phone call." I knew Jess knew who I was going to call, Which is why she didn't follow me. Out side I sat down on the steps and dialed my dad's number.

"Hey sweetie, What's up?" My dad's happiness burning through, but this time I didn't smile, I sniffled.

"Daddy." I whispered, A few hot tears rolling down my face, I quickly wiped them away.

"Celia, Honey, What's wrong?" I didn't know what to tell him, So I blurted out the first thing I thought of.

"I miss Cody." I began to sob. I could imagine what I looked like sitting here on the phone crying outside of a Expensive restaurant.

"Honey it'll be okay. I understand how you feel, I just wish I was there to help you through it."

"Daddy, I feel so lost right now. Everything inside of me is falling apart.. I don't know what to do."I wiped my face but the tears just kept coming.

"Celia I promise you'll find a guy that will make you feel that same way. Your heart will never heal completely but it'll get better. Jess and Your mom an I are always here to help you, But you have to start the healing process, we can only do so much." The sympathy in his voice backed up what he was saying.

"I miss you and mom." I sniffled and wiped my face dry, Again!

"We miss you to sweetie, Come and visit us soon. I have to get to bed I have work in the morning."

"Okay, I love you guys, Bye." I felt like a kid again.

"Smile, We love you to, Goodnight." We hung up and with out really intending to I listened to an old voice message from Cody.

"Hey Baby! I'm on the plane with mom. We're going to land in Berlin soon. I wish you could be here, Then it'd be a million times better. I wrote you a new song, I can't wait to sing it to you tonight. We'll I gotta go. I love you and I miss you so much. Your my world. Bye." I scrolled through our old pictures and before I knew it I was laughing. I put my phone away and looked up at the sky, I realize that I was going to look crazy doing this but I didn't really care.

"Thank you so much god for giving him to me, For allowing me to love him while I could. I just wish he was here, If you're listening Cody, I still love you and I miss you so much." I wiped away a few lingering tears and fixed my make up before returning to everyone, feeling much better. I smiled at Jess and looked to Rosaline as she spoke. Her beauty stunning me, Bill knew she was beautiful I could tell by the way he was starring at her. I felt a twinge of pain but welcomed it. I loved a man who was gone, I didn't want to forget him. Ever!

"So Celia what about that boyfriend history?" Bill asked when Rosaline had stopped talking and I dropped the piece of steak I was going to eat.

"Let's not go there, It's a touchy subject." Jess interjected and I leaned back taking my red wine.

"No it's okay Jess."I took a sip and set my cup down.

"You sure?" She looked concerned and I nodded slowly.

"My first boyfriend was in seventh grade, He was a good friend of mine and Jess'. We broke up after summer when he cheated on me. I dated a kid named Ronnie after him, He lasted two weeks, Completely asshole. I didn't date till the eight grade after him. Ninth grade year I fell in love. Cody and I dated till Three months after graduation. Then I meet Raymond, and we just broke up yesterday, He was really clingy and obsessive." Georg and Jess both knew very well not to really ever ask about Cody, So I didn't expect them to ask. Rosaline leaned forward a confused look upon her beautiful face.

"If you were in love with Cody why aren't you two still together?" I looked down and then back to her, Burning through her beauty with my eyes, She sat back immediately.

"He was taken from me." I whispered in a very hurt manner and sipped my wine again.

"By who, The head cheer leader?" Tom sounded completely entertained and I saw Jess slightly twitch ready to jump at him. I shook my head at her and turned my gaze to him.

"He Died." Tom's smile dropped instantly, Rosaline gasped.

"How'd he die?" She drew my attention from Tom and instead of looking at her I looked at Jess, My security.

"It's was six months after he proposed to me, we were down at the park it was about midnight. My mom called me with the news that my father had become very ill so Cody and I rushed to the hospital. We had gone for some coffee one morning at the star bucks around the corner. On our way back a car came out of no where. It was coming straight for me, I was in complete shock, Frozen in the middle of the road. Cody realized I wasn't able to move and shoved me out of the way, Before he could move the car hit him. The impact had snapped his entire ribcage in, It pierced his lungs. I remember screaming and lifting his head into my lap. I was crying hysterically, He told me then that he loved me and that I should never forget him. I kissed him and then he was gone, I screamed for help but nobody was there. I was completely hysteric, two weeks later my dad got better and Cody was buried." I huffed a sad laugh and quickly smiled, Bills arms wrapped around me.

"I'm so sorry boo." I nodded and he pulled away.

"You didn't know." We changed topics immediately and had desert before I knew it we were leaving.

"It was nice meeting you Celia." I hugged Rosaline, Bill and then Gustav as they piled in Bill's car then Jess and Georg hugged me.

"I'll be home by noon." She smiled kissing my cheek.

"Don't worry about it, Spend time with him you never know what will happen." I smiled at them

"Thank you." They left and I turned to Tom.

"Come on."
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