Yelling Obscenities at You!


I pulled my hood up and began my journey away from this building. I walked passed Bill and Gustav with out a hello. I sparred them a glance trying my best to smile.

"Celia." Bill muttered and I waved at him walking faster. I just wanted to think with out so many people trying to help me. What did I do to deserve this misery? is it because I'm a bitch. My dad was right I got hurt, I let Tom get inside to tear me apart. I deserve this, I deserve all of it. The pain, The misery, The rejections. I got what I wanted because I didn't know how to open up to some one I care about. I turned a corner and walked on. The cold wind blowing against my tear streaked cheeks. I must seem stupid to him, Just another girl he can take advantage of and leave. But I could see it in his eyes that he cared for me, That I was indeed something special to him. I was wrong not to listen to his story, But how could I when it hurt to know that he had even let that happen. I stopped at a park and walked to the swing set. Sitting down and grabbing the chains I kicked off and started to swing back and forth. Breathing in the cold air and refreshing my lungs. My eyes closed and I stopped kicking my feet just letting the swing carry me.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I stood up from the bathroom floor and washed my face. I braced my self for the next two and a half hours of my life. As I exited the bathroom I walked straight to the studio, expecting Celia to still be there but she wasn't, Only her cell phone. I picked it up and tucked it in to my pocket to return it to her. Then I returned to my guitar and played around with some cords. I wanted to finish this song and go home, shortly after I had written down some parts Bill came in with a strange look on his face.

"Tom any idea what's up with Celia?" I shrugged.

"I've been working on the guitar parts and I think I've got something, listen." I started to play before he could push on the subject of Celia. He listened intently and nodded.

"Sounds good." He stated blatantly after I finished. I knew something was bothering him, I knew exactly what it was to, and I couldn't just let him go on like that.

"Bill I know what's wrong with Celia but before I tell you I don't want you to try and help, I've made my final decision on her and I'm not letting any one change it." He nodded sitting on the stool next to me and looked at the floor. I told him exactly what happened and when I finished he didn't look up he just chewed his lip quietly.

"Tom I'm not going to change your mind, I'm not going to tell you what to do but I am going to say that Celia is important to all of us, and you may not want anything to do with her but she does. I know from how she acts around you and how she actually smiles and not fakes it like she does with Jess, and everyone else that she loves you. We can all see it. Celia is scared of admitting it because she thinks that as soon as she does you'll be taken away. She doesn't want to lose you like she did Cody. " He paused and took in a deep breath then looked at me. I could see it in his eyes that he was serious and that he was afraid. I didn't say anything but he continued to speak.

"This whole thing between the two of you is only making her even more scared. She didn't want to listen because it hurt her to know that, even if accidental, you may have slept with your ex. I know you didn't, I believe you, but she doesn't and you need to make her listen. I'm tired of seeing you pretend you're happy. I'm tired of watching my brother lie to me when he says that he doesn't care or that he's fine." Bill stood up and walked to the door.

"We're off for the rest of the day." He let the door slam behind him and I sat there with my guitar feeling like absolute shit. I don't know how long I sat there just starring at the door but Celia's phone began to ring and I automatically pulled it out of my pocket it was a text message from some Mike guy. It opened by itself and I started to read with out meaning to. I'm sorry if I came off as an ass, I would like to try again. Let me take you on another date when you get back, Please. I wasn't the only one who was trying to move on. The thought of Celia with another man made me upset, Made me want to punch something.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I jumped off the swing and started to walk back towards the studio. It was getting dark and I had remembered I left my cell phone on the floor. Some one was bound to be texting me. I walked slowly towards the studio. Once I was inside there was no need to stop at the front desk, The receptionist was gone. I entered the elevator and went up to the same floor as before. It was quiet, To quiet. I neared the studio they had been in and stopped when I was opening the door. Tom was playing an acoustic guitar, All alone and softly singing. I couldn't understand the lyrics at first but after a while I could.

"We broke the key. We hid within ourselves. Everything is so honestly perfect. We lock ourselves away. We lock ourselves away. Until time forgets us. Until time forgets us. Until you miss the last day. I know non of us gonna go. You are the last way." I stepped back out of the studio and started to walk away. A girl rushed past me, her shoulder slamming in to mine. I ignored the slight pain and kept walking. If there was one thing I knew better than to do it was watch Tom's female friends 'discuss' shit. I couldn't call Joe because I didn't have my cell phone so I started to walk. It was still day time but I knew that when I reached the Hampton hotel it would be night time.


I walked in to the lobby and up to the front desk. The receptionist looked up with one of the most pissed off looks upon her face and I was nearly terrified to walk over to her. Though I had to, and so I did.

"Hullo, I need my room key." I stood a good distance from the desk with out seeming rude.

"Name?" She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Celia Andrews." She shot her head up and had the biggest set of eyes I'd ever seen.

"Thanks for the riot of paparazzi. Here." She shoved the key at me and I stood there stunned.

"Excuse me?" I should have controlled the anger in my voice better but I had had it with people and their idiocy.

"A group of paparazzi flooded in earlier looking for you, You nearly brought the hotel to the ground." I clenched my fists.

"It's not my fault that I'm famous. I didn't ask for it so take your snuddy attitude and cram it up your fat ass." I snatched my key away from her hands and stormed off to the elevator. I was definitely not my self, I was in no position to help people solve issues. I knew exactly what I was doing tomorrow, Going to visit Rosaline. I rode the elevator to the fourth fifth floor and walked down the hall, The number on my key didn't bother me until I was standing out side the damn door. It was like a conspiracy against me, To make me want to go see Tom and apologize and beg him to take me back. I entered room 483 with a violent huff, if that was possible, and threw the key across the room.

"I Hate All of You!" I growled and stormed to my bedroom area slamming the door and flopping face down on to the white comforter.

"You All Suck!" I screamed in to it's fluffiness. I reached the phone with much effort and dialed the first number that came to mind. It rang seven times and I was about to hang up but I heard the faint hello of his voice.

"Hello, Who is this?" I took in a deep breath.

"Tom it's Celia...I left my phone in the.." He cut me off before I could finish.

"I know I have it do you want me to drop it off?" I would get to see him again...That would be bad, But I wanted it so badly. I mean my phone that is, Not to see Tom...I think.

"Yeah I need it. I'm at the Hampton hotel, Room 483." I was hesitant to say it but he stifled a laugh and told me he'd be here soon. I hung up and scooted to the top of the bed. I kicked off my shoes and hugged my knee's to my chest. I didn't lock the door so it' be open, as I waited for his knock I began to think about how badly I missed him next to me. I was starring down at the bed, huffing for air and eventually crying. Which was Ridiculous.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I had left the studio shortly after a short blond came running in. I had no interest in flirting with her tonight, I wanted to go home. The entire ride home Celia's phone kept vibrating, Ringing, and it was very irritating I almost hated to be her. When I stepped inside I sat down and as wrong as it was I went through her messages and missed calls, I just wanted to know what was so damn important. To my surprise it was her work schedule for when she went back to California, so many appointments and talk shows. I felt bad for her, there was literally no end for her. It was one interview and photo shoot after another every single day for her. An her manager and that damn Mike kept calling. I was almost tempted to call Mike back and tell him to leave her alone, that he wasn't good enough for her but I decided against it. My phone suddenly started to violently ring in my pocket, Scaring the shit out of me and making me jump up off the couch. I looked at the screen to see an unknown number an debated on answering. After it rang a few times I did, unwillingly.

"Hello." There was no answer after that. "Hello. Who is this?" I was going to hang up until I heard Celia's voice. It sounded so weak and deprived.

"Tom it's Celia...I left my phone in the.." I cut her off just wanting to say something to assure her it was okay.

"I know I have it do you want me to drop it off?" I didn't know why I offered such a thing but I figured it would be best.

"Yeah I need it. I'm at the Hampton hotel, Room 483." She sounded hesitant. The room number made me laugh but I quickly covered it by coughing. I told her I would and hung up. I sat there for about ten minutes not sure what I would say to her. I felt really bad about this afternoon, and I knew Bill was completely right but I couldn't bring my self to fully admit to it. Finally I pulled myself off the couch after her phone continued to go off and silenced it by turning it off. I was starting to feel worse and worse for her with every fucking sound it made. I locked my door behind me having the strangest feeling that I wouldn't be back tonight and walked down to my car. I drove in silence to her hotel still trying to figure out how I would play this off. I didn't bother with the receptionist I went straight to the elevator, but turning to the stairs instead to buy myself more time. I still had nothing by the time I reached the fifth floor, I was being absolutely ridiculous. Celia was a girl I slept with she was a friend of the people around me, and she probably hated me, but I had to act like she wasn't slowly killing me. I lightly tapped on her door and waited. There was no response after a few minutes so I twisted the knob and it opened. I stepped in to the room, It was dark except the open curtains that let the moon light spill in and barely light up the room. She wasn't in the living area so I went to the bedroom. I found her sitting up by the head board with her knee's to her chest, Crying her eyes out, Heaving for air, and slowly rocking back and forth. I bit my lip feeling a pain in my heart, I didn't know what to do, I didn't expect to find her like this. What ever I may have come up with to say to her had definitely vanished from my head. I drew in a deep breath and took a few steps in the room, She didn't even notice I was here. I knew for a fact she was crying over me, an I couldn't stand it I was going to go to any length to make her better. Even if it meant hurting my self in the process.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I felt the presence of someone else in the room but I couldn't bring my self to look in fear of it being the paparazzi or worse, one of my friends. Suddenly he cleared his throat and I snapped my head up, Tom was standing there in the door way looking extremely pained. I opened my mouth to speak but it came out as a low whine, I cleared my throat and tried again but I ended up with the same result. There comes a time in every adults life where they return to their childish state. Whether it being bad or good. They either cry for their parents, Cry for help, or go quiet. But when some one finally arrives to help you it's the last person you expected. The last individual on the planet that ends up putting themselves in an uncomfortable or painful situation to help you feel better even if only a little. And that's exactly what Tom is doing. He walked over to the bed and sat down. For a moment he starred at me and the he reached out and pulled me in to his chest. I don't know why but my cries became uncontrollable, ugly, and pathetic. I didn't even understand why I was crying, I didn't understand why Tom was doing this when he wanted nothing to do with me, Until he started talking.

"It's okay Celia. I promise. I'm so sorry for what ever I said, or did to make you cry like this. I'm sorry." I couldn't tell him that he was the reason I was crying so I formed a lie and made it seem like the receptionist fault. I would tell him after I stopped acting like a three year old. He scooted back on the bed and pulled me in to his lap, rocking back and forth and hugging me close to him.

"I'm sorry Celia, I'm just trying to protect myself from getting hurt, I never thought it would make you cry like this. I swear I never meant to hurt you this way. I'm an asshole and an idiot." I gripped his shirt tighter and continued to cry.


We went on like that for at least an hour and then the greatest thing happened, I couldn't cry any more. I felt much better, A good cry always made me feel better. But I wanted to tell Tom the truth as to why I was crying. I looked up at Tom and he glanced down, in the darkness of the room we sat there starring in to each others eyes, slowly getting closer and closer to each other. Until I realized that I was going to hurt him again and just as we were about to kiss I looked down and wiped my face with the back of my hand.

"Thank you Tom. For being here for me even though I know you want nothing to do with me, It still means a lot to me."
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Welly well then. Comments/Subscribe.