Yelling Obscenities at You!

Room 483: Part Two.

"Celia." I knew Tom wanted me to look at him but I honestly couldn't. He lifted my chin and I stood up. My head was spinning, I was so confused about why I couldn't just let him kiss me. I knew I wanted it but I was closing my self off for some reason.

"Don't Tom." My voice was just a whisper. " It's not that I don't want you to. It's that I know it's not going to end very well, We've both gone through so much. With out career's and not wanting to fall in love, or even have a relationship. I just don't want to put you through any more pain." He stood up and stepped towards me, I stepped back.

"Celia stop worrying about me, I am an adult. I have the ability to do it my self. You can't protect me from everything, I'm going to get hurt one way or another. So just let me and stop fighting." He stepped forward again and I stepped back once more. I looked towards the floor, I knew he wanted me to just let go but I couldn't.

"I can't I don't want to take that chance of hurting you." I whispered and my back hit the wall. Tom's arms blocked off my exits and his body was close to mine.

"Celia take a chance for once in your life. Stop trying to protect everybody else and Take a fucking chance." His index finger lifted my chin so I was looking in to his chocolate brown eyes. I felt the tears in my eyes, I wanted to kiss him so badly. In his pocket his phone started ringing, He didn't move to answer it, or even look away from my eyes. There was something hidden beneath the surface, a looming sadness ready to overtake him. Despite what I knew I had to do I stood on my tippy toes and crashed my lips to his. Allowing, for just one night, all of my problems to stay silent. It was extremely awkward at first but then his arms pulled me from the wall and in to his chest. Instinctively my eyes closed and we stumbled to the bed, stripping our cloths.


Feeling like an explosion had gone off in my stomach I laid with my head on Tom's bare chest. His fingers idly tracing patterns across my bare shoulder. I felt different, not extremely different but like something was changing in me. I couldn't sleep, It was like my body was tired but my mind would not let me fall asleep. I had just slept with the man who hurt me and who I had hurt. I felt guilty, I felt wrong, I felt dirty. When Tom's hand fell limp I knew he'd fallen asleep so I closed my eyes attempting the same.

~Bill's Point Of View.~

I stumbled in to my building, The lights hurting my eyes. All of the alcohol in my system made it hard to find the right key. Eventually I sat down and dialed Georg's number, Or Gustav's one of the two.

"Bill it's four o'clock in the morning...What the hell?" Georg mumbled.

"I can't get door...I can't. Help me." Stayed slumped by the wall as he said something else and the line went dead. The next thing I knew Georg was standing over me unlocking my door and helping me inside. I stumbled and tripped past the living room. When I entered my room I fell to the floor and curled in to a little ball, Falling asleep.


I woke up in my bed, shirtless. I rolled over and glanced at the clock it was ten in the morning. My stomach turned and I ran for the bathroom. Violently hurling up what ever food was left in my stomach. Someones hands pulled my hair back and patted my back. I rested my head on the side of the toilet and tried to keep my eyes open.

"Come on Bill Get up." Georg attempted to lift me up but I started to vomit again. After what seemed like forever he helped me stand up and rinse out my mouth. I thanked Georg, I think, and went in to my closet to get dressed I needed to go see Rosaline. I dressed in the most comfortable thing I had and grabbed my sunglasses. I walked out and down to my car. The drive was long, and quiet. I was trying to figure out what I had even done last night to end up drunk like Tom normally is. Suddenly I wondered where Tom was and I called him. His phone rang and rang until finally when I was ready to hang up he answered it.

"Hey Bill." He was whispering.

"Tom where are you?" It took him forever to answer.

"I'm no where, Where are you?"

"Your Place." I lied but hey he was lying to me.

"Oh really now, Then come in to my room and bring me coffee."

"Fine I will but if you're not in your room I'm going to steal the money you keep in your computer desk."

"What do you want Bill, I'm kinda busy."

"I wanted to know where you were cause I'm assuming you're not home."

"I'm out, and it's none of your business where I am. I'm with some one." I sighed and hung up on him as I parked in the hospital lot. I went in through the main entrance and asked for Rosaline's room. The nurse gave me directions and I followed them. I stood outside her door for a few moments and finally forced myself in. She lay on the bed looking better than she had the last time I saw her, But still not perfect. I sat down to her right and lifted her hand in mine to kiss it softly.I sat there with my eyes closed thinking about her laugh, and her smile. The way she used to kiss me and hold on to me as if I was glued to her.

"Rosaline, I wish you could hear me so badly. I want you to know that I am so terribly sorry for everything. I want to take you back, and marry you. I want to know what I did right to deserve such a beautiful, and wonderful girl like you." I kept my eyes closed and continued to speak, "I can't believe I ever let this happen to you. I made a promise to protect you from everything I could, and I know that I couldn't of protected you from this but I feel like it's all my fault. I know it is because I couldn't just agree instead of argue. I am such a dumb ass, and idiot more so than a dumb ass but still." I took a deep breath and sighed. "I love you so much Rosaline."

"I love you to Billa." Her sweet voice filled the room a few minutes after my echo disappeared. I snapped my head up to find her eyes still closed, laying in the same position. I wondered if i was going crazy, I thought I was until her eyes opened and a small smile spread across her pale dry lips.

"Rosaline, you're awake." A huge wave of relief spread through her hospital room. I slumped back in my chair still grasping her hand as tears started falling down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry Bill. "

~Regular Point Of View.~

I sat up in the hotel bed and looked around. I was alone, instantly the worst thoughts filled my head.

"I'm out, and it's none of your business where I am. I'm with some one." Tom's voice carried in through the closed door and I sighed in relief. Slipping off the bed I grabbed the nearest shirt and pulled it on. Tom's scent filling my nose, I started to pull my hair back as I walked in to the living area. Tom was sitting on the couch in his blue jeans flipping through his cell phone. I walked in to the bathroom and shut the door. There was something about the girl in the mirror that made me stare. She had a strange half smile on her face accompanied by bright eyes. She didn't look like she usually did. I thought it would change if I splashed water on my face, but when I looked back she was still the same. I brushed my teeth trying not to stare in the mirror, I did my make up and brushed out my hair trying to ignore this beautiful and strange new face. When I left the bathroom Tom was gone but my cell phone was on the small end table with a note. See you at the studio. Tom. I sighed and went to get dressed. It didn't take me very long to find a skirt and a tang top. I grabbed his shirt and my purse on the way out, Along with my cell phone and called Joe.

"Hullo Mrs.Andrews." I smiled at his warm voice.

"Hullo Joe. Can you come pick me up and take me to the studio."

"I'm in the neigh bro hood, I should be there soon. I suppose you're going to see Mr.Kaulitz." I made a small laugh and sighed.

"For a little bit. I'll see you when you get here."I smiled as he said good bye and hung up. I waited for the elevator and then rode it down to the lobby. The same receptionist was standing there. I glanced at her and walked towards the front. Out side the door I could see the paparazzi standing there.

"Do they ever sleep, I suppose not, they are from another planet." I put on my sunglasses and stepped outside as the flashes started going off.

"Celia are you taking Tom back?" I stood there smiling.

"I guess I could humor you for a bit." I received a few questioning glances and some of them prepared themselves.

"What's the story with you and Tom Kaulitz?" Another man asked.

"There is no story. Never was, We're just friends." The flashes continued to go off.

"Are you in love with him?" I smiled slightly.

"No. Like I just said we're just friends."I pulled out my phone and began shifting through the text messages.

"Why are you back in Germany?" I looked up at a small girl, she strangely reminded me of myself.

"How old are you?" I leaned towards her.

"I'm twenty." I nodded.

"I'm here for my uncles funeral." I smiled at her and walked through their crowd to get to the Limo Joe had brought.

"Celia, One more question please." I looked at the same girl and stopped as I was about to get in to the vehicle.

"Okay, Just one more, Only cause I haven't seen you around, and I think you're alright" She seemed stunned for a minute and I waited for her question.

"Uh, Do you think Tom has feelings for you?" I smiled and tilted my head to the side.

"Tom Kaulitz and I are strictly friends and Though it may seem we're closer than that we're not." I waved and climbed in to the limo. He shut the door and the flashes stopped. Once we began driving I seemed to relax.

"What was that all about?" I smiled.

"Humor." I stated and continued through my phone. I texted Mike back and replied to his plea for another date with a simple no thank you. The drive was a little long, and quiet, but manageable. i figured I would leave Tom's shirt on his car considering it was locked. Joe dropped me off in front and I smiled and thanked him.

"I'll call if I need a ride later." He nodded and pulled away. I walked to Tom's car, and to my surprise the passenger window was slightly open. I furrowed my eyebrows and starred for a minute. Then stuffed his shirt through it and walked towards the building. Tom was on his way out and he linked his arm through mine and forced me to walk backwards. I stumbled and laughed.

"Okay Okay just let me turn around." He did so and wrapped his arm possessively around my waist holding me close to him. I wondered what was up with him, But I couldn't bring my self to ask. He dragged me to the passenger side of his car and stepped back from me. His face was strangely happy and peaceful, I leaned back on the side of the car and smiled.

"Your shirts in the car." He smiled at me and I almost choked on my own breath, his smile was just as gorgeous as the first night on the beach.

"Thank you, but I had another one in the car." I tilted my head slightly to the side and sighed, chewing on my lip. He reached up and stroked my face lightly, his hand was soft but rough from all the years of guitar playing. I leaned in to his hand, For once I felt like I was supposed to be here. I reached beside me and opened the back door then climbed up in to the seat. Tom stood in front of me and for a little bit it was silent.

"So Beautiful." He whispered but it was in German, I smiled and raised my eyebrow.

"Thank you." He leaned forward and before I knew it we were locked in a heated kiss. Instinctively my legs wrapped around him and I tangled my fingers in his dreads, He climbed in to the car on top of me, Scooting me back and shutting the door. I laughed at how unusual this was, but how I some how expected it.

"Seriously Tom, In the car?" why I even asked was beyond me.

"Unless you'd like to do it on the side of the car where I'm sure everyone can see clearly. At least in here we have tinted windows, Besides you're wearing a skirt it'll be easy." He said suggestively. I laughed and he went on to kiss my neck and grab my thigh. He began to slide his hand up under my skirt and remove my underwear. As talented as he was at screwing some one in any location he seemed a bit hesitant. I encouraged him, even though I knew I shouldn't have, By bring his lips to mine and pushing the kiss farther towards passionate. His hands sped up in removing my underwear and then I heard his zipper I lifted my hand up and pressed the automatic lock for the doors, I barely heard the noise through Tom's breathing in my ear and my heart beat. In a quick movement he was starring down at me in the ready position as if waiting for my okay, I thought for a split second and nodded. Then before I could change my mind we were kissing again and he was pushing inside of me. He used the door to push off of and I used his back as a scratch post. He gasped with every scratch I embedded in to his back, Out of nowhere he leaned down to my neck and bit lightly once and then once again a littler harder. I know it sounds weird and all sorts of strange but I couldn't help but moan at the mixture of the slight pain in my neck and the pleasure in my body.

~Bill's Point Of View.~

I left Rosaline with a deep and passionate kiss and told her I would be back later after she slept for a little bit. I proceeded on to the studio to finish up the recordings. I pulled up next to Celia's car that became Jess' car and parked. As I walked past Tom's car I stopped when I heard his voice and went to knock on the window but my phone rang and I kept walking as I answered it.


"Hey Bill can you find Tom, He said he left something in his car but he's been gone for almost an hour." I starred back at his car and had a knowing feeling that he wasn't alone in that car, and He wasn't on his phone.

"Sure, I'll call you back." I hung up before Gustav could answer and then dialed Celia's number I could hear her ring tone for me from my standing point. Through the tinted windows I saw a light and then the line went to voice mail. I laughed and went inside. At the elevator I was greeted by the guys and Jess heading out for some air. I thought to join them, with a smile on my face.

"So where's Tom?" Georg questioned.

"If you stand here long enough you'll see." Jess starred at me questioningly and I pointed to his car. It was slightly rocking back and forth, they all started laughing.

"Ten bucks he's got that Nona chick in there with him." Georg managed through laughter.

"Alright ten bucks it's that girl from the hospital he was checking out before we left." Gustav stated.

"Ten bucks it's a girl from this building." Jess blurted out, I laughed quietly and joined in.

"Ten bucks it's Celia." They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"I doubt it, she doesn't want anything to do with him." Georg commented with Gustav and Jess nodding.

"Alright then you don't have to worry about losing Ten dollars to me." We watched the car as it stopped moving. The three of them braced them selves, ready to claim their wins. I stood picking at my nails watching. There was no sign they were coming out for about another three minutes and then finally the back door opened and Tom stepped out, He turned around holding out his hand and a pair of female legs could be seen from the bottom of the door, I knew those were Celia's legs, Then Tom leaned forward and stepped back, The door closed and Celia smoothed her hair down walking a little behind Tom. He was starring at his phone and hadn't noticed us yet.

"Let's go inside so you guys can pay me my money." They all grumbled and started towards the elevator. As the doors were closing Celia and Tom had just reached the lobby doors and were laughing. I watched until the last second and then turned to talk.

"I hate when Bill's right." Georg mumbled.

~Regular Point Of View.~

Tom and I made our way inside and started easy conversation so it didn't look to suspicious. The elevator took a while to reach the ground floor but once we were behind closed door Tom's lips met mine in one more fierce kiss, I shoved him away jokingly when the door's started to open and laughed.

"See you in there." I giggled and headed towards the studio, Tom was headed for the bathroom. I walked through the hallways and breathed before stepping inside the studio where I found Bill laughing and holding his hand out.

"Pay up." He stated and collected thirty dollars from the guys and Jess. I had a sick feeling I didn't want to know the bet. The way they all glanced at me and smiled told me they were talking about me before I opened the door. Tom's hand touched my shoulder and trailed down my arm, it was there a second to long to be friendly. My eyes shot to Bill and the look told me he wanted to talk, my heart sank slightly.
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Finally updated. Comment/subscribe.