Yelling Obscenities at You!


We were going the opposite direction from the condo's. I was new here, but I wasn't stupid.

"I want to show you where I go when I need to clear my head." I shrugged. The drive was about twenty minutes out, But It was gorgeous. Getting out of the car I looked out over the water. The smell of salt and fresh wind filled my nose. The air was softly blowing, the waves gently rocking to the shore, The moon was full and low. It was so amazing.

"Me and Bill, when we were little our parents used to vacation here. Every time things got hard for me I'd come out here and listen to the waves and wind. They have a soft melody and it clears my head, I love it here it's beautiful." I looked over at Tom, who was starring over everything to the moon, his voice soft and sweet. A feeling rippled through me so quick I couldn't name it, Closing my eyes I turned back to the scene before me. I couldn't completely imagine Tom ever having problems, Or things being hard for him, But Being in a band and being Famous didn't mean everything was easy. He was human to, and I knew that he suffered like the rest of us. I listened to the wind and waves.

~Toms Point Of View.~

The way Celia had talked about Cody made me feel, Not only like an Ass for being Sarcastic, But sad for her loss. I wanted to help her so badly, So when we went outside I had greatly asked Bill to take Gustav home. I waited and said goodbye patiently, when she turned to me I could see the pain in her eyes, A hurt ripped through my entire body.

"Come on." I smiled and got in the car. I knew where I could take her, a Place that I went to when I just wanted to be normal. My families Beach house.

"I want to show you where I got when I need to clear my head." She shrugged, I could be kidnapping her and all she does is shrugs, Wow. the twenty minute drive was short and silent. She was out of the car before it was even in park, walking towards the sand. I turned off the car and followed her. She didn't notice me beside her, but she was starring in amazement.

"Me and Bill, when we were little our parents used to vacation here. Every time things got hard for me I'd come out here and listen to the waves and wind. They have a soft melody and it clears my head, I love it here it's beautiful." I starred at the moon. I couldn't resist telling her that and it was so weird. I could feel her looking at me, But when I looked at her, Her eyes were closed and I noticed how under the moon she looked completely radiant. A strange feeling shot through me so fast it hurt, and I couldn't even name it. I realized that with Celia I was willing to tell her anything and everything, I didn't know why though.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I could hear the soft sweet melody and just like Tom said it cleared my head. I opened my eyes and touched his arm lightly, He looked down at me.

"Let's walk." He laughed lightly at me and I pulled him along. At first we walked in a comfortable silence, But then I became very curious about Tom.

"Tom, Tell me about you." I felt strangely at ease.

"What do you want to know?"He shoved his hands in his pockets as he watched the ground.

"Anything." He shrugged and launched in to his life from the time him and Bill started school to now. We'd walked a great distance and back while he talked and I listened intently. We were now sitting in the sand in a very comfortable silence, Kinda.

"Tom why Don't you have a girlfriend, Like Bill or Georg?" He picked up a stick and started messing with it before he answered.

"I just haven't found a girl that I know likes me for my personality and not just because I'm hot or Famous." He threw the stick in to the water.

"I know that feeling..." I huffed a laugh and leaned back on my hands.

"What do you mean?" He was looking at me for a while.

"A lot of people only want me around because I have a shit load of money and not because of who I am." I starred back at him.

"What about Jess?" I looked away.

"Jess has been around since Kindergarten. She's like Family. Besides she's got her own Money." Tom nodded, still looking at me.

"Tell me more about you, You know about me, I only know a little about you." Tom crossed his legs watching me and I shrugged.

"There's not much to me. What do you want to know?" I sat up dusting off my hands.

"Why are you such a daddy's girl?" I couldn't believe out of everything he asked that.

"My dad is like my best friend. He's always been there for me, Given me advice, Helped me through school and hardships. Plus I'm the only child in the family." I sighed remembering parts of my childhood.

"Why not your mom?" I chewed my lip for a minute thinking about that.

"As I was growing up my mom was always traveling, She's a model. If duty calls, She was on the first flight there." I shuddered at the thought.

"Oh. Why aren't you a model?" I looked at him incredulously.

"I was for a while, and then it got complicated so I quit. I'll be taking over my dad's company, me and Jess, when he dies." It wasn't like he did much any way, He went in to the office once a week and made sure every one was doing their job. We didn't even have to be in the country to take over, as my dad put it.

"That's cool." I rolled my eye's looking back to the water.

"Yeah I guess."

"You and Jess are pretty close." I smiled looking down at my feet.

"Yeah, Some times I think we're actually twins." He laughed with me.

"I don't know she's got darker hair than you. Your more of a light brunette, And you've got blue eyes hers are green. Plus your short." I shoved him over and he came back and pushed me. We laughed at each other for a little while.

"What she say to you earlier?" I referred back to when we were still doing introductions and he shrugged.

"Not much." I starred him down.

"Just enough to make you smile?" He looked at me and rubbed his nose.

"Seriously, It's not that important." I sighed looking back at the water.

"Then just tell me." I pushed and he gave up.

"She just said that you were my type of girl." I rolled my eyes and decided she was definitely plotting some thing.

"I get the feeling Jess is up to something." I said more to my self than him.

"you to huh?" I looked at him strangely.


"Well She keeps texting me, Telling me about you. I swear I think I know a lot more about you than I should. It's kinda creepy actually." I nodded.

"Yep, She's plotting." I threw my hands in the air and let them fall in my lap, Tom started laughing.

"Same thing to you?" I nodded.

"Only I don't get the benefit of it being in Text where I can Ignore her easily, I have to listen to her face to face, or through the wall." I remembered the day she first started talking about the band, I hid in the bathroom for three hours while she went on and on about Tom and Bill being so similar, I was actually thankful that Ray came home that day. I laughed at that memory, and looked at Tom.

"Do you want to go swimming?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm so not swimming in the Ocean." I laughed as he shook his head.

"No! My condo has a pool but no on uses it at night." I thought it over, It was pretty crazy and way random. I liked doing both of those things in the spur of a moment so I eventually agreed.


"Tom will you be my other best friend?" I asked as we headed to the pool.

"I don't know...I mean Georg and Gustav were here first, They can be jealous some times." He said jokingly.

"But They have Bill!" I whined and Tom gasped loudly.

"Cheaters!" we laughed as he held the gate open for me.

"So will you?" I pleaded childishly.

"I guess but you have to do crazy, completely random spur of the moment things with me when ever the occasion calls, with out any hesitation." He pulled off his hat and shoes, I joined him removing my shoes. I didn't want to ruin my cloths so I planned on swimming in my Bra and panties, whether Tom could stand it or not. Apparently he had that thought process as well. He was pulling off his shirt as I let my hair down.

"Hey! what kind of girl do you think I am!?" I said sarcastically, He rolled his eyes and threw his shirt at me.

"You know you love the view." He dropped his pants and winked. I laughed quickly pulling off my shirt and pants. When I looked at him, he was watching me.

"Pervert!" I threw his shirt back and jumped in. The water consumed me and I was surprised at how nice it felt. As I surfaced Tom was Diving it. I watched his Frame as he leaped in to the air, The moon accented his skin and every part of his body looked completely amazing. His hands broke the water first, He was so graceful, There wasn't a splash or sound as he was consumed by the pool. I was utterly jealous. I watched him swim towards me his hand grabbed my ankle and I drew in a breath. He pulled me under the water as he surfaced. I let the water settle before I surfaced and smiled innocently at him. Splashing him I took off under the water and in to the deeper part of the pool. Tom followed me instantly, I knew this meant war. He chased me in circles for about ten minutes before he finally grabbed my waist while I was under the water swimming to what I assumed was safety. He pulled me up to the surface as I sucked in water, I let him splash me and then I spit the water out at him. He gasped, wiping his face off.

"How Dare You!?" He grinned that Sexy Devilish grin and my back hit the wall, I gasped kinda shocked.

"Mr.Kaulitz I didn't know you were like this?" I gestured to our surroundings and he laughed.

"Any where I can get it." It was quiet between us as we stopped laughing and really looked at each other. I was taking in his face, The way his lips looked really soft, His eyes that looked bottomless and held so many secrets that I wanted to know.

"Wow your eyes are a gorgeous color." I smiled at him, The same feeling as before rushing through me, I still couldn't name it.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

"Any where I can get it." I let my laughter die with hers. Noticing that right now nothing could be said. It was a new feeling for me, I was taking in her face, every perfect angle and texture. She had amazing eyes, They weren't really blue but more Grey, and they were open and adventurous and so amazing.

"Wow your eyes are a gorgeous color." she smiled a breath taking smile and I wanted nothing more than to see that smile forever. Just like before the feeling ripped through me in a slightly painful way. I couldn't help but move closer to her, I actually hadn't realized I was getting closer until my chest touched hers, and I could feel her breath on my lips. I was so ready to kiss her and then...

~Regular Point Of View.~

I didn't notice Tom and I were getting closer until I felt his chest against mine, And then we were pulling away from each other looking at the light that had just clicked on by the gate. We swam quickly and quietly to the dark shallow end and sat on the steps as silent as possible. I was suddenly very aware of Tom's body being really close to mine. I focused on the girl that came in and grabbed a towel off an abandoned chair, She didn't even look our way as she turned and left. I relaxed and laughed when she was gone, Resting against Tom, who wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Talk about random!" Tom laughed. I got out of the pool and walked to my cloths.

"Where are you going?" He got out, Situated his wet boxers, and followed me. His tone was very alluring, I almost wanted to turn around. Almost, but I wasn't that easy.

"To get my car, and go to the Hotel?" I question more myself than him. Tom wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him, I realized just how short I was. I looked up at him, The top of my head only reaching his lips. I cursed my family history, My grandmother's were both short my grand fathers both tall. I ended up with Tall parents, Short as Hell.

"Awe Don't go yet." I laughed at him, I really didn't want to go but if I left my car there I would be interrogated later.

"Come with me to move my car then." I half expected him to agree, Honestly I didn't care. When he agreed to come with I was sorta shocked, we dressed quickly making jokes at each other and Attempted to Stealthily reach the car, But that was a huge understatement. We stumbled and made a lot of noise heading to my car. When we were both in I turned to Tom and laughed.

"We'd make horrible spies." He laughed at me.

"Damn I really wanted to be one to." I shook my head turning on the car.

"Well I'm sorry but After that performance I think it's quite impossible." We laughed hysterically as I drove over to Tom's escalade, Secretly getting a little lost, but since Tom was unaware I wasn't going to say anything. As soon as I parked my Butt began to vibrated, Tom watched me pull out my phone and read the text from Jess. She informed me that she had watched me leave and that she'd be home around three. I laughed and got out of the car. Tom and I walked to the elevator, He was trying not to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I turned to him once the doors were closed, and he exploded with laughter.

"An Jess is Afraid of driving with me, You drive worse then I do when I'm hammered." I didn't get how that was funny.

"At least she gets in the car with me." He stopped laughing and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't drive like a maniac, I was drunk and She just so happened to be there." I was suddenly very curious as to what that story was.

"Tell me the story." We exited the elevator on the forth floor as we crossed the hall, His Condo just so happened to be that one, Number 483.

"We went out drinking one night when she came with us to Atlanta and Bill's car can only fit so many so she rode with me. While I just so happened to be extremely drunk that night and she doesn't like driving my car for some reason." He unlocked the door and let me in, I took off my shoes by the door.

"It's cause you have a big car." He nodded.

"I know that now, I didn't then. Any way the light went straight to red and I wasn't about to stop so I made a sharp right and then a very illegal U turn and eventually another sharp right just to get to the other side of the intersection and she nearly shit a brick. I don't get why though it's not like I actually would of hit some one, I love my cars to much for that." I noticed the 's' on the end of the word car and couldn't stop my self.

"How many Cars do you have?" I set my phone and key's on his coffee table next to the single glass of water and Notebook.

"Just two, for now." I rolled my eyes and watched him go in to the bedroom. I took in the room. It was completely white, Except for the large black couch and two chairs. There was a plasma television and game systems galore, Tom is such a kid. There were six guitars lined up beside the fireplace. I walked to Tom's room not really sure what to expect, But what I saw wasn't it. The room was white, A computer desk in the corner, Lined with Cd's and Pictures, A laptop centered. The bed was large and made up in Black and white bedding, A night stand on either side. He had lamps on the nightstands and one big picture above his bed Of the band, Jess, Rosaline and another girl. They were sitting on a couch Tom on the end holding a guitar, Georg next to him with Jess in his lap, Bill next to Georg and Jess with Rosaline under him, They looked like they were laughing at something, And then Gustav with a beautiful blond in his lap, Her arms around his neck and they were smiling. It must of been Vanessa, The entire picture looked happy it made me smile. The whole room was insanely clean, everything had a place, just like the living room. I looked at Tom who was standing in the frame of his closet door. He was looking at me, I pointed to the picture and cleared my throat.

"Is that Vanessa on Gustav's lap?" He looked up at the picture smiling.

"Yeah, That was a while ago, Now if you saw her She's got black hair." I smiled looking at his bed, An acoustic guitar laying on the edge. Tom came over and handed me a Shirt and pair of Boxers.

"Bathroom is through there." I laughed.

"If I'm not back in Twelve minutes I've been eaten." He laughed at me as I headed to the closet. I turned out that his Closet was huge and filled, I walked towards the only other door and in to the bathroom. I changed in a complete haze I realized how clean his bathroom was, You know its weird when you walk in to a guys bathroom and can see your self in the shower tiles. His boxers fit fine, But his shirt came down to my knee's, making it look like I was completely naked. I folded my cloths, stuffing my bra and underwear in to my pants and then quickly finger brushed my hair. I went back to his room to find it empty I set my cloths neatly on the floor by the closet door and sat down on the bed. I picked up the guitar and began to play, Georg had taught me everything so I wasn't bad, I was playing Outside by staind, but some where between riffs I changed to the Last song Cody had sang to me, Quietly I sang the words.

"Her eyes Capture me, and her eyes hold no tears. Cause her eyes are sweet Raptures and Her eyes guide me. Those eyes, ---How I love those eyes, Beautiful eyes-." I smiled to myself as I set the guitar down.

"Wow!" I jumped like twenty feet in the air at the sound of Tom's voice.

"You Can't Do That To Me!" I placed my hand over my heart trying to breath steadily.

"And you said I wasn't capable of being a spy." I would of thrown the guitar at him, But I was still trying to calm my nerves.

"Sorry, Hungry?" He laughed at me as I took in a long breath.

"I've come to a very serious conclusion about you." I finally managed when my heart rate was normal, Tom was laughing, Holding on to the door frame as he bent over. I remained as serious as possible.

"And what would that be?" He asked leaning coolly against the door frame in his over sized pajama pants.

"You're an Asshole." I stayed serious for about thirty seconds and then we cracked up in a roar of laughter. Tom crossed the room and wrapped me in a hug, I happily returned it. Then he pulled away and I wished he hadn't.

"So are you hungry?" He led me to the kitchen where everything was neatly organized, Go figure. I raised my eyebrow at him and Jumped up on the counter.

"Are you like O.C.D or just a perfectionist?" I hadn't really wanted an answer but Tom gave me one any way.

"Uh no, I just like when my house is clean. I'm only really here to sleep and shower. Other than that I'm always at my brothers or some one else's. I just don't like the quietness." I nodded understanding exactly what he meant.

"Got any cereal?" I knew in the back of my mind I shouldn't of asked but something bigger, My stomach, told me to.

"Cinnamon toast crunch." I didn't seriously think she was serious when she said that, But now I knew. I choked back my laugh and barely managed as he looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Sure." I waited till he was in the pantry and I calmed my self. I made a mental note to smack Jess for that. Tom returned shortly with the box and I watched as he made two bowls. Graciously taking the one he held up to me, and began eating.

"So you turn twenty one tomorrow?" I nodded with a full mouth.

"I'm going to your concert, Georg got us back stage passes." I mumbled.

"Which is unnecessary considering you'd be back stage any way knowing Jess." I laughed with him and he suddenly became very focused, Messing with his lip ring. I continued to eat and watched the silver ring in his lip. I noticed how soft his lips looked and I set my bowl in the sink as he did to. We retired to the living room and I realized just how tired I was when I dropped one of my rings on the floor. As I bent down I picked it up.

"What does your tattoo say?" I sat up slipping my ring on and touching the back of my neck.

"Forever Sacred." I smiled as he laughed, a blush more than likely tinting my cheeks.

"Why that?" I thought about the best way to explain it and told him.

"Why not. It's one of those things that help you remember good parts of your life, Like now. I've made a new best friend, I helped my first best friend stay happy, And I'm turning twenty one. These moments will be forever sacred." Tom nodded once again messing with his lip ring.

"Any other tattoos?" I laughed at his curiosity.

"Yes, Three." I smiled knowing I was leading him on and that he was going to chase.

"Where?" I smiled seductively at him and he smiled back.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I winked and the subject dropped. I pretended to watch TV but I was actually watching Tom out of the corner of my eye as he watched me.
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