Yelling Obscenities at You!

Scream: Part One.

I woke up with out remembering going to bed. When I could coherently think I realized I was laying in bed cuddled up next to Tom with my head on his bare chest. I listened to his heart beat for a few minutes and glanced at the clock. I was completely content with the fact that right here with Tom's arm around me, Cuddling with him I was 100% comfortable. The clock told me it was ten thirty four am, surprisingly I was okay with that. I knew that last night Tom and I hadn't done anything more then actually sleep, that fact alone made me a little more happier. I climbed out of bed quietly and went in to the kitchen to put on coffee. The box of Cinnamon toast crunch taunting me from the counter, I shook my head and began to make breakfast.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I rolled over feeling oddly uncomfortable, I searched for Celia and came up empty handed. Slowly I sat up and pushed my hair away from my face. The clock read eleven o'five am. I sat back and thought about last night. While watching TV Celia had fallen asleep so I carried her to my room and laid her down, When I came in later and laid down she cuddled up next to me and put her head on my chest. We didn't do any thing but sleep but I was really happy and content with her being there. I sniffed the air, a delicious scent filled my nose and I climbed out of bed. In the kitchen I found Celia fixing a plate of food, Looking completely amazing in my shirt. Her bare legs, that I found out last night were ungodly smooth, Looked amazing.

"Good morning Tom." She turned to me with a light, yet still breath taking, smile on her face, I smiled back.

"Morning." I hopped up on the counter beside the sink.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I could feel his eyes on me, I couldn't describe the feeling, but I decided that wasn't important right now.

"Good morning Tom." I turned to him smiling and was completely shocked at how good he looked. He smiled back and my heart jump started.

"Morning." he sat on the counter as I cleaned up and handed him a plate and fork. His face lit up immediately.

"Thank you!" He speared an egg and stuffed it in his mouth, I laughed at him.

"Your welcome." I began to eat myself.


After eating and Cleaning an putting away the dishes I sat down on the couch with Tom and leaned in to his chest as he put an arm around my shoulders. I was very comfortable as we watched some ridiculous show on TV when my phone rang, I reached over and picked it up wondering who the hell was calling. I leaned back in to Tom's chest and answered my phone.

"Hello?" Tom looked at me and I glanced at him shrugging.

"Hey Girlie!" Jess' voice came through the phone absolutely ecstatic, I smiled ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Hey! How was your night?" My stomach did a flip and tied it's self in a knot, I ignored it by focusing on Jess' voice and Tom's fingers Idly tracing patterns on my arm.

"It was Amazing I'm waiting for Georg to get out of the shower to take me to the hotel, I'll have to tell you about when I get there." She reminded me I was supposed to be at the hotel and I mentally palm faced myself.

"I can come pick you up, I have to get my wet cloths from Tom's house any way." I slowly made up a few excuses in my head, I wasn't going to tell her I spent the night here, Or that I'd practically skinny dipped with Tom. He gave me a strange look and I put my finger to my lips, he nodded.

"That's cool if you want to do it that way, When you pick me up we can immediately head out shopping." I sighed at her making everything so much harder. I didn't have enough time to go to the hotel and get dressed or Shower so I had to do it here, I twitched.

"Alright I'll be there in like Five minutes." I lied and hung up. Tom gave me a questioning look.

"What was that?" I laughed slightly.

"I wasn't supposed to spend the night here, And I don't want to tell her I did cause then she's going to start assuming things and I really don't want to go in to depth with her about what happened so I told her that I had to come get my wet cloths and that I could pick her up, And now she's gonna drag me out shopping so I'm stealing a pair of your pants and a belt. " He looked at me like I was crazy and slowly nodded.

"As long as I get them back." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah cause I'm going to run off with your huge ass cloths." He shrugged and I looked at him like he was ridiculous.

"It's happened before." We stood up and went to his closet. He pulled down a pair of jeans and a black belt and left me to change. I didn't really bother taking off his boxers I situated his pants so they sat right and grabbed my bra that was a little damp, I put it on gasping at the sudden coldness, I could hear Tom laughing and I stuck my hand out and flipped him off. I pulled my hair back in to a sloppy pony tail and gave my self a once over in the mirror. I looked like a serious Tom boy, I met Tom outside of his closet and picked up my cloths, He looked my up and down and mumbled something I'm sure I didn't want to hear.

"you'll have your cloths back before next week." I slipped on my shoes, Grabbed my keys and phone, Hugged him and left. As I drove over to Georg's house I passed Bill walking, It was like one of those slow motion moments from the movies, He caught sight of me just as I saw him. I knew I shouldn't worry but a wave of worry rolled over my body, I parked in front of Georg's building and went up to his door. Jess opened the door as I was about to knock. She looked me over slightly confused and raised her eyebrow.

"Am I stupid or am I just missing something here?" I laughed at her as Georg came up behind her smiling and then giving me the same look as her.

"Aren't those Tom's pants...And his Shirt?" I mentally smacked my self, This was going to be a long day.

"Yeah It's a long story I'm sure Jess will tell you later after we get done shopping." I pulled her out the door and she stumbled along all the way to the car.

"So are you going to tell me now?" I turned to her smiling and nodded as I pulled on to the the main road.

"So last night he took me to his families beach house and we walked and talked and then he asked me if I wanted to go swimming, so we headed back to the Condo's and went swimming in our cloths. Which left me with three options, walk around naked while my cloths dried, Change in to his cloths or drive all the way to the hotel to change. I didn't want to do the last one cause we were having fun just talking and hanging out, And I definitely didn't want to do the first so I changed in to his cloths. While I left with out my cloths and your call woke me up this morning so I figured I'll kill two birds with one stone, But I was already here when I realized I was still in Tom's cloths." I finished as we waited at a red light, Jess looked at me incredulously.

"So you didn't sleep with him?" I shook my head and she huffed.

"How was your night?" She told me all about her and Georg talking and catching up, and then the sex that I really didn't want to know about, And then how he made her breakfast and talked some more, I gave her a look of disapproval when she told me she'd spent a good hour discussing me and Tom. I parked the car in front of a mall and we went inside, Jess hooking arms with me. I could already tell we looked like lesbians, But I wasn't that worried about it. I mean come one no one really knows us, Why bother caring.


We wasted a good four hours with shopping and talking about tonight. We were currently sitting at star bucks taking a break.

"So you're serious Tom hasn't tried to sleep with you yet?" She seemed almost desperate for us to screw, It was a little creepy and I could only laugh.

"Sex only came up once last night in a very Sarcastic manner while we were swimming." She was starring at me in a very strange way.

"Say his name?" I looked at her weirdly and debated on calling a mental institution to come pick her up.

"Tom." I stated blandly.

"You like him, I heard it in your voice. You can't deny it." I continued to stare at her.

"He's my friend, I don't like him like that." We were on our way out to head back to the hotel and my heart suddenly felt like it'd been ripped into pieces.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

After Celia left I was very aware of how quiet my place was. I was thankful for my phone ringing, Until I answered it.

"Hullo Bill." I practically groaned his name, When Bill calls it means he's either: A- accusing you of something, B-Bringing you what he thinks is great news, C- Waking you up while you have a horrible hang over or D- At your door. Now don't get me wrong I love my brother and all, but his excitement some times makes me want to throw my self in front of a bus.

"So I'm walking over to your house when I see Celia driving away from your building, but the strange thing is she's wearing your shirt." He was seriously way to observant some times.

"We went swimming last night and I gave her some cloths to go home in. When she left she forgot her cloths so when she came to get Jess she picked them up." I lied...slightly, Bill huffed.

"Open your door." I hung up and went to open the door for him. Bill strode in and took a seat on the couch where Celia had fallen asleep last night. I slowly sat down next to him and continued watching TV, Bill was starring at me assessing my mood I guess.

"You like her." He blurted out and I turned to him raising my eyebrow.

"Oh yeah I'm madly in love with her." I rolled my eyes and returned to watching TV.

"Don't you see Tom, You let her leave with your cloths...You never do. Unless it's me or one of the guys, With the exception of Rosaline and Jess. Tom it's obvious you like her." I ignored my brother, trying to block out his words. I could never feel that way about Celia, She was just another girl, Me and her were strictly friends. End of story. I was debating on the best way to Kick my brother out so I could shower when My heart began to feel really empty and torn, It was beginning to annoy me, I was ready to Scream.

~Regular Point Of View.~

We made it back to the hotel after a wonderful call from Georg telling us that at Six o'clock a surprise would be here, That was exactly one hour before the concert. It was five O'clock when we walked in the door and both of us got in the shower, When I got out it was Five Thirty and I was taking my sweet time getting ready. That is until I was doing my make up and Jess came in looking for the straightener at ten till. She was frantically searching through my bag, as I rushed to finish. We were in chaos, that was pretty much the best way to explain it.

"No! where is it." She yelled, I stopped and looked at her.

"It's in there. I remember packing it." I told her calmly, I took out everything in my bag throwing it on the bed and floor to find the stupid device.

"I will look so ridiculous if It's not here." She threw her self on the bed and I looked at her, she looked gorgeous.

"Your delusional." I pulled the straightener out and handed it to her before returning to my make up. Just as I sat down and had my cloths back in the bag neatly and Jess was brushing out her pin straight hair there was a knock on the door. We went to answer it, Jess stuffing our phones and a few randoms in her purse, I hated purses so she was in charge of them.

"Celia Andrews and Jess Michaels?"The man had a thick accent and wore a suit.

"Yes."We stated at the same time and he smiled.

"Please follow me." We looked at each other and followed him down stairs to the front of the building. A black limo waited there, He opened the door and Jess slid in first, I got in next. The man shut the door with a smile on his face, I wasn't prepared for anything at this point.

"Happy Birthday Celia!!" I nearly shit a brick as a light came on and the boy's of Tokio Hotel, Rosaline and Jess all screamed at me. I jumped and started laughing as soon as I realized no one was about to kill me. The driver got in and pulled off, we were all in a very strange happy, hugs and kisses, type of mood. When we stopped driving and the Chauffeur got out I didn't know what to expect, I couldn't see out and I'm sure they couldn't see in. Suddenly the door opened and there was loud screaming out side the limo, I realized then I'd have a bad headache later. Gustav got out first, Bill followed taking Rosaline's hand, Georg did the same with Jess and then Tom, He turned around and held out his hand. I slowly took it as he pulled me out. There were camera's flashing left and right as the guys and I walked through the crowd. Girls screaming at the top of their lungs, I smiled knowing what it was like to do that.

"Gustav Where's Vanessa? Are you two Over?"

"Tom! Tom! Is That Your Girlfriend!?"

"Bill! Excuse Me Bill! "

"Miss! A Word Miss!" Tom laughed as we walked in side, I realized he still held my hand. I was practically blind so Tom holding my hand was a good thing. We followed Gustav's lead to a room, Body guards nodding at us and standing at short intervals. We entered the dressing room, and he let go of my hand, suddenly it felt like it weighed a million pounds.

"Wow!" I looked at everyone, The friends I made and the cake they had for me, and I started laughing. My eyes became watery and I sniffled.

"Celia we haven't known you very long, But all of us feel like we have, Thanks To Jessi Always talking about you. And your part of our family now. Your our friend and we love you so Happy twenty first birthday."Bill's little speech made me smile and a few tears escaped my eyes, I wiped them away as they wrapped me in a group hug, I hugged Tom as he was the closest to me.

"Thank you so much, You guys are the best." I wiped away the rest of the tears and I suddenly felt complete in life. We had cake and the manager came in an got down to business. Jess and I were going to watch the concert from front and center, and then meet back here for the back stage passes and then head out for the after party. Everyone smiled at me like they were in on some plan. Me and Jess were escorted to our spots, Both of the body guards stood in front with us.

"So How much do you love us?" I looked at her, Her tone of voice said something big was coming and I was honestly scared.

"Why?" She winked at me and then The boys came on stage. They opened with Monsoon, Followed by 10,000 oceans and Rette Mich. The whole time I watched Tom play, He was just as compassionate as Jess told me, and I couldn't help but smile. After Rette Mich they took a break where the lights went out and everyone continued screaming. I turned to Jess but she was gone, And so was one of the Guards. I turned back to the stage panicked.

"Tonight a very special Friend of ours turns twenty one." Bill's voice came over the sound system and everyone in the crowd continued screaming, I believe for the sake of hearing him. I palm faced my self and decided on a time to Kill Jess for this.

"Would Celia Andrews please be escorted to the stage." Tom's voice came over the sound system next and the body guard helped me over the rail and helped me up on the stage, I slowly walked. Bill grabbed my arm and pulled me to a chair where he sat happily on my lap. The lights came on and I blinked looking around to see Everyone crowding around me. My face was hot and probably an embarrassing shade of red. Then as if it wasn't enough they sang happy birthday to me. I watched Jess warning her that I was going to kill her.

"Happy Birthday....To...You!!" They sang and Bill kissed my cheek. I couldn't help but laugh with everyone on stage.

"We'll get you a stripper later." Georg laughed in to his Microphone, I put my face in Bill's shoulder.

"Maybe Tom will be nice enough." Jess added and the crowd erupted with cheers, I watched Tom hand his guitar to Rosaline and take off his over shirt to a fake party boy beat, The crowd screamed. Tom handed me his shirt as Bill got off my lap and I watched Tom disappear back stage, Reappearing with another shirt on. Bill told me not to move and Jess came over and sat on my lap to make sure I didn't go running.

"One last song for you." Bill turned to me and the look on my face was probably one of fear as he laughed.

"Relax Celia." Jess whispered in my ear and I couldn't help but give her a look of despair.

"Sacred!" I glared at Tom as he laughed hysterically, He dropped in playing with Georg and Gustav as soon as he was done laughing and Bill's beautiful voice rang over the crowd. I sang with Jess, Making the best of this situation. When they finished I was allowed to exit the stage on my way out I smacked Tom in the back of the head, He chased after me. I hid behind one of the security guards, who started laughing when Tom chased me in circles.

"Looks like Tom and Celia are hiding together." Bill laughed at Tom's exit, Tom stopped chasing me and held up his finger.

"I'll get you for that." He warned and I stuck out my tongue. He walked back out on to the stage.

"Welcome back Tom." Georg laughed, I couldn't believe how childish they acted. If this was the professional side of Tom I was scared to see the real Personal side. I listened as the guys finished off the concert Joking and messing around on stage, yet being completely serious. Bill thanked everyone for coming and they ran off the stage, Tom was the last one off after setting his guitar on one of the amps. He looked straight at me and I knew he was coming for me. When Bill ran by I stopped him and Jumped on his back for a piggy back ride, Tom scowling.

"Your trying to avoid the wrath of Tom's revenge aren't you?" I laughed at him.

"Yep. Your doing a great job helping me." I smiled and kissed his cheek. Bill had a brotherly feel to me, I thought of him as my older brother and I think thats why it was so easy to mess with him and talk to him. We entered the dressing room and I ran to Jess sitting next to her and Rosaline in the Chairs by the mirrors. The boys manager wished my a happy birthday and handed the boys Towels and water and sent them off to 'Freshen up' for the backstage passes. I turned to Jess ready to kill her but she was smiling at me in such a way that I suddenly forgot about my anger. I smiled sweetly back and then she reached out and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Jess!" I choked and she tightened her hold.

"I love you Celia!" I gasped for air.

"I...Love- you to.. Air.. Please!" She let me go and Rosaline started laughing I'm sure my face turned blue. When Jess and Rosaline were in a deep conversation I turned to the mirror and looked at my self. I hadn't really ever thought of my self as pretty or beautiful, I joked about it, but I couldn't see it in me. Sure my mom was absolutely Gorgeous and my dad was pretty hansom, But I wasn't either I was some where in between. I looked at the girl starring back at me, She was beautiful. She was everything I wasn't, I knew in my heart that I was just as beautiful as that girl, But I couldn't quite grasp it. It was beyond my reach and if I stretched enough maybe, Just maybe I could reach it. In the mirror I could see Tom and Bill standing by the bathroom door, They were talking quietly. Tom's eyes peering at me, His gaze burned my heart. I didn't like Tom, I couldn't not like that any way. He was my friend and he was a one night stand kinda guy. Maybe thats what I needed, Some one with no commitment. I'd been hurt enough to fear any type of commitment, Maybe Tom's just the kind of guy I need. A friend with benefits, and nothing more. A few innocent flings and Still no attachment, I could live with that. Maybe that was Jess' plan, To set me up with Tom with every intention of making me forget about everything and just live, for once. To be free of any type of commitment and still be happy. I slowly turned around and took out my phone, It was time to call my dad so he could wish me a happy birthday.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

After my shower, and changing in to clean cloths I was standing in front of the mirror situating my hair through the back of my hat. Celia would eventually pay, But for now I was going to talk to some girls. I watched Georg and Gustav leave and then Bill came up to the mirror. He looked strange, I know he hadn't showered, But he looked fresh. I wondered if he always looked like this after a show and I just never noticed. He started to fix a stubborn strand of hair, attacking it with hairspray, I couldn't help but snicker.

"Tom if you weren't my brother I'd say your a creep." I turned around and hopped up on the counter as he leaned in to do his make up. Bill and his feminine side...I shook my head.

"Bill I've got a problem." He glanced at me for a moment as I messed with the hem of my shirt.

"What is it Tom?" His voice was suddenly very worried and I smiled, My brother was my best friend. I could trust in him, so why was it so hard to talk to him about Celia.

"I like being with Celia." I forced the words out, It wasn't like being with Jess or Rosaline it was way different.

"Who doesn't, She's a cool girl." I shook my head at him.

"I know but like, I don't know, When I'm with her it's not about trying to get her in bed, Or flirting. It's just about keeping her happy and hearing her talk." Bill reached over and touched my face.

"Are you feeling okay Tom?" I laughed at him, Maybe I was just over reacting I mean seriously she was just some girl. We were just friends and that's it. I didn't need any type of commitment to her, I can just carry on how I always do and ignore how she makes me feel. Bill gave me a look that said he knew something I didn't and that he wasn't going to tell me. I rolled my eyes figuring it was some bull crap about liking her and followed him to the group. I watched Celia in the mirror, She was just starring at her self. Kinda like Bill does when he has an epiphany or a serious melt down about his hair not standing up. Suddenly I could feel her eyes meeting mine and I realized Bill was talking to me.

"You should go wish her a happy birthday." I smiled slightly and she turned around and pulled out her phone. I turned to Bill and laughed.

~Jess' Point Of View.~

Vin had brought in the backstage passes after Bill and tom finally returned to the group. I was sitting with Rosaline and Georg conversing with a sweet red head. I watched Celia as she got off the phone and starred at Tami, she was one of his Ex-Girlfriends old best friends. Harmless in every way, But her and Tom were really close. I could see that in Celia's eyes she was plotting Tami's death. To any one Tom and Tami looked like a couple, The way she sat in his lap and hugged his neck. I excused my self and went to Celia, touching her arm lightly and smiling at her. I searched her eyes for something, But all I could see was anger so I sat down and laughed.

"I know what your thinking, and the Jail time is not worth it." She glanced at me with a smile spreading across her lips.

"I wasn't going to kill her, Just brutally beat her and then leave her to die in the streets." We shared a quick laugh and I knew she was in complete denial about her feelings for Tom.

"Right cause that wouldn't get you arrested either." My sarcasm was thick, and almost a bit agitated hopefully she understood where I was coming from.

"Nope, not at all." The conversation dropped and I had to tell her what was really going on.

"Celia..I can't go back with you." She turned to me looking shocked and I dropped my head.

"What?" I cringed at her tone.

"Look Rosaline has offered me one of her spare rooms, I can't leave Georg. I love him to much to be away from him, I want you to stay with me. Rosaline doesn't mind if you stay at her house, It's all planned. we can sell the apartment and move in with her. I've been offered a Job at the recording studio as a personal assistant." I risked looking at her face, She was torn. I could see it in her eyes, I could feel it rolling off her skin.

"Jess, I can't just leave Belgium." I turned to her, looking at her face to face.

"Why what is there for us. We don't work, We never doing any thing. We have no life there, At least here we know people and we do stuff." She was starring at me like I'd just killed dad. I didn't like this look, I didn't like hurting her.

"Jess I Can't!"She pronounced each word specifically, I wasn't going to fight with her on her birthday.

"I'm sorry! Please just think about it, And whatever you do decide, I still love you." She sat silently for the next hour and a half. Vin escorted the girls out and Celia still hadn't said a word to me. I was becoming very worried.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I debated on my living situation. There was no possible way I could live in Belgium alone, But I wasn't going stay here. I pushed away all indecision and told my self I'd decide later. Besides maybe if I got to know Rosaline I would change my mind. When the boys manager came back from escorting the girls out we all headed through the back hallway to the front of the venue where the limo was waiting. I walked at the back of the group with Tom and his body guard beside me. I walked farther from Tom than when I arrived and that put me right next to the crowd of reporters. Their screaming and Flashing was loud and blinding, I forced a smile.

"Tom! A Word Please! Miss!" one man stuck his camera in my face and set the flash off temporarily blinding me and I stumbled a bit. I was pulled closer to the crowd, my entire top half pulled in. Girls and reports screaming at me and grabbing me.

"Your So Lucky Celia!" A girl screamed in my ear, There were a few flashes.

"What's the status between you and Tom?" A reporter questioned.

"Celia!" I was pulled back, I looked to see Tom's body guard fighting off the hands, Tom's arms around my waist, my head against his chest. I heard his voice the loudest.

"Leave Her Alone! She's not Obliged to answer any questions!" The camera's were flashing angrily. Tom walked with his arms around me to the limo and let me slide in first. His body guard blocked out everything as he shut the door once Tom was in with his arms around my shoulders looking me over.

"I'm fine!" I pulled my arms away and leaned against the window. I was suddenly very claustrophobic.

"She'll be okay, She's just having a little freak out." I could hear Jess' voice, and Tom shifted in the seat. We headed out to the normal After party club, Which was famous for the stars that came here. There was a group of paparazzi men standing around talking lazily, Waiting for some one to come stumbling out so they could attack them with photos. Their head's turned towards us as we walked to the doors, I was prepared this time for the flashes and yelling.

"Tom! Is that your new Girlfriend?"

"Who Is She?"

"Miss! Bill any comment's?" I was thankful when the loud music blocked out their questions, I felt much better.

"Tom." I stopped him just inside the door and let the rest of the guys find a booth.

"What is it?" His tone was sharp and I jerked back a bit.

"I'm sorry for biting at you, I was feeling sick." His look softened and he gave me a small smile.

"It's alright, It's happened to me." I smiled back.

"Thank you." He shook his head and we walked back to the booth that stood next to a set of doors leading to a smoking area. I slid in first next to Jess and smiled at her reassuringly. I was informed that Georg had gone off two buy the first two rounds of drinks.

"Happy birthday Celia." Tom's lips were against my ear, His breath sending shivers down my back. It turned me on slightly and I shied away smiling.

"Thanks!" Georg returned with a waitress carrying two trays of drinks, And then she left. Georg handed me a red liquid with sugar or salt on the rim, I wasn't sure.

"Cheers To Celia!" We held up our glasses and I took a drink. It was cherry flavored, And definitely Sugar on the rim. The cold liquid felt good as it ran down my throat.

We were about seven drinks in and Tom had finally talked me in to dancing. The dance floor was packed tight with bodies, it was immediately hot. The dancing was innocent at first between me and Tom, But the Alcohol seemed to have a mind of it's own and innocent turned in to dirty. His body against mine felt nice, We fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces and it was hard for me to keep my mind focused and not losing control and Taking him on the floor.

"Tom You make it Really hard to be your Best friend." I whispered in his ear, Tom laughed slightly and his hands slipped a little lower on my stomach.

"How so?" He pressed me tighter against his body and I almost, Almost being Key, lost focus.

"Because your my friend not my fuck buddy." I joked and he kissed my neck softly.

"You could change that you know." I pulled away from him laughing and excused myself to the restroom. Tom went and sat back down, In the restroom I did my business and washed my hands. I rested my head against the cold tile, Slowly breathing. I was definitely at my limit for alcohol consumption. I went to the bar and the man smiled at me as he picked up a glass.

"what will it be?" I gave him a once over and touched my forehead.

"Water." He took away the glass and handed me a bottle of water, I quickly chugged half of it. That was the best choice I'd made all night. Feeling better I smiled at the man.

"How much?" He shook his head.

"On me, You look trashed." I weakly laughed.

"It's my twenty first." He nodded like that explained everything.

"Who you here with?" I turned and pointed to Bill and the rest of the guys.

"TH Yeah they're pretty cool guys." He sounded like they were always here and I didn't even want to know. I caught sight of Tom flirting with a few blonds. The blood boiling beneath my skin, I had to stop and think for a minute. Why would Tom flirting bother me, I didn't need him to have fun. I sat down on one of the stools and played with the bottle of water, The bartender came back after a few minutes.

"Does Tom always flirt like that?" Of course he did, why did I bother asking.

"Yeah He's always taking someone home, I think I've seen him leave twice with out a girl. Both times he couldn't even stand straight." I laughed slightly picturing Tom falling over in front of the cameras.

"Excuse me." I turned to see a very hansom looking male smiling at me.

"Yeah?" I smiled back.

"I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me." I looked over at Tom, He seemed to of caught sight of me.

"Unless your waiting on some one." I shook my head looking back at the man.

"No um, I'll dance with you." He smiled coolly and took my hand as I let him lead me to the dance floor. Dancing with him was nothing like dancing with Tom. With this guy it was innocent, no emotion attached to how we danced. I glanced at Tom once to see him leaning against a wall, His lips attached to some girls neck. I couldn't believe him!

"My name's Mike." I laughed.

"Celia." He smiled.

"That's a beautiful name." I didn't know what to say so I shrugged.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I wasn't going to say yes until I thought of Tom and that girl.

"Sure." He led me back to the bar, His arm around my waist.

"Jake, Let me get an apple martini and a.." he turned to me and smiled.

"Cherry Bomb." Jake, the bartender, Smiled and instantly made our drinks. We sat at the bar talking about life and I was informed that Mike was a strip club manager, and he offered me a job which I politely refused, I told him I was simply on vacation.

"So who are you going home with tonight?" I took a sip to stall for an answer.

"My friends." He reached up and twirled a lock of my hair in his hand.

"You could come with me." He was leaning closer to me, I could only lean back so far or I'd fall.

"I don't think that would be a good idea." He backed up and I straightened up.

"Why not?" he was teasing me, I didn't like that.

"Because I have... uh...." I looked around for any excuse, Bill's eyes caught mine from the booth. I shot him a pleading look, One I'm not sure he caught. Mike was leaning closer again this time I was caught off guard. His lips hit mine and his hand twisted in my hair, I panicked for a moment, Not sure how to get out of this. I pulled back a bit and he pulled me forward.

"Celia! There you are." Mike released me and we both turned to see Bill standing there. He gave me a quick wink, Mike was not happy.

"Who are you?" Bill dropped his smile and reached for me.

"Her Brother, Got a problem with it?" Mike starred him down and then Tom was here. His arm over my shoulder, Lips pressing against my neck.

"Hey babe, Sorry I took so long." I gave him a strange look and quickly caught on.

"That's okay." I turned and pressed my lips lightly against his. I felt a million different things, But I wasn't in any mood to try and figure them out.

"No. We were just having a friendly conversation, weren't we?" I turned to see Mike standing up.

"Oh yeah, Friendly alright." I felt Tom pull me closer to him.

"Touch my sister again like that and I'll be the one Conversing with you." Bill's threat didn't sound right coming from him, He was always so sweet and happy, An angry threat should never leave his mouth. Mike walked away and Bill turned to me, I smiled.

"Thank you!" I wrapped him in a hug and he graciously returned it.

"No problem, I figured I should help." I turned to Tom, I wasn't sure why but he looked different to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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