Yelling Obscenities at You!

Room 483: Part One.

we left the club around four in the morning completely trashed. I couldn't stop wandering off on our way out so Tom carried me bridal style. Which I didn't complain about. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his shoulder. There were only a few lingering paparazzi guys so I wasn't bothered by the flashing or talking. Me and Tom were acting damn fools,

"Let's get married." I mumbled as he slid in to the limo with me still in his arms.

"Where are we going to get married at four in the morning?" He was laughing, I really liked his laugh it was so cute. I put on my thinking face and tried to think coherently.

"Oh! we could go to Vegas!" Every part of my body was tingly, I just couldn't escape it.

"Yeah I'll buy a jet and we can fly out there tonight." I assumed that was sarcasm, and I nudged him with my elbow.

"That's not probable Tom, It takes at least three days to purchase a jet." My attempt at seriousness was thwarted by his laughter, I joined in. My ears filled with his heartbeat and laugh.

"Okay so clearly none of us are sober enough to drive, and I'm staying with Georg tonight..I don't want to leave birthday girl over there alone. God knows who she'll end up marrying." I looked at Jess and made a sour face, to which she stuck out her tongue.

"Her dad would murder me if she married a homeless guy. So who's house is she crashing at, and It's not Georg's cause we're having..." Georg cut her off with a passionate kiss that she visibly melted in to, Everyone laughed at her.

"I love her like a sister, and would do anything for her, But she can't stay with me." Bill smiled playfully at Rosaline.

"Tom will keep her for the small price of...Nothing." Gustav said as Tom pressed a cold kiss to my neck. I laughed uncontrollably, Drunken feelings shooting through me. For the Moment everything was perfect. We pulled up to the Condo's and Gustav was the first out, Tom and I left next. We entered the building in a very unprofessional manner, the few people there looking at us. I jumped on Tom's back as we entered the elevator and kissed his neck. Once the doors closed Tom let me down and turned to me in a way that should of frightened me, His eyes were peering in to mine, his body pressing me to the wall. I was drunk, But I wasn't stupid. Okay so that was a lie, I was drunkenly stupid. He locked his fingers in my hair and brought his lips to mine. One hand released my hair and traveled down to my thigh, He brought it up around his waist and broke the kiss to pick me up. I was the one to resume the kiss, I took off his hat and held it in my hand as I held his neck. When the elevator doors opened he stumbled out to his door, Which was conveniently located right there for drunken purposes. I kicked my shoes off at the door once it was closed. We were entangled in each other, Kissing fiercely and then passionately. When he pulled back and our foreheads touched, we were starring in to each other's eyes. I adored this moment, it was beautiful. I stroked Tom's cheek with my thumb and he set me down. My feet reluctantly touching the floor, Our bodies remained tightly pressed together. I watched emotions shoot across his face, I watched his eyes. They were deep and beautiful, I hated brown eyes but his were like chocolate and they captured me. I don't know how long we stood by the door just starring at each other this way, But I started to fall over after a while. Tom scooped me up in his arms and carried me to his room. He laid me softly on to his bed and kissed my forehead, I watched as he disappeared to the closet. The room was to empty with out him, To quiet with out his heart beat to fill it. I stood up and followed his path in to the closet, With more intentions to go to the bathroom than to find him. He was pulling off his shirt and dumping it in to the basket when I walked past him, My hand trailing along his stomach before I was completely out of reach. I shut the door and relieved my self, I was hot and uncomfortable. I stood in front of the mirror and pulled off my shirt, I laid it on the counter and went out to Tom's room. He was laying on the bed in just his pajama pants. I laid down next to him and put my head on his chest, Listening to his heart beat. He played with my hair, stringing it out from root to tip. I smiled to my self and kissed his chest, Tom's hand paused and then continued. I laughed silently as he stopped stroking my hair and began to trace patterns on my bare shoulder, Following my bra strap all the way down to my back. There was a low snapping sound and my bra was loose. I looked up at Tom, Who was smiling a sly devilish smile. I climbed on top of him and pulled off my bra, Tom looked at me shocked. We were starring in to each others eyes again, I leaned down and kissed his lips softly, They curved with mine. Tom Rolled us over so he was on top and I smiled through my laughter. Suddenly it was really hot and I was ready to rip his pants off, I held back a snicker and he pressed his lips against mine, never hesitating for a moment before he deepened it. I grabbed his neck and brought his body closer to mine, locking my fingers in his hair. After a while his lips left mine and I slowly willed it, letting go of his hair as he lightly kissed and bit my neck, and continued kissing to my pants. In one swift movement and a hard tug I heard my belt hit the floor. I didn't even feel it, I looked at him and he was smiling. He unzipped my pants and slid them down and off, then graciously returned to kissing me. An instant war starting between our tongues. My hand pulled on his draw string and he wiggled out of his oversize pants. I started to laugh in to the kiss but he didn't allow it, I arched my body in to his. He removed my underwear and then his boxers and broke the kiss to lean towards the nightstand. I knew what he was after and I wasn't surprised when I heard the wrapper. There was a silent moment when I was starring in to his eyes, I knew this feeling all to well but some how I just couldn't name it, I wasn't allowing my self to feel it fully. Tom slowly slid into me and a soft moan escaped my lips, He kissed me again. Our hips met as I pulled him closer to me, And he pulled his hips back, setting a pace for both of us. Our kisses came to a halt as the room became really hot. I raked my nails down his back, He took in a harp breath and moaned quietly. Our eyes met again, His eyes held an evil glare, But they were filled with passion. It was a passion I couldn't name. Tom hit my spot in just the right way that I broke eye contact and arched my back, Closed my eyes, and moaned. His name rolling off my lips sweetly. I ached with pleasure and a tingle ran through every inch of my body. I threw my hips to his and a familiar high rolled through me. I looked at his eyes with a secret plea that I wasn't dreaming. I watched him as we rode it out.

"Tom." I whispered when his lips were moments from mine, His nose brushing mine lightly. His beautiful brown eyes were half closed and starring in to mine. I reached up and lightly stroked his cheek. He leaned in to my palm, and pressed his lips to mine. Everything in me was screaming. All of the feelings in me were so familiar but I couldn't focus long enough to find the names. I knew indefinitely that I liked being with him, and that I enjoyed every smile and glance he gave me. I knew his presence made me forget everything, He pulled his lips from mine and laid down next to me.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

As soon as I heard my name in her moan I felt a feeling in my chest. The face she made was cute and innocent, It wasn't until she bucked her hips with mine that I couldn't see my self any where else, I wanted to be with her, To see that face again and to feel this way. She looked at me again and her eyes were pleading. I felt so tired now, This was new. I watched her face ready to fall over, but I forced my self to stay awake.

"Tom." Her voice was so quiet and the way we were right now sent a chill down my spine. She was so gorgeous right now. She lightly touched my face and I leaned in to her warm hand, Pressing my lips lightly to hers. This kiss was different, It was filled with passion and a mixture of feelings I couldn't place. After a few long moments I pulled away and laid down next to her. I watched her curl up next to me and slowly fall asleep I played with her hair, Slowly falling a sleep myself.
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