Yelling Obscenities at You!

Tom & Rosaline.

I was informed after a shower and a good twenty minutes of laying around in my robe that Tom had called Jess this morning while I was asleep and asked her to make a reservation at Franklin's, Which just so happened to be an expensive restaurant, At seven thirty. So it was during this explanation I realized Jess knew something she wasn't going to tell me.

"I bought your outfit and I've called in a professional to do your hair and make up." She opened the door and Rosaline came in looking intently at me like I stole the bacon. She lightly gripped my chin and turned my face left, right, and then left again. She ran her hand through my hair and smiled turning to Jess nodding.

"I can do it." I prayed to god that a bolt of lightning might randomly come down and kill me, But no such luck.

"You start the hair and make up and I'll look for jewelry." I'd only seen Jess this serious at senior Prom when she was determined to make us the center of attention. I sat back and closed my eyes hoping I'd fall asleep & Rosaline began to blow dry the rest of my hair. The feeling of some one else doing my hair was slightly calming.

"So Tom must really want in your pants." I laughed to my self nodding once.

"Yeah well he'll live." I wondered in my head if he could really live for one month free of sex.

"He'll get you." There was a sadness to her voice that made me open my eyes.

"He got you?" I felt her hands slow down and she sorta laughed.

"Yeah, I regret it. I mean he's good and all but I cheated and it hurt him. I was such an idiot. It just slipped out one night, You can't keep anything for Bill, He's got this way and look that just... I'm sorry, I just get carried away some times." She laughed and continued to pull sections of my hair back.

"No it's fine. I'm curious now if you don't mind?" I waited for her answer.

"When I first got my job I was ecstatic, I mean I was going to follow Tokio Hotel around and do hair and make up for a living, Of course my parents weren't happy about any of it, But I was and thats what mattered. When those boys walked in the room and I saw Bill I was amazed at how gorgeous he was, I had never heard or seen of him before then and I knew That was a huge mistake." We laughed a bit and I listened intently as she went on, Her story was much better than mine.

"After a few months and Quite a few innocent dates with Bill we became a couple. I'd just turned twenty so Tom and Bill were Twenty one. Well we just got back from touring and as usual we went out clubbing. At the time Vanessa was with us, She's got amazing hair, Any way. They were all drunk and I was the only sober one. Well, it was well before any one wanted to go home but Tom was hammered and Bill asked me to drive him home. At the time they lived farther out towards Their parents house. It was so cute, They lived like three blocks for mom and dad." I laughed at that with her, and waited for her to go on.

"When we got there things happened and I ended up driving home and calling in to work with a fake family emergency. I couldn't face Bill, I knew I loved him and I couldn't hurt him like that. Even if I wasn't at fault, I had been running on no sleep constantly on the go for two days, Bill could of proposed to me and I wouldn't of known it. " I felt so bad for her, I wanted to embrace her and protect her.

"I finally decided to go to work and face the issue, But when I got there I suddenly wanted to turn around. I had to force my self in to the building, I clocked in and made my self busy so I didn't have to go in to the photo shoot with them, I was so sick of my self, I always acted that silly with conformations." She turned me around and started on my make up, Her face was unsettlingly vacant.

"My manager actually shoved me in to the room and told me he'd fire me if I didn't get on task. So I went to business and did Bill's hair and make up with out a word. I was completely Focused until He took the can of hairspray from me and made me face him. I saw this look of his and he told me to tell him what was wrong, The way his eyes cut me made me spill everything." I waited for her to continue but she didn't so I urged her forward with anticipation.

"What'd he do?" I watched her smile and frown.

"He got up, Gave me a pained look and threw the can of hairspray at Tom. He didn't say a word to me for a month. He took a vacation from work by himself. I waited everyday for some thing from him, I was crushed over and over, Basically I let my self go. Then one morning I got up and went to work. I was in the middle of my morning check, I had sat down in Bill's chair ready to cry when I caught sight of him in the mirror. He looked like shit, The image is burned in to my mind, It broke my heart even more, Then he told me he loved me and that he didn't care for the past, Only the future." I smiled as she finished my make up.

"Tom wore sunglasses for like a week, When I finally got him to take them off, He had a black eye. They're Famous, But they still fight, Apparently Bill had shown up to his house before coming to the studio and Decked him." We laughed and I could picture Tom getting hit by his brother, It wasn't the most violent approach but it still made me feel bad. Jess came in as Rosaline finished, Jess slipped a silver chain on my wrist and a chain around my neck. Then she left again, I waited for her to return. Rosaline sat down next to me and smiled.

"Tom really likes you, He doesn't know it yet, But everyone else does. The way he looks at you and moves around you says a lot more than his denial." I looked down and Jess laid a dress and some heels on the bed. I picked up one of the heels and turned it in my hand. The strap over the toes had fake Diamonds and they glinted in the light, The strap wrapped around the ankle once before clasping. The dress was black and strapless. It puffed out slowly and was probably a little longer then my knee's. It was satin and beautiful. They cleared the room and I put on a strapless bra and some underwear before Putting the dress on. I was strapping the shoes on when I looked at the clock, It was seven exactly and there was a knock on the front door. I tucked my phone between my boobs, And opened the bed room door. I saw Tom before he saw me, He was wearing causal Black Dickie's, Naturally to big, And a plain white Tee shirt with a black jacket on over it. Casual in a natural way. He wore no hat but his dreads were pulled back with a rubber band. For a moment he looked like some one else and I had to look twice. His eyes suddenly flickered to mine and he looked me over smiling. Holding out his hand to me I smiled.

"Ready?" I nodded walking over and taking his hand, The contact was reassuring. I waved and thanked them as we walked out. The entire way down to the Lobby I had expected his escalade but Shock quickly filled me when I found only a limo.

"After you." He gestured and I slid in letting go of his hand. The chauffeur smiled at me, and I recognized him from the last limo ride. Tom slid in next to me and the door shut. I turned to Tom and his lips met mine half way, I had been waiting to feel his lips against mine all night. He pulled back and took my hand.

"You look absolutely stunning Celia." I looked away positive that I was blushing.

"You look Absolutely Stunning to Tom." I said in a mocking Tone. We began to drive and I knew tonight would be flashing before my eyes, like all good things.

"Really I think this dress makes my hips look big." He mimicked a gay tone and touched his chest. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"Nope your dress looks extremely slimming, I think my Tux is a little to tight." I touched my stomach and he laughed at me.

"I think it looks great." He kissed my neck lightly and I giggled, This tickled me for some reason.

"Ticklish are we?" Tom's grin was devilish and I shook my head, But he was already tickling me. I squirmed to get away from him, My laughter drowning out my plea. Suddenly he stopped and kissed me passionately. I knew the limo had stopped moving I was expecting flashes and camera men, But when the door opened and Tom helped me out I found nothing but the leaving customers. We walked in and the man at the door greeted us happily.

"Good evening, Welcome to Franklin's I hope you enjoy the food and music, Name please." I watched the man look at Tom and it hit me that To this man Tom was just another customer, That he wasn't any thing special. I felt normal for once, I felt glad.

"Tom Kaulitz." He stated and the Host looked down, wrote some thing and nodded.

"Right this was Mr.Kaulitz." We followed him through the tables and around the dance floor to a table for two. Tom pulled out my chair and then sat down across from me.

"Your waitress will be with you momentarily." Tom turned to the man and I was slightly disappointed that our waiter was female. I picked up the menu and decided on what I was going to eat in silence, I could feel Tom's eyes on me.

"Good evening sir, I'm Carrie your waitress tonight. I recommend the Chicken Salad or even the Baked Lasagna with Gourmet sauce on top. " I looked her over as she took out her pen and paper. She was skinny and beautiful, Tom however was looking at me, Slightly he glanced at her and shook his head.

"I'd like the steak, with mashed potatoes and stuffing with Red wine." She wrote it down and he was looking at me again.

"And for you?" Her tone held a quiet anger. I smiled at her in a devilish way and raised one of my eyebrows.

"I'll be having the steak with Corn and salad, Ranch dressing and a glass of Red wine as well." She wrote it down and looked back at Tom.

"It will be out shortly." She walked off, Tom's eyes found mine again and he smiled.

"Tom this is kinda random but why did you sleep with Rosaline?" He laughed sourly, and rubbed his face. I pictured him with a black eye and quickly shook my head free of that picture.

"It was a mistake." He looked away from me as a sudden pain filled his face.

"What do you mean?" I searched for his eyes and came up empty handed, He continued to stare off.

"I was dating this girl Katie back then, She looked just like Rosaline with blue eyes. I loved Katie, Or at least thought I did. I had been dating her since the tenth grade, She was head cheerleader and had straight A's. Man she was hot. Any way, I found out she was going to dump me, but then we started getting famous and she suddenly wanted to be with me. Her best Friend Tami had told me this, I was glad she did, But at the time I thought she was just trying to get rid of me. Then Katie started asking for money and always wanted to go to our shows and be out in public. I was only second to the money and that hurt. I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid So I left her. Well the guys and I went out drinking after one of our shows and Rosaline drove me home, I couldn't think clearly I thought she was Katie, But when I saw Green eyes instead of blue I was to far to stop. Rosaline wasn't at work for a couple of days and I knew she couldn't face Bill, I couldn't either. My own brother...Wow. Any way when she did come back I guess she told Bill because he Threw a can of hair spray at my head, and left. A month later he came back and hit me, I wanted to throw my self in front of a moving bus, I had deserved it. Ever since then It's been different with girls, Until I..." He trailed off, His eyes meeting mine, I waited for him to continue but our food arrived and he began eating. I smiled an began eating as well, The conversation was minimal through the meal, Of course I was to deep in thought to really communicate properly. When we finished Tom stood up and took my hand.

"Will you dance with me?" The song playing was one of my favorites, Storm by life house, I smiled and let him lead me to the middle of the dance floor. I rested my head on his chest with my arms around his neck. His head resting on mine and his hands on my waist. I was completely at ease as we slowly turned in circles.

"Celia?" I didn't look at him in fear of seeing that pain again.

"Hm?" I heard him sigh.

"Never mind." I counted the days left in my head, I really needed to go home. I decided to stay another week, In that time I had to make quite a few decisions. I needed to know whether to stay or go, I was also very confused about Tom, I hadn't had a moment to stop and think ever since I broke up with Ray, There's was so much I couldn't figure out alone. I needed to call my dad desperately. I know that tonight I was staying at the hotel, I could call him them. The song ended and Tom didn't move, we continued to dance through the next three songs. when we sat down Tom asked for the bill and paid it. We walked out Hand in Hand.

"Good night Mr.Kaulitz, I hope you enjoyed your self." I smiled at the host.

"Very much, Thank you. Good night." I turned to Tom once we were outside waiting on the limo.

"Thank you for tonight Tom. I really needed this." He smiled down at me and touched my face lightly before kissing me. This kiss was just like the one from this morning. We parted as the limo pulled up and the chauffeur held open the door, I slid in first and Tom joined me.

"Hey Joe?" Tom called and Joe stuck his head in.

"Yes sir." I smiled at Joe.

"Go the long way." Tom winked and Joe smiled shutting the door. He turned to me and I gave him a questioning look. As we pulled out of the restaurant Tom turned to me and kissed me passionately. Instantly I understood the need for the longer drive. I straddled his waist, working me hips, His hands acting as a guide as he pressed down. His lips synchronized with mine, I moaned lightly in to the kiss when I could feel him under me. Suddenly he pushed us to the floor and his hands went up my dress in search of my underwear.

"Tom your such a horn dog!" My sarcasm filled the air as he pulled my underwear off.

"You love it." He retorted just as sarcastically and I pulled him down forcefully and bit his neck. He gasped and grabbed my hands pinning them to the floor.

"Your calling me a horn dog, Your the one biting!" He came down and bit my neck just as hard and licked the skin he'd just bit. I arched my body in to his and he made the mistake of letting go of my wrist. I heard his zipper and the wrapper and when he was back and ready I shoved him in to the seat and climbed back on to his lap. Pinning him there with my hands and kissing him fiercely. Tom fought for top position but I wouldn't budge, So when we were both ready he grabbed my by the hips and pulled down as he thrusted up. I let out a loud moan that sounded more like a scream. Tom started laughing, And we worked together, He came up as I came down and vice versa.

"Pay back's a bitch." He whispered in to my ear, His breath dancing across my skin and I kissed down his neck, Biting down and probably drawing blood. His moan mixed with mine, And we went forward as Joe slammed on the brakes. As we landed on the floor Tom thrusted almost painfully in to me and Joe's voice came threw the window.

"Sorry Red light." We laughed as he apologized and Tom continued on with the current task at hand. I was so close and I could tell Tom was to, He leaned down and kissed my neck, My body arching to fit his, My hips bucking up.

"Celia." He moaned and I was gone He thrusted forward harshly, I rode out my orgasm as he joined me. When we were done neither of us wanted to move but we were right around the corner from the hotel, good timing Joe. I searched for my underwear as Tom disposed of the condom. When we stopped Tom leaned over and held me close as he kissed me passionately. I untangled my self from him when Joe opened the door and climbed out.

"Thanks Tom, Joe. " I walked slowly in to the building.

"Ms.Andrews?" I went up to the desk.

"Yes?" The man standing there smiled.

"Ms.Michaels left your room key with us, and told you to give you the message that she would be staying with..." He glanced down at his note pad and back up to me.

"Rosaline." I stated and he nodded.

"She says you should call your father." He handed me the key and I smiled going to the elevator and went to my room.
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