Yelling Obscenities at You!

Sad Endings Begin Every New Romance.

When I was situated in my room on the bed and relieved of the heels I called my dad. I hadn't bothered to change.

"Hey sugar!" I smiled to my self and laid back.

"Hi daddy." I watched the ceiling idly.

"So Who's Tom?" I laughed at my dad.

"How do you know about Tom?" I had a name in mind and it started with a 'J'.

"Jess called me tonight about an hour ago and told me all about the date tonight." Figures she'd throw me under the spot light.

"He's funny, Sweet, and cute. Plus he's a guitarist for Tokio Hotel. Daddy I like him, Well As a friend. I mean he's easy to be with and talk to." And he's great in bed. I kept that last part just a thought and listened to my dad's laugh.

"I told you." I rolled my eyes and played with the hem of my dress.

"Yeah, Okay." The sarcasm was thick and filled my voice.

"So tell me about the date." Once again I rolled my eyes and relived the night in my head.

"It wasn't a date, Just a seriously friendly gesture. But it was fun, We went to dinner and we danced." and on the way back we screwed in the back of the limo. I clamped my lips shut as that last part tried to escape and I laughed.

"Well it sounds like he's a real gentlemen."I held back a laugh, Tom was a lot of things but he wasn't really a gentlemen.

"You could say that." I closed my eyes.

"Daddy, I need some advice."

"Alright." He was suddenly very serious and I could picture his face. Stiff like a stone, Grey eyebrows furrowed above his blue eyes, His hand under his chin with his elbow resting on the giant mahogany desk, I smiled to my self.

"Jess wants to stay in Finland with Georg, but she doesn't want to leave me alone, I kinda want to stay but I don't have anything here and I don't want to leave my apartment. What do you think I should do?" I waited for his response, twisting and untwisting my dress.

"What makes you want to stay in Belgium?" I shrugged more to my self than the question.

"I have a life there, Kinda. I mean all of my stuff is there, I know my way around there. I've been there for like two years. Belgium is my home, Kinda." I knew exactly what Jess was talking about when she said there was nothing there for her.

"Celia, Home is where you make it. All your stuff can be moved, You can learn your way around Finland just as quickly. Belgium may be your place and Finland my be Jess' you can't change that." I nodded to my self.

"I don't know dad. I just I cant live on my own, Jess has always been there and if she leaves I'm going to be alone." I sighed loudly.

"If Jess is what makes you stay there then, Belgium must not be that entertaining. I've never known Jess to be the reason for you to stay somewhere." I thought about that, My dad was right. Belgium was boring but still I lived there, I belonged there. Maybe Jess belonged here.

"I think I might love Tom dad. I'm scared." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away harshly.

"Why are you scared to love him, He sounds like a good guy." I sat up and put my head in my hand.

"Because I know that as soon as I admit to it, Something bad is going to happen. I don't want to ever feel that pain again. I don't think I can live through it." I looked at the clock and realized my dad should be asleep.

"Celia You have to let go some time, I know it's hard and it hurts but in time you'll see it was worth it. You can't lock your self up and expect it to happen all the time. You'll never live happy if you do that." I took in a deep breath and nodded,

"Daddy it's late, You should get to bed." I heard him sigh and I knew he could tell I was trying to avoid telling him he was right.

"Night I love you." I heard him yawn.

"Night I love you to." I dropped my phone as I laid back and rolled over to my side.

I woke up to my phone ringing in my ear. Neglecting the screen I answered it, Hoping it was going to end soon.

"Hullo?" There was a loud noise over the phone and then some laughing. I looked at the screen very confused.

"Jess what's going on?" She was laughing hysterically.

"Rosaline just dropped the pan on her foot." I sat up rubbing my face.

"So why are you calling?" I realized my dress was riding up and I stood up to fix it and then sat back down.

"I wanted to know how it went." I gave a nod.

"It went fine we had hot monkey sex on the dance floor and then again in the Hotel lobby. and he walked me up to the door and we spent two hours saying good bye and kissing like little teenagers." My voice was filled with sarcasm and tired, probably making it sound slightly bitter, I cringed.

"okay well go back to bed then." she hung up and I dropped the phone on the bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed out my hair and washed off my face, Just as I was setting down the towel there was a soft knock on the front door.I slowly went to answer it, Ready to bash in the face behind the door. When I opened it I saw Tom's beautiful face starring at me.

"Hey." I managed through shock and excitement.

"Hey." He leaned down and lightly kissed me in a quick movement. When he pulled back we were both smiling like idiots.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for breakfast?" He watched me nervously and I looked him over. He was in his pajama pants and a black jacket with his keys and phone in his hands, and sunglasses on his head. I made a face of thought and sighed.

"I don't know I better go and ask my husband first." I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes, I let him follow me in and I turned to him.

"He says with one small condition." Tom followed me in to my room and laid down on the bed.

"And what would that be?" I gave him a sly smile and began to look for my shorts and a tang top.

"I get to pay." Tom gasped and covered his mouth.

"Nope, Your taking away my man hood now. We can't go were just going to have to stay here so I can teach you who's the man in this relationship." I rolled my eyes but I was taken back by him saying the word Relationship, I looked at him and shook my head.

"Oh well then I'm going to have to teach you who wears the pants around here." He laughed at me as I threw a pair of my jeans at him.

"Yeah right." I couldn't quiet place the look on his face.

"Do you mind?" He smiled at me shaking his head.

"Not at all." He didn't move an inch, I motioned to the door. Tom rolled his eyes on his way out. I changed lost in my thoughts, I didn't want to love again, I didn't ever want to get hurt that way. I can't love Tom, I will not let myself, I don't. He's just a momentary guy and When I go back to Belgium everything will stay here with him. Besides Tom and I are not a couple, Are we? He doesn't even date. Was the conclusion I'd come to by the time I was slipping on my sandals and stuffing my card, Phone and ID in my pocket. I met Tom in the living room and we walked out to his car, On the way I looked at my corvette and realized it looked really lonely. I'd drive her later, He opened and shut my door for me, And put his sunglasses on as he shut his own door. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tom, And the way the sun was hitting him made him look even more God like. Tom knew where he was going and we were there in a matter of minutes. I watched him pull up his hood and tuck his keys and phone in his pockets.

"What the Hell?" We walked in and up to the counter. His hand resting on my hip.

"Do you want to be bombarded by fan girls?" I looked around, There were teenage girls everywhere. I looked back at him as he smiled triumphantly and looked at the menu.

"Fine but you owe me." I scowled at how ridiculous we looked, However it was sweet that he didn't want to get run over by fan girls.

"For what?" I'd just realized we were whispering intensely at each other.

"For looking ridiculous." He laughed at me as I turned back to the menu and he told me what he wanted. His fingers began to idly trace patterns across the strip of bare skin above my shorts. Finally a Male came to the Register, He was really cute to.

"What can I get you?" He smiled at me in a charming way and I smiled back.

"I want two venti Frappacino's one caramel the other Java chip. One blueberry muffin and a Cinnamon roll." He tapped the register and took two cups.

"Your name?" I cleared my throat.

"Celia and.. Bob." I held back a laugh.

"Is that all?" I nodded and he went and grabbed the food. Tom's hand slid down the front of my shorts and then came back up. I bit my lip trying to focus on anything other than Tom's hand. The man came back, And I smiled and cleared my throat.

"Your total is twelve eighty seven." I handed him my card, His fingers brushed my hand and he smiled.

"Cash or debit?" I gave a silent sigh of relief when Toms hand stopped slipping down my pants.

"Cash." I watched him smile at me, and someone came out to fix the drinks. He handed me my card back and once again his fingers brushed my hand.

"You have really soft hands." I held back a laugh and nodded.

"Thanks." I could feel Tom stiffen at my side when The guy reached out an took my hand stroking it lightly.

"Your name's really pretty to." I felt Tom's hand inch forward and I sweetly took my hand back.

"Thanks, I guess." He was flirting with me.

"Is he your boyfriend?" I turned to look at Tom, Standing there looking ridiculous and his hand slipped forward again, I shrieked quietly and turned back to the counter.

"Uh, No not really." I didn't know what else to say, We weren't technically a couple.

"Oh well do you want to hang out some time?" Tom's hand slipped in to my pants and I raised my eyebrow.

"Uh I'm here on business." Tom drew his hand back a little and I sighed. I was going to get revenge for this.

"Oh well, that's cool." Tom picked up the drinks and I took the food and smiled.

"Bye." We went to a table and sat down.

"So not funny!" I smacked his shoulder and sat down.

"Neither is Bob." He took a bite of his Cinnamon roll and I snickered.

"Well at least I didn't say Tom." I saw a few glances this way and Tom took a sip of his drink. Tom turned his gaze to the window, And took another bite. I sipped my drink and took small bites of my muffin, I wasn't really hungry...Or thirsty.I leaned back forcing down a few more bites of muffin and watched Tom as he focused on the window.

"Your burning my face off." He glanced at me after he finished his sentence and I shrugged. I didn't know whether to look away or laugh.

" I'm leaving soon." Was my brilliant response and I quickly looked away after seeing Tom's eye's sadden as he took a drink.

"I know." He was barely above a whisper, The way he was right now had tears threatening my eyes, and I was trying to hide the pain.

~Tom's Point Of View.~

I could feel Celia intently starring at me, It was so weird how she came out of no where and I was tripping all over to be with her. Last night I had almost told her how I felt until I quite literally bit my tongue. I watched a couple in the shop across the street as they talked. I wished so badly that I was with Celia but asking her out could be a bad thing, Besides we were kinda dating already, Just unofficially which meant I could still carry on with my life.

"Your burning my face off." I looked at her and she looked really confused.

"I'm leaving soon." Was what she mumbled in return, I felt a sadness wash over me like and angry Tide hitting shore. I slowly sipped my drink to clear the choking feeling and she looked away with tears in her eyes.

"I know." I couldn't speak any louder in fear of my voice breaking off. I was hurt badly that she was leaving, But I understood that she had to, or wanted to. She was hiding her pain. I could tell by how she was biting her lip. I needed to make her feel better.

~Regular Point Of View.~

I composed my self quietly while he starred at me, Then I looked back and finished my muffin and my drink.

"I want you to come hang out with us." I looked at him a little worried about his mental stability.

"I mean the guys. We have a photo shoot at four today and Jess will be there with Rosaline. You should come." He smiled innocently at me, I didn't really know what to say to him so I just nodded. Maybe it would be fun and who knows maybe I'll see a different Tom.

"Can we leave?"I looked at him again and shrugged I wasn't really in the mood to be here either.

"Where to?" I picked up my empty cup and He followed happily.

"We could go shopping I need a new hat, Or we could go to Rosaline's, that's where everyone else if chilling till the photo shoot." I watched his expression as he spoke, he was thinking about some thing.

"Or we could go shopping and then to Rosaline's." I watched him smile.

"Sounds good to me." He started the car and I reached over and pulled his hood down.

"I don't like when you cover the only thing I can grab when you tease me." I messed with his hair and he laughed at me.

"You just don't like when I look ridiculous for both of our safety." I thought about it for a second and agreed. Tom drove over to his shopping district..Aka Place where very little fan's and camera's hang out. He went on about something or another for the whole ten minute drive, I wasn't really listening though. I still wasn't listening as we parked and went in to the first store. I browsed through the females cloths as Tom tried on like twenty different hats. At one point I stopped to watch him. He stood in front of the mirror in his pajama's situating his hair and examining how the hat looked on hims. I smiled when he took it off and almost gave up on the selection. As soon as he noticed I was watching him I quickly smiled and ducked behind the rack. I peeked through the shirts to fins him gone. I looked behind me and then back through the shirts, Tom's smiling face right there, I jumped.

"White or Black?" He held up two identical hats and I laughed.

"Black." I stated and he nodded putting the white one back and began looking at cloths. I didn't bother watching the process in fear of being asked for an opinion on over sized cloths, I suddenly remembered I still had to return his cloths. I found a few shirts and some amazing pairs of jeans and went to pay as Tom was in the dressing rooms. I was done before him and waiting with my bags at my feet in the big comfy white chairs by the changing rooms, My eyes watching the floor.

"How's it look?" I looked up at the sound of his voice, He looked the same as usual in his baggy cloths and hat sequence that I had to roll my eyes.

"uh Not much different, However I don't like those jeans." I stood up and went to the rack, I pulled off a black pair in the biggest size I could fine and handed them to him, He turned around and went back in. I waited patiently till he came back out and presented me with a much better match.

"Much better." I watched him observe hims self in the mirror and returned to change back in to his pajama's. I watched him emerge and walk to the counter, He was suddenly in conversation with the man behind the counter, And it wasn't even English, It was finish. I rolled my eyes beginning to think I'd never leave this store.

After a good hour or two of shopping for cloths and Hat's I had talked Tom in to going bra and underwear shopping with me. I found quite a few I liked then Tom started giving me suggestions, Clearly uncomfortable.

"Why would I ever wear that?" I pointed to the pink bra he held up to me.

"Because no one is going to see it." I rolled my eyes.

"That's what you think." He raised his eyebrow at me.

"The only way people are going to see it is if go stripping through a parking lot or randomly swimming with some totally hot guy." I laughed at him.

"How do you know I'm not a stripper or a porn star?" I watched his expression slightly falter.

"Because I've been with a few strippers and you don't have the Balls, Plus Jess would or told me, or killed you. And Porn star, Please they get off to quick, it takes you five minutes sometimes more." I gave him a very annoyed look and huffed.

"Well then maybe your just not that good, Besides I never wear pink." I watched his face drop and he put the bra down grabbing my waist.

"Pay and let's go!" I stumbled in to the counter, The women tried not to laugh as she started ringing me up.

"And where are we going?" I handed her the credit card.

"To prove that I've clearly the better one in bed, And that your not a porn star." Me and the cashier both starred at him like he had problems. I took back my card and turned to her to take my bags.

"He's obviously crazy." She nodded and Tom pulled me to the car by my wrist. I jumped in the passenger seat and he got in the drivers side. We drove back to the hotel in Silence. I took my bags upstairs as he waited, Forcefully, In the car. When I came back down I reluctantly got in his car and we drove to the condo's.

"Tom I'm not going to let you screw me now." I followed him to the lobby, His face set in a serious expression. He looked back at me as we waited for the elevator.

"Were not going to now, We're not even in the house." He smiled and we stepped in to the elevator. The way he looked at me said I was screwed, Both literally and Figuratively.

"I'll scream rape." He laughed at me, I was throwing sticks now looking for some way out of this.

"I'll duct tape your mouth." I gave him a look and then I suddenly wanted my revenge.

"Oh so you don't want me to Moan or even scream when you hit my spot?" I crossed the elevator distance and put my lips to his ear.

"Or moan your name." I softly moaned his name and smiled. I pressed my body against his and kissed his neck, Moaning between each distinct kiss.

"You wont let me lightly kiss and nibble your neck." I demonstrated exactly what I meant and he was trying to kiss me but I kept a single inch between our lips.

"Okay so maybe I wont." He whispered and followed me to his door. I stole the keys and unlocked it. Tom in tow following me in to the condo, I kicked the door shut behind him, swung his keys around my index finger and smiled as I leaned against the door. Tom starred at me and dropped his bags. He walked very quickly to me and pressed his lips to mine, his tongue pushed passed my lips. His had my tightly against the door and I dropped the keys on the floor to wind my fingers tightly in his hair. I pushed him towards the bedroom and missed the door intentionally so that he hit the wall harshly. He grunted in to the kiss and I let him pick me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. working my hips against his, Tom didn't head straight for the bed like I expected him to, Instead He slammed me in to the wall. His body pressing tightly against mine, and my back securely against the wall. I could feel him under me, He was pushing so tightly against me that I thought he was going to rip through every layer of clothing. Tom's kissing became more Violent than anything and I worried about my health. I didn't know Tom could be like this, even more I didn't know I liked this. Sex had always been soft and now this rough side shows up. My train of thought was suddenly lost when he drew back from the wall and towards the bed, I threw all everything I could in to him, Which wasn't much but just enough to make him stumbled and fall to the floor. We both felt that, But neither of us bothered to stop. I straddled his waist , I still stood by not screwing him today. I was here to get my revenge for the Cafe'. I was here to play dirty. I started to work my hips and kiss him. Tom was ready to Rip all of our cloths off I got up and smiled at him. He reached for me but I was already at his bedroom door.

"That's for the cafe'." I winked at him.

"That's Dirty!" He scowled and got up. I ran to the living room, Tom chasing me around the couch and chairs, between the coffee table, and back to the couch. We were longways him at one end me at the other. Out of no where he jumped on the couch and then on to me before I could run or scream I was under him pinned to the floor.

"I've got you now." He held my arms above my head and straddled my waist. I watched his face light up with victory and I took advantage of this distraction. I turned us over and situated my self the same way he'd held me.

"On the contrary Tom, I believe I'm the one who's got you." We were no longer laughing, Tom and I were gazing at each other like a movie scene. I was distracted and he knew it. He took advantage just like I had and flipped over so he was pinning me the same way as before.

"I believe I just won." He smiled triumphantly, my eyes narrowing, I struggled beneath him as he laughed.

"Wow!" Me and tom both glanced up at Bill, Who was leaning against the wall smiling, Everyone there behind him. I rolled over and Tom let out a girl shriek as I took control.

"This is so not what it looks like." We blankly stated together.

"Sure!" Jess and Rosaline Retorted like twins. I got off of Tom and Helped him up from the floor. We brushed out selves off and smiled.

"He started it." Tom looked down at me and I innocently winked.

"Your the one who started it!" He stuck out his tongue and I pointed my finger at him.

"Cafe'." I reminded him, He gripped my finger.

"Short Shorts!" He accused and Bill cleared his throat.

"We've got a photo shoot to do, You can argue about who's raping who later." I turned to him to disagree when Tom's hand covered my mouth.

"We'll settle this later. " He pronounced each word distinctly and let go of my mouth.
"OH! Looks like Some one's in trouble." Jess made a rocking motion with her hips and I drew in a breath.

"Your One To-." Tom's hand clamped over my mouth again, He kept his hand there as we walked to Bill's car. He slowly let go of my mouth and I smiled.

"I'll Kill you Jess Your So Not-!" Tom's hand clamped back down and everyone laughed. I was going to get the message to her one way or another, It's not like Tom can Keep his hand there forever.
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