Yelling Obscenities at You!

By Your Side.

Tom's hand remained firmly placed over my mouth for the most part of the drive. I had almost forgotten it was even there until I had to sneeze, I tried to remove Tom's hand but he wouldn't let me. I started to tell him I had to sneeze but every time I tried to open my mouth the sneeze crept closer, Jess was looking at me as I struggled not to sneeze on his hand.

"Tom I think you might want to move your hand." Jess' voice was sincere, Tom moved his hand slowly and I turned my head and covered my mouth as I let the sneeze come out, It was accompanied by a loud shriek. I looked up to see everyone looking at me with confused looks on their faces.

"Sorry it just happens." I shrugged and leaned in to Tom as he put his arm around my shoulders. I could feel Jess looking at me but I didn't want to open my eyes, I was so comfortable, and Tired.


"Celia." I could hear a voice in my head, It was so beautiful. I had been in some one's arms in a small lake with a beautiful scene and a waterfall, But I hadn't been able to see the face of the person, My back was to his chest. I could feel the gentle rocking motion of the water swaying against my body, it was so calming.

"Celia." The gentle waves became more violent and I had a strange feeling this dream was turning in to a nightmare. I could hear faint mumbling of other voices and the arms tightened around me, Restricting me from moving. They kept getting tighter till it was nearly impossible to breathe. I kicked to get away from the man, The hold was to tight for me, I could feel my self breaking. Finally the arms released me and I swam forward and looked back. Tom's beautiful face was twisted with a dark sneer, his arms were reaching out for me.

"Celia!" He came at me with such a speed that I had no time to react and forced me under the surface. I could see his face through the water, I could hear his faint laughter, But I was choking on water. Tom was trying to kill me, I thrashed at the water and at him to break free but I couldn't get him to let go. Finally I gave up and let my last bubble of air pop on the surface.

"Celia, Wake up!" I shot forward grasping my throat and coughing as I came back to reality. Tom's hand patted my back as I tried to stop choking, My eyes became teary but not because I was short of breath. I was on the edge of crying because I had a nightmare about Tom killing me, How pathetic. When I had my breath back I leaned back in the seat and wiped my face before looking at any one.

"What was that about?" I glanced at Jess' who had a mocking tone to her voice like she knew, and I shook my head.

"Nothing, Just had my spit go down the wrong tube." I lied and leaned towards the window, We were pulling in to a parking lot filled with cars and people. I was starting to believe that Tokio Hotel never had privacy out side of their homes. We pulled around back and parked, I was the last one out. Tom waited for me, putting an arm around my waist and pulling me to him.

"Are you okay?" I was almost terrified to be this close to him, But I had to face it the dream would never come true, Ever.

"I had a nightmare." I smiled weakly at how childish I sounded.

"About what?" He sounded concerned almost, I was stuck on what to tell him. No way should I tell him it was about him, But then again maybe I should.

"You were trying to kill me." I blurted out before I could change my mind. Tom let a bit of laughter escape his lips before he clamped his hand down over them. I gave him a serious look and he smiled after letting his hand fall down.

"Come on, I would never try to kill you." He squeezed me tightly and let me go.

"It's easy all I have to do is this." Tom shoved me back and I stumbled in to a wall, A sharp pain ripping through my stomach. He began to laugh and I glanced down to see a metal stake sticking through my abdomen, my blood dripping off of it. My hand reflexively reached up, and I felt very faint.

"Tom." I mumbled.


"Celia Wake Up!" I felt Jess shaking me violently by the shoulders and I reached my hand out and pushed her away, My eyes opening slowly to see Tom and Jess starring at me. I touched my stomach and then the rest of my body to make sure I was really awake, They looked at me like I was completely crazy.

"I take it you had a nightmare." I looked at Jess' with the full intention to kill her but I suddenly had a better idea.

"Smack me." I stated seriously and Tom gasped.

"No way!" They stated together.

"Do it, Or I'll do it my self." I raised my eyebrows at her and she glanced at Tom. He instantly restrained my arms and Jess smiled.

"Neither of us will be smacking you." I huffed and waited for Tom to let go of me, Then as quickly as I could I raised my hand and smacked Jess in the back of the head as she was getting out of the car. She stopped and turned around with revenge in her eyes, I smile sweetly and she extended her hand. A loud popping noise filled the silence and then a burning sensation in my arm began. I realized then I was really awake and I was completely content with my self. Tom wrapped an arm around my shoulders and let Jess go in before us, I was going a few steps faster than Tom. A hand clamped over my mouth and Tom pulled me in to a room, I let out a quick shriek before my back hit the tiled wall. Tom slowly removed his hand and quickly pressed his lips to mine in a deep, Passionate, and rough Kiss. My hands instantly went to his head and my fingers locked in his hair, His hands rested on my waist as he pushed against me, Tightly against the wall. I was so into this kiss that it was insane. We continued to kiss for a few long moments and then we untangled our selves and Tom stepped back.

"Celia I like you, I was wondering if you would be my uh, girlfriend." He looked nervous and I could feel my heart nearly stop. This is exactly the thing I was trying to avoid, I waited for the knot to form in my chest. After a while it didn't and I was confused, The knot was like a restriction on me basically telling me I was bound by one guy. It wasn't here and Tom had asked me out, Why Wasn't It Here?I quickly thought about it. Tom and I were pretty much a couple any way, Why not make it official? But I have to go back to Belgium soon, What do I do then? Fuck it, Take a chance.

"I mean if you don't want to we-" I cut him off by kissing him. Tom seemed taken back by this, But I had one condition to this relationship that I was going to state clearly. When I pulled away Tom was smiling like an idiot and I laughed.

"One condition though." Tom was practically bouncing in place.

"What, Any thing?" I held back another laugh.

"You have to kill your self." Tom stopped bouncing and I kept a serious face.

"Seriously?" I smiled devilishly.

"No!" we burst with laughter and he wiped his face.

"But seriously, It can only stay between the guys and Jess. Nothing in the tabloids or on the radio or news and let the guys and Jess find out by them selves." I held my breath as he took that in.

"So nothing to public?" I nodded.

"Okay." I released my air and let him kiss me again. Suddenly I realized we were supposed to be some where else and I pulled away.

"Um your supposed to be doing a photo shoot." Tom looked stunned and he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. We walked with our fingers laced and it felt weird when we walked in the room still holding hands. No one noticed though and Tom was immediately pulled way for hair and make up, and Jess came over and pulled me to a couch.

"Where were you guys?" I looked away from her and watched Tom and Rosaline.

"Talking." She poked me and I flinched away.

"About what?" I smiled at him and he glanced over at me.

"Nothing." She kept prodding for more information but I kept my mouth shut as I watched the guys.


When they were aloud to leave everyone was talking about tomorrow's plans. I was walking beside Tom his fingers subtly laced with mine and no one noticed. It felt amazing to be with Tom, Weird or not, I was able to say this man was mine... for now. I sat between Tom and Rosaline with a very new out look on the rest of this vacation.

"Hey Rosaline I have a thought." She turned to me and we whispered in to each others ears. I didn't want any one else knowing what I was plotting.

"What would that be?" She laughed a bit.

"I heard you have two guest rooms at your House, I also heard it would be okay if me and Jess Accommodated those rooms." Rosaline rolled her eyes with a sly smile on her face.

"Really, Where's this going?" I pulled her closer.

"Can me and Jess stay there for the rest of the vacation, Though she probably wont be there much due to Georg, But I might." Rosaline nodded and I smiled.

"That's cool." She said out loud and every one looked at us, We both shook our heads nonchalantly. I turned to Tom and smiled, He smiled back taking my hand in his. I wondered when they would notice.

"Okay so I'm having a Party tonight at my Condo. You guys will be there right?" I turned to Gustav and he smiled.

"Yeah." Jess stated blankly as if there was no need to ask.

"Cool, People from the Complex will be there. About Thirty five to forty people." I leaned my head against Tom's shoulder suddenly I felt very tired... Again.
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Mass updates today. I'm trying to update everything. This story was written a while ago and I'm editing them as I post them... Hah.