Status: i don't have my computer as of 09/04/10. i need to focus on my school work. but maybe if you comment, i can steal it back. i need to know you care.

I Know What You're Going Through

Growing up


It had been a week since that night at the movies and in the park.

Not much had changed.

Except Pete drove me to school every day that past week, he also walked me to all my classes, no matter how far his was from it. He also sat with Joe and me during lunch. Plus he drove me home everyday too.

So I guess, in reality, everything had changed. But it had been such a gradual change, I had barely noticed it.

Today was Friday yet again. It should have been no big deal. But today was Pete’s last soccer game. And when I meant last, I didn’t mean just for the season, he doesn’t plan on playing next year.

I had no plans of going to the game this evening, until on the drive home from school, Pete asked me to come.

We had stopped in my driveway, to listen some silly song on the radio.

We were holding hands, which had been this new fascinating thing we had begun to do from time to time.

When the song ended, I took my things to leave the car, but he pulled on my hand just before I could open the door.

He looked me in the eyes. He looked like he was about to ask me to marry me or something. I just stared back at him, fumbling our hands together.

“Rose, can you do something for me?”

“For you, Pete, anything.” Something I thought I would never say, seeing as it is Pete. But I should have asked what he wanted from me.

He smirked to himself. “Would you mind ever so much, going to my soccer game tonight?”

He said so insecure of himself, a surprise. The usual confident, arrogant, and cocky guy, is as fragile as a newborn baby in your arms.

I smirked myself now. “I would love to.”

He smiled “You could go with Joe, if that’s what you want. Or I’m sure my mother would love to take you. And I could take us to dinner afterward. If it’s not too late, of course. But I mean, if you don’t want too…”

I interrupted his rambling by placing my finger on his lips.

“Joe is working tonight. I would love to go with your mom, I like talking with her. Plus, I could learn so many secrets about my favorite boy.” He blushed and smiled, looking down at our hands. “I would also very much like to go out to dinner with you afterward. Are we just going to the diner?”

“Yeah” he chuckled “that sounds perfect. Just wait by my car after the game; I shouldn’t be too long, knowing you’re waiting for me.”

I smiled, leaned across the center console and hugged him.

I then promptly left the car.

Now I lay here in bed, where I have laid since then.

Pete texted early, telling me that his mom would take me and she was leaving at 6.

It was only 5.

Stupid school being dismissed at 2

Stupid teachers for making the classes so easy that I finished the homework in 10 minutes

It simply left me too much time to think.

I was already dressed.

This was torture.

I was stuck in my thoughts when Chrys stormed into my room. She looked pure evil.

“What?” I said after 5 minutes of her just staring at me.

“So you’re going out with Pete now?” she said raising her eyebrows

“Well not officially, or anything, but…I don’t know. Why do you even care?”

“I don’t. I just think you should stay away from him before you hurt.”

“Pete would never hurt me, plus I don’t care if he does, it’s worth the risk.”

She just smiled and said “I wouldn’t worry about just Pete hurting you.” And then left

Well damn, that was creepy.

After that, I decided I was just going to go over to the Wentz’s. I couldn’t stand just sitting here.

When I arrived, Mrs. Wentz, or Dale, as she insisted I called her, gave each other warm greetings. We shared small talk about a multitude of things from the new color of my kitchen’s walls to the new episode of Friends that was on last night.

This continued until we go the game and she had the camera was set up. She told me that she was recording this for Pete and his dad and the coach and we shouldn’t have stupid girl talk on the tapes. Plus she hated the sound of her voice.
I chuckled and silently agreed

We sat and watched the game, cheering for Pete form time to time. Not that he needed much pushing; he was basically winning the game for the team.

The whole 45 minutes of the game was over soon enough. The sun was almost completely set. Mrs. Wentz had packed up her things and left, taking Andrew and Hilary with her.

I was leaning against Pete’s waiting for him. It hadn’t been too long, I didn’t except to, and he knew I was waiting, but I also knew he was probably taking a shower, for me.

A few more minutes passed, I heard banging noises, the sound of glass shattering, and after feeling a swing to my head and ribs, I involuntarily dropped to the ground.

I heard tires screeching and cackling.

I had been hit on my head and in the ribs in some weird attack.

Finally the shock hit me, and I passed out.

Just as I did, I heard someone screaming my name.
♠ ♠ ♠
posted this early because i have neglected updating these past couple of weeks because i've been chilling with my friends.
but since i'm posting this a whoel day early. and because it's a cliff hanger,
i want 5 comments for the next update.
i love you guys <3