Status: Active: Updated: 4//30//11 YAY! :D

Insane Reality

Chapter 20: The Same?

::Edward’s POV::

“Are you serious..?” She breathed with humorless laugh. I just blinked at her a few times, keeping my face serious. “What is wrong with you?” She narrowed her eyes at me, “What kind of person are you! Is this some sick and twisted way of toying with my head? A vampire, really? If your trying to be funny, Edward Cullen, you’re sure doing one hell of a poor job of it.” She said before turning away from me and walking on. I was still processing what I just told her. In the inside, I was torn because I knew what I had told her was wrong to even breath out in public, but I also knew she wouldn’t say anything...that is if she believed me.

“I’m telling the truth, Alex, believe me.” I said trying to convince her. I’d rather tell her the truth then have her think such a way of me. I would never ‘toy’ with someone who was emotionally unstable. Now that I think about it, I would never try to toy with Alex in any way. I think the tone of my voice got to her because she stopped and looked at me. She stared at me for a while before running both hands through her mess of wavy hair and had the look of distress on her face. As if she was fighting about what her needed to believe and what she wanted to believe. I wasn’t sure which side my confession was on because I couldn’t read her mind. It was block off again.

She looked at me and shook her head, “I’m tired of this, you know... Trusting you for a split second only to get the cold-shoulder when I want you to trust me.” I nodded showing her I understood. I did. I know that’s what I’ve been doing with her this whole time.

“I know. That’s why I’m telling you this.” I said honestly. She bit her lip and looked at the ground. I could hear her stomach make itself known. She hasn’t eaten today. “Come to lunch with me. To the diner,” She looked at me, “please?”


Alex sighed and settled in her seat across from me. I sighed inwardly knowing that I had much explaining to do. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her because she has told me everything...well, almost. The point is, I had come this far, I had to go through with it and go all the way. I then remembered Carlisle’s words ‘Just Be Careful, Edward’. Somehow I think he knew this would happen and he wanted me to go over this lightly. Basically, keeping this on a need-to-know bases. Alex had slipped off her coat and placed her arms on the table. My eyes caught on to the bumps running up them. Bug-bites, just like Andy. That seriously needs to get checked.

“How may I help you?” A young guy stepped up to the table. I’ve been here before, and there was usually and woman always serving, so I could tell he was new. I watched as Alex looked over the menu by my eyes instantly cut over to the guy in a glare. He’s thoughts were retaining to down Alex’s tank top. I straightened up and carefully placed my hand on Alex’s. She looked up at me quickly. I think it was from the coldness of my hand.

“See anything you like?” I asked, ending it with a smile and a look towards the waiter. He jumped and looked down at his order pad. I looked back at Alex. Her mouth remained closed and her eyes connected with mine as she slowly shook her head.

“I’ll come back then.” He muttered and walked off. I pulled my hand back and cut off our eye contact by shifting mine to the table.

“Put your jacket back on, please.” Alex didn’t move for a moment before slowly putting back on her jacket.

“Okay...” I heard her mutter in confusion. I looked up at her to see she was still looking at me while rubbing the hand I had touched. It wasn’t long before she opened her mouth to speak. “Are you really a...” She trailed off, not wanting to say it out loud in the diner. I gave her one good nod. She shook her head and licked her lips. “Okay, if you are, then why are you telling me this?”

I sighed and leaned forward in my seat, putting my arms on the table as well. “I don’t to think ill of me because of the way I act or the way I seem. If you have to think ill of me, I’d rather you think it because of the truth, because of what I am. And I am...that.” I said truthfully looking her straight in the eyes. She just looked at me but I could tell she was thinking of my words.

“What does my opinion about you matter so much?” She asked.

I swallowed, “I don’t know.” I admitted, “Maybe, it the fact that there is some sort of pull between us that needs to be explained and I don’t want any false negative thoughts about me going through your mind while it’s happening or maybe it’s something else. I just don’t know.” She simply nodded. “Also,” I added while looking down at my hands before looking back up at her, “I want you to know that I understand the feeling you feel. It may not be the same situation and in the opposite way, but it the same feeling nonetheless.”

“No, you don’t.” She shook her head and looked at everything else but me. “You don’t know how it feels to have everyone think you’re crazy. You don’t know what it’s like to start to feel it because you don’t know what you are.” She said in a shaky voice before looking at me.

“No, I don’t, but I know how it feels to have all these thoughts of you being an angel sent from heaven. Knowing how it feels to never believe that, because I do know what I am and it’s far from that...a monster.” I said bitterly. She didn’t say a word. “Like I said, opposite way, same feeling.” I sat back in my seat. “It’s even twice as bad when you know exactly what they are thinking straight from the source.” I sighed.

“What do you mean?” Alex asked quietly.

I looked around the diner hearing all types of thoughts. Some about the food her, some about gossip, some about me, some about a little of everything. I looked at Alex to see she was waiting for me to answer. I leaned back in towards her. “I read minds, Alex. Everyone has their opinions and I hear them all.”

She gasped lightly, “S-so you can hear mine?”

I shook my head “Not all the time.” I replied just before the waiter came back with a new a respectful attitude this time.

“Ready to order?”

“Glass of water, thanks” Alex quickly replied, and handed over the menu with her eyes locked in on me the whole time. I shook my head and looked at the waiter.

“She’ll have a veggie burger with everything on it.” I stated.

“And you, sir?”

“Glass of water.” With that he walked away and I looked back at Alex.

“Care to explain?” She scoffed with a shrug.

“It’s frustrating. Somehow, you block me out of your mind most of the time and when I can hear it, it’s mostly voices speaking all at once making it hard to decipher .” I shrugged, “I don’t know how you do it.”

“You hear them too?” She said weakly. I titled my head to the side but I didn’t get to say anything before a plate was placed in front of Alex and a glass was placed in front of me.

I leaned back and nodded towards her plate. “Eat. We’ll finish talking after you’re done.”
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Update! I'm back and on a roll.
Sorry for the long break but it won't happen again. :)