When It's Over

Speak of the Devil

Its been four years since we’ve last spoken to each other, I guess its mainly my fault for being so overbearingly protective of Tristyn to have somewhat of a normal life with friends my own age. My best friend at the time was Melissa Davis, or rather known as Jinx by everyone. We had a lot in common, knowing each other since birth and all but when her father went missing, she lost herself in the hunt and I had other things to worry about, like surviving off spaghetti’os and milk while my parents ran off to fight evil, also I had to watch my sister which was hard enough to do without having my brother around. Jinx left two years before my parents died, I got custody of my sister and my brother went off to college. It’s been quiet around since then, nothing was horrible like it used to be, until Kayleb my brother went missing.

“I know it’s been way to long, I know I have no right calling you after I practically ignored you after your father’s disappearance but I need you, Jinx. I need you really bad,” I sighed into the phone as I left a message on her cell, she never answered. Or at least she never used too. “Kayleb has gone missing; he calls everyday to check on me and Tristyn. His girlfriend called two days ago and said he went out that night and never came back, I’m afraid he’s in trouble.”

I hung up, allowing that to be my last part of the message. I looked over at Tristyn as she played her video game and smiled when I seen she hadn’t heard any of it, considering she had earphones in. I turned the wheel, letting my 67 Camaro smoothly roll down the alleyway. I watched as people got out of the way, making it known that they disliked our presence in their home. I picked up my cell again and dialed one number I knew by heart, even though I hadn’t dialed it in years. “Hello?” the gruff voice made me smile, Dean was never a morning person.

“Dean, its Synthia,” I said softly as I pulled up to an old apartment complex that looked like it had been abandoned years before, but it wasn’t and I happened to rent the top floor each month on a waitresses salary. “I need your help.”


“It’s been a long time,” Dean pushed off his cars hood and made his way around my car, I had pulled up and turned off the engine. He waited by the door until I had stood up and then he pulled me into a hug. “Is that little Tristyn?”

“She’s fifteen now,” I smiled and hugged Sam, he was always the silent type but sometimes to silent. “Underage, no touching her.”

“I don’t go for chicks that young,” Dean defended himself calmly and then shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t like training them.”

“Shut up,” I slapped his shoulder and watched as he laughed at my reaction; Sam only shook his head and went over to introduce himself to the small blond in the passenger seat of my car. “Thanks for meeting me, I know I just called yesterday and it’s really soon but—“

“We were friends with Kayleb, he was a good guy,” Dean turned from cocky Dean to sensitive Dean, which I happened to prefer. “Have you heard back from Jinx yet?”

“No, Kira said the last time she talked to her that she was in Forks, Washington on a case,” I explained but before I had time to go into more details a car pulled up at the edge of Dean’s bumper. “Speaking of the devil, it’s Jinx.”

Jinx’s POV

I flipped open my phone, it read ’One New Voicemail’ I closed it again, then re-opened it. The same thing popped up ’One New Voicemail’ I knew who it was from, Synthia. I sighed as I sat on the top of my ’65 Chevy Impala that used to be my dad’s until he left it for me four years ago.

Synthia had been calling me since I’ve gone missing, it would be a call every month or five calls every year. It made it worse to hear her voice. My twin sister Kira was in college. Living in an apartment with her boyfriend. Living the life I wish I could have had.

I sighed and flipped open my phone and started listing to what Synthia had to say.
” I know it’s been way to long, I know I have no right calling you after I practically ignored you after your father’s disappearance but I need you, Jinx. I need you really bad,” I could hear her sad sigh, “Kayleb has gone missing, he calls every day to check on me and Trystan. His girlfriend called two days ago and said he went out that night and never came back, I’m afraid he’s in trouble.”

I sighed, as she hung up on the voicemail then I heard the same robotic voice telling me if I wanted to delete the message, save it or call back. I closed my phone and took my last sip of my beer and looked out onto the lake. My last hunt was about a girl who was abused by her parents and got drowned in this very lake. It was some nasty shit to deal with.

I dropped the bottle and jumped into my car, I knew where she was. With those Winchester boys, and where the Winchester boys were quite easy to find. People talk, people listen. I hadn’t found my father in two years and I’m scared that he’s dead. My mother died when I was only six months in a fire. My father never told me what really happened.

”Hey this is Jet Davis, I’m not here right now so leave a message, or call my daughters. Kira on 555-765-8345. Or Melissa, but call her Jinx on 555-435-6689.” That’s when his voice stopped and there was the beep, I went blank for a second until I realized it was recording. I clenched my right hand on the wheel.

“Dad, Synthia called me again; she says that Kayleb has gone missing. I don’t know if you’ll get this, but if you do please call me. I miss you, so uhm..” I said I coughed as I said the words that I only said to him. “I’m going to go now as I’m meeting up with the gang, yea gonna see the Winchester brothers again. Been ages right?” I said then I heard the beep indicating that I’ve gone over a minute and a half for the millionth time. I sighed and shut my phone, I saw the same people, the same people I saw four years ago before I went out.

“Speaking of the devil, it’s Jinx.” I heard Synthia say to Dean, Sam was near Synthia’s car talking to her sister Tristyn. Dean was talking to Synthia as he was leaning against his car. I stopped the car and got my phone into my pocket of my jeans and sighed I could feel their eyes on me looking to see if I’ve changed anything, if I’ve gone bald as I hadn’t seen them since I was 17.

“I’m here, don’t need to worry!” I said smiling, I had to make them see that I was okay that I wasn’t depressed or sad or anything, my tattoo of a girl who looked like a zombie was showing, it was on my heart, like well you know where your skin is where it covers the heart, yea that part. Dean scoffed and Synthia was smiling, Sam looked up and saw me and Tristyn was too busy with her video game, just like her brother. “I’ve got five tattoos and counting!” I told them smiling, they knew that nearly every year I’d go out and get a tattoo.
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This is a combined story wrote by me and my friend Melissa Way, her writing is under Jinx's POV's.

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