When It's Over

Would it kill you to call?

Synthia’s POV

“I can’t believe you were so close,” I hugged Jinx and pulled back to survey her, she still looked the same only a bit more mature and she still wore bright red lipstick on her round lips. “I just called you yesterday.”

“I’ve been around for awhile, bad case over in the next county,” she recalled looking over at Sam and Dean. “Would it kill you to call every once and a while?”

“Would you answer?” Sam asked. He crossed his arms and waited for her to answer but she just stared. “I rest my case.”

“So—“Jinx turned to me and smiled blindingly at me. “Tell me everything you know about Kayleb’s disappearing.”

“I don’t know much,” I told her honestly as I took a seat on the curb beside my car. “Just that its been two days, his girlfriend is worried sick because he never goes without calling her and I’m worried because its two days until Tristyn’s birthday, he always calls beforehand to figure out what we’re going to do.”

“Oh,” Jinx turned to Tristyn and whistled loudly, making her look up in shock. “Happy Birthday, shrimp.”

“Thanks Jinx,” she rolled her eyes and went straight back to her Nintendo DS.

“Who was the last to see him?” Dean asked, crossing his arms so that he resembled Sam just a bit.

“You know, I have been out of the game for two or three years but I still remember protocol, I checked everything I could,” I paused and looked at all three of them. “Over the phone, there are some places that wouldn’t take my call.”

“Like?” Jinx waved her arm, motioning me to answer quickly.

“Like his best friend’s house, the one he apparently visited the night he disappeared,” I explained before Dean snorted and looked over at Sam. “What?”

“That’s not too suspicious,” he rolled his eyes and sat up off his car. “Come on; let’s go talk to the backstabbers before they ditch us for the Bahamas.”

“The Bahamas sounds good about now,” Jinx murmured as she looked at both cars beside hers. “We’re really killing mother earth by not carpooling, but who’s willing to give up their baby to do so?”

“Nope,” all three of us stated at the same time and hopped into the driver’s seat, Dean led the way and I followed with Jinx on my tail. Old times just newer tricks.

Jinx’s POV

“That’s not too suspicious,” Dean rolled his eyes and sat up off his car. “Come on; let’s go talk to the backstabbers before they ditch us for the Bahamas.” He added, I sighed

“The Bahamas sounds good about now,” I murmured as I looked at both cars beside mine. “We’re really killing mother earth by not carpooling, but who’s willing to give up their baby to do so?”

“Nope,” all three of us stated at the same time and hopped into the driver’s seat. I chuckled to myself. We all loved our cars. Dean led the way and Synthia followed with me on her tail. I sighed, Dean and Synthia were lucky to have someone in their car keeping them company, but I mostly worked alone.

I mean yes I would meet up with other hunters during that three year period I was without Kira. I met Bobby and Gordon I even met Jo and Ellen and Ash. They all told me that they’ve seen and talked the brothers. I sighed and dialed Kira’s number “Hello?” I heard her voice, I smiled.

“Hey there. You remember Synthia?” I asked her,

“Yep, she called me about a couple of days ago asking if I had heard from you. Why?” She asked me confused.

“Oh well you remember Kayleb, yea he’s gone missing,” I told her, she gasped.

”Really? Uh... Okay, hey I’ve gotta go but I’ll call Bobby and everyone and ask what happened.” Kira told me.

“Okay bye,” I said and hung up.

I followed Synthia till she went to a stop outside a house which was disserted, I turned the engine off which turned off my music. I opened my car door, “Stay here and don’t talk to anyone.” Synthia told Tristyn, she nodded and went back to playing her video game, I chuckled and closed my car door and walked next to Synthia.

“How are you?” I asked her, she shrugged we were walking into the place

“Oh damn it, it has a lock,” Dean said, he got out something and started to pick the lock.

“I’m fine,” She told me, I nodded I knew she wasn’t fine, she was upset that we hadn’t spoken in four years and she was upset that her brother’s gone missing.

We walked into the home, to see dead bodies around us, “Oh great, yep that’s, that’s nice,” Dean said, Sam was going around the windows to find sulfur; I looked around the place to see photographs of them and Kayleb. I smiled; I looked to my left to see Synthia in one of the chairs with her head in her hands.

“So, I didn’t find any sulfur,” Sam told us, I looked at the bodies, there was two males lying on their backs, eyes opened along with their mouths, their bodies bleeding.

“And it’s not hell hounds, I know that for a fact,” I told them.

“Where are we off to now?” Sam asked Dean.
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