When It's Over

Come on Sam, we can have fun later tonight!

Synthia’s POV

“This may take forever,” Tristyn leaned against me as she muttered under her breath; she laid her head on my shoulder as we watched Dean and Jinx argue like siblings. Sam had retired to the passenger seat of Dean’s car and was looking through his father’s journal; I was just too bored to go back to the car.

“Can we leave now? I mean, you’ve been arguing for ten minutes about things you care about in women,” I rolled my eyes and pointed at Dean. “You’re a man whore, you always have been and you know it so stop pretending to care. Jinx, leave the man alone. I know you’re doing it just to see if he’ll come up with something.”

“You know me to well,” Jinx grinned and skipped away from Dean, after planting a kiss on his cheek. She opened the door of her car and leaned on it for a second. “Where is our next stop?”

“Katie said something about the old house we used to live in, they were restoring it. He left there to go to the two dead guy’s house,” I explained stretching my arms out after Tristyn got off them. “If we don’t find anything there, we’re out of luck.”

“We can do this,” Jinx scoffed with a glare aimed at me. “Don’t you dare give up.”

“I didn’t say I was going to give up, I said we were out of luck,” I glared right back, she was a mean witch when she wanted to be, for good purposes like getting my ass in gear and this was one of those times. “But I make my own luck, as I go.”

“That’s my girl,” she winked and sat in the driver’s seat of her car, she shut her door and started the engine. “What are you waiting for, get your asses moving!”

“Jinx,” Dean pointed at her accusingly and then shook his head. “Never mind.”

“We can’t make it to the old house by dark; it’ll be way too late to drive. I think we should drive for about an hour and then get a hotel room,” I concluded with a nod of my head. “I gave in my fraud credit two years ago, Dean do you still have the credit cards you used to have?”

“No, but I have new ones,” he smiled happily. “I’m Mr. Rogers.”

“How cute,” I shook my head and laughed at his small joke. I got into my car and buckled before turning on the engine. “Well, I’ll be Mrs. Rogers if you need me to be.”

“You know I always need you, baby,” he winked at me and then sped off. I glanced over at Tristyn and shook my head.

“He’s cute,” she murmured softly. “Do you like him?”

“I used too,” I answered her as I followed the back end of their car. “I actually used to love him, he was a great guy. Why do you ask?”

“Because I think he likes you,” she answered turning to me.

Jinx’s POV

“No, but I have new ones,” Dean smiled happily. “I’m Mr. Rogers.”, I started laughing

“Nice name!” I scoffed at Dean; Sam sighed and rolled his eyes,

“How cute,” Synthia shook her head and laughed at his small joke. She got into her car and buckled before turning on the engine. I sat in my car looking at the wheel. “Well, I’ll be Mrs. Rogers if you need me to be.”

“You know I always need you, baby,” he winked at Syn and then sped off. I sighed and started my car up driving behind Syn, the thing that sucked most was that Sam had Dean to tell and to talk to in the car, Syn had Tristyn to tell all her secrets to while I had no one. Maybe I should ask if Kira wants to come along. Nahh that would mean she would have to get out of the university, and I didn’t want her to do that.

We had stopped at a hotel it as big and pretty. I had Our Lady of Sorrows by My Chemical Romance going on; Dean looked at me and scoffed, “Why do you like them?” He asked me, I sighed.

“Dean, you’ll never understand why I like them, maybe someday soon I’ll tell you why! But not today!” I told him, he rolled his eyes.

“My Chemical Romance is okay,” Sam said, I stopped the engine and thanked Sam.

“Well at least someone appreciates my sense of music!” I said, I grabbed one of my fake cards.

The woman at the front took Dean’s credit card, “There you go Mr. And Mrs. Rogers, you’ll be staying at room 44,” She told them.

“Thank you,” Synthia told the woman.

“Come on Tristyn,” Dean said, I rolled my eyes.

“She’s flipping fifteen not five,” I said to myself, the woman looked at me and smiled she probably didn’t like what I looked like.

“Hello, how can I help you?” She asked. I had given her the card, “Okay Miss. Taylor, you’re in room 38,” She told me handing the key; I thanked her and stepped away.

“I’d like to have a room also,” Sam asked the woman, she looked at Sam and smiled at him.

“I’m sorry but there are no rooms-” she started but I cut her off.

“Oh no he’s with me. Come on Sam, we can have fun later tonight!” I said to him winking, I then started laughing and walked to room 38 with my bags in my hand.

I wonder what tonight was gonna be like, the room only had one bed and Sam wanted me to sleep on the bed, he could sleep on the couch, I had told him that I can sit on the couch and he can sleep on the bed, but that led to a small argument.

“Well why don’t we both sleep on the bed?” I said to Sam, It wasn’t a single bed thank god. It was a queen sized bed, but then again it looked more like a king sized. Sam put his right hand on his head.

“Fine, fine!” he said finishing the argument we had, I sighed and got my phone out.

‘One New Text’ the phone read, I smirked at the phone and opened the text it read.

‘Rawlins, Wyoming’ I stared at the text, I know who it was from.

I text back ‘Dad, is this for where Kayleb is? Please text me back!’ I closed my phone and looked at Sam was looking back at me, “Calling would of been nice” He told me, I smirked at him as my phone vibrated.

‘Yes.’ was all it said, I sighed in relief. I would tell Syn tomorrow yea? Because I bet she was with Dean, even though Tristyn was in the room. But she was too busy playing her video game.

I sighed and looked back at Sam, “Well I’m sorry, but you know maybe I want to do things alone!” I told him.

“Still noting that you were alive would off been nice. Syn was clasping her heart in pain because you wouldn’t communicate with us!” Sam told me, I rolled my eyes.

“Sam, I think I’m old enough to realize what I’m doing you know!” I yelled at Sam as I stood up and faced him, he looked down at me and smirk, our bodies were touching and the next thing I know our faces are planted together. Shit.
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Our babes.