Liberian Girl

Robert's in town

When Robert reached back to the hotel,he plopped himself on the couch and turned on the television. The native Liberian language exploited the television and was heard through out the hotel. He turned the television down to a minimum of twelve and just watched a random soap opera. Minutes later the Liberian news was displayed. The news anchor's were being introduced and the camera positioned to the front desk. Their names read Raynali Uzwaki and Bolleina Monstke. A health idol was placed on the right side of the screen and then a deserted place was displayed with mud and children laboring. Some kids were coughing and vomitting.

The news then switched to Robert Pattinson's avator onto the top left screen and Bolleina placed a smile on her face beginning her story. He turned the volume up to the highest of fourty and tried to make out their expressions A headline in African appeared and it projected Robert checking into the hotel and his journey in the town with Cheche. It also displayed him signing autographs to the young boy and girl. The camera then switched back to the news anchor and showed his latest interview. A voice-over translation was done in African so the natives can understand. He knew what he was saying because they played this interview a lot in the States.

Bolleina said something reassuring with a bit sarcasm and Raynali laughed. Then they went to commercial. Robert couldn't believe it...already he was being broadcasted to the media and he just stepped foot in the country. They never lied when they said being a celebrity meant a lot of work and publicity.

Robert got up and turned the t.v off going towards the refrgerator. Everything was in African and he barely made out the tiny english words. He didnt dare pick it up and eat it because he didnt know what it was. He then slammed the refrigerator door shaking up everything that was inside of it and went into his master bedroom.