Get real

The begining of the storm

My name was Wendy.
I was out on the balcony when it happened.
You could see the big bang from there. Every night I would go out and sit in the ledge, swinging my legs, with a careless rhytim. Sometimes I could watch the stars, but beign London it would rain often, it still does. I have always felt that rain means liberty.
but that night I learnt what lack of liberty meant.
I was ten, and I believed in magic and fantasy. More than anything I believed in Neverland.
Sometimes I would lay awake all night long, staring at my window, hoping tinkerbell would fly across it and sit on the window frame. Then a shadow would slid through the floor, and seconds later Peter Pan would go in, looking for it.

Sometimes I would wake the room mates swearing I had just seen the shadow. They just thought I was a lunny, but I thought that It was only for me to see. So I would just shut it up for a week but I would never give it up.

You see when I was 4, I was sent to the most stylished, snobbish, sickening boarding school of the country.
I still have no idea of its exact location, but St. Mary's was my home for 6 long years, and I loved it for half of the time. It was a wonderful place until that night.

Being in a boarding school, I would visit my parents twice a year for holidays. They lived in a fancy two level appartment with direct view to the Tamesis. My parents were supposedly "artists", but never independent, or liberal. Nothing like it.
My parents were conservatives, were religious, snobs, pro-monarchy, pro lack of freedom, and don't get me wrong I loved them, really. My dad well he was confused, but he was a good bloke, he loved his wife and his daughter. My mom well she was a bit full of herself but she was very good mother. It was all so bloody perfect. Until that night.

It was October 9 of 1971, and I was spending the weekend at my parents, at their precious fake palace, but October is the month of revolution aint it?

I was sitting on the balcony, swinging long my legs and humming to myself. It was such a cold night, but the stars were bright, piercing the sky. The whole city was in a fierce calm.
I was watching the river below me. I could see London below me, my white socks were the only thing breaking the scene, and the large crystal doors, were locked behind me. The curtains protected the inside from anything around. It was little after midnight, as the big ben announced.
My mom well, Antoniette, was on the living room listenign to the radio, when I went to my room, and dad ,Richard, was in the library smoking one of those big stinky ciggars, when I kissed him goodnight.

However two hours later, a few minutes after midnight, I heard them argueeing, by the marmol stairs. At first I did not paid much attention, but then I heard my mom screaming with such a rage and hatred. Antoniette's beautyful voice had nothing to do with this sound.
And I couldn't help it, I was so curious.
So I turned around and placed my feet on the floor once again, and I unlocked the door as silently as I could. I entered the room and put my slippers on, slowly walking across the enormeus room, when I looked at my wooden bed, with its fluffy duck feather pillows, and the silk curtains falling fromthe top, I felt tempted to go back in there, but the mad screams were still pounding through the house.
I took the handkerchief and opened the door, just enough to watch the scene.

Antoniette was standing infront of the stairs looking down with disgust at "Rita" the maid, who had been there as far as I can remember. She was crying and begging for mercy, for time. Her brown her matching her eyes was wet on sweat, and tears ran down her face.
"I have no where else to go!! Please at least give me some days to find a house!" Her grave voice.
"I will not permit this kind of scum in my house!" She was still fully dressed and she wouldnt look into Ritas eyes.
"But It was a mistake! I never meant it to be like this! He is a bad boy but I will teach him better!! Just give us sometime" She added hopelessly.
"A mistake yo say? The boy is insane, he should be put away! Searching through my under wear!" Antoniette pointed her finger towards the shaky boy sitting in the stairs, next to his mom.
"But he was not doing that, you asked him to go pick your scarf, How was he supposed to know which drawer it was?" This time fury loomed into my mothers eyes, and she looked away as if all the scene was to gross for her to be in.
"I said: Out, or I call the cops, perhapps they would like to check your nationality?"
Rita's eyes trembled on fear, as she grabbed her son's wrist and her trunck. The boy looked into my mom's eyes and spoke softly "Well Mrs. Thompson, your size is to small for me anyway" He grinned widely when Antoniette's eyes spelled shock and indignation.
And I couldn't help but giggle to myself, placing my hand on my mouth trying not to laugh to hard.
But then Antoniette clenched her fist, and with nothing else but disgust she turned at him, and spit on the boys forehead.

Alot of things happened then. I felt my feet running towards the stairs, The boy screamed "You bloody cunt!!" Rita reached for her kid trying to stop him from punching Antoniette. She stared at me as if she had just seen a ghost, and I felt my hand rising above my head, moving forward, as I slapped my moms face.
Then everything stoped, all eyes fell on me,and I stared at my hand not sure what I had just done.
"This is to much even for you" I told Antoniette, more surprised than ever in my life with what I had just siad, but the words came out again " I won't let you treat anyone that way. They are thousand times better than you, andit was a honest mistake"
My words were so firm that I sounded secure and confident. Antoniette stared at me with hate and rage, controling herself, she turned around. Storming down the hall, slamming the door of her room.
And I knew what I had done right then. I had broke our bound for something that felt to be the correct.