Get real

Gimme Shelter (Nana)

"Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away"

Its was this twisted neverland. The whole week I hung out with them. Billy had been really cool to me, and I was up to heaven.
Our little fun consisted in smashing fancy car's windows. The first time I felt the strenght on my hands beating the glass apart. It shined in such a way and I saw my blue eyes reflect with the city. London felt like mine. We spend most time on the streets. We were looking for a really amazing record., eating in immigrant restaurants. Looking for the sound.

"And I know soon that the sky will split
And the planets will shift,
Balls of jade will drop and existence will stop."

"I found it!!" Will raised his hands up to the air rocking the record back n forth in excitement. We had been looking for it the whole week, and they had for longer.
I removed my blue plastic globes, and leaned forward to take a good look at it. It was a girl 19 maybe 20 years old, she had a black leather skirt, and her face was really harsh, she was looking directly through me and it was just a picture. The word "horses" read below, and I ran the tips of my fingers through the cover, through her face, she looked intense and real...

"Little sister, the sky is falling, I don't mind, I don't mind.
Little sister, the fates are calling on you."

I cocked my head back to look at Billy, in his fluorescent red pants, and his black beret. He was holding another album and it made me giggle. I don't know why. It was a banana, nothing stlyshed, it was so simple, so radical. Just black and yellow, direct and ridiculously smart for a banana. Billy smiled tenderly at me, I didn't liked that. It made me feel like I was just a kid and looking back well I was...
The dusty store held alot of treasures, and the owner new it. He was a good one though, you could always bargain with him.

"And the sky split and the planets hit,
Balls of jade dropped and existence stopped, stopped, stop, stop."

"Pick a number and a letter!" Will greeted at me with both albums in his lap. He couldn't decide which should we listen to first.

"Seven and v" I told him while gulping down the first taste of whiskey I ever had. It was so bloody strong and heavy, but as soon as it went down I felt the chill on my back and loved every aspect of it.

Will placed the black album on the record player, and then the needle over the track 7. Aunt Ginna had been a real angel with us, she would let us do anything we wanted to. Eat at anytime, drink, smoke, be noisy. It was so wild to be.

The notes started to play, it was a progression of sound, going stronger and louder slowly. I wasn't the only one to stop dry and stare at the record player. The sounds were stroking and scratching the air. None of us spoke.

"I don't know just here I'm going
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom if I can
Cuz it makes me feel like I'm a man"

It was so harmful, the voice was ringing into my head, and it felt like a sharp blade cutting everything inside me. It was long before I knew what the feeling meant it was addiction. Velvet Underground, the song was "heroin", and it changed something hidden inside me. It twisted my dreams into bittersweet, because I wanted it so bad.

"Heroin cuz it is my wife, and its my life"

"Cuz when I am rushing on my run
and I feel like Jesus son
oh and I guess that I just don't know."

"Oh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away"

"You are gonna love this book" Billy was laying lazily on the ground, thick cement to his back, his hands placed on the back of his head and he was yawning. To lazy sod to give me the book in my hand. He just bent his head to the side, directing my view to the book, pink cloudy skies and an X on it. "Douglas Coupland"

"Generation X"I read dragging the words with my exaggerated accent. I inhaled the smoke again and reached for the book. No questions, no comments.

I leaned down over him, to get the book, but instead I found myself staring at his eyes, and he looked straight in mine. I could feel the shivers on my back telling me to go down. He had no intention of moving, just staring at me. He gave me the option, the escape, but I'm not one to back out. But I was the kiddo and I was not gonna end up being the ridiculed one.

"Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our very street today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost its way"

"Do it" The beast inside mumbled quietly, but clear and strong.

So he impulsed himself forward, and our lips barely touched, they were so cold. Damn freezing, and it made me push harder, pulsing his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I bent down, curled my body to his. We stayed there tight around each, cold, and stray, lost and ill, but together...

"War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away "

It seems now so trivial, and it seems like it was to quick to immediate, but Billy had something and I was looking for it.

We broke apart and kept the silence, with the zephyr through our bodies.

"It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
It's just a kiss away
Kiss away, kiss away"