What goes around, come around.

Felixx's POV

“Aw Salem, who drank all the milk?” a young boy of about 16 complained, as he rummaged through the fridge, in desperate search for something to eat.
Salem simply shrugged his shoulders, which was normal for him, and shoveled the remains of his breakfast cereal into his mouth, and finished up the seventh chapter of his novel his was reading, ignoring his twin brother with pleasure.
Mornings in the Vincent household were always a struggle, even on Saturdays. If either boy managed to crawl out of bed before 12pm, it was always a fight for the last of the milk, or a brawl over who got a shower first. Lucky for Salem, he was an early riser, and unlike his brother, Felixx, he wasn’t extremely fussy over what he ate for breakfast, as he’d soon be disappearing to his friend’s house for the rest of the day.
“Honestly, our cupboard is as bare as my homework assignment, if Mum doesn’t get to the supermarket quick; we’re going to pretty much starve to death!” remarked Felixx, who had set his eyes on some biscuits and was pouring himself a coffee, which this morning, was black against his will.
Salem, who had finished his breakfast, threw his bowel in the sink, gulped down the remains of his coffee, and nodded goodbye to his brother, before leaving through the back door.

“Felixx! Felixx! Where are you!” sounded a voice from far down the hall, which Felixx automatically recognized as his friend, Jake.
“In the kitchen, you nutter”, joked Felixx.
“Is the mute here?” questioned Jake, who’d found his way into the kitchen, holding a boy of about six’s hand.
“Nah, you’re a little late, don’t worry, Tristan can hang out here if he wants”, answered Felixx, while ruffling the small boys hair, who giggled and hit Felixx’s hand away playfully.
Jake grumbled something to himself and took a seat opposite Felixx,
“Mum’s working weekends again, so it’s up to me to look after Tristan again”, grumped Jake, whom obviously thought looking after a six year old was a dreadfully boring task.
Tristan, who was nibbling on one of Felixx’s biscuits, didn’t seem minded by his older brother’s complaints, and was quite happy, being dragged around to various houses, rather than being stuck in daycare like he used to.
“The little brat gets more girls than me!” exclaimed Jake, catching Tristan’s attention. “And I’m ten years his senior!”
“Then I guess going to the mall wouldn’t be a great move?” Felixx joked, knowing that Jake would never turn down a chance to show off his little brother to girls. Jake looked up quickly,
“Are you kidding me, at least he’s good for something, did you see the look on Alexis’s face when she found out I actually had a little brother!” stated Jake, who had obviously had a change in heart towards Tristan.
“She thought he was the cutest ever!”