

Kassie Darkness - main
Age - 19
5"3, Brown eyes, dark straight hair, part hispanic
Kassie is the main charcacter (basically). She is living in a rent-house with a room-mate named Ashley. They've had it for about 1 and 1/2 years now. Kassie moved out from her parents as soon as she could. She would've had a different room-mate, but her best friend, Jessie, had moved in with her boyfriend. So Kassie had found Ashley in the newspapaer adds. They've gotton pretty close, but Kassie doesn't like to trust her. Kassie has a boyfriend named Cody. They have been dating for about 6 months now, but the last 3 where going really steady. Kassie is studying to be a vet

Amber Splinter
Age - 19
5"5, Brown eyes, long straight strawberry-blonde hair, white
Amber is one of Kassie's best friends. They've known eachother for about 4 or 5 years now. Amber used to live up in New York, but when she was almost 16, she finally got fed up with her parents, and moved out. She moved down to Denton, Texas, a town that's right above the Dallas-Fortworth area. (This is where the story takes place) See moved in with a friend that she talked to over the interenet named Rachel. She had met Kassie through Rachel. They've been living in an apartment for about 4 and 1/2 years now. Rachel and Amber know almsot everything about eachother. Amber has a Boyfriend named Coby that lives out-of-town, but it's still very serious.

Rachel Rose
Age - 20
4"10, blue-green-grey eyes, Dark dyed spiky hair, white
Rachel is Amber's room-mate. She met Kassie through one of their classes at school. Rachel's another one of Kassie's best friends. She's very in tuned with herself, and can talk to spirits very easily. She loves to fight and knows how to break dance, some tia chi, and can fight wit ha sword. She thinks that she should have been born in the middle ages. Sh trains alot with Amber in their apartment. She's single, and hates it wit ha passion. She tries to get girlfriends.. but the relationships are never serious. She has a sister named Sarah. Rachel is studying with Kassie to be a vet.

Sarah Wagamamma
Age - 25
5"0, blue eyes, long blonde hair, white
Sarah is Rachel's sister. She kinda knows Kassie, but doesn't talk to her much. Sarah's very spiritual. She writes alot, and studies pharmacy. She wants to clean up the drug corporation and make people healthier. She is also very in tuned with herself. Sarah does alot of yoga and tia chi. She lives in an apartment by herself,and talks to her hundreds of cats. We sometimes call her crazy....

Ashley Spark
Age - 20
5"2, brown eyes, shoulder length blonde hair, white
Ashley's Kassie's room-mate. She's silent and doesn't talk much. Not much is known about her. You'll just have to learn about her in the story ;)

Fran Watsinhimer
Age - 20
5"4, brown eyes, long-ish black hair, hispanic.
Fran is basically Rachel's best friend. She shows up occationally, but for being best friends, they're kinda distant. She knows ALMOST everything that goes on with Rachel, and talks to Kassie alot too. She met Kassie through Rachel. She lives with her friend Emily. She is currently dating a guy name Brian she met over the internet. She is in an orchestra, and works part time at one of the librairies.