
A Cake and A Club

I woke up for no apparent reason. Looking over at the clock again, I noticed it was 10 in the morning. “ughhh…..” I grumbled. I rolled over and went back into a deep sleep.

This time I woke up because I felt someone staring at me. I opened my eyes and looked around my room. It was my room-mate, Ashley. “Are you ever going to get up? It’s 2 in the afternoon. You never sleep this much. Are you sure you’re okay? Want me to make you something to eat?”

“No,” I replied, sitting up. “I’m not that hungry. I guess I just needed some major sleep.”

“Okay. I’m gunna go then. I’ll see you later.” She got up and walked out of my room. I got up and got dressed. I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday, but I wasn’t feeling hungry. I decided to bake a cake though. Cakes were always fun to make when you needed to think.

Maybe I’ll call Amber, I thought, as I went out of my room. I needed to talk to someone. I grabbed the phone off the charger, and pressed speed dial.

“Hello?” I heard someone answer. Definitely Amber’s voice.

“Hey, Amber!! Want to come over and bake a cake? I want to talk,” I said.

“Sure. Rachel’s out shopping, but I’d love to. Be over in a bit.” Click

I sat down on the couch and waited. Amber and Rachel only lived a couple of blocks away, so she was probably going to walk. I finally heard the door knob moving.

“Hey, honey!! What’s up?” she asked as she walked in and shut the door.

“Oh just stuff,” I said as we walked toward the kitchen. I started getting out bowls and pans while she got the ingredients. We started making a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and blue sprinkles.

While we where mixing things together, I barely tilted my head up, and said quietly, “Cody broke up with me…”

She nearly dropped her bowl. “WHAT?” She said. “You 2 where going so steady though!! What happened? I thought he was going to propose last night, or at least something!!”

I smiled weakly. “He said he found another girl.”

“The basterd!! Want me and Rache to go beat him up for you?” She asked, grinning evilly.

“No, its okay,” I laughed. Those two would have probably killed him. Literally. “I’ll live. I’m getting over the shock. It’s not that bad,” I said as I poured the batter into the pan.

She gave me a sideways glance from the frosting. “You sure you’re okay? Hey, want something to cheer you up? Rachel just found out about a club opening. Wanna come? It’ll be totally awesome!!”

“Sure,” I said eagerly. It had been a while since I had went partying... It always cheered me up. “What’s the name of the club?”

“Uh… not sure, Rache just said she found out about it from a friend at the college…”

After that, we just kind of sat in silence until the cake was done. Me and Amber, being the pigs we are, managed to eat half of it. It was good cake.

“Well, I’m gunna have to go, I bet Rachel’s back by now, and I need to get ready. We’ll pick you up, okay?” Amber said as she started walking towards the door.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll be waiting.” I flopped on the couch and started watching my favorite movie – The Covenant.

It was getting towards the end when I heard them honk. I quickly turned off all the electrical stuff, and ran out the door.

“Hey, chicka!! What’s up with you?” Rachel asked when I jumped into the back seat.

“Uh… I’m okay,” I replied as she pulled out of the drive way.

“Really? …. Amber told me Cody broke up with you,” she said, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

“Oh. That. Yeah, don’t worry about it, its fine,” I said. I started to wish people would quit talking about it… yeah, it was a long relationship, but I didn’t want to think about it.

“You want me to shut up, don’t you?” Rachel almost laughed. She always got it right when it came to our moods.

I smiled. “Yes,” I said with a nod.

“Okay. Mind if I crank up the music then?”

I nodded again, as she turned up the music. All three of us just listened to the music as Rachel drove to the club. We got there a little later. Rachel parked the car and we all piled out.

We started walking towards the club (it was huge!!), when I kinda pulled Rachel back. “You go on ahead, we’ll meet you inside Amber.”

She nodded and kept walking. Rachel gave me a puzzled look. “What’s up?” she asked again.

“Last night after the break up… I had gone to go walk at the park,” I started off.

“And…?” she said.

“Well, I was walking around, and… demons started showing up,” I said rather quickly. She gave me a startled look.

“That’s not normal….” She said slowly. Rachel knows quite a lot about things like this. That’s why I asked. She’s the only person I would trust right now.

“Yeah, I know. It was strange. I actually didn’t think I was getting out of there,” I said. “Well... actually… what happened was one of the demons lead me out.”

Her jaw dropped.

“WHAT?” she almost screamed.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. He was actually kind of friendly. He even told me his name. I got out alive, didn’t I?” I said, as I started wondering if I did the right thing.

She was walking back and forth with her hands behind her head. “Yeah, its fine…” she said, almost like I wasn’t there. “He told you his name… that doesn’t happen often…” She suddenly stopped and looked at me. You do remember what I told you about them, don’t you?” She asked.

I smiled. “Of course. And I did leave them alone. But I had to get out of there somehow. He didn’t try to attack me. Really, he wasn’t like anything you said a demon should be like… he was almost different then the others… and don’t give me that look, I know I sound crazy!!” I said loudly when I saw her look.

“I know you’re not crazy,” she laughed. “But I nice demon? Come on. They freakin haunt things and possess bodies. They’re pretty evil characters. Why couldn’t you run into something like nice spirits, or sprites, or something?”

I half glared, half laughed. “Well sorry, I lost my control over what magical beings I got to see,” I said sarchastically. “I know they’re evil… it was just weird…. Well, forget about it for right now, let’s go party,” I smiled at her as I ran towards the club.

“Sounds good to me!!” She yelled after me, right on my heels.