
At The Club...

We found Amber sitting at the bar. Rachel ran off to the dance floor.

“Hey, you,” I say to Amber as I sit down. I ordered an ice tea. It sucked going to clubs, because we couldn’t buy drinks, but we usually still had a good time.

“Where did Rachel wonder off to?” Amber asked as she spotted a cute guy. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, you know, her usual,” I said, pointing to her on the dance floor, now randomly break dancing.

Amber laughed. “Doesn’t surprise me…. Hey, I’ll talk to you later, I’m going to go check this guy out…” she said as she slid off the bar stool and sauntered over to him. I sighed. I looked around seeing if anybody interested me. Not really… I thought as I looked around. Oh well. It was pretty early anyway, only 9:00.

I sat back, trying to enjoy myself, watching Rachel make a complete fool out of herself as she pranced around. That was such a normal behavior for her. I wonder if she was ever coming back here, or if they would kick her out…. That would be funny, I thought. They usually don’t though. They find her good entertainment. She’s even been asked to be a bouncer before, in some clubs.

Then I heard it.

It was only a small tingling in my head, but it still scared the crap out of me. Marie… I heard in the back of my head. I looked around wildly. Nobody seemed to be doing anything different.

I started sitting back when I heard it again. Marrieeeee…I jumped up. This isn’t normal… I thought as I looked around again. Still nobody was doing anything. I started walking. I could still feel the tingling sensation.

I went toward the back exit. I needed some fresh air. I opened the door, welcoming the fresh breeze and the dark night. I was starting to think I was just imagining things… then I heard it a third time. MARIE!! It practically shouted. I jumped. Nobody was out here… but wait….

Nobody knows my middle name. Only that demon….

I got wide eyed and started panicking. I looked around for him. “Crushnian…” I barely said above a whisper. “Where are you?”

“Behind you,” I heard a voice. I jumped up and did a 180 in the air. “Don’t do that!!” I said angrily. I hated it when things made me jump…

“Sorry,” He said. But he didn’t look it. On the contrary, he looked amused. “I need to talk to you.”

“Since when do you need to talk to me?” I said warily. I felt like I was about to faint.
“Since I found out the demons were getting restless,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“I’m sorry?” I said. What is he talking about? I thought. I didn’t think I volunteered for anything when I let him help me…. I hope this wasn’t his way of making me owe him. I didn’t want to help him tame a bunch of demons… I’d be dead within the first 5 minutes. They’re vicious.

“The demons. They’re talking about attacking the humans,” He said.

“Um… could you please explain?” I asked, trying to be polite. Does being polite even help with a demon? I thought. How could they attack the humans, anyway? They couldn’t get into our world, even if we could see them.

“Yes,” he smiled. WHAT THE HELL?!?! DEMONS CAN SMILE?!?!! I thought bewilderedly… I always thought the where like dark and depressing… That smile was slightly creepy too.

“The demons want control of the physical world. They do not like the spiritual. They do not have enough control. So they want to try to take over the angels and good spirits. But they won’t listen to me, because I’m, well… a demon. So now I’ve been trying to connect to the physical world, for help. I found you in the park, and I thought they were going to use you as a link. That’s why I got you out of there. I was hoping you could help,” he said. He looked rather calm, for one to have their race trying to take over a different world…. Is he crazy? I thought. I almost laughed. Now that would be interesting. A crazy demon.

“What makes you think I can help?” I said cautiously. Yeah, okay, it wasn’t just a normal thing for people to be able to see spirits, and people think I’m crazy when I tell them… which is why I try not to. But come on, there’s no way I can help a spiritual struggle… is there?

“I don’t know. But it’s not like I have much options,” he said, looking defeated. “But if you don’t want to… I guess I will not ask you to. You can still call me if you ever need help,” he said. He looked like he was about to leave.

“NO NO NO!!” I yelled. “I’ll help….” I said. I wasn’t so sure about this… but what else was I going to do? I might as well see if I could do anything. Something came to mind. How was he in the physical world? I mean, he WAS a demon… and I had run into him. I decided to ask

“Good question,” he said. “I’m not really here. You can feel me, but it’s just an image. A trick. We learned it a couple centuries ago. The spiritual beings, I mean. We aren’t supposed to use it, but the council is busy, so they haven’t been noticing the demons doing it. The demons can’t do anything, but they are scaring the crap out of people. Its how they’re trying to get a connection.”

Well that’s peachy I thought. “Okay… I guess that makes since," I said. It didn’t make any since at all!!! What was he talking about?

He smiled again. “Good. I will contact you later,” he said, then started to evaporate. It looked strange. In a second, he was gone.

What the hell did I do? I thought as I went back into the club. Why am I still talking to demons?