
The Promise In The Park

We left pretty early. Or, at least, early for us three, which was 1 in the morning. I didn’t have as much fun as I was expecting to have. The meeting with Crushnian had rattled me. I sat at the bar, and ignored all contact. We had left when Rachel had notice me just sitting there. She was being her normal self, just prancing around the whole club, meeting as many people as she could. When she saw me, she grabbed – well, DRAGGED – Amber over to me, and told us we were leaving.

Amber was NOT happy to leave. But she did follow us. “I was really hitting it off with that guy…”we heard her mumble.

I smiled at her. “Don’t you HAVE a boyfriend?” I asked, as we walked out to the car.

“So? Not bad to have a back up,” she laughed. “Oh, I was just having fun flirting,” she said, when she saw my look.

Rachel unlocked the car, and we piled in. She looked at me. “What’s up? I thought you wanted to come to have a good time… you’ve just been sitting at the bar all night,” she said, giving me a worried look.

“Oh… don’t worry about it,” but I already knew she wasn’t going to drop it. “Uh… you remember that, uh… thing I told you about earlier?” I asked, glancing at Amber.

Rachel’s eyes widened. “What happened?” she gasped.

“Not now…” I said. I didn’t really feel like telling Amber this right now. I was still so confused.

Amber was looking back and forth between us. “What I miss?” She said curiously.

“You know, you’re only going to have to tell her later,” said Rachel, in a matter-of-factory tone.

I glared at her. “Yes, so I will WAIT until later.”

Amber was now sulking in the back. “Why can’t I know…?”

“Later, Amber,” I promised. “Can we go talk somewhere?” I asked, turning back to Rachel.

“Yeah, sure… Hey, you don’t mind if I drop you off?” She said, glancing at Amber through the rear-view mirror.

“No…” she said. She seemed down-trodden, but she knew I would tell her later. She would just have to wait. So, we ran by their apartment, where she dropped her off, then went to Dean Park. This one was closer to us, not to mention NOT haunted by demons. We went here when we where bored and wanted to walk.

“So what’s up?” she asked, as we started walking around the park.

“Rachel… don’t spazz on me,” I said. I already knew it was coming. She was always spazzing. I didn’t really even want to tell her, but what else was I going to do? Sit there in anticipation? “When we first went to the club… he had called my name. I had to go talk to him outside,” I said quickly, waiting for her reaction.

“WHAT? You actually went to go talk to him??” she exploded. “A demon? You went to go talk to a DEMON? Are you MAD? I thought he said you could summon him!! Not the other way around!!” she was walking faster now. She walked faster when she was in a bad mood.

“Calm down!! I’ll tell you what happened!! It’s not that bad,” I said, hoping she would shut up and listen. She seemed to. Or at least, she went quiet. “Okay… what happened… I heard my middle name, in my head, and I started freaking out. So I went outside, to get some fresh air,” I started.

Her eye got wide. “You gave him your MIDDLE name?” she said, her voice hoarse.

“Let me finish!! So, I went outside, and he was out there. He started talking about why he befriended me. He was talking about a battle or something going on… I didn’t understand…. Somehow, I ended up promising I would help him,” I said. “I don’t know what to do!! He told me he would show up later…. WHAT?” I said. She was trying to make me listen to her.

“You gave him your middle name? Why your middle name!!!” she said desperately.

“What is so bad about that? I didn’t give him my first name!! I thought my middle would be better!!” I said, getting worried. Why would Rachel worry about something like that?

“What’s so bad about it? I’ll tell you what’s so bad about it!! Your middle name is your name that has the most power!! He can control you now!! You stupid git!! Why your middle name?!?” she looked like she was about to hit me.

I stopped walking. “What…” I said. I couldn’t believe this… a demon has control over me? I sat down in the middle of the sidewalk and put my head between my legs.

“That won’t help,” she said irritably. She sat down beside me. “Look… okay… we can fix this,” she said, uncertainly, as she stroked my head while I started to cry.

“A demon has control over me…” I whispered.

“Well… look, what did he tell you? He might actually… I can’t believe I’m saying this… might not be so bad,” she said, pulling me into her arms. She always comforted me when I needed it.

“He said… that the demons were trying to get control of the physical world. He said he’s been looking for help to stop them,” I said, as I started to completely sob. “Rachel… oh god… what happened?”

“I don’t know… I don’t want to tell you this, but you’re just going to have to wait. I’ll go talk to my sister… if this demon is really telling the truth… then we might all have to help. You’re not alone, Kassie. I’ll help you through this,” she said encouragingly, as she rocked me back and forth.

I tried to control my tears. “Okay… what if he shows up again?”

“Call me,” she said firmly. “I’ll be over as soon as I can. But now… I think it would be best if I just took you home so you can sleep,” she said, as she started to stand both of us up.

“Yeah…” I said, as I started to follow her. Sleep sounded good.

We finished our lap around the park. She drove me to my house, walked me inside, and help me get to my bedroom. Ashley wasn’t there, which wasn’t surprising.

“Will you be okay if I leave?” she asked, as she started to walk out of my room.

“Yeah… I’ll be fine. If he comes, I’ll call you,” I said, now feeling better that she wouldn’t let me down. “I’m going to bed though, now. I’ll see you later,” I said, as I started to flop on the bed.

“Night,” she said, as she walked out and turned off the light. I would trust her to lock up. I looked at the clock. 3 in the morning again… I thought, as I drifted off.