
Waiting and School

I woke up around 12 today. I sat there staring at the ceiling, thinking about what all happened within the last 2 days…

Wait a minute… last 2 days? CRAP!! That makes today Sunday… and I haven’t gotten any of my homework done for my classes on Monday. Ugh… I rolled out of bed.

Ashley was sitting in the living room. She had a cigarette out, lit.

“What have I said about smoking outside?” I said, irritably. I didn’t want the house to smell like smoke.

“But it’s cold…” she said.

“It’s in the middle of July!!! What do you mean its cold?” I asked bewilderedly.

She looked at me, then got up and went outside. “Weird girl…” I mumbled as I grabbed my bag from the corner. I got out my stuff for Monday. I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish it for the week, I should of thought about it over the weekend, but at least I could get some of it done today. I started on my English, my least favorite subject. Rachel didn’t have English, due to the fact that she took AP classes in high school. But we did have some of the same classes, like Animal Breeding and Microbiology. I sometimes thought about changing my major to art, but that would be to hard right now.

It took me an hour or two to finish my English, and when I was done, I realized I was starving. I hadn’t eaten much since Friday’s lunch. I went to the kitchen to make a veggie sandwich. I was thinking about the essay for the Animal Breeding class – maybe I should call Rachel? – When someone knocked on the door.

“Erg… Come in!!!” I yelled through a bite of sandwich.

“It’s me!!” I heard Rachel say. “Umm… why is your roommate just standing outside? She stared at me the whole time…”

“OH!!! Um, sorry,” I giggled. She was still outside? She was so weird… eh, oh well. “She does that. You get used to it,” I said.

“Oh… you know, she’s kinda cute,” she said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. “You are so weird. So why are you over here?” I asked.

“Oh. Yeah, I talked to my sister… she can come next weekend. I haven’t really had time to look up anything… you know, homework,” she said, glancing at mine. “That I see you didn’t bother doing until now…” she said smiling. “Want some help?”

“Yes,” I said gratefully. She pulled some of my stuff over, and grabbed my lap top. We spent most of the day just working on my stuff. She showed me some great information sites.

When we were finally done with most of it, she stood up and said, “Well, I better be going. I’ll pick you up for school tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah, sure, thanks,” I said. Sweet, I didn’t have to use gas. She left, and I started putting all of my work into my bag. Damn… I have nothing to do tonight. I thought as I sat down on the couch and stared at the wall.

The door opened again. “You forget something, Rache?” I called. Maybe she could hang out…

“It’s Ashley,” I heard a voice. DRAT! I thought. Well, maybe she would do something… “I was just coming back for my coat. I’m going to work.”

“Oh,” I said down-trodden. I had forgotten she usually works late night at a music store. “Have fun,” I said.

She just looked at me and walked out. Well, I guess I’m in for a boring night… I thought as I clicked on the T.V.


I groaned at hearing my alarm clock. “Shut off!!!” I yelled, hitting it. Why did I let Rachel sign me up for that yoga class again? I was seriously thinking about going back to sleep, when I heard a knock.

“UP!!!” I heard a yell. “Get dressed, I want to make it to the yoga class!!!” Oh. Right. She was supposed to pick me up for school. I sighed, rolled out of bed, and got dressed.

“Why do they have to have it so early?” I asked groggily, walking into the living room.

She glared. “7 in the morning is NOT early!! And yoga’s better in the morning,” She said cheerfully, handing me a cup from our favorite café.

“Maybe for you,” I said, smiling, “but for us that actually sleep and don’t have a caffeine system in their blood, 9:00 is even pushing it.” I sipped at the coffee, and smiled. She even put the creamer in there that I liked.

She laughed. “Well, you know I don’t like sleep… but come on, let’s go,” she said, heading out the door.

We got there a little later, parking across the street. It was a huge university we were going to. Rachel and I usually just stayed there all day, because they had an awesome lunch room with a bunch of different restaurants and fast food places, including Subway, our favorite. We hurried over to the yoga class. The teacher that taught it was really interesting. Always had a shawl and a thick accent.

We did the lesson, then went our separate ways. I managed to get most of my homework done, so my teachers were happy. I sat dozing in most of the classes, barely awake enough to take notes. When I was finally done for the day, I went to go wait at Rachel’s car.

While I was leaning up against it, I saw her walk up with another girl, giggling. She saw me, and stopped. “Oh, I thought you stayed later on Mondays…” she said.

“No. That’s Wednesdays. Who’s this?” I asked, pointing towards the girl.

“Oh… just a friend. She was just walking me to the car. I’ll see you later, okay?” she said, smiling to the girl.

“Okay…” she said in a seductive voice. She leaned over and kissed her.

We got and the car and I stared at her bewilderedly. “Just a friend?”

“Hey, I’m aloud to look!!” she said defensively. “She’s just… really friendly.”

“Right, friendly,” I said smiling. I wouldn’t mind her dating someone. She always seems lonely.

She dropped me off at my house, and I went in to start on dinner. Ashley probably would be happy if I cooked. I found her sitting in the living room, playing guitar hero. “Hey, girl. How are you?”

“Fine,” she said automatically, without looking up.

“Want some dinner?” I asked, heading towards the kitchen.

“Sure, that would be great,” she said. I headed over to my recipes, and dug out a potato one I had been dieing to try out. I got to work on it, listening to the music from guitar hero. When I was done, I called her into the kitchen. She was almost like a little kid.

We ate in silence. When she was done, she headed over to the fridge, got out a carton, and drank.

“Why do you do that?” I asked.

She shrugged and put it back up. “I’m going to work…” she said.

“Okay. Talk to you later,” I said, clearing up the table. I went to go take a shower, then went to bed early. I only had one morning class tomorrow, but I was tired. I slowly drifted off, thinking about the meeting this weekend.