Sequel: Into Forever
Status: Updates Every Weekend (if not sooner)

Essential Hope

Chapter 22: Quidditch

SIDE NOTE: To any of my fans who are still reading Essential Hope, I’m SO SORRY it’s taken me this long to update! Regular updates will be happening from now on. This chapter is dedicated to Bridgettex3 for kicking me into gear :D Enjoy!

The alarm was going off way too early on a Sunday morning. Irritably, you slapped the snooze button, and rolled over.

Only to crash right onto the floor.

“Gah!” You gasped, shooting straight up from shock. As your breathing steadied, you looked at the time. It was 6:30.

“What the-“ You began, until your brain started working. You remembered the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor Quidditch game was at eight in the morning, and there was no way you were missing that. You leapt up and rushed over to wake up Ginny and Hermione.

Ginny merely slapped you away, until you finally shook her awake and told her what was going on. Hermione had woken up during this time, and was now stretching. You hurried off to take a fast shower.

By the time you were out, Hermione had already dressed (she took showers at nights) and Ginny was brushing past you to take her own shower.

“What should I wear?” You asked Hermione anxiously, rushing into the closet to get your attire. Normally you’d dress in the team colors for whoever you were rooting for, but considering your boyfriend was on one team, and the other team was your own House, you were stuck.

Hermione studied you seriously for a moment, and then a huge grin lit up her face.

“Come here, I have a great idea!” She gushed.

Ten minutes later, she was done.

The left half of your body was completely decked out in green-and-silver. Your shirt was striped, with the Slytherin logo on the upper left corner of your newly dyed tank top. Your once-white shorts were tie-dyed green and silver, and you had a knee high green and silver sock on your left leg, as well as one of your green converse. The right side of your ensemble was the same, only with Gryffindors red and gold colors. Your hair was parted down the middle, and on the left side, your hair hung in green-and-silver ringlets, while the right side had red-and-gold ringlets. The left side of your face was green themed, with green and silver eye shadow, and matching war stripes on your cheeks. The right was, of course, the same, just red and gold.

You had never felt more mismatched, nor more team-spirited in your whole life. Hermione was beaming at you, proud of her work.

“Thanks, Mione!” You cried, throwing your arms around her. She laughed, and as you both waited for Ginny, you gushed over who would win today.

“I dunno, Draco’s pretty fast, but the Gryffindor team is pretty well shaped this year, I mean, you haven’t seen some of Fred and George’s new moves!”

Now that Ginny was dressed and ready to go, you three headed down the stairs. Everyone, excluding Harry, was waiting for you three, and once you arrived, you all headed down to eat. Fred, George and Ron at like they had been starved for months. You quickly finished up your breakfast, and then said,

“I’ll meet you guys at the door,” You looked over at the guys, who were still eating ravenously. “Good luck! I’ll be cheering for you!” They gave you a thumbs up and you headed over to the Slytherin table. Draco looked up as you approached, and laughed.

“A little torn, are we?” He teased, standing up and kissing you. You laughed and said,

“All because of you. Why else would I divide myself, literally?” He laughed again, and said,

“I’ll look for you after the game!” You kissed him again and said,

“I’ll be cheering for you!”

He pulled you into a tight hug, and then rushed off to join the rest of his team. You hurried over to the doors, and found the others quickly. The boys were already off to the field, but you four (you, Ginny, Hermione and Angelina) walked together to go find seats.

You wound up sitting right on the dividing line of the Slytherin fans and the Gryffindor fans. The left half of you was on the Slytherin side, sitting next to Crabbe and Goyle, while the right side was with Gryffindor, surrounded by your friends.

It was an intense match, to say the least. Draco and Harry were at each others necks the whole game, and they had so many collisions you were convinced both of them would be permanently bruised.

After two hours of intense playing, Gryffindor managed to pull into the lead, and it was all down to Harry and Draco. They were both flying vigorously around the field, colliding every other second. You thought it would go on forever, until Draco suddenly dove downwards, his hand outstretched. Everyone leapt up, and the excitement level spiked. Everyone held their breath as once again Harry and Draco raced side by side, each with a hand outstretched for the Snitch. Draco slammed into Harry just as he made a lean for it, but Harry recovered quickly, and rocked into Draco, sending him flying off his broom. Harry snapped his hand shut, and pulled to a stop.

The game was over. Gryffindor had won.

The stands were buzzing with excitement as you weaved your way through the crowd, trying to reach Draco. As you hurried across the field, you spotted Draco still sitting on the field, with his head in his hands. His teammates walked by him, patting him on the shoulder as they passed. You reached him and knelt down in front of him.

“Hey..” You said softly, smiling at him. His looked up and frowned.

“I’m sure you’re happy about the outcome,” He said harshly, staring at the red-and-gold you were wearing.

“You know I was rooting for you, Draco.” You said softly, taken aback by his sharp tone. He glared at you as he stood up. You wrapped an arm around his waist, and he reluctantly put his arm over your shoulders.

“C’mon, lets get out of here.” He growled, towing you towards the school.

You made fast time across the grounds, and were back in Hogwarts in just ten minutes. As you wound up the stairs with Draco, and began to walk right, he tugged you left.

“Let’s go somewhere else,” He said quietly, glaring ahead of him. You said nothing as he pulled you down the hall, and stopped in front of a door. He shoved it open, and pushed you into a deserted classroom. Just a few broken school chairs and an old teachers’ desk were inside. You walked forward as he shut the door, and wrapped your arms around yourself.

“What are we doing here?” You asked Draco, wandering around. You paused at the old, boarded up window that let a few streaks of sunlight into the murky room. As you turned to look at Draco, you jumped in surprise when you realized he was right behind you. A cold, burning fire was alight in his eyes. He didn’t look at all like himself. He looked darker, more sinister.

“Draco, what’s-“ You began, but were instantly cut off. He pressed his mouth against yours, and wrapped his strong, shaking arms around you. You were pinned to his chest, not even able to move enough to hug him back. He was kissing you fiercely, with a passion he never had before. He towed you back towards the center of the room, where the old desk was. He pressed you up against the edge, and began to push you down on top of it. You broke away from his kiss and struggled to push him back.

“Drake, Draco, hey, stop that Draco!” You said, your voice rising with urgency. You still couldn’t move your arms, so you pulled your legs up in between you two and tried to push him back. With one arm, he pushed you onto the desk, and with the other, he moved your legs apart, so one leg was on either side of him. He pressed his body up against yours, and kissed you passionately again. Your hands were free, so you tried to shove him off of you again. He reached up and grabbed both of your wrists with his hands, pinning them down to the desk. He lifted himself onto the desk as well, so he was lying on top of you. He forced your mouth open, and let his tongue slide around. For the first time since you started going out, you felt repulsed to be kissing him.

You tried to kick him off, but every strike with your feet just seemed to make him stronger. After a while, your legs grew tired, and they fell limply down onto the desk.

“Kelsey,” Draco panted, pulling back and looking at you.
“Y-yes, Draco?”
“Do you love me?” You frowned up at him and said,
“Yes, of course I do.”
“Do you really love me?”
“Yes, Draco. Now please, get off of me…” You began, trying to move. He leaned harder onto you and then whispered coldly,
“Prove it. Prove to me you love me more than anyone, Kelsey.”
“I’m not doing this, Draco. I love you, very much, but I can’t do this. Not yet, Draco. Please.”

He seemed not to hear you. He used one hand to hold both of yours down, while his right hand stroked your face. He kissed you again, and then slid his hand down to the bottom of your shirt. He slipped his hand underneath, and slid it up to your bra. You tried desperately to push him off, but he was too strong for you. Tears began to slide down your cheeks. He repositioned himself so he was sitting down on top of you, and as you began to try to get away, he pushed you –hard- back onto the desk.

“Don’t fight me Kelsey. I don’t want to hurt you. Just cooperate, or I’ll be forced to make you.” You whimpered, but stopped trying to get away. He slid your shirt off, and stared down at you for a while. He stood up off of you, and said,

“Stand up,” As you hesitated, he snapped, “NOW, KELSEY!” You scrambled off the desk, and stood in front of him, crossing your arms over your chest. He walked forward and unbuttoned your shorts, letting them fall to the floor.

You stood there, just in your bra and underwear, shivering, as Draco slid his Quidditch uniform. You refused to look at him as he came forward and began to unhook your bra.

“I love you Kelsey.” He said, a cold malice in his voice that just made you cry harder. You closed your eyes as he put you back up on the desk, and waited for it to all be over.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a bit darker than the other ones... Its basically a more exciting filler. The next part is gonna get alot more involved and I think it's more interesting... so, let me know what you think!