Sequel: Into Forever
Status: Updates Every Weekend (if not sooner)

Essential Hope

Chapter 23: I'm Sorry You're an Idiot

“You have about three seconds to get your disgusting hands off her, Malfoy.” Your eyes flew open, and you twisted around to look at the door. There, standing with his wand in one hand, and his broom in the other, was Harry. Your heart flew into overdrive. Draco spun around and quickly pulled his pants back up as he snarled,

“Get out of here, Potter! This is between me and Kelsey!” You scrambled off the desk as Harry took a few strides towards you two to close the gap. He stepped in front of you and said coolly,

“The only thing between you and Kelsey is me.” Draco glared at Harry and took a step towards you. Harry snapped his wand up and pressed it against Draco’s throat. You knew Draco had left his wand in the changing room down on the field, and you were glad.

“I’m not too interested in causing trouble at the moment, so it’s best if you get out of here before I’m forced to hurt you.” Harry’s voice was angry and shaking; he looked about ready to stab Draco through the neck. Draco looked around Harry and over to you.

“Kelsey, come here.”

“No, Draco. This… This whole thing was a mistake. Everything happened so fast… I think it’s best if we just end this.” Your voice was shaking as you said this, but you knew what you wanted.

“Kelsey, come her now." He said, an edge of anger creeping into his voice.

"She said no, Malfoy. Get out of here, if you know what's good for you." Harry said, taking another step towards Draco.

Before either of you knew what was going on, Draco lunged forward and tried to grab you.

"STUPEFY!" Harry cried, pushing you back out of the way just for safety measures. You tumbled to the ground as Malfoy was blasted into the wall. Harry turned around and dropped to his knees beside you.

"Kels, are you okay?" He said quietly, sliding his hand behind your back and lifting you into a sitting position. You quickly rehooked your bra, and wrapped your arms around yourself.

"Not really," You admitted, refusing to meet his eyes. You were so embarrassed and ashamed, you couldn't stand to face him. He tilted your chin up to look at him, and he gave you a soft smile.

"It's okay, Kelsey. You're okay now. I won't let him hurt you-" He cut off mid-sentence as Draco plowed into the side of him. the rolled over and Draco managed to pin him. Harry's wand clattered out across the floor and tumbled out into the corridor. Draco swung his fist into Harry's face, and brought his knee into his stomach. Harry quickly flipped Draco off of him, and lunged to knock him into the ground.

You scrambled to your feet and tried to grab Harry's wand. You were halfway to the door when Draco grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the ground. You threw your fist across his face, and tried to get away from him. He dragged you back towards him, and pinned you to the ground. But before he could do anything else, Harry grabbed his shoulder and wrenched him off of you.

Just as he did this, you heard voices in the hallway.

"Blimey, where'd Harry go?"

"He said he was going back to the common room, but Ron said he wasn't there."

"Well, where'd he get off to? Do you think- hey, is that a wand?"


"To the left, right there!"

"I don't see it!"

"To the left! Not the right! Blimey..."

"Oh, yeah! Wait, that's Harry's wand!"

As the voices drew nearer, you recognized them at once. You tried to get to your feet, but Draco grabbed your ankle and pulled you down, hard, back onto the tiled floor. Harry was slumped against the desk, a gash in his forehead. Draco began to pull you back, and you tried to claw yourself away. You saw figures getting closer and closer to the door. You screamed as loud as you could.


"What? Kelsey?" That was definitely George alright.

"Bloody hell, where are you Kelso?!" That was undoubtedly Fred.

"In here! I'm in here, please help-" Draco slid you back under him. His eyes were burning with rage and determination. What the hell had gotten into him!? This wasn't your Draco, not at all. He slapped you as hard as he could across the face, just as you heard,



Draco was blasted all the way across the room, and into the wall. George tucked his wand away and ran to Harry as Fred rushed to you. You scrambled up, and were immediately engulfed in a giant hug.

"Oh my god, Kelsey, are you okay?" He asked, holding you at arms length to look you over. You blushed, realizing you were still only in a bra and your underwear.

"Oh, right, sorry..." He said awkwardly, blushing and looking away. You smiled shyly and hurried over to your shorts and shirt. You tugged them on as George hefted Harry to his feet. He was a little out of it, but he seemed okay. You buttoned your shorts, and as you did so, you heard Draco begin to stir.

"Come on, let's get out of here." George said, sliding his arm around Harry's waist to support him. Fred pressed his hand onto your back and steered you quickly out the door.

You stumbled a bit; your head was still spinning from Draco's hit, and you tripped up the stairs. Fred wrapped his arms around your waist, and just basically carried you the rest of the way. You reached the common room in a slight daze, as Fred and George herded you into the tunnel.

You guessed that the game celebration had ended, because the only three people still downstairs were Hermione, Ron and Angelina.

"Oh, there you are!" Hermione exclaimed jumping up, looking a little irritated. "Where were you? Everyone was asking for you, and-" She cut off immediately when she saw the state of you and Harry, and the fierce glares on Fred and George's faces. She and Angelina rushed forward and embraced you tightly. You melted out of Fred's arms and into Hermione and Angelina's arms instead.

"What happened?" Ron asked, jumping up and running over to Harry to examine the damage to his best friend.

Hermione and Angelina steered you over to the couch, and you dropped down into the cushions. Hermione ran and fetched Ginny, and you dove into the explanation.

"That sick, twisted, disgusting-" Fred raged, pacing back and forth. He had been slowly getting angrier as the story went on, and by now he was furious.

You stood up and walked over to him. The others were talking softly amongst themselves, about lord knows what. You grabbed his wrist and pulled his pacing to a stop.

"Fred, calm down. It's-"

"Don't you dare say it's okay! It's anything BUT okay!"

"Please, just calm down, for now at least." He glanced over at you, and his face softened.

"Well, I'm sorry you're thickheaded," He teased, walking over to you and pulling you into a hug.

"I'm sorry you're an idiot," you mumbled into his shoulder. He laughed and squeezed you tighter.

It felt so good to be back in Fred's arms. You felt whole and safe here, right where you belonged. The events of the last hour seemed to melt away as you sank into his warmth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the great comments! New chapter out tomorrow! Hope you guys have a great Easter! Consider this a little Easter present :D hope you like it! Let me know what you think :D

sorry its short :( I have a lot to do today (like make dinner and do my homework I put off until today.. haha) but maybe if you're lucky I'll get another one out today!