Sequel: Into Forever
Status: Updates Every Weekend (if not sooner)

Essential Hope

Chapter 32: Nighttime Romance

The night was drawing to a close, and I was beginning to get tired. I’d danced with Harry for more than an hour, and as the song drew to an end, I said,

“I’m pretty tired.”

He smiled and said,

“Yeah, I could tell. You were half asleep through that last dance.”

I felt myself blush, and Harry hugged me.

“It’s okay. You were still gorgeous.”

I giggled as he took my hand and led me into the house. I glanced back, checking for any signs of Fred, but the coast was clear. Everyone was on the dance floor; Fred had probably been off somewhere else, and I was glad.
I would never admit it to Fred, but he was getting more seductive. It was harder to resist, and that was bad. It was just better off for everyone if he stayed away. Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy. But I could dream, right?

As me and Harry passed out of the site of the others, he swept me up into his arms, carrying me up the stairs. He leaned down and gave me a romantic kiss, making my heart speed up. He sat me down in front of the room, and gently pressed me up against the wall.
He rested his hands on my waist, pulling himself to me. I gladly wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips against his. As he began to kiss me more passionately, his hands ever so slowly slid up from my waist to my ribs. He held my side gently, letting his fingers trace over my bra.

A surprised gasp came from me, but I kissed him back before he could get too nervous. My hands slid down his chest, tracing the muscles underneath his shirt. I paused as my hand reached the top of his jeans. I tucked my fingers underneath the waistband, playing with the top of his boxers.

A low moan escaped his lips, and I was just beginning to undo his jeans as the backdoor slammed shut. We both jumped nearly a foot in the air, and Harry stepped back. We were both breathless, blushing at one another. Harry cleared his throat, and I gave a nervous laugh.

“I guess that ends that,” Harry said, running a hand through his hair. I grinned and closed the space between the two of us, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, then gave me a soft kiss.

“Goodnight, Kels. I love you.”

“I love you too, Harry.”
He smiled as I pulled away and disappeared into my room.

I left the lights off, since I knew the way around. Ginny and Hermione were still outside, so I didn’t have to change in the bathroom.

You pulled my shirt off, tossing it into the clothes hamper. I walked across the room and grabbed my tank top off the bed. I slipped it on, adjusting my bra, blushing when I thought of how gentle Harry’s hands had been.

I slid off my pants, and pulled on my sweats, beginning to feel drowsy again. Harry’s little makeout session had woken me up, but now I was in my sweats, in my nice, warm room, feeling sleepy. I grabbed the brush off the bedside table and ran it through my hair, making it silky smooth.

I pulled back the covers, already beginning to fall asleep. I pulled the comforter up to my chin, rolling onto my side with my back towards the wall, like I always did.

My bed was really warm, which felt nice. It was usually so cold when I got in.

When I let out a sigh, and really began to slip into a peaceful sleep, a warm hand was laid across my mouth. I let out a startled shriek that was completely silent thanks to the hand.

“Shush, Kelso! You’ll wake Harry up!”

I nearly jumped out of my skin as Fred’s voice appeared right next to my ear. As my scream cut off, Fred asked,

“Promise to be quiet?”

I glared into the darkness, but nodded.

Fred slid his hand off my mouth. I rolled over, and came face to face with him.

“Fred Weasley, get out of my bed right now or I swear to God I’ll kill you.”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he said quietly, grinning. I glared at him and hissed,

“This isn’t funny, Fred. I mean it.”

“Awe, Kelso! You know you like it.”

“Actually, I don’t. Not at all. Now move, or I’m calling Harry.”

I went to roll over, but Fred grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. Now I noticed he was shirtless, and he didn’t look half bad.

Okay, he didn’t look bad at all.

He looked pretty hot.

No! Don’t even start thinking that! I hissed to myself, forcing my eyes to look somewhere besides his perfectly muscled body. I looked up, and looked right into his gorgeous baby blue eyes.

“Why are you in my bed?” I whispered, trying to ignore how his hand slid down my back.

“I told you,” he whispered back, his cool, pepperminty breath washing over my face. It sent a shiver down my spine. “I’m getting more seductive. What’s better than cornering you in my own bed?”

“For the last time,” I growled, shoving against his chest. “I’m with Harry! All I want is Harry, all I need is Harry, and all I love is Harry. No Fred. Not anywhere.”

“Harry’s great, on the outside maybe,” Fred scoffed, rolling his eyes. “But you need a man, Kelso. Not some kid who gets excited when you show a little cleavage.”

I blushed, turning away from Fred.

“And that’s what I’m here for.”

“Fred, don’t-“ But before I could finish my sentence, Fred had flipped me onto my back, and was now straddling me. I reached up to push him off, but he grabbed my arms and pinned them beside my head. He leaned down, his lips brushing against my cheek.

“I bet Harry never does this,” he said softly, leaning down farther and kissing my neck. I went rigid, trying not to respond to his touch. He let my arms go as he moved his lips down my neck and to my collarbone.

He let his lips linger there as his hands slid down and held onto my waist. Fred pulled away, smiling down at me. I was blank with shock. What was Fred doing?! He began to lean down towards me, wanting to kiss me for real this time.

As he was just inches away, I pulled my arm back and snapped my fist into his face. He let out a gasp of pain and rolled back. As he was clutching his nose, I brought my knee up between his legs, and watched in satisfaction as he tumbled off my bed in a heap of pain.

“Good, are you listening now?” I growled, leaning down over him. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes from pain. Part of me felt bad for hurting him, but common sense washed away my guilt.

Fred nodded, so I continued.

“As long as I’m with Harry, I don’t want anything to do with you. I don’t care how seductive you think you are. I do not like you, Fred Weasley. Get over yourself and stay out of my love life.”

Fred groaned as he stood up, and he stumbled out of my room. I laid back down angrily against the pillows, fuming to myself. Fred had some nerve. How dare he? I was with Harry, and he needed to get that through his head. I wiped angrily at where he kissed me, as if removing the evidence would make the past disappear.

I rolled over moodily, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me. I fell into a deep sleep, my head swirling with all the emotions.

***Fred’s POV***

Fred hobbled hopelessly back to his room, ignoring the warm blood trickling down his chin as he concentrated on the more intense pain in between his legs. He opened the door, stumbling in as he tripped over one of his suitcases.

George sat up, careful not to disturb Angelina, and took in the site of his brother.

“You’re bloody insane,” George hissed, crawling out of bed to help Fred sit down. “How stupid can you get?”

“I couldn’t help myself,” Fred said wearily, laying back and wiping the blood away. George pulled out his wand and hissed a quick spell, making Fred’s nose back to normal.

“Thanks,” Fred sighed, sitting up to grab his shirt off the floor.

“Why are you doing this to yourself, mate?” George asked, sitting down next to Fred.

“I love her,” Fred defended, glancing over at George. “And I know she loves me too. If it wasn’t for Harry-“

“Yeah, but Harry is dating her, and you need to realize that. All you’re doing is making her life harder and your life miserable. It’s time to move on, Fred. She’s just a girl.”

“No, she’s not,” Fred snapped, jumping up. “Is Angie just a girl?”

“No,” George said, rubbing his forehead. “But she’s my girlfriend, not Harry’s. I’m allowed to love her, and obsess over her, and kiss her. Unlike you with Kelsey.”

“You don’t understand,” Fred sighed, dropping back onto his bed. “She isn’t like other girls. She isn’t obsessed with her looks, or her clothes, or her weight, or her anything. She’s beautiful, inside and out. She’s… She’s special, George. I don’t know why. Maybe love does crazy things like this, but I can’t just let her go. I know she’s supposed to be with me. She loves me too, and I’m not gonna give up until she admits it.”

“You’re gonna get hurt,” George warned, crawling back into bed with Angelina. “Even if she loves you, why is she with Harry?”

Fred was silent.

“Exactly. Maybe she loves you, but not more than Harry.”

“No, I think she does. She’s too nice to hurt Harry, and so she wont admit to anyone that she loves me more.”

“Alright, Fred,” George sighed, shaking his head. “Keep telling yourself that.”

***Normal POV***

A loud, reverberating knock sounded throughout the house. I shot up in bed, clutching the comforter to my chest. I took a few deep breaths, listening hard. Had that just been in my dream? Probably a nightmare. I was probably just dreaming about the last few minutes at Carson’s house.

As I leaned back to fall asleep, another loud knock tore through the silence. My heart beat violently against my chest as I stared, wide-eyed, into the darkness.

“Wha’s goin on?” Ginny mumbled, sitting up wearily.

“Someone’s at the door,” I breathed.

“The bedroom door?” Hermione asked, frowning to herself.

“No,” I sighed, shaking my head. “The front door.”

“Oh,” Ginny said. And then her eyes grew wide. “Oh

“Yeah. Exactly.”

I stood up and hobbled toward the door, trying not to trip. Opening the door slowly, I looked out into the hall. Darkness.

“Kels?” Harry hissed, coming up to the door. I stifled a shriek as I leapt back. “Sorry, sorry!” he said, coming into my room and hugging me. I let my breathing calm down as I hugged him back.

“It’s just like at Carson’s,” I said quietly. Harry nodded, glaring at the door.

And then I saw Mrs. Weasley bustling down the stairs, headed to answer the door.

“Molly!” Harry hissed, rushing to the stairs. “Mrs. Weasley! No! Come back!”

But she didn’t hear him as he called down to her frantically. Fred and George had appeared too, George holding Angelina close.

“Mum!” Fred begged, running down after her.

“Fred!” George and I hissed desperately, wanting him to come back. But Fred didn’t reach her in time. Mrs. Weasley turned the door knob, opening the door. Three men stood, silhouetted in the early dawn light.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, sorry it took a while! I'm trying to stay on top of things, and thats not working very well. But yeah, hope you like this update!

If there are any comments, suggestions, or questions, please let me know! SO yeah, hope you like it!